Ejemplo n.º 1
void QSocket::setSocketIntern( int socket )
    if ( state() != Idle ) {
    Q_ULONG oldBufferSize = d ? d->readBufferSize : 0;
    delete d;

    d = new QSocketPrivate;
    if (oldBufferSize)
        d->readBufferSize = oldBufferSize;
    if ( socket >= 0 ) {
	QSocketDevice *sd = new QSocketDevice( socket, QSocketDevice::Stream );
	sd->setBlocking( FALSE );
	sd->setAddressReusable( TRUE );
	d->setSocketDevice( this, sd );
    d->state = Idle;

    // Initialize the IO device flags
    setFlags( IO_Direct );
    open( IO_ReadWrite );

    // hm... this is not very nice.
    d->host = QString::null;
    d->port = 0;
#ifndef QT_NO_DNS
    delete d->dns4;
    d->dns4 = 0;
    delete d->dns6;
    d->dns6 = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QSocketPrivate::setSocketDevice( QSocket *q, QSocketDevice *device )
    delete socket;
    delete rsn;
    delete wsn;

    if ( device ) {
	socket = device;
    } else {
	socket = new QSocketDevice( QSocketDevice::Stream,
				    ( addr.isIPv4Address() ?
				      QSocketDevice::IPv4 :
				      QSocketDevice::IPv6 ), 0 );
	socket->setBlocking( FALSE );
	socket->setAddressReusable( TRUE );

    rsn = new QSocketNotifier( socket->socket(),
			       QSocketNotifier::Read, q, "read" );
    wsn = new QSocketNotifier( socket->socket(),
			       QSocketNotifier::Write, q, "write" );

    QObject::connect( rsn, SIGNAL(activated(int)), q, SLOT(sn_read()) );
    rsn->setEnabled( FALSE );
    QObject::connect( wsn, SIGNAL(activated(int)), q, SLOT(sn_write()) );
    wsn->setEnabled( FALSE );
Ejemplo n.º 3
	Writes \a len bytes to the socket from \a data and returns the
	number of bytes written. Returns -1 if an error occurred.
Q_LONG cAsyncNetIOPrivate::writeBlock( const char* data, Q_ULONG len )
	// Invalid Socket -> Disconnected
	if ( !socket->isValid() )
		return 0;

	if ( len == 0 )
		return 0;

	QByteArray* a = wba.last();

	if ( a && a->size() + len < 128 )
		// small buffer, resize
		int i = a->size();
		a->resize( i + len );
		memcpy( a->data() + i, data, len );
		// append new buffer
		a = new QByteArray( len );
		memcpy( a->data(), data, len );
		wba.append( a );
	wsize += len;
	return len;
Ejemplo n.º 4
send(QSocketDevice& socket, const QString& type, const QStringList& args,
     bool debug)
    TclObject list;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)

    if (debug) logDebug("send: " + list.toString());

    QString message = list.toString();
    if (message.contains('\n'))
	message = "\002" + message + "\003";
	message += "\n";

    QCString data = message.utf8();
    int len = data.length();
    int pos = 0;
    while (pos < len) {
	int count = socket.writeBlock(data.data() + pos, len - pos);

	if (count == -1) {
	    logError("writeBlock error: %d", errno);

	pos += count;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Server::newConnection(int socket){
  cout << "New connection received" << endl;
  QSocketDevice* s = new QSocketDevice();
  s->setSocket(socket, QSocketDevice::Stream);
  int use_keep_alive = 1;
  if(setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &use_keep_alive, sizeof(use_keep_alive))){
    int errsv = errno;
    cerr << "Unable to set socket to use keep_alive error: " 
	 << errsv << " : " << strerror(errsv) << endl;
  // change the default behaviour to a more aggressive polling
  struct protoent* pe = getprotobyname("tcp"); // pe->p_proto contains the number
  int keep_alive_time = 60;
  int keep_alive_intvl = 60;
  int keep_alive_probes = 20;
  if(setsockopt(socket, pe->p_proto, TCP_KEEPIDLE, &keep_alive_time, sizeof(keep_alive_time)))
    cerr << "Unable to set socket option keep alive time" << endl;
  if(setsockopt(socket, pe->p_proto, TCP_KEEPINTVL, &keep_alive_intvl, sizeof(keep_alive_intvl)))
    cerr << "Unable to set socket option keep alive interval" << endl;
  if(setsockopt(socket, pe->p_proto, TCP_KEEPCNT, &keep_alive_probes, sizeof(keep_alive_probes)))
    cerr << "Unable to set sockt option keep alive probes" << endl;

  connections[s] = new ConnectionObject(s, &pSet, (QWidget*)this);

Ejemplo n.º 6
void QSocketPrivate::closeSocket()
    // Order is important here - the socket notifiers must go away
    // before the socket does, otherwise libc or the kernel will
    // become unhappy.
    delete rsn;
    rsn = 0;
    delete wsn;
    wsn = 0;
    if ( socket )
Ejemplo n.º 7
mainLoop(QSocketDevice& socket, bool debug)
    CommandProcessor processor;
    QString data;

    bool done = false;
    while (!done) {
	int timeout = -1;
	if (processor.waitingForResults())
	    timeout = 50;
	// TODO: different timeout if using POS and not ping

	bool wasTimeout = false;
	int result = socket.waitForMore(timeout, &wasTimeout);
	if (socket.atEnd() && result == 0 && !wasTimeout)

	if (result == -1) {
	    logError("waitForMore error: %d", errno);

	if (processor.waitingForResults() && processor.resultsAvailable()) {
	    QString type;
	    QStringList results;
	    processor.getResults(type, results);
	    send(socket, type, results, debug);

	if (wasTimeout) continue;

	char buffer[result + 1];
	result = socket.readBlock(buffer, result);
	if (result == -1) {
	    logError("readBlock error: %d", errno);

	buffer[result] = 0;
	data += QString::fromUtf8(buffer);

	while (true) {
	    QString line;
	    if (data.left(1) == "\002") {
		int index = data.find('\003');
		if (index == -1) break;

		line = data.mid(1, index - 1);
		data = data.mid(index + 1);
	    } else {
		int index = data.find('\n');
		if (index == -1) break;

		line = data.left(index);
		data = data.mid(index + 1);

		while (line.right(1) == "\r")
		    line = line.left(line.length() - 1);

	    if (line.isEmpty()) continue;
	    if (debug) logDebug("recv: " + line);

	    if (line == "ping") {
		send(socket, "ping:", "pong", debug);
	    } else if (line == "quit" || line == "exit") {
		done = true;
	    } else {
		if (processor.resultsAvailable()) {
		    QString type;
		    QStringList results;
		    processor.getResults(type, results);
		    send(socket, type, results, debug);