Ejemplo n.º 1
QTSS_Error QTSServer::RereadPrefsService(QTSS_ServiceFunctionArgsPtr /*inArgs*/)
    // This function can only be called safely when the server is completely running.
    // Ensuring this is a bit complicated because of preemption. Here's how it's done...
    QTSServerInterface* theServer = QTSServerInterface::GetServer();
    // This is to make sure this function isn't being called before the server is
    // completely started up.
    if ((theServer == NULL) || (theServer->GetServerState() != qtssRunningState))
        return QTSS_OutOfState;

    // Because the server must have started up, and because this object always stays
    // around (until the process dies), we can now safely get this object.
    QTSServerPrefs* thePrefs = theServer->GetPrefs();
    // Grab the prefs mutex. We want to make sure that calls to RereadPrefsService
    // are serialized. This also prevents the server from shutting down while in
    // this function, because the QTSServer destructor grabs this mutex as well.
    OSMutexLocker locker(thePrefs->GetMutex());
    // Finally, check the server state again. The state may have changed
    // to qtssShuttingDownState or qtssFatalErrorState in this time, though
    // at this point we have the prefs mutex, so we are guarenteed that the
    // server can't actually shut down anymore
    if (theServer->GetServerState() != qtssRunningState)
        return QTSS_OutOfState;
    // Ok, we're ready to reread preferences now.
    // Reread preferences
    // Delete all the streams
    QTSSModule** theModule = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = 0;
    for (int y = 0; QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetValuePtr(qtssSvrModuleObjects, y, (void**)&theModule, &theLen) == QTSS_NoErr; y++)
        Assert(theModule != NULL);
        Assert(theLen == sizeof(QTSSModule*));

        theModule = NULL;
        theLen = 0;
    // Go through each module's prefs object and have those reread as well

    // Now that we are done rereading the prefs, invoke all modules in the RereadPrefs
    // role so they can update their internal prefs caches.
    for (UInt32 x = 0; x < QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRereadPrefsRole); x++)
        QTSSModule* theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRereadPrefsRole, x);
        (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RereadPrefs_Role, NULL);
    return QTSS_NoErr;