Ejemplo n.º 1
    Finds the \a minimum_t and \a maximum_t values where \a ray intersects
    this sphere.  Returns true if intersections were found; or false if there
    is no intersection.

    If \a minimum_t and \a maximum_t are set to the same value, then \a ray
    touches the surface of the sphere at a single point.  If the t values are
    negative, then the intersection occurs before the ray's origin point
    in the reverse direction of the ray.

    The \a minimum_t and \a maximum_t values can be passed to QRay3D::point()
    to determine the actual intersection points, as shown in the following

    qreal minimum_t, maximum_t;
    if (sphere.intersection(ray, &minimum_t, &maximum_t)) {
        qDebug() << "intersections at"
                 << ray.point(minimum_t) << "and"
                 << ray.point(maximum_t);

    \sa intersects(), QRay3D::point()
bool QSphere3D::intersection(const QRay3D &ray, qreal *minimum_t, qreal *maximum_t) const
    QVector3D centerToOrigin = ray.origin() - m_center;
    qreal term1 = ray.direction().lengthSquared();
    qreal term2 = 2.0f * QVector3D::dotProduct(centerToOrigin, ray.direction());
    qreal term3 = centerToOrigin.lengthSquared() - m_radius * m_radius;
    qreal det = term2 * term2 - (4.0f * term1 * term3);
    if (term1 == 0.0f || det < 0.0f) {
        *minimum_t = qSNaN();
        *maximum_t = qSNaN();
        return false;
    } else if (det == 0.0f) {
        *minimum_t = *maximum_t = -term2 / (2.0f * term1);
    } else {
        qreal sqrtDet = qSqrt(det);
        qreal t1 = (-term2 - sqrtDet) / (2.0f * term1);
        qreal t2 = (-term2 + sqrtDet) / (2.0f * term1);
        if (t1 < t2) {
            *minimum_t = t1;
            *maximum_t = t2;
        } else {
            *minimum_t = t2;
            *maximum_t = t1;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
cv::Vec3f AreaLight::getIntensity(QVector3D direction) const
    float c = QVector3D::dotProduct(direction.normalized(), normal.normalized()) / direction.lengthSquared() * normal.length();
    if(c < 0) c = 0;
    return c * intensity;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    \since 5.5

    Returns the shortest arc quaternion to rotate from the direction described by the vector \a from
    to the direction described by the vector \a to.

    \sa fromDirection()
QQuaternion QQuaternion::rotationTo(const QVector3D &from, const QVector3D &to)
    // Based on Stan Melax's article in Game Programming Gems

    const QVector3D v0(from.normalized());
    const QVector3D v1(to.normalized());

    float d = QVector3D::dotProduct(v0, v1) + 1.0f;

    // if dest vector is close to the inverse of source vector, ANY axis of rotation is valid
    if (qFuzzyIsNull(d)) {
        QVector3D axis = QVector3D::crossProduct(QVector3D(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), v0);
        if (qFuzzyIsNull(axis.lengthSquared()))
            axis = QVector3D::crossProduct(QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), v0);

        // same as QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(axis, 180.0f)
        return QQuaternion(0.0f, axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z());

    d = std::sqrt(2.0f * d);
    const QVector3D axis(QVector3D::crossProduct(v0, v1) / d);

    return QQuaternion(d * 0.5f, axis).normalized();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief gives Quaternion to transform between 2 vectors
 * @param v1 first vector
 * @param v2 second vector
 * @return Quaternion
 * based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/11741520
Quaternion Quaternion::between(const QVector3D &v1, const QVector3D &v2)

	float kCosTheta = QVector3D::dotProduct(v1, v2);
	float k = sqrt(v1.lengthSquared() * v2.lengthSquared());

	if (kCosTheta / k == -1)
		// 180 degree rotation around any orthogonal vector

		QVector3D other = (abs(QVector3D::dotProduct(v1, QVector3D(1, 0, 0))) < 1.0) ? QVector3D(1, 0, 0) : QVector3D(0, 1, 0);
		return Quaternion(QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle((QVector3D::crossProduct(v1, other).normalized()), 180));

	return Quaternion(kCosTheta + k, QVector3D::crossProduct(v1, v2)).normalized();
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Material::fresnelDielectric(const QVector3D &d, const QVector3D &normal, float ni, float nt, QVector<QPair<float, QVector3D> > &rays)
    QVector3D n = normal;
    float ndd = QVector3D::dotProduct(n, d);
    if (ndd > -Config::Epsilon && ndd < Config::Epsilon) {
        return ;
    if (ndd > 0) {
        n *= -1;
        ndd *= -1;
    QVector3D r = d - 2.0f * ndd * n;

    QVector3D z = (d - ndd * n) * ni / nt;
    float z2 = z.lengthSquared();

    if (z2 >= 1.0f) {
        rays.append(QPair<float, QVector3D>(1.0f, r));
        return ;

    QVector3D t = z - qSqrt(1.0f - z2) * n;

    float ndt = QVector3D::dotProduct(n, t);
    float rPar = (nt * ndd - ni * ndt) / (nt * ndd + ni * ndt);
    float rPerp = (ni * ndd - nt * ndt) / (ni * ndd + nt * ndt);
    float fr = 0.5f * (rPar * rPar + rPerp * rPerp);

    rays.append(QPair<float, QVector3D>(fr, r));
    rays.append(QPair<float, QVector3D>(1.0f - fr, t));
Ejemplo n.º 6
static double squaredDistanceToAABB(const QVector3D& point,
    const AxisAlignedBox& box) {
  const QVector3D center = (box.Max() + box.Min()) / 2;
  const QVector3D half_sz = (box.Max() - box.Min()) / 2;
  const QVector3D vec(max(0.0, fabs(center.x() - point.x()) - half_sz.x()),
                      max(0.0, fabs(center.y() - point.y()) - half_sz.y()),
                      max(0.0, fabs(center.z() - point.z()) - half_sz.z()));
  return vec.lengthSquared();
void SpringMesh::integrate(int algorithm /*= 0*/)
	// Apply internal force and integrate
	for (auto vertex : mesh->vertSet)
		if (fixedPoint.find(vertex->index) != fixedPoint.end())
		//cout << vertex->in_force.length() << endl;
		vertex->vel += vertex->in_force * timestep;
		vertex->pos += 0.5 * (vertex->pre_vel + vertex->vel) * timestep;
		/*cout << (vertex->in_force * timestep).length() << endl;
		vector<QVector3D> K0, K1, K2, K3, K4;
		K0.push_back(vertex->pre_pos); K0.push_back(vertex->pre_vel);
		K1.push_back(vertex->in_force * timestep); K1.push_back(vertex->in_force);
		K1 = stateMul(K1, timestep);
		//K2 = statePlus(K0, K1, 1, 0.5);
		K2 = stateMul(stateDeriv(K0, statePlus(K0, K1, 1, 0.5)), timestep);
		K3 = stateMul(stateDeriv(K0, statePlus(K0, K2, 1, 0.5)), timestep);
		K4 = stateMul(stateDeriv(K0, statePlus(K0, K3)), timestep);

		K0 = statePlus(K0,
			statePlus(statePlus(K1, K2, 1, 2), statePlus(K3, K4, 2, 1)) ,
			1, 1.0 / 6.0);
		vertex->pos = K0.front();
		vertex->vel = K0.back();*/

		if ((vertex->pos - sphere_pos).length() < sphere_r)
			//&& (vertex->pre_pos - sphere_pos).length() > sphere_r)
			QVector3D v10 = (vertex->pre_pos - vertex->pos).normalized();
			QVector3D cv0 = sphere_pos - vertex->pre_pos;
			QVector3D h = cv0 - (cv0 * v10) * v10;
			QVector3D hitp = sphere_pos + h
				+ sqrt(sphere_r * sphere_r - h.lengthSquared()) * v10;
			QVector3D n = (hitp - sphere_pos).normalized();
			/*vertex->pos = hitp + n * 0.01;// +vertex->pos - ((vertex->pos - hitp) * n) * n;*/
			vertex->vel = vertex->pre_vel - 2 * (vertex->pre_vel * n) * n;
			vertex->pos = vertex->pre_pos;
			//vertex->vel = 0.5 * (vertex->vel + vertex->pre_vel) * friction;
		if (vertex->pos.y() < plane_height)
			vertex->vel *= friction;
			vertex->pos.setY(plane_height * 2 - vertex->pos.y());
Ejemplo n.º 8
float NavigationMath::distanceToClosestPoint(
	const QVector3D & eye
,	const QVector3D & center
,	const QVector3D & point)
	const QVector3D ray(center - eye);
	const QVector3D b(point - eye);

	const float m = ray.lengthSquared(); // magnitude of ray
	const float theta = QVector3D::dotProduct(b, ray);

	if(m == 0.0)
		return 0.0;

    return theta / m; // distance from camera to closest point c;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void View::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)

    const qreal c_mouseFactor = 0.2;
    QPoint newPos = event->pos();

    if((event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier))
        QPoint center(width()/2, height()/2);
        QLineF oldLine( center, m_mousePos);
        QLineF newLine( center, newPos);

        qreal angle = oldLine.angleTo(newLine);
        if(angle > 180.0)
            angle = angle - 360.0;
        setRoll( roll() +  angle*c_mouseFactor*2  );
    else if(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
        QVector3D diffRotate = QVector3D(newPos.y() - m_mousePos.y(),
                                         newPos.x() - m_mousePos.x()) * c_mouseFactor;

        setRotate( rotate() + diffRotate );

        const qreal c_treshold = 15.0;
        const qreal c_speedFactor = 0.5;
        if(diffRotate.lengthSquared() > c_treshold)
            camera()->setAnimatedRotation( -diffRotate*c_speedFactor );
            camera()->setAnimatedRotation( QVector3D() );
    else if((event->buttons() & Qt::MidButton) && isFreeMode())
        QVector3D diffShift = c_mouseFactor* QVector3D(newPos.x() - m_mousePos.x(),
                                         newPos.y() - m_mousePos.y(),
                                         0 );//newPos.x() - m_mousePos.x()) * c_mouseFactor;

    m_mousePos = newPos;
Ejemplo n.º 10

    \class QSphere3D
    \brief The QSphere3D class represents a mathematical sphere in 3D space.
    \since 4.8
    \ingroup qt3d
    \ingroup qt3d::math

    QSphere3D can be used to represent the bounding regions of objects
    in a 3D scene so that they can be easily culled if they are out of view.
    It can also be used to assist with collision testing.

    \sa QBox3D

    \fn QSphere3D::QSphere3D()

    Constructs a default sphere with a center() of (0, 0, 0)
    and radius() of 1.

    \fn QSphere3D::QSphere3D(const QVector3D &center, qreal radius)

    Constructs a sphere with the specified \a center and \a radius.

    \fn QVector3D QSphere3D::center() const

    Returns the center of this sphere.

    \sa setCenter(), radius()

    \fn void QSphere3D::setCenter(const QVector3D &center)

    Sets the \a center of this sphere.

    \sa center(), setRadius()

    \fn qreal QSphere3D::radius() const

    Returns the radius of this sphere.

    \sa setRadius(), center()

    \fn void QSphere3D::setRadius(qreal radius)

    Sets the \a radius of this sphere.

    \sa radius(), setCenter()

    \fn bool QSphere3D::contains(const QVector3D &point) const

    Returns true if \a point is contained within the bounds of
    this sphere; false otherwise.

    Returns true if this sphere intersects \a ray; false otherwise.

    \sa intersection()
bool QSphere3D::intersects(const QRay3D &ray) const
    QVector3D centerToOrigin = ray.origin() - m_center;
    qreal term1 = ray.direction().lengthSquared();
    qreal term2 = 2.0f * QVector3D::dotProduct(centerToOrigin, ray.direction());
    qreal term3 = centerToOrigin.lengthSquared() - m_radius * m_radius;
    qreal det = term2 * term2 - (4.0f * term1 * term3);
    return term1 != 0.0f && det >= 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 11
QVector3D Connections::proj(QVector3D a, QVector3D b, QVector3D p) {
    QVector3D ba = b-a;
    QVector3D pa = p-a;
    return a + ba*QVector3D::dotProduct(ba,pa) / ba.lengthSquared();