Ejemplo n.º 1
QSizeF QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::drawSymbolText( const QgsLegendSettings &settings, ItemContext *ctx, QSizeF symbolSize ) const
  QSizeF labelSize( 0, 0 );

  QFont symbolLabelFont = settings.style( QgsLegendStyle::SymbolLabel ).font();
  double textHeight = settings.fontHeightCharacterMM( symbolLabelFont, QChar( '0' ) );
  double textDescent = settings.fontDescentMillimeters( symbolLabelFont );

  QStringList lines = settings.splitStringForWrapping( data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() );

  labelSize.rheight() = lines.count() * textHeight + ( lines.count() - 1 ) * ( settings.lineSpacing() + textDescent );

  double labelX = 0.0, labelY = 0.0;
  if ( ctx )
    ctx->painter->setPen( settings.fontColor() );

    labelX = ctx->point.x() + std::max( static_cast< double >( symbolSize.width() ), ctx->labelXOffset );
    labelY = ctx->point.y();

    // Vertical alignment of label with symbol
    if ( labelSize.height() < symbolSize.height() )
      labelY += symbolSize.height() / 2 - labelSize.height() / 2;  // label centered with symbol

    labelY += textHeight;

  for ( QStringList::Iterator itemPart = lines.begin(); itemPart != lines.end(); ++itemPart )
    labelSize.rwidth() = std::max( settings.textWidthMillimeters( symbolLabelFont, *itemPart ), double( labelSize.width() ) );

    if ( ctx )
      settings.drawText( ctx->painter, labelX, labelY, *itemPart, symbolLabelFont );
      if ( itemPart != ( lines.end() - 1 ) )
        labelY += textDescent + settings.lineSpacing() + textHeight;

  return labelSize;