Ejemplo n.º 1
double QgsTolerance::computeMapUnitPerPixel( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings )
  if ( ! mapSettings.hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
    // if the on-the-fly projections are not enabled, layer units pre pixel are the same as map units per pixel
    return mapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel();

  // the layer is projected. Find out how many pixels are in one map unit - either horizontal and vertical direction
  // this check might not work correctly in some cases
  // (on a large area the pixels projected around "0,0" can have different properties from the actual point)
  QgsPoint p1 = toLayerCoordinates( layer, mapSettings, QPoint( 0, 1 ) );
  QgsPoint p2 = toLayerCoordinates( layer, mapSettings, QPoint( 0, 2 ) );
  QgsPoint p3 = toLayerCoordinates( layer, mapSettings, QPoint( 1, 0 ) );
  QgsPoint p4 = toLayerCoordinates( layer, mapSettings, QPoint( 2, 0 ) );
  double x = p1.sqrDist( p2 );
  double y = p3.sqrDist( p4 );
  if ( x > y )
    return sqrt( x );
    return sqrt( y );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QgsMapRendererJob::drawOldLabeling( const QgsMapSettings& settings, QgsRenderContext& renderContext )
  // render all labels for vector layers in the stack, starting at the base
  QListIterator<QString> li( settings.layers() );
  while ( li.hasPrevious() )
    if ( renderContext.renderingStopped() )

    QString layerId = li.previous();

    QgsMapLayer *ml = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( layerId );

    if ( !ml || ( ml->type() != QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer ) )

    // only make labels if the layer is visible
    // after scale dep viewing settings are checked
    if ( ml->hasScaleBasedVisibility() && ( settings.scale() < ml->minimumScale() || settings.scale() > ml->maximumScale() ) )

    bool split = false;
    const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = 0;
    QgsRectangle r1 = settings.visibleExtent(), r2;

    if ( settings.hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
      ct = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( ml->crs().authid(), settings.destinationCrs().authid() );
      split = reprojectToLayerExtent( ct, ml->crs().geographicFlag(), r1, r2 );

    renderContext.setCoordinateTransform( ct );
    renderContext.setExtent( r1 );

    ml->drawLabels( renderContext );
    if ( split )
      renderContext.setExtent( r2 );
      ml->drawLabels( renderContext );
void QgsMapRendererJob::drawOldLabeling( const QgsMapSettings& settings, QgsRenderContext& renderContext )
  // render all labels for vector layers in the stack, starting at the base
  QListIterator<QString> li( settings.layers() );
  while ( li.hasPrevious() )
    if ( renderContext.renderingStopped() )

    QString layerId = li.previous();

    QgsMapLayer *ml = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( layerId );

    if ( !ml || ( ml->type() != QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer ) )

    // only make labels if the layer is visible
    // after scale dep viewing settings are checked
    if ( !ml->isInScaleRange( settings.scale() ) )

    const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = nullptr;
    QgsRectangle r1 = settings.visibleExtent(), r2;

    if ( settings.hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
      ct = settings.layerTransform( ml );
      if ( ct )
        reprojectToLayerExtent( ml, ct, r1, r2 );

    renderContext.setCoordinateTransform( ct );
    renderContext.setExtent( r1 );

    ml->drawLabels( renderContext );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QgsMapCanvas::readProject( const QDomDocument & doc )
  QDomNodeList nodes = doc.elementsByTagName( "mapcanvas" );
  if ( nodes.count() )
    QDomNode node = nodes.item( 0 );

    QgsMapSettings tmpSettings;
    tmpSettings.readXML( node );
    setMapUnits( tmpSettings.mapUnits() );
    setCrsTransformEnabled( tmpSettings.hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
    setDestinationCrs( tmpSettings.destinationCrs() );
    setExtent( tmpSettings.extent() );
    setRotation( tmpSettings.rotation() );
    mSettings.datumTransformStore() = tmpSettings.datumTransformStore();

    clearExtentHistory(); // clear the extent history on project load
    QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't read mapcanvas information from project" );