QgsLabelFeature* QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider::registerDiagram( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext &context, QgsGeometry* obstacleGeometry )
  const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings = mEngine->mapSettings();

  QgsDiagramRendererV2* dr = mSettings.renderer;
  if ( dr )
    QList<QgsDiagramSettings> settingList = dr->diagramSettings();
    if ( !settingList.isEmpty() && settingList.at( 0 ).scaleBasedVisibility )
      double minScale = settingList.at( 0 ).minScaleDenominator;
      if ( minScale > 0 && context.rendererScale() < minScale )
        return 0;

      double maxScale = settingList.at( 0 ).maxScaleDenominator;
      if ( maxScale > 0 && context.rendererScale() > maxScale )
        return 0;

  //convert geom to geos
  const QgsGeometry* geom = feat.constGeometry();
  QScopedPointer<QgsGeometry> extentGeom( QgsGeometry::fromRect( mapSettings.visibleExtent() ) );
  if ( !qgsDoubleNear( mapSettings.rotation(), 0.0 ) )
    //PAL features are prerotated, so extent also needs to be unrotated
    extentGeom->rotate( -mapSettings.rotation(), mapSettings.visibleExtent().center() );

  const GEOSGeometry* geos_geom = 0;
  QScopedPointer<QgsGeometry> preparedGeom;
  if ( QgsPalLabeling::geometryRequiresPreparation( geom, context, mSettings.ct, extentGeom.data() ) )
    preparedGeom.reset( QgsPalLabeling::prepareGeometry( geom, context, mSettings.ct, extentGeom.data() ) );
    if ( !preparedGeom.data() )
      return 0;
    geos_geom = preparedGeom.data()->asGeos();
    geos_geom = geom->asGeos();

  if ( geos_geom == 0 )
    return 0; // invalid geometry
  GEOSGeometry* geomCopy = GEOSGeom_clone_r( QgsGeometry::getGEOSHandler(), geos_geom );

  const GEOSGeometry* geosObstacleGeom = 0;
  QScopedPointer<QgsGeometry> scopedObstacleGeom;
  if ( mSettings.obstacle && obstacleGeometry && QgsPalLabeling::geometryRequiresPreparation( obstacleGeometry, context, mSettings.ct, extentGeom.data() ) )
    scopedObstacleGeom.reset( QgsPalLabeling::prepareGeometry( obstacleGeometry, context, mSettings.ct, extentGeom.data() ) );
    geosObstacleGeom = scopedObstacleGeom.data()->asGeos();
  else if ( mSettings.obstacle && obstacleGeometry )
    geosObstacleGeom = obstacleGeometry->asGeos();
  GEOSGeometry* geosObstacleGeomClone = 0;
  if ( geosObstacleGeom )
    geosObstacleGeomClone = GEOSGeom_clone_r( QgsGeometry::getGEOSHandler(), geosObstacleGeom );

  double diagramWidth = 0;
  double diagramHeight = 0;
  if ( dr )
    QSizeF diagSize = dr->sizeMapUnits( feat, context );
    if ( diagSize.isValid() )
      diagramWidth = diagSize.width();
      diagramHeight = diagSize.height();

  //  feature to the layer
  bool alwaysShow = mSettings.showAll;
  int ddColX = mSettings.xPosColumn;
  int ddColY = mSettings.yPosColumn;
  double ddPosX = 0.0;
  double ddPosY = 0.0;
  bool ddPos = ( ddColX >= 0 && ddColY >= 0 );
  if ( ddPos )
    bool posXOk, posYOk;
    ddPosX = feat.attribute( ddColX ).toDouble( &posXOk );
    ddPosY = feat.attribute( ddColY ).toDouble( &posYOk );
    if ( !posXOk || !posYOk )
      ddPos = false;
      const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = mSettings.ct;
      if ( ct )
        double z = 0;
        ct->transformInPlace( ddPosX, ddPosY, z );
      //data defined diagram position is always centered
      ddPosX -= diagramWidth / 2.0;
      ddPosY -= diagramHeight / 2.0;

  QgsDiagramLabelFeature* lf = new QgsDiagramLabelFeature( feat.id(), geomCopy, QSizeF( diagramWidth, diagramHeight ) );
  lf->setHasFixedPosition( ddPos );
  lf->setFixedPosition( QgsPoint( ddPosX, ddPosY ) );
  lf->setHasFixedAngle( true );
  lf->setFixedAngle( 0 );
  lf->setAlwaysShow( alwaysShow );
  lf->setIsObstacle( mSettings.obstacle );
  if ( geosObstacleGeomClone )
    lf->setObstacleGeometry( geosObstacleGeomClone );

  if ( dr )
    //append the diagram attributes to lbl
    lf->setAttributes( feat.attributes() );

  QgsPoint ptZero = mSettings.xform->toMapCoordinates( 0, 0 );
  QgsPoint ptOne = mSettings.xform->toMapCoordinates( 1, 0 );
  lf->setDistLabel( qAbs( ptOne.x() - ptZero.x() ) * mSettings.dist );
  return lf;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool QgsMapToolIdentify::identifyVectorLayer( QList<IdentifyResult> *results, QgsVectorLayer *layer, QgsPoint point )
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  if ( layer->hasScaleBasedVisibility() &&
       ( layer->minimumScale() > mCanvas->mapRenderer()->scale() ||
         layer->maximumScale() <= mCanvas->mapRenderer()->scale() ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Out of scale limits" );
    return false;

  QMap< QString, QString > derivedAttributes;

  derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "(clicked coordinate)" ), point.toString() );

  // load identify radius from settings
  QSettings settings;
  double identifyValue = settings.value( "/Map/identifyRadius", QGis::DEFAULT_IDENTIFY_RADIUS ).toDouble();

  if ( identifyValue <= 0.0 )
    identifyValue = QGis::DEFAULT_IDENTIFY_RADIUS;

  int featureCount = 0;

  QgsFeatureList featureList;

  // toLayerCoordinates will throw an exception for an 'invalid' point.
  // For example, if you project a world map onto a globe using EPSG 2163
  // and then click somewhere off the globe, an exception will be thrown.
    // create the search rectangle
    double searchRadius = mCanvas->extent().width() * ( identifyValue / 100.0 );

    QgsRectangle r;
    r.setXMinimum( point.x() - searchRadius );
    r.setXMaximum( point.x() + searchRadius );
    r.setYMinimum( point.y() - searchRadius );
    r.setYMaximum( point.y() + searchRadius );

    r = toLayerCoordinates( layer, r );

    QgsFeatureIterator fit = layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( r ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );
    QgsFeature f;
    while ( fit.nextFeature( f ) )
      featureList << QgsFeature( f );
  catch ( QgsCsException & cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    // catch exception for 'invalid' point and proceed with no features found
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Caught CRS exception %1" ).arg( cse.what() ) );

  QgsFeatureList::iterator f_it = featureList.begin();

  bool filter = false;

  QgsFeatureRendererV2* renderer = layer->rendererV2();
  if ( renderer && renderer->capabilities() & QgsFeatureRendererV2::ScaleDependent )
    // setup scale for scale dependent visibility (rule based)
    renderer->startRender( *( mCanvas->mapRenderer()->rendererContext() ), layer );
    filter = renderer->capabilities() & QgsFeatureRendererV2::Filter;

  for ( ; f_it != featureList.end(); ++f_it )
    QgsFeatureId fid = f_it->id();

    if ( filter && !renderer->willRenderFeature( *f_it ) )


    derivedAttributes.unite( featureDerivedAttributes( &( *f_it ), layer ) );

    derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "feature id" ), fid < 0 ? tr( "new feature" ) : FID_TO_STRING( fid ) );

    results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), *f_it, derivedAttributes ) );

  if ( renderer && renderer->capabilities() & QgsFeatureRendererV2::ScaleDependent )
    renderer->stopRender( *( mCanvas->mapRenderer()->rendererContext() ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Feature count on identify: " + QString::number( featureCount ) );

  return featureCount > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool QgsMapToolIdentify::identifyRasterLayer( QList<IdentifyResult> *results, QgsRasterLayer *layer, QgsPoint point, QgsRectangle viewExtent, double mapUnitsPerPixel )
  QgsDebugMsg( "point = " + point.toString() );
  if ( !layer ) return false;

  QgsRasterDataProvider *dprovider = layer->dataProvider();
  int capabilities = dprovider->capabilities();
  if ( !dprovider || !( capabilities & QgsRasterDataProvider::Identify ) )
    return false;

    point = toLayerCoordinates( layer, point );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "coordinate not reprojectable: %1" ).arg( cse.what() ) );
    return false;
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "point = %1 %2" ).arg( point.x() ).arg( point.y() ) );

  if ( !layer->extent().contains( point ) ) return false;

  QMap< QString, QString > attributes, derivedAttributes;

  QMap<int, QVariant> values;

  QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormat format = QgsRasterDataProvider::identifyFormatFromName( layer->customProperty( "identify/format" ).toString() );

  // check if the format is really supported otherwise use first supported format
  if ( !( QgsRasterDataProvider::identifyFormatToCapability( format ) & capabilities ) )
    if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyFeature ) format = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatFeature;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyValue ) format = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatValue;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyHtml ) format = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatHtml;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyText ) format = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatText;
    else return false;

  // We can only use context (extent, width, heigh) if layer is not reprojected,
  // otherwise we don't know source resolution (size).
  if ( mCanvas->hasCrsTransformEnabled() && dprovider->crs() != mCanvas->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs() )
    viewExtent = toLayerCoordinates( layer, viewExtent );
    values = dprovider->identify( point, format );
    // It would be nice to use the same extent and size which was used for drawing,
    // so that WCS can use cache from last draw, unfortunately QgsRasterLayer::draw()
    // is doing some tricks with extent and size to allign raster to output which
    // would be difficult to replicate here.
    // Note: cutting the extent may result in slightly different x and y resolutions
    // and thus shifted point calculated back in QGIS WMS (using average resolution)
    //viewExtent = dprovider->extent().intersect( &viewExtent );

    // Width and height are calculated from not projected extent and we hope that
    // are similar to source width and height used to reproject layer for drawing.
    // TODO: may be very dangerous, because it may result in different resolutions
    // in source CRS, and WMS server (QGIS server) calcs wrong coor using average resolution.
    int width = qRound( viewExtent.width() / mapUnitsPerPixel );
    int height = qRound( viewExtent.height() / mapUnitsPerPixel );

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "viewExtent.width = %1 viewExtent.height = %2" ).arg( viewExtent.width() ).arg( viewExtent.height() ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "width = %1 height = %2" ).arg( width ).arg( height ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "xRes = %1 yRes = %2 mapUnitsPerPixel = %3" ).arg( viewExtent.width() / width ).arg( viewExtent.height() / height ).arg( mapUnitsPerPixel ) );

    values = dprovider->identify( point, format, viewExtent, width, height );

  derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "(clicked coordinate)" ), point.toString() );

  //QString type = tr( "Raster" );
  QgsGeometry geometry;
  if ( format == QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatValue )
    foreach ( int bandNo, values.keys() )
      double value = values.value( bandNo ).toDouble();
      QString valueString;
      if ( dprovider->isNoDataValue( bandNo, value ) )
        valueString = tr( "no data" );
        valueString = QgsRasterBlock::printValue( value );
      attributes.insert( dprovider->generateBandName( bandNo ), valueString );
    QString label = layer->name();
    results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), label, attributes, derivedAttributes ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QgsPalLabeling::drawLabel( pal::LabelPosition* label, QPainter* painter, const QFont& f, const QColor& c, const QgsMapToPixel* xform, double bufferSize,
                                const QColor& bufferColor, bool drawBuffer )
  QgsPoint outPt = xform->transform( label->getX(), label->getY() );

  // TODO: optimize access :)
  const QgsPalLayerSettings& lyr = layer( label->getLayerName() );

  QString text = (( QgsPalGeometry* )label->getFeaturePart()->getUserGeometry() )->text();
  QString txt = ( label->getPartId() == -1 ? text : QString( text[label->getPartId()] ) );

  //add the direction symbol if needed
  if ( !txt.isEmpty() && lyr.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Line &&
       lyr.addDirectionSymbol && !lyr.multiLineLabels )
    if ( label->getReversed() )
      txt.prepend( "<" );
      txt.append( ">" );

  //QgsDebugMsg( "drawLabel " + QString::number( drawBuffer ) + " " + txt );

  QStringList multiLineList;
  if ( lyr.multiLineLabels )
    multiLineList = txt.split( "\n" );
    multiLineList << txt;

  for ( int i = 0; i < multiLineList.size(); ++i )
    painter->translate( QPointF( outPt.x(), outPt.y() ) );
    painter->rotate( -label->getAlpha() * 180 / M_PI );

    // scale down painter: the font size has been multiplied by raster scale factor
    // to workaround a Qt font scaling bug with small font sizes
    painter->scale( 1.0 / lyr.rasterCompressFactor, 1.0 / lyr.rasterCompressFactor );

    double yMultiLineOffset = ( multiLineList.size() - 1 - i ) * lyr.fontMetrics->height();
    painter->translate( QPointF( 0, - lyr.fontMetrics->descent() - yMultiLineOffset ) );

    if ( drawBuffer )
      // we're drawing buffer
      drawLabelBuffer( painter, multiLineList.at( i ), f, bufferSize * lyr.vectorScaleFactor * lyr.rasterCompressFactor , bufferColor );
      // we're drawing real label
      QPainterPath path;
      path.addText( 0, 0, f, multiLineList.at( i ) );
      painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
      painter->setBrush( c );
      painter->drawPath( path );

    if ( label->getNextPart() )
      drawLabel( label->getNextPart(), painter, f, c, xform, bufferSize, bufferColor, drawBuffer );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void QgsPalLabeling::drawLabeling( QgsRenderContext& context )
  Q_ASSERT( mMapRenderer != NULL );
  QPainter* painter = context.painter();
  QgsRectangle extent = context.extent();

  if ( mLabelSearchTree )

  QTime t;

  // do the labeling itself
  double scale = mMapRenderer->scale(); // scale denominator
  QgsRectangle r = extent;
  double bbox[] = { r.xMinimum(), r.yMinimum(), r.xMaximum(), r.yMaximum() };

  std::list<LabelPosition*>* labels;
  pal::Problem* problem;
    problem = mPal->extractProblem( scale, bbox );
  catch ( std::exception& e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    QgsDebugMsg( "PAL EXCEPTION :-( " + QString::fromLatin1( e.what() ) );
    //mActiveLayers.clear(); // clean up

  const QgsMapToPixel* xform = mMapRenderer->coordinateTransform();

  // draw rectangles with all candidates
  // this is done before actual solution of the problem
  // before number of candidates gets reduced
  if ( mShowingCandidates && problem )
    painter->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 64 ) );
    painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
    for ( int i = 0; i < problem->getNumFeatures(); i++ )
      for ( int j = 0; j < problem->getFeatureCandidateCount( i ); j++ )
        pal::LabelPosition* lp = problem->getFeatureCandidate( i, j );

        drawLabelCandidateRect( lp, painter, xform );

  // find the solution
  labels = mPal->solveProblem( problem, mShowingAllLabels );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "LABELING work:  %1 ms ... labels# %2" ).arg( t.elapsed() ).arg( labels->size() ) );

  painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

  // draw the labels
  std::list<LabelPosition*>::iterator it = labels->begin();
  for ( ; it != labels->end(); ++it )
    QgsPalGeometry* palGeometry = dynamic_cast< QgsPalGeometry* >(( *it )->getFeaturePart()->getUserGeometry() );
    if ( !palGeometry )

    if ( palGeometry->isDiagram() )
      //render diagram
      QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsDiagramLayerSettings>::iterator dit = mActiveDiagramLayers.begin();
      for ( dit = mActiveDiagramLayers.begin(); dit != mActiveDiagramLayers.end(); ++dit )
        if ( dit.key() && dit.key()->id().append( "d" ) == ( *it )->getLayerName() )
          QgsPoint outPt = xform->transform(( *it )->getX(), ( *it )->getY() );
          dit.value().renderer->renderDiagram( palGeometry->diagramAttributes(), context, QPointF( outPt.x(), outPt.y() ) );

      //insert into label search tree to manipulate position interactively
      if ( mLabelSearchTree )
        //for diagrams, remove the additional 'd' at the end of the layer id
        QString layerId = ( *it )->getLayerName();
        layerId.chop( 1 );
        mLabelSearchTree->insertLabel( *it,  QString( palGeometry->strId() ).toInt(), layerId, true );

    const QgsPalLayerSettings& lyr = layer(( *it )->getLayerName() );
    QFont fontForLabel = lyr.textFont;
    QColor fontColor = lyr.textColor;
    double bufferSize = lyr.bufferSize;
    QColor bufferColor = lyr.bufferColor;

    //apply data defined settings for the label
    //font size
    QVariant dataDefinedSize = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Size );
    if ( dataDefinedSize.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setPixelSize( lyr.sizeToPixel( dataDefinedSize.toDouble(), context ) );
    //font color
    QVariant dataDefinedColor = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Color );
    if ( dataDefinedColor.isValid() )
      fontColor.setNamedColor( dataDefinedColor.toString() );
      if ( !fontColor.isValid() )
        fontColor = lyr.textColor;
    //font bold
    QVariant dataDefinedBold = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Bold );
    if ( dataDefinedBold.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setBold(( bool )dataDefinedBold.toInt() );
    //font italic
    QVariant dataDefinedItalic = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Italic );
    if ( dataDefinedItalic.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setItalic(( bool ) dataDefinedItalic.toInt() );
    //font underline
    QVariant dataDefinedUnderline = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Underline );
    if ( dataDefinedUnderline.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setUnderline(( bool ) dataDefinedUnderline.toInt() );
    //font strikeout
    QVariant dataDefinedStrikeout = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Strikeout );
    if ( dataDefinedStrikeout.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setStrikeOut(( bool ) dataDefinedStrikeout.toInt() );
    //font family
    QVariant dataDefinedFontFamily = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Family );
    if ( dataDefinedFontFamily.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setFamily( dataDefinedFontFamily.toString() );
    //buffer size
    QVariant dataDefinedBufferSize = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::BufferSize );
    if ( dataDefinedBufferSize.isValid() )
      bufferSize = dataDefinedBufferSize.toDouble();

    //buffer color
    QVariant dataDefinedBufferColor = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::BufferColor );
    if ( dataDefinedBufferColor.isValid() )
      bufferColor.setNamedColor( dataDefinedBufferColor.toString() );
      if ( !bufferColor.isValid() )
        bufferColor = lyr.bufferColor;

    if ( lyr.bufferSize != 0 )
      drawLabel( *it, painter, fontForLabel, fontColor, xform, bufferSize, bufferColor, true );

    drawLabel( *it, painter, fontForLabel, fontColor, xform );

    if ( mLabelSearchTree )
      mLabelSearchTree->insertLabel( *it,  QString( palGeometry->strId() ).toInt(), ( *it )->getLayerName() );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "LABELING draw:  %1 ms" ).arg( t.elapsed() ) );

  delete problem;
  delete labels;

  // delete all allocated geometries for features
  QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsPalLayerSettings>::iterator lit;
  for ( lit = mActiveLayers.begin(); lit != mActiveLayers.end(); ++lit )
    QgsPalLayerSettings& lyr = lit.value();
    for ( QList<QgsPalGeometry*>::iterator git = lyr.geometries.begin(); git != lyr.geometries.end(); ++git )
      delete *git;

  //delete all allocated geometries for diagrams
  QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsDiagramLayerSettings>::iterator dIt = mActiveDiagramLayers.begin();
  for ( ; dIt != mActiveDiagramLayers.end(); ++dIt )
    QgsDiagramLayerSettings& dls = dIt.value();
    for ( QList<QgsPalGeometry*>::iterator git = dls.geometries.begin(); git != dls.geometries.end(); ++git )
      delete *git;
Ejemplo n.º 6
double QgsPoint::azimuth( const QgsPoint& other )
  double dx = other.x() - m_x;
  double dy = other.y() - m_y;
  return ( atan2( dx, dy ) * 180.0 / M_PI );
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool QgsPoint::compare( const QgsPoint &other, double epsilon ) const
  return ( qgsDoubleNear( m_x, other.x(), epsilon ) && qgsDoubleNear( m_y, other.y(), epsilon ) );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void QgsMapToolZoom::canvasReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
  if ( e->button() != Qt::LeftButton )

  if ( mDragging )
    mDragging = false;
    delete mRubberBand;
    mRubberBand = 0;

    // store the rectangle
    mZoomRect.setRight( e->pos().x() );
    mZoomRect.setBottom( e->pos().y() );

    const QgsMapToPixel* coordinateTransform = mCanvas->getCoordinateTransform();

    // set the extent to the zoomBox
    QgsPoint ll = coordinateTransform->toMapCoordinates( mZoomRect.left(), mZoomRect.bottom() );
    QgsPoint ur = coordinateTransform->toMapCoordinates( mZoomRect.right(), mZoomRect.top() );

    QgsRectangle r;
    r.setXMinimum( ll.x() );
    r.setYMinimum( ll.y() );
    r.setXMaximum( ur.x() );
    r.setYMaximum( ur.y() );

    // prevent zooming to an empty extent
    if ( r.width() == 0 || r.height() == 0 )

    if ( mZoomOut )
      QgsPoint cer = r.center();
      QgsRectangle extent = mCanvas->extent();

      double sf;
      if ( mZoomRect.width() > mZoomRect.height() )
        sf = extent.width() / r.width();
        sf = extent.height() / r.height();
      r.expand( sf );

      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Extent scaled by %1 to %2" ).arg( sf ).arg( r.toString().toLocal8Bit().constData() ) );
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Center of currentExtent after scaling is %1" ).arg( r.center().toString().toLocal8Bit().constData() ) );


    mCanvas->setExtent( r );
  else // not dragging
    // change to zoom in/out by the default multiple
    mCanvas->zoomWithCenter( e->x(), e->y(), !mZoomOut );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void QgsMapToolReshape::cadCanvasReleaseEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent * e )
  //check if we operate on a vector layer //todo: move this to a function in parent class to avoid duplication
  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mCanvas->currentLayer() );

  if ( !vlayer )

  if ( !vlayer->isEditable() )

  //add point to list and to rubber band
  if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
    int error = addVertex( e->mapPoint(), e->mapPointMatch() );
    if ( error == 1 )
      //current layer is not a vector layer
    else if ( error == 2 )
      //problem with coordinate transformation
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system" ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING );

  else if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )

    //find out bounding box of mCaptureList
    if ( size() < 1 )
    QgsPoint firstPoint = points().at( 0 );
    QgsRectangle bbox( firstPoint.x(), firstPoint.y(), firstPoint.x(), firstPoint.y() );
    for ( int i = 1; i < size(); ++i )
      bbox.combineExtentWith( points().at( i ).x(), points().at( i ).y() );

    //query all the features that intersect bounding box of capture line
    QgsFeatureIterator fit = vlayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bbox ).setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() ) );
    QgsFeature f;
    int reshapeReturn;
    bool reshapeDone = false;

    vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Reshape" ) );
    while ( fit.nextFeature( f ) )
      //query geometry
      //call geometry->reshape(mCaptureList)
      //register changed geometry in vector layer
      QgsGeometry geom = f.geometry();
      if ( !geom.isEmpty() )
        reshapeReturn = geom.reshapeGeometry( points() );
        if ( reshapeReturn == 0 )
          //avoid intersections on polygon layers
          if ( vlayer->geometryType() == Qgis::Polygon )
            //ignore all current layer features as they should be reshaped too
            QMap<QgsVectorLayer*, QSet<QgsFeatureId> > ignoreFeatures;
            ignoreFeatures.insert( vlayer, vlayer->allFeatureIds() );

            if ( geom.avoidIntersections( ignoreFeatures ) != 0 )
              emit messageEmitted( tr( "An error was reported during intersection removal" ), QgsMessageBar::CRITICAL );

            if ( geom.isGeosEmpty() ) //intersection removal might have removed the whole geometry
              emit messageEmitted( tr( "The feature cannot be reshaped because the resulting geometry is empty" ), QgsMessageBar::CRITICAL );

          vlayer->changeGeometry( f.id(), geom );
          reshapeDone = true;

    if ( reshapeDone )

Ejemplo n.º 10
void QRap::ReceivedLeftPoint(QgsPoint &Point)
	cout << " in QRap::ReceivedLeftPoint(QgsPoint &Point) " << endl;
	if (mMouseType != CLEAN)
		if (mMouseType == MOVESITE)
			cout << " movesite " << endl;
			QMessageBox::information(mQGisIface->mainWindow(), "Q-Rap", "Wait: getting height data at point");
			mMouseType = CLEAN;
		else if (mMouseType == PLACESITE)
			cout << " placesite " << endl;
			QMessageBox::information(mQGisIface->mainWindow(), "Q-Rap", "Wait: getting height data at point");
			if (mMouseType!=MOVESITE)
				mMouseType = CLEAN;
		else if (mMouseType == SELECTSITE)
			cout << " selectsite " << endl;
			if (mMouseType!=MOVESITE)
				mMouseType = CLEAN;
		if (mMouseType == LINK2)
			cout << " Link2 " << endl;
		if (mMouseType == LINK1)
			cout << " Link1 " << endl;
			mMouseType = LINK2;
		if (mMouseType == AREA)
			cout << " Area " << endl;
		if (mMouseType == FILTERAREA)
			cout << " Filter Area " << endl;
		if (mMouseType == SELECTLINK)
			cout << " Select Link " << endl;
			mMouseType = CLEAN;
		if (mMouseType == SPECTRAL)
			cout << " spectral " << endl;
		if (mMouseType == MULTILINK)
			cout << " multilink " << endl;
		if (mMouseType == OPTIMISATION)
			cout << " optimisation " << endl;
		if (mMouseType == DELETESITE)
			cout << "Deleting site we hope ..." << endl;
			cDeleteObject *Delete = new cDeleteObject(mQGisIface->mainWindow(), QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags);
			cout << "After delete object constructer" << endl;
			QString Lat = QString("%1").arg(Point.y());
			QString Lon = QString("%1").arg(Point.x());
			if (Delete->SetParameters(Lat,Lon,true,mQGisIface->mapCanvas()->scale()))
				if (Delete->exec()==1)
			mMouseType = CLEAN;
		if (mMouseType == DELETELINK)
			cout << " delete link " << endl;
			cDeleteObject *Delete;
			Delete = new cDeleteObject(mQGisIface->mainWindow(), QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags);
			QString Lat = QString("%1").arg(Point.y());
			QString Lon = QString("%1").arg(Point.x());
			if (Delete->SetParameters(Lat,Lon,false,mQGisIface->mapCanvas()->scale()))
				if (Delete->exec()==1)
			mMouseType = CLEAN;
	else  cout << " clean " << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature::cadCanvasReleaseEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mLayer );

  if ( !vlayer )
    //if no given layer take the current from canvas
    vlayer = currentVectorLayer();

  if ( !vlayer )

  QgsWkbTypes::Type layerWKBType = vlayer->wkbType();

  QgsVectorDataProvider *provider = vlayer->dataProvider();

  if ( !( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures ) )
    emit messageEmitted( tr( "The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features." ), Qgis::Warning );

  if ( !vlayer->isEditable() )

  if ( mode() == CapturePoint )
    if ( e->button() != Qt::LeftButton )

    //check we only use this tool for point/multipoint layers
    if ( vlayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry && mCheckGeometryType )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer" ), Qgis::Warning );

    QgsPoint savePoint; //point in layer coordinates
    bool isMatchPointZ = false;
      QgsPoint fetchPoint;
      int res;
      res = fetchLayerPoint( e->mapPointMatch(), fetchPoint );
      if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( fetchPoint.wkbType() ) )
        isMatchPointZ = true;

      if ( res == 0 )
        if ( isMatchPointZ )
          savePoint = fetchPoint;
          savePoint = QgsPoint( fetchPoint.x(), fetchPoint.y() );
        QgsPointXY layerPoint = toLayerCoordinates( vlayer, e->mapPoint() );
        if ( isMatchPointZ )
          savePoint = QgsPoint( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, layerPoint.x(), layerPoint.y(), fetchPoint.z() );
          savePoint = QgsPoint( layerPoint.x(), layerPoint.y() );
    catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
      Q_UNUSED( cse );
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system" ), Qgis::Warning );

    //only do the rest for provider with feature addition support
    //note that for the grass provider, this will return false since
    //grass provider has its own mechanism of feature addition
    if ( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
      QgsFeature f( vlayer->fields(), 0 );

      QgsGeometry g;
      if ( layerWKBType == QgsWkbTypes::Point )
        g = QgsGeometry( qgis::make_unique<QgsPoint>( savePoint ) );
      else if ( !QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( layerWKBType ) && QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( layerWKBType ) )
        g = QgsGeometry( qgis::make_unique<QgsPoint>( savePoint.x(), savePoint.y(), isMatchPointZ ? savePoint.z() : defaultZValue() ) );
      else if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( layerWKBType ) && !QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( layerWKBType ) )
        g = QgsGeometry::fromMultiPointXY( QgsMultiPointXY() << savePoint );
      else if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( layerWKBType ) && QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( layerWKBType ) )
        QgsMultiPoint *mp = new QgsMultiPoint();
        mp->addGeometry( new QgsPoint( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, savePoint.x(), savePoint.y(), isMatchPointZ ? savePoint.z() : defaultZValue() ) );
        g.set( mp );
        // if layer supports more types (mCheckGeometryType is false)
        g = QgsGeometry( qgis::make_unique<QgsPoint>( savePoint ) );

      if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasM( layerWKBType ) )

      f.setGeometry( g );
      f.setValid( true );

      digitized( f );

      // we are done with digitizing for now so instruct advanced digitizing dock to reset its CAD points

  else if ( mode() == CaptureLine || mode() == CapturePolygon )
    //check we only use the line tool for line/multiline layers
    if ( mode() == CaptureLine && vlayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry && mCheckGeometryType )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer" ), Qgis::Warning );

    //check we only use the polygon tool for polygon/multipolygon layers
    if ( mode() == CapturePolygon && vlayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry && mCheckGeometryType )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer" ), Qgis::Warning );

    //add point to list and to rubber band
    if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
      int error = addVertex( e->mapPoint(), e->mapPointMatch() );
      if ( error == 1 )
        //current layer is not a vector layer
      else if ( error == 2 )
        //problem with coordinate transformation
        emit messageEmitted( tr( "Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system" ), Qgis::Warning );

    else if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
      // End of string

      //lines: bail out if there are not at least two vertices
      if ( mode() == CaptureLine && size() < 2 )

      //polygons: bail out if there are not at least two vertices
      if ( mode() == CapturePolygon && size() < 3 )

      if ( mode() == CapturePolygon )

      //create QgsFeature with wkb representation
      std::unique_ptr< QgsFeature > f( new QgsFeature( vlayer->fields(), 0 ) );

      //does compoundcurve contain circular strings?
      //does provider support circular strings?
      bool hasCurvedSegments = captureCurve()->hasCurvedSegments();
      bool providerSupportsCurvedSegments = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::CircularGeometries;

      QList<QgsPointLocator::Match> snappingMatchesList;
      QgsCurve *curveToAdd = nullptr;
      if ( hasCurvedSegments && providerSupportsCurvedSegments )
        curveToAdd = captureCurve()->clone();
        curveToAdd = captureCurve()->curveToLine();
        snappingMatchesList = snappingMatches();

      if ( mode() == CaptureLine )
        QgsGeometry g( curveToAdd );
        f->setGeometry( g );
        QgsCurvePolygon *poly = nullptr;
        if ( hasCurvedSegments && providerSupportsCurvedSegments )
          poly = new QgsCurvePolygon();
          poly = new QgsPolygon();
        poly->setExteriorRing( curveToAdd );
        QgsGeometry g( poly );
        f->setGeometry( g );

        QgsGeometry featGeom = f->geometry();
        int avoidIntersectionsReturn = featGeom.avoidIntersections( QgsProject::instance()->avoidIntersectionsLayers() );
        f->setGeometry( featGeom );
        if ( avoidIntersectionsReturn == 1 )
          //not a polygon type. Impossible to get there
        if ( f->geometry().isEmpty() ) //avoid intersection might have removed the whole geometry
          emit messageEmitted( tr( "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance" ), Qgis::Critical );
      f->setValid( true );

      digitized( *f );

Ejemplo n.º 12
bool QgsHeatmapRenderer::renderFeature( QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer, bool selected, bool drawVertexMarker )
  Q_UNUSED( layer );
  Q_UNUSED( selected );
  Q_UNUSED( drawVertexMarker );

  if ( !context.painter() )
    return false;

  if ( !feature.hasGeometry() || feature.geometry().type() != QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry )
    //can only render point type
    return false;

  double weight = 1.0;
  if ( !mWeightExpressionString.isEmpty() )
    QVariant value;
    if ( mWeightAttrNum == -1 )
      Q_ASSERT( mWeightExpression.data() );
      value = mWeightExpression->evaluate( &context.expressionContext() );
      QgsAttributes attrs = feature.attributes();
      value = attrs.value( mWeightAttrNum );
    bool ok = false;
    double evalWeight = value.toDouble( &ok );
    if ( ok )
      weight = evalWeight;

  int width = context.painter()->device()->width() / mRenderQuality;
  int height = context.painter()->device()->height() / mRenderQuality;

  //transform geometry if required
  QgsGeometry geom = feature.geometry();
  QgsCoordinateTransform xform = context.coordinateTransform();
  if ( xform.isValid() )
    geom.transform( xform );

  //convert point to multipoint
  QgsMultiPoint multiPoint = convertToMultipoint( &geom );

  //loop through all points in multipoint
  for ( QgsMultiPoint::const_iterator pointIt = multiPoint.constBegin(); pointIt != multiPoint.constEnd(); ++pointIt )
    QgsPoint pixel = context.mapToPixel().transform( *pointIt );
    int pointX = pixel.x() / mRenderQuality;
    int pointY = pixel.y() / mRenderQuality;
    for ( int x = qMax( pointX - mRadiusPixels, 0 ); x < qMin( pointX + mRadiusPixels, width ); ++x )
      for ( int y = qMax( pointY - mRadiusPixels, 0 ); y < qMin( pointY + mRadiusPixels, height ); ++y )
        int index = y * width + x;
        if ( index >= mValues.count() )
        double distanceSquared = pow( pointX - x, 2.0 ) + pow( pointY - y, 2.0 );
        if ( distanceSquared > mRadiusSquared )

        double score = weight * quarticKernel( sqrt( distanceSquared ), mRadiusPixels );
        double value = mValues.at( index ) + score;
        if ( value > mCalculatedMaxValue )
          mCalculatedMaxValue = value;
        mValues[ index ] = value;

#if 0
  //TODO - enable progressive rendering
  if ( mFeaturesRendered % 200  == 0 )
    renderImage( context );
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool QgsMapToolFeatureAction::doAction( QgsVectorLayer *layer, int x, int y )
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  QgsPoint point = mCanvas->getCoordinateTransform()->toMapCoordinates( x, y );

  QgsFeatureList featList;

  // toLayerCoordinates will throw an exception for an 'invalid' point.
  // For example, if you project a world map onto a globe using EPSG 2163
  // and then click somewhere off the globe, an exception will be thrown.
    // create the search rectangle
    double searchRadius = searchRadiusMU( mCanvas );

    QgsRectangle r;
    r.setXMinimum( point.x() - searchRadius );
    r.setXMaximum( point.x() + searchRadius );
    r.setYMinimum( point.y() - searchRadius );
    r.setYMaximum( point.y() + searchRadius );

    r = toLayerCoordinates( layer, r );

    QgsFeatureIterator fit = layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( r ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );
    QgsFeature f;
    while ( fit.nextFeature( f ) )
      featList << QgsFeature( f );
  catch ( QgsCsException & cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    // catch exception for 'invalid' point and proceed with no features found
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Caught CRS exception %1" ).arg( cse.what() ) );

  if ( featList.size() == 0 )
    return false;

  foreach ( QgsFeature feat, featList )
    if ( layer->actions()->defaultAction() >= 0 )
      // define custom substitutions: layer id and clicked coords
      QMap<QString, QVariant> substitutionMap;
      substitutionMap.insert( "$layerid", layer->id() );
      point = toLayerCoordinates( layer, point );
      substitutionMap.insert( "$clickx", point.x() );
      substitutionMap.insert( "$clicky", point.y() );

      int actionIdx = layer->actions()->defaultAction();
      layer->actions()->doAction( actionIdx, feat, &substitutionMap );
      QgsMapLayerAction* mapLayerAction = QgsMapLayerActionRegistry::instance()->defaultActionForLayer( layer );
      if ( mapLayerAction )
        mapLayerAction->triggerForFeature( layer, &feat );

  return true;
QgsRectangle QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::searchRect( const QgsPoint& p ) const
  return QgsRectangle( p.x() - mTolerance, p.y() - mTolerance, p.x() + mTolerance, p.y() + mTolerance );
Ejemplo n.º 15
double QgsPoint::sqrDist( const QgsPoint& other ) const
  return sqrDist( other.x(), other.y() );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void QgsDelimitedTextProvider::scanFile( bool buildIndexes )
  QStringList messages;

  // assume the layer is invalid until proven otherwise

  mLayerValid = false;
  mValid = false;
  mRescanRequired = false;


  // Initiallize indexes

  bool buildSpatialIndex = buildIndexes && mSpatialIndex != 0;

  // No point building a subset index if there is no geometry, as all
  // records will be included.

  bool buildSubsetIndex = buildIndexes && mBuildSubsetIndex && mGeomRep != GeomNone;

  if ( ! mFile->isValid() )
    // uri is invalid so the layer must be too...

    messages.append( tr( "File cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid" ) );
    reportErrors( messages );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Delimited text source invalid - filename or delimiter parameters" );

  // Open the file and get number of rows, etc. We assume that the
  // file has a header row and process accordingly. Caller should make
  // sure that the delimited file is properly formed.

  if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsWkt )
    mWktFieldIndex = mFile->fieldIndex( mWktFieldName );
    if ( mWktFieldIndex < 0 )
      messages.append( tr( "%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file" ).arg( "Wkt" ).arg( mWktFieldName ) );
  else if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsXy )
    mXFieldIndex = mFile->fieldIndex( mXFieldName );
    mYFieldIndex = mFile->fieldIndex( mYFieldName );
    if ( mXFieldIndex < 0 )
      messages.append( tr( "%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file" ).arg( "X" ).arg( mWktFieldName ) );
    if ( mYFieldIndex < 0 )
      messages.append( tr( "%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file" ).arg( "Y" ).arg( mWktFieldName ) );
  if ( messages.size() > 0 )
    reportErrors( messages );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Delimited text source invalid - missing geometry fields" );

  // Scan the entire file to determine
  // 1) the number of fields (this is handled by QgsDelimitedTextFile mFile
  // 2) the number of valid features.  Note that the selection of valid features
  //    should match the code in QgsDelimitedTextFeatureIterator
  // 3) the geometric extents of the layer
  // 4) the type of each field
  // Also build subset and spatial indexes.

  QStringList parts;
  long nEmptyRecords = 0;
  long nBadFormatRecords = 0;
  long nIncompatibleGeometry = 0;
  long nInvalidGeometry = 0;
  long nEmptyGeometry = 0;
  mNumberFeatures = 0;
  mExtent = QgsRectangle();

  QList<bool> isEmpty;
  QList<bool> couldBeInt;
  QList<bool> couldBeLongLong;
  QList<bool> couldBeDouble;

  while ( true )
    QgsDelimitedTextFile::Status status = mFile->nextRecord( parts );
    if ( status == QgsDelimitedTextFile::RecordEOF ) break;
    if ( status != QgsDelimitedTextFile::RecordOk )
      recordInvalidLine( tr( "Invalid record format at line %1" ) );
    // Skip over empty records
    if ( recordIsEmpty( parts ) )

    // Check geometries are valid
    bool geomValid = true;

    if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsWkt )
      if ( mWktFieldIndex >= parts.size() || parts[mWktFieldIndex].isEmpty() )
        geomValid = false;
        // Get the wkt - confirm it is valid, get the type, and
        // if compatible with the rest of file, add to the extents

        QString sWkt = parts[mWktFieldIndex];
        QgsGeometry *geom = 0;
        if ( !mWktHasPrefix && sWkt.indexOf( WktPrefixRegexp ) >= 0 )
          mWktHasPrefix = true;
        if ( !mWktHasZM && sWkt.indexOf( WktZMRegexp ) >= 0 )
          mWktHasZM = true;
        geom = geomFromWkt( sWkt, mWktHasPrefix, mWktHasZM );

        if ( geom )
          QGis::WkbType type = geom->wkbType();
          if ( type != QGis::WKBNoGeometry )
            if ( mGeometryType == QGis::UnknownGeometry || geom->type() == mGeometryType )
              mGeometryType = geom->type();
              if ( mNumberFeatures == 0 )
                mWkbType = type;
                mExtent = geom->boundingBox();
                if ( geom->isMultipart() ) mWkbType = type;
                QgsRectangle bbox( geom->boundingBox() );
                mExtent.combineExtentWith( &bbox );
              if ( buildSpatialIndex )
                QgsFeature f;
                f.setFeatureId( mFile->recordId() );
                f.setGeometry( geom );
                mSpatialIndex->insertFeature( f );
                // Feature now has ownership of geometry, so set to null
                // here to avoid deleting twice.
                geom = 0;
              geomValid = false;
          if ( geom ) delete geom;
          geomValid = false;
          recordInvalidLine( tr( "Invalid WKT at line %1" ) );
    else if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsXy )
      // Get the x and y values, first checking to make sure they
      // aren't null.

      QString sX = mXFieldIndex < parts.size() ? parts[mXFieldIndex] : "";
      QString sY = mYFieldIndex < parts.size() ? parts[mYFieldIndex] : "";
      if ( sX.isEmpty() && sY.isEmpty() )
        geomValid = false;
        QgsPoint pt;
        bool ok = pointFromXY( sX, sY, pt, mDecimalPoint, mXyDms );

        if ( ok )
          if ( mNumberFeatures > 0 )
            mExtent.combineExtentWith( pt.x(), pt.y() );
            // Extent for the first point is just the first point
            mExtent.set( pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.x(), pt.y() );
            mWkbType = QGis::WKBPoint;
            mGeometryType = QGis::Point;
          if ( buildSpatialIndex && qIsFinite( pt.x() ) && qIsFinite( pt.y() ) )
            QgsFeature f;
            f.setFeatureId( mFile->recordId() );
            f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPoint( pt ) );
            mSpatialIndex->insertFeature( f );
          geomValid = false;
          recordInvalidLine( tr( "Invalid X or Y fields at line %1" ) );
      mWkbType = QGis::WKBNoGeometry;

    if ( ! geomValid ) continue;

    if ( buildSubsetIndex ) mSubsetIndex.append( mFile->recordId() );

    // If we are going to use this record, then assess the potential types of each colum

    for ( int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++ )

      QString &value = parts[i];
      // Ignore empty fields - spreadsheet generated CSV files often
      // have random empty fields at the end of a row
      if ( value.isEmpty() )

      // Expand the columns to include this non empty field if necessary

      while ( couldBeInt.size() <= i )
        isEmpty.append( true );
        couldBeInt.append( false );
        couldBeLongLong.append( false );
        couldBeDouble.append( false );

      // If this column has been empty so far then initiallize it
      // for possible types

      if ( isEmpty[i] )
        isEmpty[i] = false;
        couldBeInt[i] = true;
        couldBeLongLong[i] = true;
        couldBeDouble[i] = true;

      // Now test for still valid possible types for the field
      // Types are possible until first record which cannot be parsed

      if ( couldBeInt[i] )
        value.toInt( &couldBeInt[i] );

      if ( couldBeLongLong[i] && ! couldBeInt[i] )
        value.toLongLong( &couldBeLongLong[i] );

      if ( couldBeDouble[i] && ! couldBeLongLong[i] )
        if ( ! mDecimalPoint.isEmpty() )
          value.replace( mDecimalPoint, "." );
        value.toDouble( &couldBeDouble[i] );

  // Now create the attribute fields.  Field types are integer by preference,
  // failing that double, failing that text.

  QStringList fieldNames = mFile->fieldNames();
  mFieldCount = fieldNames.size();

  QString csvtMessage;
  QStringList csvtTypes = readCsvtFieldTypes( mFile->fileName(), &csvtMessage );

  for ( int i = 0; i < fieldNames.size(); i++ )
    // Skip over WKT field ... don't want to display in attribute table
    if ( i == mWktFieldIndex ) continue;

    // Add the field index lookup for the column
    attributeColumns.append( i );
    QVariant::Type fieldType = QVariant::String;
    QString typeName = "text";
    if ( i < csvtTypes.size() )
      if ( csvtTypes[i] == "integer" )
        fieldType = QVariant::Int;
        typeName = "integer";
      else if ( csvtTypes[i] == "long" || csvtTypes[i] == "longlong" || csvtTypes[i] == "int8" )
        fieldType = QVariant::LongLong; //QVariant doesn't support long
        typeName = "longlong";
      else if ( csvtTypes[i] == "real" || csvtTypes[i] == "double" )
        fieldType = QVariant::Double;
        typeName = "double";
    else if ( i < couldBeInt.size() )
      if ( couldBeInt[i] )
        fieldType = QVariant::Int;
        typeName = "integer";
      else if ( couldBeLongLong[i] )
        fieldType = QVariant::LongLong;
        typeName = "longlong";
      else if ( couldBeDouble[i] )
        fieldType = QVariant::Double;
        typeName = "double";
    attributeFields.append( QgsField( fieldNames[i], fieldType, typeName ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Field count for the delimited text file is " + QString::number( attributeFields.size() ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( "geometry type is: " + QString::number( mWkbType ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( "feature count is: " + QString::number( mNumberFeatures ) );

  QStringList warnings;
  if ( ! csvtMessage.isEmpty() ) warnings.append( csvtMessage );
  if ( nBadFormatRecords > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to invalid format" ).arg( nBadFormatRecords ) );
  if ( nEmptyGeometry > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to missing geometry definitions" ).arg( nEmptyGeometry ) );
  if ( nInvalidGeometry > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions" ).arg( nInvalidGeometry ) );
  if ( nIncompatibleGeometry > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry types" ).arg( nIncompatibleGeometry ) );

  reportErrors( warnings );

  // Decide whether to use subset ids to index records rather than simple iteration through all
  // If more than 10% of records are being skipped, then use index.  (Not based on any experimentation,
  // could do with some analysis?)

  if ( buildSubsetIndex )
    long recordCount = mFile->recordCount();
    recordCount -= recordCount / SUBSET_ID_THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
    mUseSubsetIndex = mSubsetIndex.size() < recordCount;
    if ( ! mUseSubsetIndex ) mSubsetIndex = QList<quintptr>();

  mUseSpatialIndex = buildSpatialIndex;

  mValid = mGeometryType != QGis::UnknownGeometry;
  mLayerValid = mValid;

  // If it is valid, then watch for changes to the file
  connect( mFile, SIGNAL( fileUpdated() ), this, SLOT( onFileUpdated() ) );

Ejemplo n.º 17
QgsVector::QgsVector( const QgsPoint &p ) : m_x( p.x() ), m_y( p.y() )
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool QgsMapRendererJob::reprojectToLayerExtent( const QgsMapLayer *ml, const QgsCoordinateTransform& ct, QgsRectangle &extent, QgsRectangle &r2 )
  bool split = false;

    // QgsLogger::debug<QgsRectangle>("Getting extent of canvas in layers CS. Canvas is ", extent, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    // Split the extent into two if the source CRS is
    // geographic and the extent crosses the split in
    // geographic coordinates (usually +/- 180 degrees,
    // and is assumed to be so here), and draw each
    // extent separately.
    static const double SPLIT_COORD = 180.0;

    if ( ml->crs().isGeographic() )
      if ( ml->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer && !ct.destinationCrs().isGeographic() )
        // if we transform from a projected coordinate system check
        // check if transforming back roughly returns the input
        // extend - otherwise render the world.
        QgsRectangle extent1 = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );
        QgsRectangle extent2 = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent1, QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform );

        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "\n0:%1 %2x%3\n1:%4\n2:%5 %6x%7 (w:%8 h:%9)" )
                          .arg( extent.toString() ).arg( extent.width() ).arg( extent.height() )
                          .arg( extent1.toString(), extent2.toString() ).arg( extent2.width() ).arg( extent2.height() )
                          .arg( fabs( 1.0 - extent2.width() / extent.width() ) )
                          .arg( fabs( 1.0 - extent2.height() / extent.height() ) )
                          , 3 );

        if ( fabs( 1.0 - extent2.width() / extent.width() ) < 0.5 &&
             fabs( 1.0 - extent2.height() / extent.height() ) < 0.5 )
          extent = extent1;
          extent = QgsRectangle( -180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0 );
        // Note: ll = lower left point
        QgsPoint ll = ct.transform( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum(),
                                    QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        //   and ur = upper right point
        QgsPoint ur = ct.transform( extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum(),
                                    QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "in:%1 (ll:%2 ur:%3)" ).arg( extent.toString(), ll.toString(), ur.toString() ) );

        extent = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "out:%1 (w:%2 h:%3)" ).arg( extent.toString() ).arg( extent.width() ).arg( extent.height() ) );

        if ( ll.x() > ur.x() )
          // the coordinates projected in reverse order than what one would expect.
          // we are probably looking at an area that includes longitude of 180 degrees.
          // we need to take into account coordinates from two intervals: (-180,x1) and (x2,180)
          // so let's use (-180,180). This hopefully does not add too much overhead. It is
          // more straightforward than rendering with two separate extents and more consistent
          // for rendering, labeling and caching as everything is rendered just in one go
          extent.setXMinimum( -SPLIT_COORD );
          extent.setXMaximum( SPLIT_COORD );

      // TODO: the above rule still does not help if using a projection that covers the whole
      // world. E.g. with EPSG:3857 the longitude spectrum -180 to +180 is mapped to approx.
      // -2e7 to +2e7. Converting extent from -5e7 to +5e7 is transformed as -90 to +90,
      // but in fact the extent should cover the whole world.
    else // can't cross 180
      if ( ct.destinationCrs().isGeographic() &&
           ( extent.xMinimum() <= -180 || extent.xMaximum() >= 180 ||
             extent.yMinimum() <=  -90 || extent.yMaximum() >=  90 ) )
        // Use unlimited rectangle because otherwise we may end up transforming wrong coordinates.
        // E.g. longitude -200 to +160 would be understood as +40 to +160 due to periodicity.
        // We could try to clamp coords to (-180,180) for lon resp. (-90,90) for lat,
        // but this seems like a safer choice.
        extent = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
        extent = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Transform error caught" );
    extent = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
    r2     = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );

  return split;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int QgsPoint::onSegment( const QgsPoint& a, const QgsPoint& b ) const
  //algorithm from 'graphics GEMS', A. Paeth: 'A Fast 2D Point-on-line test'
  if (
    qAbs(( b.y() - a.y() ) *( m_x - a.x() ) - ( m_y - a.y() ) *( b.x() - a.x() ) )
    >= qMax( qAbs( b.x() - a.x() ), qAbs( b.y() - a.y() ) )
    return 0;
  if (( b.x() < a.x() && a.x() < m_x ) || ( b.y() < a.y() && a.y() < m_y ) )
    return 1;
  if (( m_x < a.x() && a.x() < b.x() ) || ( m_y < a.y() && a.y() < b.y() ) )
    return 1;
  if (( a.x() < b.x() && b.x() < m_x ) || ( a.y() < b.y() && b.y() < m_y ) )
    return 3;
  if (( m_x < b.x() && b.x() < a.x() ) || ( m_y < b.y() && b.y() < a.y() ) )
    return 3;

  return 2;
Ejemplo n.º 20
QgsRasterLayerRenderer::QgsRasterLayerRenderer( QgsRasterLayer* layer, QgsRenderContext& rendererContext )
    : QgsMapLayerRenderer( layer->id() )
    , mRasterViewPort( nullptr )
    , mPipe( nullptr )
    , mContext( rendererContext )
    , mFeedback( new Feedback( this ) )
  mPainter = rendererContext.painter();
  const QgsMapToPixel& theQgsMapToPixel = rendererContext.mapToPixel();
  mMapToPixel = &theQgsMapToPixel;

  QgsMapToPixel mapToPixel = theQgsMapToPixel;
  if ( mapToPixel.mapRotation() )
    // unset rotation for the sake of local computations.
    // Rotation will be handled by QPainter later
    // TODO: provide a method of QgsMapToPixel to fetch map center
    //       in geographical units
    QgsPoint center = mapToPixel.toMapCoordinates(
                        mapToPixel.mapWidth() / 2.0,
                        mapToPixel.mapHeight() / 2.0
    mapToPixel.setMapRotation( 0, center.x(), center.y() );

  QgsRectangle myProjectedViewExtent;
  QgsRectangle myProjectedLayerExtent;

  if ( rendererContext.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "coordinateTransform set -> project extents.", 4 );
      myProjectedViewExtent = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().transformBoundingBox( rendererContext.extent() );
    catch ( QgsCsException &cs )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Could not reproject view extent: %1" ).arg( cs.what() ), QObject::tr( "Raster" ) );

      myProjectedLayerExtent = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().transformBoundingBox( layer->extent() );
    catch ( QgsCsException &cs )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Could not reproject layer extent: %1" ).arg( cs.what() ), QObject::tr( "Raster" ) );
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "coordinateTransform not set", 4 );
    myProjectedViewExtent = rendererContext.extent();
    myProjectedLayerExtent = layer->extent();

  // clip raster extent to view extent
  QgsRectangle myRasterExtent = myProjectedViewExtent.intersect( &myProjectedLayerExtent );
  if ( myRasterExtent.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "draw request outside view extent." );
    // nothing to do

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "theViewExtent is " + rendererContext.extent().toString(), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myProjectedViewExtent is " + myProjectedViewExtent.toString(), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myProjectedLayerExtent is " + myProjectedLayerExtent.toString(), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myRasterExtent is " + myRasterExtent.toString(), 4 );

  // The first thing we do is set up the QgsRasterViewPort. This struct stores all the settings
  // relating to the size (in pixels and coordinate system units) of the raster part that is
  // in view in the map window. It also stores the origin.
  //this is not a class level member because every time the user pans or zooms
  //the contents of the rasterViewPort will change
  mRasterViewPort = new QgsRasterViewPort();

  mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent = myRasterExtent;
  if ( rendererContext.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS = layer->crs();
    mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().destinationCrs();
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcDatumTransform = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().sourceDatumTransform();
    mRasterViewPort->mDestDatumTransform = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().destinationDatumTransform();
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // will be invalid
    mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // will be invalid
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcDatumTransform = -1;
    mRasterViewPort->mDestDatumTransform = -1;

  // get dimensions of clipped raster image in device coordinate space (this is the size of the viewport)
  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint = mapToPixel.transform( myRasterExtent.xMinimum(), myRasterExtent.yMaximum() );
  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint = mapToPixel.transform( myRasterExtent.xMaximum(), myRasterExtent.yMinimum() );

  // align to output device grid, i.e. floor/ceil to integers
  // TODO: this should only be done if paint device is raster - screen, image
  // for other devices (pdf) it can have floating point origin
  // we could use floating point for raster devices as well, but respecting the
  // output device grid should make it more effective as the resampling is done in
  // the provider anyway
  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.setX( floor( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ) );
  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.setY( floor( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ) );
  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.setX( ceil( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() ) );
  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.setY( ceil( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ) );
  // recalc myRasterExtent to aligned values
    mapToPixel.toMapCoordinatesF( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x(),
                                  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ),
    mapToPixel.toMapCoordinatesF( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x(),
                                  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() )

  //raster viewport top left / bottom right are already rounded to int
  mRasterViewPort->mWidth = static_cast<int>( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() - mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() );
  mRasterViewPort->mHeight = static_cast<int>( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() - mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() );

  //the drawable area can start to get very very large when you get down displaying 2x2 or smaller, this is because
  //mapToPixel.mapUnitsPerPixel() is less then 1,
  //so we will just get the pixel data and then render these special cases differently in paintImageToCanvas()

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mapUnitsPerPixel = %1" ).arg( mapToPixel.mapUnitsPerPixel() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mWidth = %1" ).arg( layer->width() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mHeight = %1" ).arg( layer->height() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.xMinimum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.xMinimum() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.xMaximum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.xMaximum() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.yMinimum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.yMinimum() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.yMaximum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.yMaximum() ), 3 );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mTopLeftPoint.x() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mBottomRightPoint.x() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mTopLeftPoint.y() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mBottomRightPoint.y() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ), 3 );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mWidth = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mWidth ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mHeight = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mHeight ), 3 );

  // /\/\/\ - added to handle zoomed-in rasters

  // TODO R->mLastViewPort = *mRasterViewPort;

  // TODO: is it necessary? Probably WMS only?
  layer->dataProvider()->setDpi( 25.4 * rendererContext.scaleFactor() );

  // copy the whole raster pipe!
  mPipe = new QgsRasterPipe( *layer->pipe() );
  QgsRasterRenderer* rasterRenderer = mPipe->renderer();
  if ( rasterRenderer )
    layer->refreshRendererIfNeeded( rasterRenderer, rendererContext.extent() );
Ejemplo n.º 21
double QgsDistanceArea::computeDistanceBearing(
  const QgsPoint& p1, const QgsPoint& p2,
  double* course1, double* course2 )
  if ( p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y() )
    return 0;

  // ellipsoid
  double a = mSemiMajor;
  double b = mSemiMinor;
  double f = 1 / mInvFlattening;

  double p1_lat = DEG2RAD( p1.y() ), p1_lon = DEG2RAD( p1.x() );
  double p2_lat = DEG2RAD( p2.y() ), p2_lon = DEG2RAD( p2.x() );

  double L = p2_lon - p1_lon;
  double U1 = atan(( 1 - f ) * tan( p1_lat ) );
  double U2 = atan(( 1 - f ) * tan( p2_lat ) );
  double sinU1 = sin( U1 ), cosU1 = cos( U1 );
  double sinU2 = sin( U2 ), cosU2 = cos( U2 );
  double lambda = L;
  double lambdaP = 2 * M_PI;

  double sinLambda = 0;
  double cosLambda = 0;
  double sinSigma = 0;
  double cosSigma = 0;
  double sigma = 0;
  double alpha = 0;
  double cosSqAlpha = 0;
  double cos2SigmaM = 0;
  double C = 0;
  double tu1 = 0;
  double tu2 = 0;

  int iterLimit = 20;
  while ( qAbs( lambda - lambdaP ) > 1e-12 && --iterLimit > 0 )
    sinLambda = sin( lambda );
    cosLambda = cos( lambda );
    tu1 = ( cosU2 * sinLambda );
    tu2 = ( cosU1 * sinU2 - sinU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda );
    sinSigma = sqrt( tu1 * tu1 + tu2 * tu2 );
    cosSigma = sinU1 * sinU2 + cosU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda;
    sigma = atan2( sinSigma, cosSigma );
    alpha = asin( cosU1 * cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma );
    cosSqAlpha = cos( alpha ) * cos( alpha );
    cos2SigmaM = cosSigma - 2 * sinU1 * sinU2 / cosSqAlpha;
    C = f / 16 * cosSqAlpha * ( 4 + f * ( 4 - 3 * cosSqAlpha ) );
    lambdaP = lambda;
    lambda = L + ( 1 - C ) * f * sin( alpha ) *
             ( sigma + C * sinSigma * ( cos2SigmaM + C * cosSigma * ( -1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM ) ) );

  if ( iterLimit == 0 )
    return -1;  // formula failed to converge

  double uSq = cosSqAlpha * ( a * a - b * b ) / ( b * b );
  double A = 1 + uSq / 16384 * ( 4096 + uSq * ( -768 + uSq * ( 320 - 175 * uSq ) ) );
  double B = uSq / 1024 * ( 256 + uSq * ( -128 + uSq * ( 74 - 47 * uSq ) ) );
  double deltaSigma = B * sinSigma * ( cos2SigmaM + B / 4 * ( cosSigma * ( -1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM ) -
                                       B / 6 * cos2SigmaM * ( -3 + 4 * sinSigma * sinSigma ) * ( -3 + 4 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM ) ) );
  double s = b * A * ( sigma - deltaSigma );

  if ( course1 )
    *course1 = atan2( tu1, tu2 );
  if ( course2 )
    // PI is added to return azimuth from P2 to P1
    *course2 = atan2( cosU1 * sinLambda, -sinU1 * cosU2 + cosU1 * sinU2 * cosLambda ) + M_PI;

  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void QgsTessellator::addPolygon( const QgsPolygon &polygon, float extrusionHeight )
  const QgsCurve *exterior = polygon.exteriorRing();

  const QVector3D pNormal = _calculateNormal( exterior, mOriginX, mOriginY, mInvertNormals );
  const int pCount = exterior->numPoints();

  if ( pCount == 4 && polygon.numInteriorRings() == 0 )
    // polygon is a triangle - write vertices to the output data array without triangulation
    QgsPoint pt;
    QgsVertexId::VertexType vt;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
      exterior->pointAt( i, pt, vt );
      mData << pt.x() - mOriginX << pt.z() << - pt.y() + mOriginY;
      if ( mAddNormals )
        mData << pNormal.x() << pNormal.z() << - pNormal.y();

    if ( mAddBackFaces )
      // the same triangle with reversed order of coordinates and inverted normal
      for ( int i = 2; i >= 0; i-- )
        exterior->pointAt( i, pt, vt );
        mData << pt.x() - mOriginX << pt.z() << - pt.y() + mOriginY;
        if ( mAddNormals )
          mData << -pNormal.x() << -pNormal.z() << pNormal.y();
    if ( !qgsDoubleNear( pNormal.length(), 1, 0.001 ) )
      return;  // this should not happen - pNormal should be normalized to unit length

    std::unique_ptr<QMatrix4x4> toNewBase, toOldBase;
    if ( pNormal != QVector3D( 0, 0, 1 ) )
      // this is not a horizontal plane - need to reproject the polygon to a new base so that
      // we can do the triangulation in a plane

      QVector3D pXVector, pYVector;
      _normalVectorToXYVectors( pNormal, pXVector, pYVector );

      // so now we have three orthogonal unit vectors defining new base
      // let's build transform matrix. We actually need just a 3x3 matrix,
      // but Qt does not have good support for it, so using 4x4 matrix instead.
      toNewBase.reset( new QMatrix4x4(
                         pXVector.x(), pXVector.y(), pXVector.z(), 0,
                         pYVector.x(), pYVector.y(), pYVector.z(), 0,
                         pNormal.x(), pNormal.y(), pNormal.z(), 0,
                         0, 0, 0, 0 ) );

      // our 3x3 matrix is orthogonal, so for inverse we only need to transpose it
      toOldBase.reset( new QMatrix4x4( toNewBase->transposed() ) );

    const QgsPoint ptStart( exterior->startPoint() );
    const QgsPoint pt0( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, ptStart.x(), ptStart.y(), std::isnan( ptStart.z() ) ? 0 : ptStart.z() );

    // subtract ptFirst from geometry for better numerical stability in triangulation
    // and apply new 3D vector base if the polygon is not horizontal
    std::unique_ptr<QgsPolygon> polygonNew( _transform_polygon_to_new_base( polygon, pt0, toNewBase.get() ) );

    if ( _minimum_distance_between_coordinates( *polygonNew ) < 0.001 )
      // when the distances between coordinates of input points are very small,
      // the triangulation likes to crash on numerical errors - when the distances are ~ 1e-5
      // Assuming that the coordinates should be in a projected CRS, we should be able
      // to simplify geometries that may cause problems and avoid possible crashes
      QgsGeometry polygonSimplified = QgsGeometry( polygonNew->clone() ).simplify( 0.001 );
      const QgsPolygon *polygonSimplifiedData = qgsgeometry_cast<const QgsPolygon *>( polygonSimplified.constGet() );
      if ( _minimum_distance_between_coordinates( *polygonSimplifiedData ) < 0.001 )
        // Failed to fix that. It could be a really tiny geometry... or maybe they gave us
        // geometry in unprojected lat/lon coordinates
        QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "geometry's coordinates are too close to each other and simplification failed - skipping" ), QObject::tr( "3D" ) );
        polygonNew.reset( polygonSimplifiedData->clone() );

    if ( !_check_intersecting_rings( *polygonNew.get() ) )
      // skip the polygon - it would cause a crash inside poly2tri library
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "polygon rings self-intersect or intersect each other - skipping" ), QObject::tr( "3D" ) );

    QList< std::vector<p2t::Point *> > polylinesToDelete;
    QHash<p2t::Point *, float> z;

    // polygon exterior
    std::vector<p2t::Point *> polyline;
    _ringToPoly2tri( polygonNew->exteriorRing(), polyline, z );
    polylinesToDelete << polyline;

    std::unique_ptr<p2t::CDT> cdt( new p2t::CDT( polyline ) );

    // polygon holes
    for ( int i = 0; i < polygonNew->numInteriorRings(); ++i )
      std::vector<p2t::Point *> holePolyline;
      const QgsCurve *hole = polygonNew->interiorRing( i );

      _ringToPoly2tri( hole, holePolyline, z );

      cdt->AddHole( holePolyline );
      polylinesToDelete << holePolyline;

    // run triangulation and write vertices to the output data array

      std::vector<p2t::Triangle *> triangles = cdt->GetTriangles();

      for ( size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); ++i )
        p2t::Triangle *t = triangles[i];
        for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
          p2t::Point *p = t->GetPoint( j );
          QVector4D pt( p->x, p->y, z[p], 0 );
          if ( toOldBase )
            pt = *toOldBase * pt;
          const double fx = pt.x() - mOriginX + pt0.x();
          const double fy = pt.y() - mOriginY + pt0.y();
          const double fz = pt.z() + extrusionHeight + pt0.z();
          mData << fx << fz << -fy;
          if ( mAddNormals )
            mData << pNormal.x() << pNormal.z() << - pNormal.y();

        if ( mAddBackFaces )
          // the same triangle with reversed order of coordinates and inverted normal
          for ( int j = 2; j >= 0; --j )
            p2t::Point *p = t->GetPoint( j );
            QVector4D pt( p->x, p->y, z[p], 0 );
            if ( toOldBase )
              pt = *toOldBase * pt;
            const double fx = pt.x() - mOriginX + pt0.x();
            const double fy = pt.y() - mOriginY + pt0.y();
            const double fz = pt.z() + extrusionHeight + pt0.z();
            mData << fx << fz << -fy;
            if ( mAddNormals )
              mData << -pNormal.x() << -pNormal.z() << pNormal.y();
    catch ( ... )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Triangulation failed. Skipping polygon…" ), QObject::tr( "3D" ) );

    for ( int i = 0; i < polylinesToDelete.count(); ++i )
      qDeleteAll( polylinesToDelete[i] );

  // add walls if extrusion is enabled
  if ( extrusionHeight != 0 )
    _makeWalls( *exterior, false, extrusionHeight, mData, mAddNormals, mOriginX, mOriginY );

    for ( int i = 0; i < polygon.numInteriorRings(); ++i )
      _makeWalls( *polygon.interiorRing( i ), true, extrusionHeight, mData, mAddNormals, mOriginX, mOriginY );
Ejemplo n.º 23
void QgsPalLabeling::registerDiagramFeature( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsFeature& feat, const QgsRenderContext& context )
  //get diagram layer settings, diagram renderer
  QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsDiagramLayerSettings>::iterator layerIt = mActiveDiagramLayers.find( layer );
  if ( layerIt == mActiveDiagramLayers.constEnd() )

  //convert geom to geos
  QgsGeometry* geom = feat.geometry();

  if ( layerIt.value().ct && !willUseLayer( layer ) ) // reproject the geometry if feature not already transformed for labeling
    geom->transform( *( layerIt.value().ct ) );

  GEOSGeometry* geos_geom = geom->asGeos();
  if ( geos_geom == 0 )
    return; // invalid geometry

  //create PALGeometry with diagram = true
  QgsPalGeometry* lbl = new QgsPalGeometry( feat.id(), "", GEOSGeom_clone( geos_geom ) );
  lbl->setIsDiagram( true );

  // record the created geometry - it will be deleted at the end.
  layerIt.value().geometries.append( lbl );

  double diagramWidth = 0;
  double diagramHeight = 0;
  QgsDiagramRendererV2* dr = layerIt.value().renderer;
  if ( dr )
    QSizeF diagSize = dr->sizeMapUnits( feat.attributeMap(), context );
    if ( diagSize.isValid() )
      diagramWidth = diagSize.width();
      diagramHeight = diagSize.height();

    //append the diagram attributes to lbl
    QList<int> diagramAttrib = dr->diagramAttributes();
    QList<int>::const_iterator diagAttIt = diagramAttrib.constBegin();
    for ( ; diagAttIt != diagramAttrib.constEnd(); ++diagAttIt )
      lbl->addDiagramAttribute( *diagAttIt, feat.attributeMap()[*diagAttIt] );

  // register feature to the layer
  int ddColX = layerIt.value().xPosColumn;
  int ddColY = layerIt.value().yPosColumn;
  double ddPosX = 0.0;
  double ddPosY = 0.0;
  bool ddPos = ( ddColX >= 0 && ddColY >= 0 );
  if ( ddPos )
    bool posXOk, posYOk;
    //data defined diagram position is always centered
    ddPosX = feat.attributeMap()[ddColX].toDouble( &posXOk ) - diagramWidth / 2.0;
    ddPosY = feat.attributeMap()[ddColY].toDouble( &posYOk ) - diagramHeight / 2.0;
    if ( !posXOk || !posYOk )
      ddPos = false;
      const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = layerIt.value().ct;
      if ( ct )
        double z = 0;
        ct->transformInPlace( ddPosX, ddPosY, z );

    if ( !layerIt.value().palLayer->registerFeature( lbl->strId(), lbl, diagramWidth, diagramHeight, "", ddPosX, ddPosY, ddPos ) )
  catch ( std::exception &e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Ignoring feature %1 due PAL exception: " ).arg( feat.id() ) + QString::fromLatin1( e.what() ) );

  pal::Feature* palFeat = layerIt.value().palLayer->getFeature( lbl->strId() );
  QgsPoint ptZero = layerIt.value().xform->toMapCoordinates( 0, 0 );
  QgsPoint ptOne = layerIt.value().xform->toMapCoordinates( 1, 0 );
  palFeat->setDistLabel( qAbs( ptOne.x() - ptZero.x() ) * layerIt.value().dist );
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool QgsMapToolLabel::rotationPoint( QgsPoint& pos, bool ignoreUpsideDown, bool rotatingUnpinned )
  QVector<QgsPoint> cornerPoints = mCurrentLabelPos.cornerPoints;
  if ( cornerPoints.size() < 4 )
    return false;

  if ( mCurrentLabelPos.upsideDown && !ignoreUpsideDown )
    pos = cornerPoints.at( 2 );
    pos = cornerPoints.at( 0 );

  //alignment always center/center and rotation 0 for diagrams
  if ( mCurrentLabelPos.isDiagram )
    pos.setX( pos.x() + mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect.width() / 2.0 );
    pos.setY( pos.y() + mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect.height() / 2.0 );
    return true;

  //adapt pos depending on data defined alignment
  QString haliString, valiString;
  currentAlignment( haliString, valiString );

  // rotate unpinned labels (i.e. no hali/vali settings) as if hali/vali was Center/Half
  if ( rotatingUnpinned )
    haliString = "Center";
    valiString = "Half";

//  QFont labelFont = labelFontCurrentFeature();
  QFontMetricsF labelFontMetrics( mCurrentLabelPos.labelFont );

  // NOTE: this assumes the label corner points comprise a rectangle and that the
  //       CRS supports equidistant measurements to accurately determine hypotenuse
  QgsPoint cp_0 = cornerPoints.at( 0 );
  QgsPoint cp_1 = cornerPoints.at( 1 );
  QgsPoint cp_3 = cornerPoints.at( 3 );
  //  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "cp_0: x=%1, y=%2" ).arg( cp_0.x() ).arg( cp_0.y() ) );
  //  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "cp_1: x=%1, y=%2" ).arg( cp_1.x() ).arg( cp_1.y() ) );
  //  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "cp_3: x=%1, y=%2" ).arg( cp_3.x() ).arg( cp_3.y() ) );
  double labelSizeX = qSqrt( cp_0.sqrDist( cp_1 ) );
  double labelSizeY = qSqrt( cp_0.sqrDist( cp_3 ) );

  double xdiff = 0;
  double ydiff = 0;

  if ( haliString.compare( "Center", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
    xdiff = labelSizeX / 2.0;
  else if ( haliString.compare( "Right", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
    xdiff = labelSizeX;

  if ( valiString.compare( "Top", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || valiString.compare( "Cap", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
    ydiff = labelSizeY;
    double descentRatio = 1 / labelFontMetrics.ascent() / labelFontMetrics.height();
    if ( valiString.compare( "Base", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      ydiff = labelSizeY * descentRatio;
    else if ( valiString.compare( "Half", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      ydiff = labelSizeY * 0.5 * ( 1 - descentRatio );

  double angle = mCurrentLabelPos.rotation;
  double xd = xdiff * cos( angle ) - ydiff * sin( angle );
  double yd = xdiff * sin( angle ) + ydiff * cos( angle );
  if ( mCurrentLabelPos.upsideDown && !ignoreUpsideDown )
    pos.setX( pos.x() - xd );
    pos.setY( pos.y() - yd );
    pos.setX( pos.x() + xd );
    pos.setY( pos.y() + yd );
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
void QgsResidualPlotItem::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* itemStyle, QWidget* pWidget )
  Q_UNUSED( itemStyle );
  Q_UNUSED( pWidget );
  if ( mGCPList.size() < 1 || !painter )

  double widthMM = rect().width();
  double heightMM = rect().height();

  QPen enabledPen( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 0.3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin );
  QPen disabledPen( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 85 ), 0.2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin );
  QBrush enabledBrush( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
  QBrush disabledBrush( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 127 ) );

  //draw all points and collect minimal mm/pixel ratio
  double minMMPixelRatio = DBL_MAX;
  double mmPixelRatio = 1;

  painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

  QgsGCPList::const_iterator gcpIt = mGCPList.constBegin();
  for ( ; gcpIt != mGCPList.constEnd(); ++gcpIt )
    QgsPoint gcpCoords = ( *gcpIt )->pixelCoords();
    double gcpItemMMX = ( gcpCoords.x() - mExtent.xMinimum() ) / mExtent.width() * widthMM;
    double gcpItemMMY = ( 1 - ( gcpCoords.y() - mExtent.yMinimum() ) / mExtent.height() ) * heightMM;

    if (( *gcpIt )->isEnabled() )
      painter->setPen( enabledPen );
      painter->setBrush( enabledBrush );
      painter->setPen( disabledPen );
      painter->setBrush( disabledBrush );
    painter->drawRect( QRectF( gcpItemMMX - 0.5, gcpItemMMY - 0.5, 1, 1 ) );
    drawText( painter, gcpItemMMX + 2, gcpItemMMY + 2, QString::number(( *gcpIt )->id() ), QFont() );

    mmPixelRatio = maxMMToPixelRatioForGCP( *gcpIt, gcpItemMMX, gcpItemMMY );
    if ( mmPixelRatio < minMMPixelRatio )
      minMMPixelRatio = mmPixelRatio;

  //draw residual arrows
  gcpIt = mGCPList.constBegin();
  for ( ; gcpIt != mGCPList.constEnd(); ++gcpIt )
    QgsPoint gcpCoords = ( *gcpIt )->pixelCoords();
    double gcpItemMMX = ( gcpCoords.x() - mExtent.xMinimum() ) / mExtent.width() * widthMM;
    double gcpItemMMY = ( 1 - ( gcpCoords.y() - mExtent.yMinimum() ) / mExtent.height() ) * heightMM;
    if (( *gcpIt )->isEnabled() )
      painter->setPen( enabledPen );
      painter->setPen( disabledPen );

    QPointF p1( gcpItemMMX, gcpItemMMY );
    QPointF p2( gcpItemMMX + ( *gcpIt )->residual().x() * minMMPixelRatio, gcpItemMMY + ( *gcpIt )->residual().y() * minMMPixelRatio );
    painter->drawLine( p1, p2 );
    painter->setBrush( QBrush( painter->pen().color() ) );
    QgsComposerUtils::drawArrowHead( painter, p2.x(), p2.y(), QgsComposerUtils::angle( p1, p2 ), 1 );

  //draw scale bar
  double initialScaleBarWidth = rect().width() / 5;
  double scaleBarWidthUnits = rect().width() / 5 / minMMPixelRatio;

  //a simple method to round to next nice number
  int nDecPlaces;
  if ( scaleBarWidthUnits < 1 )
    nDecPlaces = -floor( log10( scaleBarWidthUnits ) );
    scaleBarWidthUnits *= pow( 10.0, nDecPlaces );
    scaleBarWidthUnits = ( int )( scaleBarWidthUnits + 0.5 );
    scaleBarWidthUnits /= pow( 10.0, nDecPlaces );
    nDecPlaces = ( int )log10( scaleBarWidthUnits );
    scaleBarWidthUnits /= pow( 10.0, nDecPlaces );
    scaleBarWidthUnits = ( int )( scaleBarWidthUnits + 0.5 );
    scaleBarWidthUnits *= pow( 10.0, nDecPlaces );
  initialScaleBarWidth = scaleBarWidthUnits * minMMPixelRatio;

  painter->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
  painter->drawLine( QPointF( 5, rect().height() - 5 ), QPointF( 5 + initialScaleBarWidth, rect().height() - 5 ) );
  painter->drawLine( QPointF( 5, rect().height() - 5 ), QPointF( 5, rect().height() - 7 ) );
  painter->drawLine( QPointF( 5 + initialScaleBarWidth, rect().height() - 5 ), QPointF( 5 + initialScaleBarWidth, rect().height() - 7 ) );
  QFont scaleBarFont;
  scaleBarFont.setPointSize( 9 );
  if ( mConvertScaleToMapUnits )
    drawText( painter, 5, rect().height() - 4 + fontAscentMillimeters( scaleBarFont ), QString( "%1 map units" ).arg( scaleBarWidthUnits ), QFont() );
    drawText( painter, 5, rect().height() - 4 + fontAscentMillimeters( scaleBarFont ), QString( "%1 pixels" ).arg( scaleBarWidthUnits ), QFont() );

  drawFrame( painter );
  if ( isSelected() )
    drawSelectionBoxes( painter );
Ejemplo n.º 26
double QgsDistanceArea::computeDistanceFlat( const QgsPoint& p1, const QgsPoint& p2 ) const
  return sqrt(( p2.x() - p1.x() ) * ( p2.x() - p1.x() ) + ( p2.y() - p1.y() ) * ( p2.y() - p1.y() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 27
QMap< QString, QString > QgsMapToolIdentify::featureDerivedAttributes( QgsFeature *feature, QgsMapLayer *layer )
  // Calculate derived attributes and insert:
  // measure distance or area depending on geometry type
  QMap< QString, QString > derivedAttributes;

  // init distance/area calculator
  QString ellipsoid = QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "Measure", "/Ellipsoid", GEO_NONE );
  QgsDistanceArea calc;
  calc.setEllipsoidalMode( mCanvas->hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
  calc.setEllipsoid( ellipsoid );
  calc.setSourceCrs( layer->crs().srsid() );

  QGis::WkbType wkbType = QGis::WKBNoGeometry;
  QGis::GeometryType geometryType = QGis::NoGeometry;

  if ( feature->geometry() )
    geometryType = feature->geometry()->type();
    wkbType = feature->geometry()->wkbType();

  if ( geometryType == QGis::Line )
    double dist = calc.measure( feature->geometry() );
    QGis::UnitType myDisplayUnits;
    convertMeasurement( calc, dist, myDisplayUnits, false );
    QString str = calc.textUnit( dist, 3, myDisplayUnits, false );  // dist and myDisplayUnits are out params
    derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "Length" ), str );
    if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBLineString || wkbType == QGis::WKBLineString25D )
      // Add the start and end points in as derived attributes
      QgsPoint pnt = mCanvas->mapRenderer()->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, feature->geometry()->asPolyline().first() );
      str = QLocale::system().toString( pnt.x(), 'g', 10 );
      derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "firstX", "attributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this one" ), str );
      str = QLocale::system().toString( pnt.y(), 'g', 10 );
      derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "firstY" ), str );
      pnt = mCanvas->mapRenderer()->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, feature->geometry()->asPolyline().last() );
      str = QLocale::system().toString( pnt.x(), 'g', 10 );
      derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "lastX", "attributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this one" ), str );
      str = QLocale::system().toString( pnt.y(), 'g', 10 );
      derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "lastY" ), str );
  else if ( geometryType == QGis::Polygon )
    double area = calc.measure( feature->geometry() );
    double perimeter = calc.measurePerimeter( feature->geometry() );
    QGis::UnitType myDisplayUnits;
    convertMeasurement( calc, area, myDisplayUnits, true );  // area and myDisplayUnits are out params
    QString str = calc.textUnit( area, 3, myDisplayUnits, true );
    derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "Area" ), str );
    convertMeasurement( calc, perimeter, myDisplayUnits, false );  // perimeter and myDisplayUnits are out params
    str = calc.textUnit( perimeter, 3, myDisplayUnits, false );
    derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "Perimeter" ), str );
  else if ( geometryType == QGis::Point &&
            ( wkbType == QGis::WKBPoint || wkbType == QGis::WKBPoint25D ) )
    // Include the x and y coordinates of the point as a derived attribute
    QgsPoint pnt = mCanvas->mapRenderer()->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, feature->geometry()->asPoint() );
    QString str = QLocale::system().toString( pnt.x(), 'g', 10 );
    derivedAttributes.insert( "X", str );
    str = QLocale::system().toString( pnt.y(), 'g', 10 );
    derivedAttributes.insert( "Y", str );

  return derivedAttributes;
Ejemplo n.º 28
QgsPoint::QgsPoint( const QgsPoint& p )
  m_x = p.x();
  m_y = p.y();
Ejemplo n.º 29
bool QgsGeorefTransform::transformRasterToWorld( const QgsPoint &raster, QgsPoint &world )
  // flip y coordinate due to different CS orientation
  QgsPoint raster_flipped( raster.x(), -raster.y() );
  return gdal_transform( raster_flipped, world, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 30
void QgsGrassEditSplitLine::mouseClick( QgsPoint & point, Qt::MouseButton button )
  double thresh = e->threshold();

  switch ( button )
    case Qt::LeftButton:
      // Split previously selected line
      if ( e->mSelectedLine > 0 )
        e->eraseElement( e->mSelectedLine );

        int type = e->mProvider->readLine( e->mPoints, e->mCats, e->mSelectedLine );

        double xl, yl;
        Vect_line_distance( e->mPoints, e->mLastPoint.x(), e->mLastPoint.y(), 0.0, 0,
                            &xl, &yl, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

        e->mPoints->n_points = e->mSelectedPart;
        Vect_append_point( e->mPoints, xl, yl, 0.0 );
        e->mProvider->rewriteLine( e->mSelectedLine, type, e->mPoints, e->mCats );

        Vect_reset_line( e->mPoints );
        Vect_append_point( e->mPoints, xl, yl, 0.0 );
        for ( int i = e->mSelectedPart; i < e->mEditPoints->n_points; i++ )
          Vect_append_point( e->mPoints, e->mEditPoints->x[i], e->mEditPoints->y[i], 0.0 );

        e->mProvider->writeLine( type, e->mPoints, e->mCats );


        e->mSelectedLine = 0;
        Vect_reset_line( e->mEditPoints );
        e->setCanvasPrompt( tr( "Select position on line" ), "", "" );
        // Select new/next line
        e->mSelectedLine = e->mProvider->findLine( point.x(), point.y(), GV_LINES, thresh );

        if ( e->mSelectedLine )   // highlite
          e->mProvider->readLine( e->mEditPoints, NULL, e->mSelectedLine );

          e->displayElement( e->mSelectedLine, e->mSymb[QgsGrassEdit::SYMB_HIGHLIGHT], e->mSize );

          double xl, yl; // nearest point on the line

          // Note first segment is 1!
          e->mSelectedPart = Vect_line_distance( e->mEditPoints, point.x(), point.y(), 0.0, 0,
                                                 &xl, &yl, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

          e->displayDynamic( xl, yl, QgsVertexMarker::ICON_X, e->mSize );

          e->setCanvasPrompt( tr( "Split the line" ), "", tr( "Release the line" ) );
          e->setCanvasPrompt( tr( "Select point on line" ), "", "" );


    case Qt::RightButton:
      e->displayElement( e->mSelectedLine, e->mSymb[e->mLineSymb[e->mSelectedLine]], e->mSize );
      e->mSelectedLine = 0;
      Vect_reset_line( e->mEditPoints );

      e->setCanvasPrompt( tr( "Select point on line" ), "", "" );

      // ignore others