Ejemplo n.º 1
QgsGeometry QgsTransectAlgorithm::calcTransect( const QgsPoint &point, const double angleAtVertex, const double length, const QgsTransectAlgorithm::Side orientation, const double angle )
  QgsPoint pLeft; // left point of the line
  QgsPoint pRight; // right point of the line

  QgsPolyline line;

  if ( ( orientation == QgsTransectAlgorithm::Right ) || ( orientation == QgsTransectAlgorithm::Both ) )
    pLeft = point.project( length, angle + 180.0 / M_PI * angleAtVertex );
    if ( orientation != QgsTransectAlgorithm::Both )
      pRight = point;

  if ( ( orientation == QgsTransectAlgorithm::Left ) || ( orientation == QgsTransectAlgorithm::Both ) )
    pRight = point.project( -length, angle + 180.0 / M_PI * angleAtVertex );
    if ( orientation != QgsTransectAlgorithm::Both )
      pLeft = point;

  line.append( pLeft );
  line.append( pRight );

  return QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( line );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void RgShortestPathWidget::exportPath()
  RgExportDlg dlg( this );
  if ( !dlg.exec() )

  QgsVectorLayer *vl = dlg.mapLayer();
  if ( vl == NULL )

  QgsPoint p1, p2;
  QgsGraph *path = getPath( p1, p2 );
  if ( path == NULL )

  QgsCoordinateTransform ct( mPlugin->iface()->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs(),
                             vl->crs() );

  int startVertexIdx = path->findVertex( p1 );
  int stopVertexIdx  = path->findVertex( p2 );

  double time = 0.0;
  double cost = 0.0;

  Unit timeUnit = Unit::byName( mPlugin->timeUnitName() );
  Unit distanceUnit = Unit::byName( mPlugin->distanceUnitName() );

  QgsPolyline p;
  while ( startVertexIdx != stopVertexIdx )
    if ( stopVertexIdx < 0 )

    QgsGraphArcIdList l = path->vertex( stopVertexIdx ).inArc();
    if ( l.empty() )
    const QgsGraphArc& e = path->arc( l.front() );

    cost += e.property( 0 ).toDouble();
    time += e.property( 1 ).toDouble();

    p.push_front( ct.transform( path->vertex( e.inVertex() ).point() ) );
    stopVertexIdx = e.outVertex();
  p.push_front( ct.transform( p1 ) );

  QgsFeature f;
  f.initAttributes( vl->pendingFields().count() );
  f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( p ) );
  f.setAttribute( 0, cost / distanceUnit.multipler() );
  f.setAttribute( 1, time / timeUnit.multipler() );
  QgsFeatureList features;
  features << f;
  vl->dataProvider()->addFeatures( features );

  delete path;
Ejemplo n.º 3
QgsPolyline QgsRubberBand::getPolyline( const QList<QgsPoint> & points )
  QgsPolyline polyline;
  QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator iter = points.constBegin();
  for ( ; iter != points.constEnd(); ++iter )
    polyline.append( *iter );
  return polyline;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QgsHighlight::paintLine( QPainter *p, QgsPolyline line )
  QPolygonF polygon( line.size() );

  for ( int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++ )
    polygon[i] = toCanvasCoordinates( line[i] ) - pos();

  p->drawPolyline( polygon );
Ejemplo n.º 5
QgsAbstractGeometryV2* QgsGeometryImport::fromRect( const QgsRectangle& rect )
  QgsPolyline ring;
  ring.append( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  ring.append( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  ring.append( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
  ring.append( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
  ring.append( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );

  QgsPolygon polygon;
  polygon.append( ring );

  return fromPolygon( polygon );
Ejemplo n.º 6
static QVariant pointAt( const QVariantList& values, QgsFeature* f, QgsExpression* parent ) // helper function
  int idx = getIntValue( values.at( 0 ), parent );
  ENSURE_GEOM_TYPE( f, g, QGis::Line );
  QgsPolyline polyline = g->asPolyline();
  if ( idx < 0 )
    idx += polyline.count();

  if ( idx < 0 || idx >= polyline.count() )
    parent->setEvalErrorString( QObject::tr( "Index is out of range" ) );
    return QVariant();
  return QVariant( QPointF( polyline[idx].x(), polyline[idx].y() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 7
std::unique_ptr<QgsLineString> QgsGeometryFactory::linestringFromPolyline( const QgsPolyline &polyline )
  QVector< double > x;
  x.reserve( polyline.size() );
  QVector< double > y;
  y.reserve( polyline.size() );
  QgsPolyline::const_iterator it = polyline.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != polyline.constEnd(); ++it )
    x << it->x();
    y << it->y();
  std::unique_ptr< QgsLineString > line( new QgsLineString( x, y ) );
  return line;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void QgsHighlight::paintLine( QPainter *p, QgsPolyline line )
  QPolygonF polygon( line.size() );

  for ( int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++ )
    if ( mLayer )
      line[i] = mMapCanvas->mapRenderer()->layerToMapCoordinates( mLayer, line[i] );

    polygon[i] = toCanvasCoordinates( line[i] ) - pos();

  p->drawPolyline( polygon );
Ejemplo n.º 9
double QgsGrassGisLib::G_area_of_polygon( const double *x, const double *y, int n )
    QgsPolyline polyline;
    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        polyline.append( QgsPoint( x[i], y[i] ) );
    QgsPolygon polygon;
    polygon.append( polyline );
    QgsGeometry* geo = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
    double area = mDistanceArea.measure( geo );
    delete geo;
    if ( !mCrs.geographicFlag() )
        area *= qPow( G_database_units_to_meters_factor(), 2 );
    return area;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool QgsGeometryValidator::ringInRing( const QgsPolyline &inside, const QgsPolyline &outside )
  for ( int i = 0; !mStop && i < inside.size(); i++ )
    if ( !pointInRing( outside, inside[i] ) )
      return false;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
QgsPolyline QgsOSMDatabase::wayPoints( QgsOSMId id ) const
  QgsPolyline points;

  // bind the way identifier
  sqlite3_bind_int64( mStmtWayNodePoints, 1, id );

  while ( sqlite3_step( mStmtWayNodePoints ) == SQLITE_ROW )
    if ( sqlite3_column_type( mStmtWayNodePoints, 0 ) == SQLITE_NULL )
      return QgsPolyline(); // missing some nodes
    double lon = sqlite3_column_double( mStmtWayNodePoints, 0 );
    double lat = sqlite3_column_double( mStmtWayNodePoints, 1 );
    points.append( QgsPoint( lon, lat ) );

  sqlite3_reset( mStmtWayNodePoints );
  return points;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void RgShortestPathWidget::exportPath()
  RgExportDlg dlg( this );
  if ( !dlg.exec() )

  QgsVectorLayer *vl = dlg.mapLayer();
  if ( vl == NULL )

  QgsPoint p1, p2;
  QgsGraph *path = getPath( p1, p2 );
  if ( path == NULL )

  QgsCoordinateTransform ct( mPlugin->iface()->mapCanvas()->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs(),
                             vl->crs() );

  int startVertexIdx = path->findVertex( p1 );
  int stopVertexIdx  = path->findVertex( p2 );

  QgsPolyline p;
  while ( startVertexIdx != stopVertexIdx )
    QgsGraphArcIdList l = path->vertex( stopVertexIdx ).inArc();
    if ( l.empty() )
    const QgsGraphArc& e = path->arc( l.front() );
    p.push_front( ct.transform( path->vertex( e.inVertex() ).point() ) );
    stopVertexIdx = e.outVertex();
  p.push_front( ct.transform( p1 ) );

  QgsFeature f;
  f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( p ) );
  vl->addFeature( f );

  delete path;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool QgsGeometryValidator::pointInRing( const QgsPolyline &ring, const QgsPoint &p )
  bool inside = false;
  int j = ring.size() - 1;

  for ( int i = 0; !mStop && i < ring.size(); i++ )
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( ring[i].x(), p.x() ) && qgsDoubleNear( ring[i].y(), p.y() ) )
      return true;

    if (( ring[i].y() < p.y() && ring[j].y() >= p.y() ) ||
        ( ring[j].y() < p.y() && ring[i].y() >= p.y() ) )
      if ( ring[i].x() + ( p.y() - ring[i].y() ) / ( ring[j].y() - ring[i].y() )*( ring[j].x() - ring[i].x() ) <= p.x() )
        inside = !inside;

    j = i;

  return inside;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// TODO: move to geometry utils
double closestSegment( const QgsPolyline& pl, const QgsPoint& pt, int& vertexAfter, double epsilon )
  double sqrDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  const QgsPoint* pldata = pl.constData();
  int plcount = pl.count();
  double prevX = pldata[0].x(), prevY = pldata[0].y();
  double segmentPtX, segmentPtY;
  for ( int i = 1; i < plcount; ++i )
    double currentX = pldata[i].x();
    double currentY = pldata[i].y();
    double testDist = QgsGeometryUtils::sqrDistToLine( pt.x(), pt.y(), prevX, prevY, currentX, currentY, segmentPtX, segmentPtY, epsilon );
    if ( testDist < sqrDist )
      sqrDist = testDist;
      vertexAfter = i;
    prevX = currentX;
    prevY = currentY;
  return sqrDist;
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool TopolError::fixSnap()
  bool ok;
  QgsFeature f1, f2;
  FeatureLayer fl = mFeaturePairs[1];
  ok = fl.layer->getFeatures(( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( fl.feature.id() ) ) ).nextFeature( f2 );
  fl = mFeaturePairs.first();
  ok = ok && fl.layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( fl.feature.id() ) ).nextFeature( f1 );

  if ( !ok )
    return false;

  const QgsGeometry* ge = f1.constGeometry();

  QgsPolyline line = ge->asPolyline();
  line.last() = mConflict->asPolyline().last();

  QgsGeometry* newG = QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( line );
  bool ret = fl.layer->changeGeometry( f1.id(), newG );
  delete newG;

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void QgsGeometryValidator::checkRingIntersections(
  int p0, int i0, const QgsPolyline &ring0,
  int p1, int i1, const QgsPolyline &ring1 )
  for ( int i = 0; !mStop && i < ring0.size() - 1; i++ )
    QgsVector v = ring0[i+1] - ring0[i];

    for ( int j = 0; !mStop && j < ring1.size() - 1; j++ )
      QgsVector w = ring1[j+1] - ring1[j];

      QgsPoint s;
      if ( intersectLines( ring0[i], v, ring1[j], w, s ) )
        double d = -distLine2Point( ring0[i], v.perpVector(), s );

        if ( d >= 0 && d <= v.length() )
          d = -distLine2Point( ring1[j], w.perpVector(), s );
          if ( d > 0 && d < w.length() &&
               ring0[i+1] != ring1[j+1] && ring0[i+1] != ring1[j] &&
               ring0[i+0] != ring1[j+1] && ring0[i+0] != ring1[j] )
            QString msg = QObject::tr( "segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7" )
                          .arg( i0 ).arg( i ).arg( p0 )
                          .arg( i1 ).arg( j ).arg( p1 )
                          .arg( s.toString() );
            QgsDebugMsg( msg );
            emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg, s ) );
Ejemplo n.º 17
void QgsDxfExport::writePolylineAC1018( QTextStream& stream, const QgsPolyline& line, const QString& layer, const QString& lineStyleName, int color,
                                        double width, bool polygon )
  stream << "  0\n";
  stream << "LWPOLYLINE\n";
  stream << "  5\n";
  stream << QString( "%1\n" ).arg( mNextHandleId++ );
  stream << "  8\n";
  stream << layer << "\n";
  stream << "100\n";
  stream << "AcDbEntity\n";
  stream << "100\n";
  stream << "AcDbPolyline\n";

  stream << "  6\n";
  stream << QString( "%1\n" ).arg( lineStyleName );

  stream << " 62\n";
  stream << color << "\n";

  stream << " 90\n";
  stream << QString( "%1\n" ).arg( line.size() );

  stream << " 70\n";
  int type = polygon ? 1 : 0;
  stream << type << "\n";

  stream << " 43\n";
  stream << width << "\n";

  QgsPolyline::const_iterator lineIt = line.constBegin();
  for ( ; lineIt != line.constEnd(); ++lineIt )
    writeVertexAC1018( stream, *lineIt );
Ejemplo n.º 18
void QgsDxfExport::writePolyline( const QgsPolyline& line, const QString& layer, const QString& lineStyleName, int color,
                                  double width, bool polygon )
  writeGroup( 0, "POLYLINE" );
  writeGroup( 8, layer );
  writeGroup( 6, lineStyleName );
  writeGroup( 62, color );
  writeGroup( 66, 1 );
  int type = polygon ? 1 : 0;
  writeGroup( 70, type );
  if ( width > 0 ) //width -1: use default width
    writeGroup( 40, width );
    writeGroup( 41, width );

  QgsPolyline::const_iterator lineIt = line.constBegin();
  for ( ; lineIt != line.constEnd(); ++lineIt )
    writeVertex( *lineIt, layer );

  writeGroup( 0, "SEQEND" );
Ejemplo n.º 19
unsigned char* QgsGeometryAnalyzer::locateBetweenWkbString( unsigned char* ptr, QgsMultiPolyline& result, double fromMeasure, double toMeasure )
  int* nPoints = ( int* ) ptr;
  ptr += sizeof( int );
  double prevx = 0.0, prevy = 0.0, prevz = 0.0;
  double *x, *y, *z;
  QgsPolyline currentLine;

  QgsPoint pt1, pt2;
  bool measureInSegment; //true if measure is contained in the segment
  bool secondPointClipped; //true if second point is != segment endpoint

  for ( int i = 0; i < *nPoints; ++i )
    x = ( double* )ptr;
    ptr += sizeof( double );
    y = ( double* )ptr;
    ptr += sizeof( double );
    z = ( double* ) ptr;
    ptr += sizeof( double );

    if ( i > 0 )
      measureInSegment = clipSegmentByRange( prevx, prevy, prevz, *x, *y, *z, fromMeasure, toMeasure, pt1, pt2, secondPointClipped );
      if ( measureInSegment )
        if ( currentLine.size() < 1 ) //no points collected yet, so the first point needs to be added to the line
          currentLine.append( pt1 );

        if ( pt1 != pt2 ) //avoid duplicated entry if measure value equals m-value of vertex
          currentLine.append( pt2 );

        if ( secondPointClipped || i == *nPoints - 1 ) //close current segment
          if ( currentLine.size() > 1 )
            result.append( currentLine );
    prevx = *x; prevy = *y; prevz = *z;
  return ptr;
Ejemplo n.º 20
// TODO: move to geometry utils
double distance2D( const QgsPolyline& coords )
  int np = coords.count();
  if ( np == 0 )
    return 0;

  double x0 = coords[0].x(), y0 = coords[0].y();
  double x1, y1;
  double dist = 0;
  for ( int i = 1; i < np; ++i )
    x1 = coords[i].x();
    y1 = coords[i].y();
    dist += sqrt(( x1 - x0 ) * ( x1 - x0 ) + ( y1 - y0 ) * ( y1 - y0 ) );
    x0 = x1;
    y0 = y1;
  return dist;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLiteWays( bool closed, const QString& tableName,
    const QStringList& tagKeys,
    const QStringList& notNullTagKeys )
  Q_UNUSED( tagKeys );

  QString sqlInsertLine = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 VALUES (?" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( tableName ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
    sqlInsertLine += QString( ",?" );
  sqlInsertLine += ", GeomFromWKB(?, 4326))";
  sqlite3_stmt* stmtInsert;
  if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mDatabase, sqlInsertLine.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &stmtInsert, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
    mError = "Prepare SELECT FROM ways failed.";

  QgsOSMWayIterator ways = listWays();
  QgsOSMWay w;
  while (( w = ways.next() ).isValid() )
    QgsOSMTags t = tags( true, w.id() );

    QgsPolyline polyline = wayPoints( w.id() );

    if ( polyline.count() < 2 )
      continue; // invalid way

    bool isArea = ( polyline.first() == polyline.last() ); // closed way?
    // filter out closed way that are not areas through tags
    if ( isArea && ( t.contains( "highway" ) || t.contains( "barrier" ) ) )
      // make sure tags that indicate areas are taken into consideration when deciding on a closed way is or isn't an area
      // and allow for a closed way to be exported both as a polygon and a line in case both area and non-area tags are present
      if (( t.value( "area" ) != "yes" && !t.contains( "amenity" ) && !t.contains( "landuse" ) && !t.contains( "building" ) && !t.contains( "natural" ) && !t.contains( "leisure" ) && !t.contains( "aeroway" ) ) || !closed )
        isArea = false;

    if ( closed != isArea )
      continue; // skip if it's not what we're looking for

    //check not null tags
    bool skipNull = false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < notNullTagKeys.count() && !skipNull; ++i )
      if ( !t.contains( notNullTagKeys[i] ) )
        skipNull = true;

    if ( skipNull )

    QgsGeometry geom = closed ? QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( QgsPolygon() << polyline ) : QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( polyline );
    int col = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64( stmtInsert, ++col, w.id() );

    // tags
    for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
      if ( t.contains( tagKeys[i] ) )
        sqlite3_bind_text( stmtInsert, ++col, t.value( tagKeys[i] ).toUtf8().constData(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
        sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    if ( !geom.isEmpty() )
      sqlite3_bind_blob( stmtInsert, ++col, geom.asWkb(), ( int ) geom.wkbSize(), SQLITE_STATIC );
      sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    int insertRes = sqlite3_step( stmtInsert );
    if ( insertRes != SQLITE_DONE )
      mError = QString( "Error inserting way %1 [%2]" ).arg( w.id() ).arg( insertRes );

    sqlite3_reset( stmtInsert );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmtInsert );

  sqlite3_finalize( stmtInsert );
Ejemplo n.º 22
ErrorList topolTest::checkSegmentLength( double tolerance, QgsVectorLayer* layer1, QgsVectorLayer* layer2, bool isExtent )
  Q_UNUSED( layer1 );
  Q_UNUSED( layer2 );
  Q_UNUSED( isExtent );

  int i = 0;
  ErrorList errorList;
  QgsFeature f;

  QList<FeatureLayer>::Iterator it;
  QList<FeatureLayer>::ConstIterator FeatureListEnd = mFeatureList1.end();

  QgsPolygon pol;

  QgsMultiPolygon mpol;
  QgsPolyline segm;
  QgsPolyline ls;
  QgsMultiPolyline mls;
  QList<FeatureLayer> fls;
  TopolErrorShort* err;
  double distance;

  for ( it = mFeatureList1.begin(); it != FeatureListEnd; ++it )
    if ( !( ++i % 100 ) )
      emit progress( i );

    if ( testCancelled() )

    QgsGeometry* g1 = it->feature.geometry();

    // switching by type here, because layer can contain both single and multi version geometries
    switch ( g1->wkbType() )
      case QGis::WKBLineString:
      case QGis::WKBLineString25D:
        ls = g1->asPolyline();

        for ( int i = 1; i < ls.size(); ++i )
          distance = sqrt( ls[i-1].sqrDist( ls[i] ) );
          if ( distance < tolerance )
            fls << *it << *it;
            segm << ls[i-1] << ls[i];
            QgsGeometry* conflict = QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( segm );
            err = new TopolErrorShort( g1->boundingBox(), conflict, fls );
            //err = new TopolErrorShort(g1->boundingBox(), QgsGeometry::fromPolyline(segm), fls);
            errorList << err;
            //break on getting the first error

      case QGis::WKBPolygon:
      case QGis::WKBPolygon25D:
        pol = g1->asPolygon();

        for ( int i = 0; i < pol.size(); ++i )
          for ( int j = 1; j < pol[i].size(); ++j )
            distance =  sqrt( pol[i][j-1].sqrDist( pol[i][j] ) );
            if ( distance < tolerance )
              fls << *it << *it;
              segm << pol[i][j-1] << pol[i][j];
              QgsGeometry* conflict = QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( segm );
              err = new TopolErrorShort( g1->boundingBox(), conflict, fls );
              errorList << err;
              //break on getting the first error


      case QGis::WKBMultiLineString:
      case QGis::WKBMultiLineString25D:
        mls = g1->asMultiPolyline();

        for ( int k = 0; k < mls.size(); ++k )
          QgsPolyline& ls = mls[k];
          for ( int i = 1; i < ls.size(); ++i )
            distance = sqrt( ls[i-1].sqrDist( ls[i] ) );
            if ( distance < tolerance )
              fls << *it << *it;
              segm << ls[i-1] << ls[i];
              QgsGeometry* conflict = QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( segm );
              err = new TopolErrorShort( g1->boundingBox(), conflict, fls );
              errorList << err;
              //break on getting the first error

      case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon:
      case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon25D:
        mpol = g1->asMultiPolygon();

        for ( int k = 0; k < mpol.size(); ++k )
          QgsPolygon& pol = mpol[k];
          for ( int i = 0; i < pol.size(); ++i )
            for ( int j = 1; j < pol[i].size(); ++j )
              distance = pol[i][j-1].sqrDist( pol[i][j] );
              if ( distance < tolerance )
                fls << *it << *it;
                segm << pol[i][j-1] << pol[i][j];
                QgsGeometry* conflict = QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( segm );
                err = new TopolErrorShort( g1->boundingBox(), conflict, fls );
                errorList << err;
                //break on getting the first error


  return errorList;
void CDTMapToolSelectTrainingSamples::canvasReleaseEvent(QgsMapMouseEvent *e)
    if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
        if ( mDragging )
            mCanvas->panActionEnd( e->pos() );
            mDragging = false;
        else // add pan to mouse cursor
            // transform the mouse pos to map coordinates
            QgsPoint center = mCanvas->getCoordinateTransform()->toMapPoint( e->x(), e->y() );
            mCanvas->setExtent( QgsRectangle( center, center ) );
    else if (e->button()==Qt::RightButton)
        QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = NULL;
        if ( !mapCanvas->currentLayer()
             || ( vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mapCanvas->currentLayer() ) ) == NULL )

        QRect selectRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        int boxSize = 1;
        selectRect.setLeft  ( e->pos().x() - boxSize );
        selectRect.setRight ( e->pos().x() + boxSize );
        selectRect.setTop   ( e->pos().y() - boxSize );
        selectRect.setBottom( e->pos().y() + boxSize );

        const QgsMapToPixel* transform = mapCanvas->getCoordinateTransform();
        QgsPoint ll = transform->toMapCoordinates( selectRect.left(), selectRect.bottom() );
        QgsPoint ur = transform->toMapCoordinates( selectRect.right(), selectRect.top() );

        QgsPolyline points;
        points.push_back(QgsPoint( ur.x(), ll.y() ));
        points.push_back(QgsPoint( ll.x(), ur.y() ));

        QgsPolygon polygon;
        QgsGeometry selectGeom = *(QgsGeometry::fromPolygon(polygon) );

        if ( mapCanvas->mapSettings().hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
            QgsCoordinateTransform ct( mapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), vlayer->crs() );
            selectGeom.transform( ct );

        QgsFeatureIterator fit = vlayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( selectGeom.boundingBox() ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );
        QgsFeature f;
        qint64 closestFeatureId = 0;
        bool foundSingleFeature = false;
        double closestFeatureDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
        while ( fit.nextFeature( f ) )
            QgsGeometry* g = f.geometry();
            if ( !selectGeom.intersects( g ) )
            foundSingleFeature = true;
            double distance = g->distance( selectGeom );
            if ( distance <= closestFeatureDist )
                closestFeatureDist = distance;
                closestFeatureId = f.attribute("GridCode").toInt();

        if ( foundSingleFeature )
            addSingleSample( closestFeatureId );
Ejemplo n.º 24
void QgsGeometryValidator::validatePolyline( int i, QgsPolyline line, bool ring )
  if ( ring )
    if ( line.size() < 4 )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "ring %1 with less than four points" ).arg( i );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg ) );

    if ( line[0] != line[ line.size()-1 ] )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "ring %1 not closed" ).arg( i );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg ) );
  else if ( line.size() < 2 )
    QString msg = QObject::tr( "line %1 with less than two points" ).arg( i );
    QgsDebugMsg( msg );
    emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg ) );

  int j = 0;
  while ( j < line.size() - 1 )
    int n = 0;
    while ( j < line.size() - 1 && line[j] == line[j+1] )
      line.remove( j );

    if ( n > 0 )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2", "number of duplicate nodes", n ).arg( i ).arg( j );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg, line[j] ) );


  for ( j = 0; !mStop && j < line.size() - 3; j++ )
    QgsVector v = line[j+1] - line[j];
    double vl = v.length();

    int n = ( j == 0 && ring ) ? line.size() - 2 : line.size() - 1;

    for ( int k = j + 2; !mStop && k < n; k++ )
      QgsVector w = line[k+1] - line[k];

      QgsPoint s;
      if ( !intersectLines( line[j], v, line[k], w, s ) )

      double d = 0.0;
        d = -distLine2Point( line[j], v.perpVector(), s );
      catch ( QgsException & e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Error validating: " + e.what() );
      if ( d < 0 || d > vl )

        d = -distLine2Point( line[k], w.perpVector(), s );
      catch ( QgsException & e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Error validating: " + e.what() );

      if ( d <= 0 || d >= w.length() )

      QString msg = QObject::tr( "segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4" ).arg( j ).arg( k ).arg( i ).arg( s.toString() );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg, s ) );
Ejemplo n.º 25
void QgsRubberBand::addGeometry( const QgsGeometry& geom, QgsVectorLayer* layer )
  if ( geom.isEmpty() )

  //maprender object of canvas
  const QgsMapSettings& ms = mMapCanvas->mapSettings();

  int idx = mPoints.size();

  switch ( geom.wkbType() )

    case QgsWkbTypes::Point:
    case QgsWkbTypes::Point25D:
      QgsPoint pt;
      if ( layer )
        pt = ms.layerToMapCoordinates( layer, geom.asPoint() );
        pt = geom.asPoint();
      addPoint( pt, false, idx );
      removeLastPoint( idx, false );

    case QgsWkbTypes::MultiPoint:
    case QgsWkbTypes::MultiPoint25D:
      QgsMultiPoint mpt = geom.asMultiPoint();
      for ( int i = 0; i < mpt.size(); ++i, ++idx )
        QgsPoint pt = mpt[i];
        if ( layer )
          addPoint( ms.layerToMapCoordinates( layer, pt ), false, idx );
          removeLastPoint( idx, false );
          addPoint( pt, false, idx );
          removeLastPoint( idx, false );

    case QgsWkbTypes::LineString:
    case QgsWkbTypes::LineString25D:
      QgsPolyline line = geom.asPolyline();
      for ( int i = 0; i < line.count(); i++ )
        if ( layer )
          addPoint( ms.layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[i] ), false, idx );
          addPoint( line[i], false, idx );

    case QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString:
    case QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString25D:

      QgsMultiPolyline mline = geom.asMultiPolyline();
      for ( int i = 0; i < mline.size(); ++i, ++idx )
        QgsPolyline line = mline[i];

        if ( line.isEmpty() )

        for ( int j = 0; j < line.size(); ++j )
          if ( layer )
            addPoint( ms.layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[j] ), false, idx );
            addPoint( line[j], false, idx );

    case QgsWkbTypes::Polygon:
    case QgsWkbTypes::Polygon25D:
      QgsPolygon poly = geom.asPolygon();
      QgsPolyline line = poly[0];
      for ( int i = 0; i < line.count(); i++ )
        if ( layer )
          addPoint( ms.layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[i] ), false, idx );
          addPoint( line[i], false, idx );

    case QgsWkbTypes::MultiPolygon:
    case QgsWkbTypes::MultiPolygon25D:

      QgsMultiPolygon multipoly = geom.asMultiPolygon();
      for ( int i = 0; i < multipoly.size(); ++i, ++idx )
        QgsPolygon poly = multipoly[i];
        QgsPolyline line = poly[0];
        for ( int j = 0; j < line.count(); ++j )
          if ( layer )
            addPoint( ms.layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[j] ), false, idx );
            addPoint( line[j], false, idx );

    case QgsWkbTypes::Unknown:

  setVisible( true );
Ejemplo n.º 26
void QgsDxfPalLabeling::drawLabel( pal::LabelPosition* label, QgsRenderContext& context, QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, DrawLabelType drawType, double dpiRatio )
  Q_UNUSED( context );
  Q_UNUSED( drawType );
  Q_UNUSED( dpiRatio );

  if ( drawType == QgsPalLabeling::LabelBuffer )

  //debug: print label infos
  if ( mDxfExport )
    QgsPalGeometry *g = dynamic_cast< QgsPalGeometry* >( label->getFeaturePart()->getUserGeometry() );
    if ( !g )

    //label text
    QString txt = g->text( label->getPartId() );

    double angle = label->getAlpha() * 180 / M_PI;

    //debug: show label rectangle
#if 0
    QgsPolyline line;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
      line.append( QgsPoint( label->getX( i ), label->getY( i ) ) );
    mDxfExport->writePolyline( line, g->dxfLayer(), "CONTINUOUS", 1, 0.01, true );

    QString wrapchr = tmpLyr.wrapChar.isEmpty() ? "\n" : tmpLyr.wrapChar;

    //add the direction symbol if needed
    if ( !txt.isEmpty() && tmpLyr.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Line && tmpLyr.addDirectionSymbol )
      bool prependSymb = false;
      QString symb = tmpLyr.rightDirectionSymbol;

      if ( label->getReversed() )
        prependSymb = true;
        symb = tmpLyr.leftDirectionSymbol;

      if ( tmpLyr.reverseDirectionSymbol )
        if ( symb == tmpLyr.rightDirectionSymbol )
          prependSymb = true;
          symb = tmpLyr.leftDirectionSymbol;
          prependSymb = false;
          symb = tmpLyr.rightDirectionSymbol;

      if ( tmpLyr.placeDirectionSymbol == QgsPalLayerSettings::SymbolAbove )
        prependSymb = true;
        symb = symb + wrapchr;
      else if ( tmpLyr.placeDirectionSymbol == QgsPalLayerSettings::SymbolBelow )
        prependSymb = false;
        symb = wrapchr + symb;

      if ( prependSymb )
        txt.prepend( symb );
        txt.append( symb );

    txt = txt.replace( wrapchr, "\\P" );

    if ( tmpLyr.textFont.underline() )
      txt.prepend( "\\L" ).append( "\\l" );

    if ( tmpLyr.textFont.overline() )
      txt.prepend( "\\O" ).append( "\\o" );

    if ( tmpLyr.textFont.strikeOut() )
      txt.prepend( "\\K" ).append( "\\k" );

    txt.prepend( QString( "\\f%1|i%2|b%3;\\H%4;\\W0.75;" )
                 .arg( tmpLyr.textFont.family() )
                 .arg( tmpLyr.textFont.italic() ? 1 : 0 )
                 .arg( tmpLyr.textFont.bold() ? 1 : 0 )
                 .arg( label->getHeight() / ( 1 + txt.count( "\\P" ) ) * 0.75 ) );

    mDxfExport->writeMText( g->dxfLayer(), txt, QgsPoint( label->getX(), label->getY() ), label->getWidth() * 1.1, angle, tmpLyr.textColor );
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::addTopologicalPoints( QgsGeometry* geom )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 1;

  if ( !geom )
    return 1;

  int returnVal = 0;

  QGis::WkbType wkbType = geom->wkbType();

  switch ( wkbType )
    case QGis::WKBLineString25D:
    case QGis::WKBLineString:
      QgsPolyline theLine = geom->asPolyline();
      QgsPolyline::const_iterator line_it = theLine.constBegin();
      for ( ; line_it != theLine.constEnd(); ++line_it )
        if ( addTopologicalPoints( *line_it ) != 0 )
          returnVal = 2;

    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString25D:
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString:
      QgsMultiPolyline theMultiLine = geom->asMultiPolyline();
      QgsPolyline currentPolyline;

      for ( int i = 0; i < theMultiLine.size(); ++i )
        QgsPolyline::const_iterator line_it = currentPolyline.constBegin();
        for ( ; line_it != currentPolyline.constEnd(); ++line_it )
          if ( addTopologicalPoints( *line_it ) != 0 )
            returnVal = 2;

    case QGis::WKBPolygon25D:
    case QGis::WKBPolygon:
      QgsPolygon thePolygon = geom->asPolygon();
      QgsPolyline currentRing;

      for ( int i = 0; i < thePolygon.size(); ++i )
        currentRing = thePolygon.at( i );
        QgsPolyline::const_iterator line_it = currentRing.constBegin();
        for ( ; line_it != currentRing.constEnd(); ++line_it )
          if ( addTopologicalPoints( *line_it ) != 0 )
            returnVal = 2;

    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon25D:
    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon:
      QgsMultiPolygon theMultiPolygon = geom->asMultiPolygon();
      QgsPolygon currentPolygon;
      QgsPolyline currentRing;

      for ( int i = 0; i < theMultiPolygon.size(); ++i )
        currentPolygon = theMultiPolygon.at( i );
        for ( int j = 0; j < currentPolygon.size(); ++j )
          currentRing = currentPolygon.at( j );
          QgsPolyline::const_iterator line_it = currentRing.constBegin();
          for ( ; line_it != currentRing.constEnd(); ++line_it )
            if ( addTopologicalPoints( *line_it ) != 0 )
              returnVal = 2;
  return returnVal;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void TestQgsDistanceArea::measureAreaAndUnits()
  QgsDistanceArea da;
  da.setSourceCrs( 3452 );
  da.setEllipsoidalMode( false );
  da.setEllipsoid( "NONE" );
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem daCRS;
  daCRS.createFromSrsId( da.sourceCrsId() );
  QgsPolyline ring;
  ring << QgsPoint( 0, 0 )
  << QgsPoint( 1, 0 )
  << QgsPoint( 1, 1 )
  << QgsPoint( 2, 1 )
  << QgsPoint( 2, 2 )
  << QgsPoint( 0, 2 )
  << QgsPoint( 0, 0 );
  QgsPolygon poly;
  poly << ring;

  QgsGeometry polygon( QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( poly ) );

  // We check both the measured area AND the units, in case the logic regarding
  // ellipsoids and units changes in future
  double area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit units = da.areaUnits();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );

  QVERIFY(( qgsDoubleNear( area, 3.0, 0.00000001 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareDegrees )
          || ( qgsDoubleNear( area, 37176087091.5, 0.1 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters ) );

  da.setEllipsoid( "WGS84" );
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  QVERIFY(( qgsDoubleNear( area, 3.0, 0.00000001 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareDegrees )
          || ( qgsDoubleNear( area, 37176087091.5, 0.1 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters ) );

  da.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  // should always be in Meters Squared
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 37416879192.9, 0.1 );
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters );

  // test converting the resultant area
  area = da.convertAreaMeasurement( area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMiles );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 14446.7378, 0.001 );

  // now try with a source CRS which is in feet
  ring << QgsPoint( 1850000, 4423000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1851000, 4423000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1851000, 4424000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1852000, 4424000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1852000, 4425000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1851000, 4425000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1850000, 4423000 );
  poly << ring;
  polygon = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( poly );

  da.setSourceCrs( 27469 );
  da.setEllipsoidalMode( false );
  // measurement should be in square feet
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 2000000, 0.001 );
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareFeet );

  // test converting the resultant area
  area = da.convertAreaMeasurement( area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareYards );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 222222.2222, 0.001 );

  da.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  // now should be in Square Meters again
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 184149.37, 1.0 );
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters );

  // test converting the resultant area
  area = da.convertAreaMeasurement( area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareYards );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in sq yrds" ).arg( area ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 220240.8172549, 0.00001 );
Ejemplo n.º 29
bool QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2::writeDxf( QgsDxfExport& e, double mmMapUnitScaleFactor, const QString& layerName, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext *context, const QgsFeature*, const QPointF& shift ) const
  double symbolWidth = mSymbolWidth;

  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_WIDTH ) ) //1. priority: data defined setting on symbol layer le
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( mSymbolWidth );
    symbolWidth = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_WIDTH, *context, mSymbolWidth ).toDouble();
  else if ( context->renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale ) //2. priority: is data defined size on symbol level
    symbolWidth = mSize;
  if ( mSymbolWidthUnit == QgsSymbolV2::MM )
    symbolWidth *= mmMapUnitScaleFactor;

  double symbolHeight = mSymbolHeight;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_HEIGHT ) ) //1. priority: data defined setting on symbol layer level
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( mSymbolHeight );
    symbolHeight = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_HEIGHT, *context, mSymbolHeight ).toDouble();
  else if ( context->renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale ) //2. priority: is data defined size on symbol level
    symbolHeight = mSize;
  if ( mSymbolHeightUnit == QgsSymbolV2::MM )
    symbolHeight *= mmMapUnitScaleFactor;

  //outline width
  double outlineWidth = mOutlineWidth;

  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_OUTLINE_WIDTH ) )
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( mOutlineWidth );
    outlineWidth = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_OUTLINE_WIDTH, *context, mOutlineWidth ).toDouble();
  if ( mOutlineWidthUnit == QgsSymbolV2::MM )
    outlineWidth *= outlineWidth;

  //fill color
  bool ok;
  QColor fc = mFillColor;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_FILL_COLOR ) )
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::encodeColor( mFillColor ) );
    QString colorString = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_FILL_COLOR, *context, QVariant(), &ok ).toString();
    if ( ok )
      fc = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::decodeColor( colorString );

  //outline color
  QColor oc = mOutlineColor;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_OUTLINE_COLOR ) )
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::encodeColor( mOutlineColor ) );
    QString colorString = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_OUTLINE_COLOR, *context, QVariant(), &ok ).toString();
    if ( ok )
      oc = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::decodeColor( colorString );

  //symbol name
  QString symbolName = mSymbolName;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_SYMBOL_NAME ) )
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( mSymbolName );
    symbolName = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_SYMBOL_NAME, *context, mSymbolName ).toString();

  double offsetX = 0;
  double offsetY = 0;
  markerOffset( *context, offsetX, offsetY );
  QPointF off( offsetX, offsetY );

  //priority for rotation: 1. data defined symbol level, 2. symbol layer rotation (mAngle)
  double rotation = 0.0;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_ROTATION ) )
    context->setOriginalValueVariable( mAngle );
    rotation = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_ROTATION, *context, mAngle ).toDouble() + mLineAngle;
  else if ( !qgsDoubleNear( mAngle + mLineAngle, 0.0 ) )
    rotation = mAngle + mLineAngle;
  rotation = -rotation; //rotation in Qt is counterclockwise
  if ( rotation )
    off = _rotatedOffset( off, rotation );

  QTransform t;
  t.translate( shift.x() + offsetX, shift.y() + offsetY );

  if ( rotation != 0 )
    t.rotate( rotation );

  double halfWidth = symbolWidth / 2.0;
  double halfHeight = symbolHeight / 2.0;

  if ( symbolName == "circle" )
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( halfWidth, halfHeight ) )
      QPointF pt( t.map( QPointF( 0, 0 ) ) );
      e.writeFilledCircle( layerName, oc, pt, halfWidth );
      QgsPolyline line;
      double stepsize = 2 * M_PI / 40;
      for ( int i = 0; i < 39; ++i )
        double angle = stepsize * i;
        double x = halfWidth * cos( angle );
        double y = halfHeight * sin( angle );
        QPointF pt( t.map( QPointF( x, y ) ) );
        line.push_back( pt );
      //close ellipse with first point
      line.push_back( line.at( 0 ) );
      if ( mBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush )
        e.writePolygon( QgsPolygon() << line, layerName, "SOLID", fc );
      if ( mPen.style() != Qt::NoPen )
        e.writePolyline( line, layerName, "CONTINUOUS", oc, outlineWidth );
  else if ( symbolName == "rectangle" )
    QgsPolygon p( 1 );
    p[0].resize( 5 );
    p[0][0] = t.map( QPointF( -halfWidth, -halfHeight ) );
    p[0][1] = t.map( QPointF( halfWidth, -halfHeight ) );
    p[0][2] = t.map( QPointF( halfWidth, halfHeight ) );
    p[0][3] = t.map( QPointF( -halfWidth, halfHeight ) );
    p[0][4] = p[0][0];
    if ( mBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush )
      e.writePolygon( p, layerName, "SOLID", fc );
    if ( mPen.style() != Qt::NoPen )
      e.writePolyline( p[0], layerName, "CONTINUOUS", oc, outlineWidth );
    return true;
  else if ( symbolName == "cross" && mPen.style() != Qt::NoPen )
    QgsPolyline line( 2 );
    line[0] = t.map( QPointF( -halfWidth, 0 ) );
    line[1] = t.map( QPointF( halfWidth, 0 ) );
    e.writePolyline( line, layerName, "CONTINUOUS", oc, outlineWidth );

    line[0] = t.map( QPointF( 0, halfHeight ) );
    line[1] = t.map( QPointF( 0, -halfHeight ) );
    e.writePolyline( line, layerName, "CONTINUOUS", oc, outlineWidth );

    return true;
  else if ( symbolName == "triangle" )
    QgsPolygon p( 1 );
    p[0].resize( 4 );
    p[0][0] = QPointF( t.map( QPointF( -halfWidth, -halfHeight ) ) );
    p[0][1] = QPointF( t.map( QPointF( halfWidth, -halfHeight ) ) );
    p[0][2] = QPointF( t.map( QPointF( 0, halfHeight ) ) );
    p[0][3] = p[0][0];
    if ( mBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush )
      e.writePolygon( p, layerName, "SOLID", fc );
    if ( mPen.style() != Qt::NoPen )
      e.writePolyline( p[0], layerName, "CONTINUOUS", oc, outlineWidth );
    return true;

  return false; //soon...
Ejemplo n.º 30
void QgsRubberBand::addGeometry( QgsGeometry* geom, QgsVectorLayer* layer )
  if ( !geom )

  //maprender object of canvas
  QgsMapRenderer* mr = mMapCanvas->mapRenderer();
  if ( !mr )

  int idx = mPoints.size();

  switch ( geom->wkbType() )

    case QGis::WKBPoint:
    case QGis::WKBPoint25D:
      QgsPoint pt;
      if ( layer )
        pt = mr->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, geom->asPoint() );
        pt = geom->asPoint();
      addPoint( pt, false, idx );

    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint:
    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D:
      QgsMultiPoint mpt = geom->asMultiPoint();
      for ( int i = 0; i < mpt.size(); ++i, ++idx )
        QgsPoint pt = mpt[i];
        if ( layer )
          addPoint( mr->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, pt ), false, idx );
          addPoint( pt, false, idx );

    case QGis::WKBLineString:
    case QGis::WKBLineString25D:
      QgsPolyline line = geom->asPolyline();
      for ( int i = 0; i < line.count(); i++ )
        if ( layer )
          addPoint( mr->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[i] ), false, idx );
          addPoint( line[i], false, idx );

    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString:
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString25D:

      QgsMultiPolyline mline = geom->asMultiPolyline();
      for ( int i = 0; i < mline.size(); ++i, ++idx )
        QgsPolyline line = mline[i];

        if ( line.size() == 0 )

        for ( int j = 0; j < line.size(); ++j )
          if ( layer )
            addPoint( mr->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[j] ), false, idx );
            addPoint( line[j], false, idx );

    case QGis::WKBPolygon:
    case QGis::WKBPolygon25D:
      QgsPolygon poly = geom->asPolygon();
      QgsPolyline line = poly[0];
      for ( int i = 0; i < line.count(); i++ )
        if ( layer )
          addPoint( mr->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[i] ), false, idx );
          addPoint( line[i], false, idx );

    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon:
    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon25D:

      QgsMultiPolygon multipoly = geom->asMultiPolygon();
      for ( int i = 0; i < multipoly.size(); ++i, ++idx )
        QgsPolygon poly = multipoly[i];
        QgsPolyline line = poly[0];
        for ( int j = 0; j < line.count(); ++j )
          if ( layer )
            addPoint( mr->layerToMapCoordinates( layer, line[j] ), false, idx );
            addPoint( line[j], false, idx );

    case QGis::WKBUnknown:
