Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Rotate
/// \return  Returns true if input caused changes to the camera an false if no changes occurred
bool ManipulatorTrackball::rotate(int posX, int posY)
    if (m_camera.isNull()) return false;
    if (posX == m_lastPosX && posY == m_lastPosY) return false;

    const double vpPixSizeX = m_camera->viewport()->width();
    const double vpPixSizeY = m_camera->viewport()->height();
    if (vpPixSizeX <= 0 || vpPixSizeY <= 0) return false;

    const double vpPosX     = posX       - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->x());
    const double vpPosY     = posY       - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->y());
    const double vpLastPosX = m_lastPosX - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->x());
    const double vpLastPosY = m_lastPosY - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->y());

    // Scale the new/last positions to the range [-1.0, 1.0] 
    double newPosX =  2.0*(vpPosX/vpPixSizeX) - 1.0;
    double newPosY =  2.0*(vpPosY/vpPixSizeY) - 1.0;
    double lastPosX = 2.0*(vpLastPosX/vpPixSizeX) - 1.0;
    double lastPosY = 2.0*(vpLastPosY/vpPixSizeY) - 1.0;

    Mat4d viewMat = m_camera->viewMatrix();

    // Compute rotation quaternion
    Quatd rotQuat = trackballRotation(lastPosX, lastPosY, newPosX, newPosY, viewMat, m_rotateSensitivity);

    // Update navigation by modifying the view matrix
    Mat4d rotMatr = rotQuat.toMatrix4();

    viewMat = viewMat*rotMatr;

    m_lastPosX = posX;
    m_lastPosY = posY;

    return true;