Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: mailbox.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
Query * Mailbox::create( Transaction * t, User * owner )
    Query * q;

    if ( deleted() ) {
        q = new Query( "update mailboxes "
                       "set deleted='f',owner=$2,first_recent=uidnext,flag=$3 "
                       "where id=$1", 0 );
        q->bind( 1, id() );
    else if ( id() == 0 ) {
        q = new Query( "insert into mailboxes "
                       "(name,owner,uidnext,uidvalidity,deleted,flag) "
                       "values ($1,$2,1,1,'f',$3)", 0 );
        q->bind( 1, name() );
    else {
        return 0;

    if ( owner )
        q->bind( 2, owner->id() );
        q->bindNull( 2 );

    if ( !d->flag.isEmpty() )
        q->bind( 3, d->flag );
        q->bindNull( 3 );

    t->enqueue( q );

    // We assume that the caller has checked permissions.

    Mailbox * m = parent();
    while ( m ) {
        Query * q = 0;
        if ( m->deleted() ) {
            // Should we leave it be or undelete it?
        else if ( m->id() == 0 ) {
            q = new Query( "insert into mailboxes "
                           "(name,owner,uidnext,uidvalidity,deleted) "
                           "values ($1,null,1,1,'f')", 0 );
            q->bind( 1, m->name() );

        // We rely on the trigger to set the ownership of the
        // intermediate mailboxes being created.

        if ( q )
            t->enqueue( q );

        m = m->parent();

    t->enqueue( new Query( "notify mailboxes_updated", 0 ) );

    return q;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 Deliverator( Injectee * message,
              const UString & mailbox, const EString & user )
     : q( 0 ), i( 0 ), m( message ), mbn( mailbox ), un( user ),
       p( 0 ), mb( 0 )
     Allocator::addEternal( this, "deliver object" );
     q = new Query( "select al.mailbox, n.name as namespace, u.login "
                    "from aliases al "
                    "join addresses a on (al.address=a.id) "
                    "left join users u on (al.id=u.alias) "
                    "left join namespaces n on (u.parentspace=n.id) "
                    "where (lower(a.localpart)=$1 and lower(a.domain)=$2) "
                    "or (lower(u.login)=$3)", this );
     if ( user.contains( '@' ) ) {
         int at = user.find( '@' );
         q->bind( 1, user.mid( 0, at ).lower() );
         q->bind( 2, user.mid( at + 1 ).lower() );
     else {
         q->bindNull( 1 );
         q->bindNull( 2 );
     q->bind( 3, user.lower() );
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: session.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
void SessionInitialiser::findRecent()
    if ( !d->recent )
    Row * r = d->recent->nextRow();
    if ( !r )

    uint recent = r->getInt( "first_recent" );
    List<Session>::Iterator i( d->sessions );
    while ( i && i->readOnly() )
    Session * s = i;
    if ( !s )
        s = d->sessions.firstElement(); // happens if all sessions are RO
    if ( !s )
        return; // could happen if a session violently dies
    if ( recent >= d->newUidnext )
        return; // just to avoid the unnecessary update below
    while ( recent < d->newUidnext )
        s->addRecent( recent++ );

    if ( !d->changeRecent )
    Query * q = new Query( "update mailboxes set first_recent=$2 "
                           "where id=$1 and first_recent<$2", 0 );
    q->bind( 1, d->mailbox->id() );
    q->bind( 2, recent );
    submit( q );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SaslConnection::close()
    Endpoint client = peer();

    if ( !u || logged ||
         !client.valid() || client.protocol() == Endpoint::Unix )

    logged = true;

    Query * q = new Query(
        "insert into connections "
        "syntaxerrors,started_at,ended_at,userid) "
        "values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,"
        "$7::interval + 'epoch'::timestamptz,"
        "$8::interval + 'epoch'::timestamptz,$9)", 0

    q->bind( 1, u->login() );
    q->bind( 2, client.address() );
    q->bind( 3, client.port() );
    q->bind( 4, m );
    q->bind( 5, af );
    q->bind( 6, sf );
    q->bind( 7, s );
    q->bind( 8, (uint)time( 0 ) );
    q->bind( 9, u->id() );

Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: user.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
Query * User::remove( Transaction * t )
    Query * q = new Query( "delete from users where login=$1", 0 );
    q->bind( 1, d->login );
    t->enqueue( q );
    return q;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: mailbox.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
Query * Mailbox::remove( Transaction * t )
    if ( deleted() )
        return 0;

    Query * q =
        new Query( "update mailboxes set deleted='t',owner=null "
                   "where id=$1", 0 );
    q->bind( 1, id() );
    t->enqueue( q );

    q = new Query( "delete from permissions where mailbox=$1", 0 );
    q->bind( 1, id() );
    t->enqueue( q );

    t->enqueue( new Query( "notify mailboxes_updated", 0 ) );

    return q;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool ManageSieveCommand::deleteScript()
    if ( !d->t ) {
        d->name = string();
        d->t = new Transaction( this );
        // select first, so the no() calls below work
        d->query =
            new Query( "select active from scripts "
                       "where owner=$1 and name=$2",
                       this );
        d->query->bind( 1, d->sieve->user()->id() );
        d->query->bind( 2, d->name );
        d->t->enqueue( d->query );
        // then delete
        Query * q = new Query( "delete from scripts where owner=$1 and "
                               "name=$2 and active='f'", this );
        q->bind( 1, d->sieve->user()->id() );
        q->bind( 2, d->name );
        d->t->enqueue( q );
        if ( d->no.isEmpty() )

    if ( !d->t->done() )
        return false;

    if ( d->t->failed() ) {
        no( "Couldn't delete script: " + d->t->error() );
    else {
        Row * r = d->query->nextRow();
        if ( !r )
            no( "No such script" );
        else if ( r->getBoolean( "active" ) )
            no( "Can't delete active script" );
            log( "Deleted script " + d->name );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Query Query::valueInListCondition (const QString &column, const QList<QVariant> &values)
	Query query (notr ("%1 IN (%2)"));

	query.arg (column);
	query.arg (repeatString (notr ("?"), values.size (), notr (",")));

	foreach (const QVariant &value, values)
		query.bind (value);

	return query;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    : d( new SpoolManagerData )
    setLog( new Log );

    Query * q = new Query( "update deliveries "
                           "set expires_at=current_timestamp+interval '900 s' "
                           "where expires_at<current_timestamp+interval '900 s' "
                           "and id in "
                           "(select delivery from delivery_recipients"
                           " where action=$1 or action=$2)",
                           0 );
    q->bind( 1, Recipient::Unknown );
    q->bind( 2, Recipient::Delayed );
void Migration_20100216135637_add_launch_methods::up ()
	createTable  ("launch_methods"); // Creates the id column
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "name"                 , dataTypeString    ());
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "short_name"           , dataTypeString    ());
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "log_string"           , dataTypeString    ());
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "keyboard_shortcut"    , dataTypeCharacter ());
	// Use a string type because SQLite does not support enums
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "type"                 , dataTypeString    ());
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "towplane_registration", dataTypeString    ());
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "person_required"      , dataTypeBoolean   ());
	addColumn ("launch_methods", "comments"             , dataTypeString    ());

		transaction ();

		foreach (LaunchMethod launchMethod, readConfiguredLaunchMethods ())
			// Don't use the methods of Database or LaunchMethod - they use the
			// current schema, we need to use the schema after this migration.
			std::cout << "Importing launch method: " << launchMethod.toString () << std::endl;

			Query query (
				"INSERT INTO launch_methods"
				"values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

			query.bind (launchMethod.getId ());
			query.bind (launchMethod.name);
			query.bind (launchMethod.shortName);
			query.bind (launchMethod.logString);
			query.bind (launchMethod.keyboardShortcut);
			query.bind (LaunchMethod::typeToDb (launchMethod.type));
			query.bind (launchMethod.towplaneRegistration);
			query.bind (launchMethod.personRequired);
			query.bind (launchMethod.comments);

			executeQuery (query);

		commit ();
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: database.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
        void execute()
            if ( !q ) {
                q = new Query( "select not exists (select * from "
                               "information_schema.table_privileges where "
                               "privilege_type='DELETE' and table_name="
                               "'messages' and grantee=$1) and not exists "
                               "(select u.usename from pg_catalog.pg_class c "
                               "left join pg_catalog.pg_user u on "
                               "(u.usesysid=c.relowner) where c.relname="
                               "'messages' and u.usename=$1) as allowed",
                               this );
                q->bind( 1, Configuration::text( Configuration::DbUser ) );

            if ( !q->done() )

            Row * r = q->nextRow();
            if ( q->failed() || !r ||
                 r->getBoolean( "allowed" ) == false )
                EString s( "Refusing to start because we have too many "
                          "privileges on the messages table in secure "
                          "mode." );
                result->setError( s );
                l->log( s, Log::Disaster );
                if ( q->failed() ) {
                    l->log( "Query: " + q->description(), Log::Disaster );
                    l->log( "Error: " + q->error(), Log::Disaster );
            else {
                result->setState( Query::Completed );

Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: delete.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
void Delete::execute()
    if ( state() != Executing || !ok() )

    if ( d->first ) {
        d->first = false;

        // We should really require DeleteMessages and Expunge only if
        // we know the mailbox isn't empty; but we'll know that inside
        // the transaction, and permitted() won't let us clean that up
        // if we don't have permission. So it'll have to wait until we
        // query permissions ourselves.

        requireRight( d->m, Permissions::DeleteMailbox );
        requireRight( d->m, Permissions::DeleteMessages );
        requireRight( d->m, Permissions::Expunge );

    if ( !permitted() )

    if ( !transaction() ) {
        setTransaction( new Transaction( this ) );
        Query * lock = new Query( "select * from mailboxes "
                                  "where id=$1 for update", 0 );
        lock->bind( 1, d->m->id() );
        transaction()->enqueue( lock );

        d->messages = new Query( "select count(mm.uid)::bigint as messages "
                                 "from mailbox_messages mm "
                                 "join messages m on (mm.message=m.id) "
                                 "join mailboxes mb on (mm.mailbox=mb.id) "
                                 "where mm.mailbox=$1 and not mm.seen and "
                                 "(mm.uid>=mb.first_recent or m.idate>$2)",
                                 this );
        d->messages->bind( 1, d->m->id() );
        Date now;
        d->messages->bind( 2, now.unixTime() - 20 );
        transaction()->enqueue( d->messages );

    if ( d->messages ) {
        if ( !d->messages->done() )

        int64 messages = 0;

        Row * r = d->messages->nextRow();
        if ( d->messages->failed() || !r )
            error( No, "Could not determine if any messages exist" );
            messages = r->getBigint( "messages" );

        if ( messages )
            error( No, "Cannot delete mailbox: " + fn( messages ) +
                   " messages exist" );
        d->messages = 0;

        if ( ok() && d->m->remove( transaction() ) == 0 )
            error( No, "Cannot delete mailbox " + d->m->name().ascii() );

        Mailbox::refreshMailboxes( transaction() );

    if ( !transaction()->done() )

    if ( transaction()->failed() ) {
        error( No, "Database error: " + transaction()->error() );

Ejemplo n.º 13
void CreateView::execute()
    if ( d->name.isEmpty() ) {
        Utf8Codec c;
        d->name = c.toUnicode( next() );
        d->source = c.toUnicode( next() );
        UString owner( c.toUnicode( next() ) );
        d->selector = parseSelector( args() );

        if ( !c.valid() )
            error( "Argument encoding: " + c.error() );
        if ( d->name.isEmpty() )
            error( "No name supplied for the view." );
        if ( d->source.isEmpty() )
            error( "No source mailbox name supplied." );
        if ( !d->selector )
            error( "Invalid search expression supplied." );

        database( true );
        Mailbox::setup( this );

        if ( !owner.isEmpty() ) {
            d->user = new User;
            d->user->setLogin( owner );
            d->user->refresh( this );

    if ( !choresDone() )

    if ( !d->t ) {
        if ( d->user ) {
            if ( d->user->state() == User::Unverified )

            if ( d->user->state() == User::Nonexistent )
                error( "No user named " + d->user->login().utf8() );

            if ( !d->name.startsWith( "/" ) )
                d->name = d->user->home()->name() + "/" + d->name;

            if ( !d->source.startsWith( "/" ) )
                d->source = d->user->home()->name() + "/" + d->source;

        d->ms = Mailbox::obtain( d->source );
        if ( !d->ms || d->ms->deleted() )
            error( "Can't create view on " + d->source.utf8() );

        d->t = new Transaction( this );

        d->mv = Mailbox::obtain( d->name );
        Query * q = d->mv->create( d->t, d->user );
        if ( !q )
            error( "Couldn't create view named " + d->name.utf8() );

        q = new Query( "insert into views "
                       "(view, selector, source, nextmodseq) values "
                       "((select id from mailboxes where name=$1),"
                       "$2, "
                       "((select id from mailboxes where name=$3), "
                       "1::bigint)", this );
        q->bind( 1, d->name );
        q->bind( 2, d->selector->string() );
        q->bind( 3, d->ms->name() );
        d->t->enqueue( q );

    if ( !d->t->done() )

    if ( d->t->failed() )
        error( "Couldn't create view" );

Ejemplo n.º 14
            void execute()
                if ( !r ) {
                    r = new RetentionSelector( mailbox, this );

                if ( !t ) {
                    t = new ::Transaction( this );
                    nms = new Query( "select nextmodseq from mailboxes "
                                     "where id=$1 for update", this );
                    nms->bind( 1, mailbox->id() );
                    t->enqueue( nms );

                if ( nms ) {
                    if ( !r->done() )

                    if ( !nms->done() )

                    ms = nms->nextRow()->getBigint( "nextmodseq" );
                    nms = 0;

                    Selector * s = new Selector;
                    if ( r->retains() ) {
                        Selector * n = new Selector( Selector::Not );
                        s->add( n );
                        n->add( r->retains() );
                    s->add( new Selector( this->s ) );
                    EStringList wanted;
                    wanted.append( "mailbox" );
                    wanted.append( "uid" );
                    wanted.append( "message" );
                    iq = s->query( 0, mailbox, 0, this, false,
                                   &wanted, false );
                    int i = iq->string().find( " from " );
                    uint msb = s->placeHolder();
                    uint ub = s->placeHolder();
                    uint rb = s->placeHolder();
                        "insert into deleted_messages "
                        "(mailbox,uid,message,modseq,deleted_by,reason) " +
                        iq->string().mid( 0, i ) + ", $" + fn( msb ) +", $" +
                        fn( ub ) + ", $" + fn( rb ) + iq->string().mid( i ) );
                    iq->bind( msb, ms );
                    iq->bind( ub, user->id() );
                    iq->bind( rb,
                             "POP delete " + Scope::current()->log()->id() );
                    t->enqueue( iq );

                if ( iq ) {
                    if ( !iq->done() )

                    if ( iq->rows() ) {
                        // at least one message was deleted
                        Query * q = new Query( "update mailboxes set "
                                               "nextmodseq=$1 where id=$2",
                                               this );
                        q->bind( 1, ms+1 );
                        q->bind( 2, mailbox->id() );
                        t->enqueue( q );
                        Mailbox::refreshMailboxes( t );
                    iq = 0;

                if ( !t->done() )

                if ( t->failed() )
                    log( "Error deleting messages: " + t->error() );
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool ManageSieveCommand::setActive()
    if ( !d->t ) {
        EString name = string();
        if ( !d->no.isEmpty() )
            return true;

        d->t = new Transaction( this );

        if ( name.isEmpty() ) {
            Query * q = new Query( "update scripts set active='f' "
                                   "where owner=$1 and active='t'",
                                   0 );
            q->bind( 1, d->sieve->user()->id() );
            d->t->enqueue( q );
            d->query = new Query( "select ''::text as name", this );
            log( "Deactivating all scripts" );
        else {
            d->query = new Query( "select name from scripts "
                                  "where owner=$1 and name=$2 "
                                  "for update", this );
            d->query->bind( 1, d->sieve->user()->id() );
            d->query->bind( 2, name );
        d->t->enqueue( d->query );

    if ( d->query && !d->query->done() )
        return false;

    if ( d->query ) {
        Row * r = d->query->nextRow();
        if ( !r ) {
            no( "No such script" );
            return true;
        d->query = 0;
        if ( !r->getEString( "name" ).isEmpty() ) {
            Query * q = new Query( "update scripts set active=(name=$2) "
                                   "where owner=$1 and "
                                   "(name=$2 or active='t')",
                                   this );
            q->bind( 1, d->sieve->user()->id() );
            q->bind( 2, r->getEString( "name" ) );
            d->t->enqueue( q );
            log( "Activating script " + r->getEString( "name" ) );

    if ( !d->t->done() )
        return false;

    if ( d->t->failed() )
        no( "Couldn't activate script: " + d->t->error() );

    return true;