Ejemplo n.º 1
    Deferoxamine::Deferoxamine(double age, double height, double weight) : Antidote(age, height, weight) {
        string a = "Deferoxamine (iron toxicity) Antidote Algorithm ",
        b = string("For the treatment of acute iron toxicity.  ") + FDA + "\n\n",
        c = "\n (Mills KC, 1994) (Anderson, 1994) (Novartis, 2011)";
        insertToMap("ageLessThanThree", new Question(a + b + "Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients under the age of " +
                                                     "3 years have not been established." + c));
        string *defOptions = new string[2];
        defOptions[0] =  "CV shock";
        defOptions[1] = "No CV complications";
        Question *isPatientCVShock = new Question("Is this patient in cardiovascular (CV) shock?");
        isPatientCVShock->setOptions(defOptions, 2);
        insertToMap("isPatientCVShock?", isPatientCVShock);
        insertToMap("give1GramIV", new Question(a + b + "Give 1gram IV every 4-8 hours if needed up to 6grams in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("giveIVUpTo1", new Question(a + b + "Give " + toStr(weightkg * 40) + " mg to 1000mg IV every 4-8 hours if needed, up to " +
                                                "6 grams in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("giveIVMore", new Question(a + b + "Give " + toStr(weightkg * 40) + " mg to " + toStr(weightkg * 90) + " mg IV every 4-8 hours if needed," +
                                               "up to 6 grams in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("give1GramIM", new Question(a + b + "Give 1gram IM every 4-8 hours if needed up to 6grams in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("giveIMUpTo1", new Question(a + b + "Give " + toStr(weightkg * 40) + " mg to 1000mg IM every 4-8 hours if needed, up to " +
                                                "6 grams in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("giveIMMore", new Question(a + b + "Give " + toStr(weightkg * 40) + " mg to " + toStr(weightkg * 90) + " mg IM every 4-8 hours if needed, " +
                                               "up to 6 grams in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("giveIV1Gram", new Question(a + b + "Initially, 1 g IV. Follow with 500 mg IM every 4 hours for 2 doses, " +
                                                "then 500 mg IM every 4 to 12 hours if needed up to a maximum of 6 grams " +
                                                "in 24 hours." + c));
        insertToMap("giveIM1Gram", new Question(a + b + "Initially, 1 g IM. Follow with 500 mg IM every 4 hours for 2 doses, " +
                                                "then 500 mg IM every 4 to 12 hours if needed up to a maximum of 6 grams " +
                                                "in 24 hours." + c));

Ejemplo n.º 2
    CrotalidaeOvine::CrotalidaeOvine(double age, double height, double weight) : Antidote(age, height, weight) {
        string a = "Crotalidae (pit viper) Antivenin Algorithm\n",
        b = string("For the treatment of Crotalidae or pit viper envenomation.  ") + FDA + "\n\n",
        c = " (Protherics Inc., 2008)";

        string stringInfantsChildren = b + " Dosing for infants and children:\n\n" +
        "The dose of antivenin to be administered to infants and children is expected to be the same. " +
        "Initially 4-6 vials of crotalidae antivenin ovine should be administered at a rate " +
        "of 25-50 ml/hr for the first 10 minutes with careful observation of any signs of allergic " +
        "reaction.  If no signs exist, increase the rate to 250ml/hr.  After administration of " +
        "antivenin, observe for 1 hour.  If control of envenomation syndrome is not achieved, another " +
        "vials of antivenin may be administered until symptoms have resolved.  Additional doses of 2 vials " +
        "every 6 hours for up to 18 hours as needed.  To date no dose over 18 vials has been used." + c;
        string stringAdolescentAdult = b + " Dosing for adolescents and adults\n\n" +
        "Initially 4-6 vials of crotalidae antivenin ovine should be administered at a rate " +
        "of 25-50 ml/hr for the first 10 minutes with careful observation of any signs of allergic " +
        "reaction.  If no signs exist, increase the rate to 250ml/hr.  After administration of " +
        "antivenin, observe for 1 hour.  If control of envenomation syndrome is not achieved, another " +
        "vials of antivenin may be administered until symptoms have resolved.  Additional doses of 2 vials " +
        "every 6 hours for up to 18 hours as needed.  To date no dose over 18 vials has been used." + c;
        string reconsider = string("Please re-consider the use of crotalidae antiventin (ovine) as the equine ") +
        "derived antidote is no longer available in the U.S.";
        string *antiveninOptions = new string[2];
        antiveninOptions[0] = "Proceed";
        antiveninOptions[1] = "Exit";
        string stringProceedOrExit = string("This product is an ovine (sheep) derivative. ") +
        "Patients allergic to ovine products may have a severe reaction. " +
        "It is recommended that you proceed with Antivenin Crotalidae Ovine therapy " +
        "if the wound is life or limb threatening and provide care for anaphylaxis " +
        "if necessary." + c;
        Question *InfantsChildren = new Question(stringInfantsChildren);
        Question *AdolescentAdult = new Question(stringAdolescentAdult);
        Question *ProceedOrExit = new Question(stringProceedOrExit);
        Question *Exit = new Question("");
        ProceedOrExit->setOptions(antiveninOptions, 2);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("InfantsChildren", InfantsChildren));
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("AdolescentAdult", AdolescentAdult));
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("ProceedOrExit", ProceedOrExit));
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("Exit", Exit));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    BlackWidow::BlackWidow(double age, double height, double weight) : Antidote(age, height, weight) {
        string a = "Black Widow envenomation Algorithm.\n",
        b = string("For the treatment of Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) envenomation.  ") + FDA + "\n\n",
        c = "\n(Merck & Co., Inc. , 2014)";
        string stringSystemicReaction = string(" As with any administration of serum products, support for ") +
        "systemic reaction should be made ready prior to administration";
        string stringSerumSickness = string(" Patients should be observed for serum sickness for an average ") +
        "of 8 to 12 days following administration of antivenin.";
        string stringNeonate = a + b + string("Safety and efficacy has not been established in neonates. ") +
        "Please consult neonatologist for dosing instructions.";
        string stringInfantChildren = a + b +
        string("Prior to therapeutic administration a skin test should be performed ") +
        "to determine sensitivity to antivenin serum.  Inject a 1:10 dilution of  " +
        "antivenin serum intradermally.  If there is no reaction after 10 minutes, " +
        "proceed with antivenin administration.\n\nAntivenin administration in children:\n\n" +
        "Intravenous administration is preferred method in children.  Administer " +
        "entire reconstituted vial (2.5 ml) of antivenin in 10ml to 50ml of Normal Saline " +
        "over 15 minutes.  Symptoms should subside in 1 to 3 hours.";
        string stringAdolescent = a + b +
        string("Prior to therapeutic administration a skin test should be performed ") +
        "to determine sensitivity to antivenin serum.  Inject a 1:10 dilution of  " +
        "antivenin serum intradermally.  If there is no reaction after 10 minutes, " +
        "proceed with antivenin administration.\n\nAntivenin administration in adolescents:\n\n" +
        "Intravenous administration is preferred method in children.  Administer " +
        "entire reconstituted vial (2.5 ml) of antivenin in 10ml to 50ml of Normal Saline " +
        "over 15 minutes.  Symptoms should subside in 1 to 3 hours.";
        string stringElderly = a + b +
        string("Prior to therapeutic administration a skin test should be performed ") +
        "to determine sensitivity to antivenin serum.  Inject a 1:10 dilution of  " +
        "antivenin serum intradermally.  If there is no reaction after 10 minutes, " +
        "proceed with antivenin administration.\n\nAntivenin administration in adolescents:\n\n" +
        "Intravenous administration is preferred method in the elderly.  Administer " +
        "entire reconstituted vial (2.5 ml) of antivenin in 10ml to 50ml of Normal Saline " +
        "over 15 minutes.  Symptoms should subside in 1 to 3 hours.";
        string stringAdultNatural = a + b +
        string("For a healthy patient aged 16 to 60, it is recommended that the patient not receive ") +
        "antivenin serum and only pain symptoms should be treated.  Healthly patients aged " +
        "16 to 60 should receive antivenin only when envenomation symptoms are moderate to severe.";
        string stringAdult = a + b +
        string("Prior to therapeutic administration a skin test should be performed ") +
        "to determine sensitivity to antivenin serum.  Inject a 1:10 dilution of  " +
        "antivenin serum intradermally.  If there is no reaction after 10 minutes, " +
        "proceed with antivenin administration.\n\n" +
        "Intravenous administration adults: " +
        "Administer entire reconstituted vial (2.5 ml) of antivenin in 10ml to 50ml of " +
        "Normal Saline over 15 minutes.  Symptoms should subside in 1 to 3 hours. " +
        "Intramuscular administration adults: " +
        "Reconstitute antivenin vial with diluent supplied in kit.  Administer " +
        "intramuscularly to the anterolateral thigh.  Placement of dose allows tourniquet " +
        "to be applied in the event of systemic reaction.";
        string stringSeverity = "Describe the severity of bite. ";
        string *antiveninOptions = new string[2];
        antiveninOptions[0] = "Severe";
        antiveninOptions[1] = "Mild";
        Question *severity = new Question(stringSeverity);
        severity->setOptions(antiveninOptions, 2);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("severity", severity));
        Question *age0 = new Question(stringNeonate + stringSystemicReaction + stringSerumSickness + c);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("age0", age0));
        Question *ageLessThen12 = new Question(stringInfantChildren + stringSystemicReaction + stringSerumSickness + c);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("ageLessThen12", ageLessThen12));
        Question *age12To16 = new Question(stringAdolescent + stringSystemicReaction + stringSerumSickness + c);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("age12To16", age12To16));
        Question *ageGreaterThen60 = new Question(b + stringElderly + stringSystemicReaction + stringSerumSickness + c);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("ageGreaterThen60", ageGreaterThen60));
        Question *age16To60Severe = new Question(stringAdult + stringSystemicReaction + stringSerumSickness + c);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("age16To60Severe", age16To60Severe));
        Question *age16To60Mild = new Question(stringAdultNatural + c);
        prompts.insert(strQuestionMapPair("age16To60Mild", age16To60Mild));
