Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>

  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;

  // MPI initialization using Teuchos

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv, NULL);
  RCP< const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();

  // Parameters

  //TODO: FIXME: option by default does not work for MueLu/Tpetra

  int nIts = 9;

  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp(false); // Note:

  Galeri::Xpetra::Parameters<GO> matrixParameters(clp, 256); // manage parameters of the test case
  Xpetra::Parameters             xpetraParameters(clp);      // manage parameters of xpetra

  std::string xmlFileName; clp.setOption("xml",   &xmlFileName, "read parameters from a file. Otherwise, this example uses by default an hard-coded parameter list.");
  int muelu = true;        clp.setOption("muelu", &muelu,       "use muelu"); //TODO: bool instead of int
  int ml    = true;
#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_ML) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA)
  clp.setOption("ml",    &ml,          "use ml");

  switch (clp.parse(argc,argv)) {
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS; break;
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE; break;
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:                               break;

  // TODO: check -ml and --linAlgebra

  if (comm->getRank() == 0) { std::cout << xpetraParameters << matrixParameters; }
  if (ml && xpetraParameters.GetLib() == Xpetra::UseTpetra) {
    ml = false;
    std::cout << "ML preconditionner can only be built if --linAlgebra=Epetra. Option --ml ignored" << std::endl;

  // Construct the problem

  RCP<const Map> map = MapFactory::Build(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), matrixParameters.GetNumGlobalElements(), 0, comm);
  RCP<Galeri::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> > Pr =
      Galeri::Xpetra::BuildProblem<SC, LO, GO, Map, CrsMatrixWrap, MultiVector>(matrixParameters.GetMatrixType(), map, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
  RCP<Matrix>  A = Pr->BuildMatrix();

  // Preconditionner configuration

  // ML parameter list
  RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> params;
  if (xmlFileName != "") {

    std::cout << "Reading " << xmlFileName << " ..." << std::endl;
    params = Teuchos::getParametersFromXmlFile(xmlFileName);

  } else {

    std::cout << "Using hard-coded parameter list:" << std::endl;
    params = rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList());

    params->set("ML output",  10);
    params->set("max levels", 2);
    params->set("smoother: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");

    if (xpetraParameters.GetLib() == Xpetra::UseTpetra) // TODO: remove 'if' when Amesos2-KLU becomes available
      params->set("coarse: type","Amesos-Superlu");
      params->set("coarse: type","Amesos-KLU");


  std::cout << "Initial parameter list" << std::endl;
  std::cout << *params << std::endl;

  if (muelu) {

    // Construct a multigrid preconditioner

    // Multigrid Hierarchy
    MLParameterListInterpreter mueLuFactory(*params);
    RCP<Hierarchy> H = mueLuFactory.CreateHierarchy();

    // build default null space
    LocalOrdinal numPDEs = 1;
    if(A->IsView("stridedMaps")==true) {
      Xpetra::viewLabel_t oldView = A->SwitchToView("stridedMaps"); // note: "stridedMaps are always non-overlapping (correspond to range and domain maps!)
      numPDEs = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const StridedMap>(A->getRowMap())->getFixedBlockSize();
      oldView = A->SwitchToView(oldView);

    RCP<MultiVector> nullspace = MultiVectorFactory::Build(A->getDomainMap(), numPDEs);

    for (int i=0; i<numPDEs; ++i) {
      Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar> nsValues = nullspace->getDataNonConst(i);
      int numBlocks = nsValues.size() / numPDEs;
      for (int j=0; j< numBlocks; ++j) {
        nsValues[j*numPDEs + i] = 1.0;

    H->GetLevel(0)->Set("Nullspace", nullspace);
    H->GetLevel(0)->Set("A", A);

    // build hierarchy

    // Solve Ax = b

    RCP<Vector> X = VectorFactory::Build(map);
    RCP<Vector> B = VectorFactory::Build(map);

    X->putScalar((Scalar) 0.0);
    B->setSeed(846930886); B->randomize();

    // AMG as a standalone solver
    H->Iterate(*B, *X, nIts);

    // Print relative residual norm
    Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitudeType residualNorms = Utils::ResidualNorm(*A, *X, *B)[0];
    if (comm->getRank() == 0)
      std::cout << "||Residual|| = " << residualNorms << std::endl;

    if (xpetraParameters.GetLib() == Xpetra::UseEpetra) { //TODO: should be doable with Tpetra too

      // AMG as a preconditioner

      //TODO: name mueluPrec and mlPrec not

      MueLu::EpetraOperator mueluPrec(H); // Wrap MueLu preconditioner into an Epetra Operator

      // Solve Ax = b
      RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> eA; //duplicate code
      { // TODO: simplify this
        RCP<CrsMatrixWrap>     xCrsOp  = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<CrsMatrixWrap>(A, true);
        RCP<CrsMatrix>         xCrsMtx = xCrsOp->getCrsMatrix();
        RCP<EpetraCrsMatrix>   eCrsMtx = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<EpetraCrsMatrix>(xCrsMtx, true);
        eA = eCrsMtx->getEpetra_CrsMatrixNonConst();

      RCP<Epetra_Vector> eX = rcp(new Epetra_Vector(eA->RowMap()));
      RCP<Epetra_Vector> eB = rcp(new Epetra_Vector(eA->RowMap()));

      eX->PutScalar((Scalar) 0.0);
      eB->SetSeed(846930886); eB->Random();

      Epetra_LinearProblem eProblem(eA.get(), eX.get(), eB.get());

      // AMG as a standalone solver
      AztecOO solver(eProblem);
      solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_fixed_pt);
      solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1);

      solver.Iterate(nIts, 1e-10);

      { //TODO: simplify this
        RCP<Vector> mueluX = rcp(new Xpetra::EpetraVector(eX));
        RCP<Vector> mueluB = rcp(new Xpetra::EpetraVector(eB));
        // Print relative residual norm
        Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitudeType residualNorms2 = Utils::ResidualNorm(*A, *mueluX, *mueluB)[0];
        if (comm->getRank() == 0)
          std::cout << "||Residual|| = " << residualNorms2 << std::endl;

      // TODO: AMG as a preconditioner (AZ_cg)

  } // if (muelu)

#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_ML) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA)
  if (ml) {

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl << "**** ML ml ML ml ML" << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Construct a multigrid preconditioner

    // Multigrid Hierarchy
    RCP<CrsMatrixWrap>      crsOp         = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<CrsMatrixWrap>(A, true);
    RCP<CrsMatrix>        crsMtx        = crsOp->getCrsMatrix();
    RCP<EpetraCrsMatrix>  epetraCrsMtx  = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<EpetraCrsMatrix>(crsMtx, true);
    RCP<const Epetra_CrsMatrix> epetra_CrsMtx = epetraCrsMtx->getEpetra_CrsMatrix();

    RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> eA;
    { // TODO: simplify this
      RCP<CrsMatrixWrap>       xCrsOp  = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<CrsMatrixWrap>(A, true);
      RCP<CrsMatrix>         xCrsMtx = xCrsOp->getCrsMatrix();
      RCP<EpetraCrsMatrix>   eCrsMtx = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<EpetraCrsMatrix>(xCrsMtx, true);
      eA = eCrsMtx->getEpetra_CrsMatrixNonConst();

    RCP<ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner> mlPrec = rcp(new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner(*eA, *params));


    // Solve Ax = b

    RCP<Epetra_Vector> eX = rcp(new Epetra_Vector(eA->RowMap()));
    RCP<Epetra_Vector> eB = rcp(new Epetra_Vector(eA->RowMap()));

    eX->PutScalar((Scalar) 0.0);
    eB->SetSeed(846930886); eB->Random();

    Epetra_LinearProblem eProblem(eA.get(), eX.get(), eB.get());

    // AMG as a standalone solver
    AztecOO solver(eProblem);
    solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_fixed_pt);
    solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1);

    solver.Iterate(nIts, 1e-10);

    { //TODO: simplify this
      RCP<Vector> mueluX = rcp(new Xpetra::EpetraVector(eX));
      RCP<Vector> mueluB = rcp(new Xpetra::EpetraVector(eB));
      // Print relative residual norm
      Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitudeType residualNorms = Utils::ResidualNorm(*A, *mueluX, *mueluB)[0];
      if (comm->getRank() == 0)
        std::cout << "||Residual|| = " << residualNorms << std::endl;

    // TODO: AMG as a preconditioner (AZ_cg)
    std::cout << "Enable AztecOO to see solution" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Parameter list after ML run" << std::endl;
    const Teuchos::ParameterList & paramsAfterML = mlPrec->GetList();
    std::cout << paramsAfterML << std::endl;

  } // if (ml)


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;