Ejemplo n.º 1
//Εκτελει την εντολη delete from where του DML
t_rc SSQLM::runDelete(string tableName, queue<std::string> comp)
	t_rc rc;
	string path = "data/";
	queue<REM_RecordID> ridQ;

	//Βαλε στο ridQ ολα τα records που ικανοποιουν τις συνθηκες comp
	rc = executeWhere(tableName, comp, ridQ);
	if(rc!=OK) return rc;
	STORM_StorageManager *sm = new STORM_StorageManager();
	REM_RecordFileManager rm = REM_RecordFileManager(sm);
	REM_RecordFileHandle rfh;
	rc = rm.OpenRecordFile(path.c_str(),rfh);
	if(rc != OK) return rc;
	int destinationSize = ridQ.size();
	//Για καθε rid της ουρας που ικανοποιει τις συνθηκες
	for(int i=0;i<destinationSize;i++)
		//Διαγραψε το
		rc = rfh.DeleteRecord(ridQ.front());
		if(rc!=OK) return rc;
	return OK;
t_rc SSQLM_DML_Manager::Update(const char *tName, vector<REM_RecordID> ridsFromWhere, char *setAttribute){

	STORM_StorageManager *stormgr = new STORM_StorageManager();				
	REM_RecordFileManager *remrfm = new REM_RecordFileManager(stormgr);	
	REM_RecordFileHandle *remrfh = new REM_RecordFileHandle();	
	REM_RecordHandle remrh;
	char pathname[50];
	char *pData;
	int offset,size,indexID;
	char *type;
	char *nextToken;

	int setAttrLength = strlen(setAttribute);
	char *setAttributeCondition = (char*)malloc(setAttrLength);

	char *setAttributeKey;
	char *setValue;
	setAttributeKey = strtok_s(setAttributeCondition,"= ", &nextToken);
	setValue = strtok_s(NULL,"= ", &nextToken);

	t_rc rc = FindAttributeInAttrmet(tName,setAttributeKey,offset,type,size,indexID);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfm->OpenRecordFile(pathname,*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	for(int i = 0; i < (int)ridsFromWhere.size(); i++){

		rc = remrfh->ReadRecord(ridsFromWhere[i],remrh);
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

		rc = remrh.GetData(pData);
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

		for(int j = 0; j < size; j++){
			pData[j+offset] = setValue[j];

		rc = remrfh->UpdateRecord(remrh);
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

		rc = remrfh->FlushPages();
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfm->CloseRecordFile(*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	delete remrfh;
	delete remrfm;
	delete stormgr;

	return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void testREM() {
	STORM_StorageManager mgr;
	STORM_FileHandle fh;
	t_rc rc;
	STORM_PageHandle ph;

	REM_RecordFileManager *rmgr = new REM_RecordFileManager(&mgr);
	REM_RecordFileHandle rfh;
	rc = rmgr->CreateRecordFile("test.dat", 40);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rmgr->OpenRecordFile("test.dat", rfh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	REM_RecordID rid1, rid2, rid3;
	int pageID, slot;
	rc = rfh.InsertRecord("check my list yo", rid1);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid1.GetPageID(pageID);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid1.GetSlot(slot);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("Page ID = %d,  Slot = %d\n", pageID, slot);
	rc = rfh.InsertRecord("check my list yo 2", rid2);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid2.GetPageID(pageID);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid2.GetSlot(slot);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("Page ID = %d,  Slot = %d\n", pageID, slot);

	rc = rfh.InsertRecord("check my list yo 3", rid3);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid3.GetPageID(pageID);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid3.GetSlot(slot);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("Page ID = %d,  Slot = %d\n", pageID, slot);
	REM_RecordHandle rh;
	char *pData;
	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid1, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 1);

	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid2, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 2);

	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid3, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 3);	
	REM_RecordFileScan fs;
	rc = fs.OpenRecordScan(rfh, TYPE_STRING, 18, 0, EQ_OP, (char*)"check my list yo 2");
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = fs.GetNextRecord(rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from File Scan \n", pData);
	rc = fs.GetNextRecord(rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);}

	printf("This is data : %s ||| from File Scan 2\n", pData);

	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid1, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 1);
	memcpy(pData, "koka kolas!", 40);
	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid1, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 1);	
	rc = rmgr->CloseRecordFile(rfh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rmgr->DestroyRecordFile("test.dat");
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
t_rc SSQLM_DML_Manager::Join(char *table1, char* table2, char *connectionAttribute){

	//	Gia na kanoume to JOIN, anoigoume to table1 kai pairnoume seiriaka ena-ena ta records tou.
	//	Apo ka8e record, kratame thn timh pou 8a ginei h syndesh, kai me authn psaxnoume sto
	//	table2 na vroume poia records exoun thn timh auth sto column ths syndeshs. H anazhthsh 
	//	pragmatopoieitai eite me index( ean to table2 exei index gia to column ths syndeshs)
	//	eite se periptwsh pou den exei index, anoigontas to arxeio tou table table2.
	//	Gia ka8e record pou vre8hke sto table2, dhmiourgeitai to neo record pou perilamvanei
	//	ta attributes kai apo ta 2 tables ths syndeshs ( fysika to attribute ths syndeshs 
	//	emfanizetai 1 mono fora ).
	//	Afou dhmiourgh8oun ta nea records (ta opoia apoteloun ousiastika to join twn 2 pinakwn),
	//	anadhmiourgoume ta string gia thn kataskeyh twn 2 tables (px: id INT, name CHAR(15), age INT...)
	//	Auto to kanoume gia na ftiaksoume to neo string gia thn kataskeuh tou tempTableForIndex,
	//	ston opoio me mia epanalhpsh, kanoume insert ta nea records ths syndeshs.
	//	H synarthsh auth mporei na klei8ei anadromika wste na ginoun join apeirwn pinakwn.

	STORM_StorageManager *stormgr = new STORM_StorageManager();				
	REM_RecordFileManager *remrfm = new REM_RecordFileManager(stormgr);	
	REM_RecordFileHandle *remrfh = new REM_RecordFileHandle();
	REM_RecordFileScan *remrfs = new REM_RecordFileScan();
	REM_RecordHandle *remrh = new REM_RecordHandle;

	STORM_StorageManager *stormgr2 = new STORM_StorageManager();				
	REM_RecordFileManager *remrfm2 = new REM_RecordFileManager(stormgr2);	
	REM_RecordFileHandle *remrfh2 = new REM_RecordFileHandle();
	REM_RecordFileScan *remrfs2 = new REM_RecordFileScan();
	REM_RecordHandle *remrh2 = new REM_RecordHandle;

	STORM_StorageManager *mgrTemp = new STORM_StorageManager();
	REM_RecordFileManager *rfmTemp = new REM_RecordFileManager(mgrTemp);
	INXM_IndexManager *imTemp = new INXM_IndexManager(mgrTemp);
	SSQLM_DDL_Manager *ddlmTemp = new SSQLM_DDL_Manager(rfm,im,"testingDB");

	char pathname[50];
	int offset,
	char *typeString,
	t_attrType type1,
	REM_RecordID rid;
	vector<char *> newTableRecords; 

	t_rc rc = remrfm->OpenRecordFile(pathname,*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfm2->OpenRecordFile(pathname,*remrfh2);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = FindAttributeInAttrmet(table1,connectionAttribute,offset,typeString,size,indexID);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	if(strcmp(typeString,"TYPE_INT") == 0)
		type1 = TYPE_INT;
		type1 = TYPE_STRING;

	rc = FindAttributeInAttrmet(table2,connectionAttribute,offset2,typeString2,size2,indexID2);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	if(strcmp(typeString2,"TYPE_INT") == 0)
		type2 = TYPE_INT;
		type2 = TYPE_STRING;

	rc = GetTableRecordSize(table1,recordSize1);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = GetTableRecordSize(table2,recordSize2);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfs->OpenRecordScan(*remrfh,type1,0,0,NO_OP,NULL);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
	char *connectionValue = (char *)malloc(size);

	while( remrfs->GetNextRecord(*remrh) != REM_FSEOF ){

		rc = remrh->GetData(pData1);
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

		int i;

		for(i=0; i<size; i++){
			connectionValue[i] = pData1[i+offset];
		connectionValue[i] = '\0';

		char *firstRecord = (char *)malloc(strlen(pData1));
		firstRecord[recordSize1] = '\0';
		char *newRecord;

		if( indexID2 != -1 ){	//	CASE INDEX

			INXM_IndexHandle ih;
			INXM_IndexScan *is = new INXM_IndexScan();
			char pathname[50];

			rc = im->OpenIndex(pathname,indexID2,ih);					
			if (rc != OK) { return rc; }									
			if(strcmp(typeString,"TYPE_INT") == 0){	// case of Integer								
					int cndV = atoi(connectionValue);						
					int *key1 = new int(cndV);							
					rc = is->OpenIndexScan(ih, EQ_OP, key1);								
					if (rc != OK) { return rc; }							
			else{		//case of string									
				rc = is->OpenIndexScan(ih, EQ_OP, connectionValue);			
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }										

			while( is->GetNextEntry(rid) != INXM_FSEOF){
				rc = ConCatRecords(rid,remrfh2,remrh2,offset2,size2,recordSize2,firstRecord,newRecord);
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
		else{	// CASE NO INDEX
				if(strcmp(typeString,"TYPE_INT") == 0){	// case of Integer								
					int cndV = atoi(connectionValue);						
					int *key1 = new int(cndV);							
					rc = remrfs2->OpenRecordScan(*remrfh2,type2,size2,offset2,EQ_OP,key1);								
					if (rc != OK) { return rc; }							
					rc = remrfs2->OpenRecordScan(*remrfh2,type2,size2,offset2,EQ_OP,connectionValue);								
					if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

				while( remrfs2->GetNextRecord(*remrh2) != REM_FSEOF ){
					rc = ConCatRecords(rid,remrfh2,remrh2,offset2,size2,recordSize2,firstRecord,newRecord);
					if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	// Find all the records in attr.met about table1
	char *tableDefinition;
	rc = RebuildTableDefinition(table1,tableDefinition);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
	char *tableDefinition2;
	rc = RebuildTableDefinitionChopped(table2,tableDefinition2,connectionAttribute);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	char *newTableDefinition = (char *)malloc(strlen(tableDefinition)+strlen(tableDefinition2) + 2);

	strcat(newTableDefinition,", ");
	if( strcmp(table1,"tempTableForJoin") == 0 ){
		rc = ddlmTemp->DropTable("tempTableForJoin");
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = ddlmTemp->CreateTable("tempTableForJoin",newTableDefinition);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
	SSQLM_DML_Manager *dmlmTemp = new SSQLM_DML_Manager(rfmTemp,imTemp,"testingDB");

	for( int t = 0; t < (int) newTableRecords.size(); t++ ){
		rc = dmlmTemp->Insert("tempTableForJoin",newTableRecords[t]);
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfm->CloseRecordFile(*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfm2->CloseRecordFile(*remrfh2);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	delete stormgr, stormgr2, mgrTemp,
		remrfm,	remrfm2, rfmTemp,
		remrfh, remrfh2,
		remrfs, remrfs2,

	return OK;
t_rc SSQLM_DML_Manager::Delete(const char *tName, REM_RecordID ridsToDelete, char *recordsToDelete){

	STORM_StorageManager *stormgr = new STORM_StorageManager();				
	REM_RecordFileManager *remrfm = new REM_RecordFileManager(stormgr);		
	REM_RecordFileHandle *remrfh = new REM_RecordFileHandle();					
//	char *data;
	char pathname[50];

	t_rc rc = remrfm->OpenRecordFile(pathname,*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	//for(int i = 0; i < ridsToDelete.size(); i++){

		rc = remrfh->DeleteRecord(ridsToDelete);
		if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	rc = remrfh->FlushPages();
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	bool hasIndexes;

	rc = CheckIfTableHasIndexes(tName,hasIndexes);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }


		REM_RecordFileScan *rfs = new REM_RecordFileScan();
		int tNameLength = strlen(tName);
		REM_RecordHandle rh;

		rc = rfs->OpenRecordScan(*attrmet,TYPE_STRING,tNameLength, 0, EQ_OP, (char*)tName);
		if (rc != OK) {return rc; }

		int offset = 0;
		int size = 0;
		char *type;
		int indexNo = 0;
		while( rfs->GetNextRecord(rh) != REM_FSEOF ){
			char *pp;

			//Get the index id, offset, type and size of the attribute
			rc = GetAttrInfo(pp,offset,type,size,indexNo);

			//if there is index for this attribute
			if( indexNo != -1 ){

				// Retrieve the index entry from the attribute data
				INXM_IndexHandle ih;
				REM_RecordID rid;

				rc = im->OpenIndex(pathname,indexNo,ih);
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

				char *indexEntry;
				indexEntry = (char*)malloc(size);

				int j;
				for( j=0; j<size; j++){
					indexEntry[j] = recordsToDelete[j+offset];
				indexEntry[j] = '\0';
				// Delete the entry from the index file with id = indexNo
				if(strcmp(type,"TYPE_INT") == 0){
					int coca = atoi(indexEntry);
					int *key = new int(coca);

					rc = ih.DeleteEntry( key, rid );
					if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
					rc = ih.DeleteEntry( indexEntry, rid);
					if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

				rc = im->CloseIndex(ih);
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

		rc = rfs->CloseRecordScan();

	return OK;
t_rc SSQLM_DML_Manager::Where(const char *tName, char *conditions, vector<char *> *finalResultRecords, vector<REM_RecordID> *finalResultRIDs){
	char pathname[50];
	char pathname2[50];
	REM_RecordFileHandle *rfh = new REM_RecordFileHandle();
	REM_RecordFileScan *rfs = new REM_RecordFileScan();
	REM_RecordHandle rh;
	REM_RecordID rid;

	vector <char*> conditionsList;
	vector <char*> conditionsListWithoutIndex;

	int condLength = strlen(conditions);
	char *str = (char*)malloc(condLength);

	char *pointer = str;
	int offset = 0;
	int size;
	char *type;
	char condition[50]; // one condition
	int i = 0;
	char *conditionAttribute = NULL;
	char *conditionValue = NULL;
	t_compOp comp = NO_OP;
	int index_no;
	t_rc rc;

	// Split with delimeter "AND"
	while(strstr(pointer,"AND")){					//***********************************************
													//**	Spaw thn eisodo tou where sta conditions.
		pointer = strstr(pointer,"AND");			//**	To conditionsList periexei ola ta 
		i = 0;										//**	conditions.
		while(&str[offset] != pointer){				//**
			condition[i] = str[offset];				//**
			i++;									//**
			offset++;								//**
		}											//**
		condition[i] = '\0';						//**
		conditionsList.push_back(condition);		//**
		offset+=4;									//**
		pointer+=4;									//**
	}												//**
	//add the last condition in the list			//**
	conditionsList.push_back(pointer);				//************************************************

	hash_map<int, REM_RecordID> rids;
	bool isFirstCondition = true;

	for(int iii=0; iii< (int)conditionsList.size(); iii++){		// Gia ka8e condition, 8a elegksw ean yparxei index.  
															// Gia na to kanw auto spaw to condition sta attribute, comperator kai value, kai anoigw to attrmet.
		int condLength = strlen(conditionsList[iii]);		
		char *condit;
		condit = (char *)malloc(condLength);
		strcpy(condit,conditionsList[iii]);					// keep a back up from the condition string because strtok_s destroys it.

		rc = GetConditionInfo(conditionsList[iii],conditionAttribute,comp,conditionValue);		// get the attribute, the comperator and the value of the condition
		if (rc != OK) {return rc; }	
		rc = FindAttributeInAttrmet(tName,conditionAttribute,offset,type,size,index_no);
		if (rc != OK) {return rc; }	

		if(index_no != -1){	//IN CASE OF INDEX									//***********************************
																				//**	ean exei index, 
			// Open index file													//**	anoigw to arxeio tou index
			INXM_IndexHandle ih;												//**	kai psaxnw mesa ta rids pou epalh8eyoun thn syn8hkh
			_snprintf_s(pathname2,sizeof(pathname),"%s/%s",dbName,tName);		//**
			rc = im->OpenIndex(pathname2,index_no,ih);							//**
			if (rc != OK) { return rc; }										//**
			INXM_IndexScan *is = new INXM_IndexScan();							//**
			if(type){	// case of Integer										//**
				int cndV = atoi(conditionValue);								//**
				int *key1 = new int(cndV);										//**
				rc = is->OpenIndexScan(ih, comp, key1);							//**			
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }									//**
			}																	//**
			else{		//case of string										//**
				rc = is->OpenIndexScan(ih, comp, conditionValue);				//**
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }									//**	
			}																	//***********************************
			// Prepei twra na vroume thn tomh olwn twn rid pou epistrefoun oi indexers																	
			int i = 0;	
			int page;
			int slott;

			if(isFirstCondition){									//***********************************
																	//**	Edw dhmiourgeitai o hashmap gia to prwto condition.
				while( is->GetNextEntry(rid) != INXM_FSEOF ){		//**	Gia ka8e record pou epistrefei
					rid.GetPageID(page);							//**
					rid.GetSlot(slott);								//**			
					rids[page*10000+slott] = rid;					//**	ypologizw ena monadiko kleidi					
					i++;											//**	kai pros8etw to recordid ston hash.		
				}													//**
				isFirstCondition = false;							//**	Gia thn epomenh syn8hkh, 8a vrei thn tomh tou hash me ta epomena rids.
			}														//***********************************
				hash_map<int, REM_RecordID> intersectionRIDs;

				while( is->GetNextEntry(rid) != INXM_FSEOF ){
					if(rids.count(page*10000+slott)){				//	ean yparxei hdh ston prohgoumeno hash
						intersectionRIDs[page*10000+slott] = rid;	//	pros8ese to ston hash me thn tomh.
				rids.swap(intersectionRIDs);						//	antallakse tous hashes wste na leitourghsei anadromika kai gia ta epomena conditions

			rc = is->CloseIndexScan();
			if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
		else{	// IN CASE THERE IS NO INDEX						//	Se periptwsh pou to attribute tou condition den exei index
			conditionsListWithoutIndex.push_back(condit);			//	pros8ese to sthn lista me ta conditions pou den exoun index

	STORM_StorageManager *stormgr3 = new STORM_StorageManager();				//	Epomeno vhma einai na paroume apo to REM ta records sta opoia
	REM_RecordFileManager *remrfm = new REM_RecordFileManager(stormgr3);		//	antistoixoun ta recordids pou mazepsame apo tous indexers.
	REM_RecordFileHandle *remrfh = new REM_RecordFileHandle();					//	Ean den mazepsame kanena rid apo indexer, tote anazhtoume sto
	REM_RecordHandle *remrh = new REM_RecordHandle();							//	table ta records pou epalh8euoun thn syn8hkh (ths opoias to
	vector <char*> recordsFromIndexes;											//	attribute den eixe index)
	vector <REM_RecordID> ridsFromIndexes;		
	hash_map <int, REM_RecordID>::iterator rids_Iter;
	char *pdata;

	rc = remrfm->OpenRecordFile(pathname,*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) { return rc; }

	for ( rids_Iter = rids.begin( ); rids_Iter != rids.end( ); rids_Iter++ ){	// Vres ta records sta opoia antistoixoun h tomh twn rids twn indexes.
		REM_RecordID recordid = rids_Iter->second;
		rc = remrfh->ReadRecord(recordid,*remrh);
		if (rc != OK) {return rc; }	


		int pDataLength = strlen(pdata);
		char * newInput;
		newInput = (char *)malloc(pDataLength);

		recordsFromIndexes.push_back(newInput);									// Apo8hkeyse ta se mia lista.

	rc = remrfm->CloseRecordFile(*remrfh);
	if (rc != OK) {return rc; }

	if(!conditionsListWithoutIndex.empty()){																//	Ean yparxoun conditions xwris indexes,
																											//	8a psaksoume to attribute tou ka8e condition sto arxeio attrmet
//																											//	wste na paroume plhrofories gia to attribute (offset,type,...)
		int offset2,size2,indexID2;																			//	me teliko stoxo na elegksoume poia apo ta records pou epestrepsan
		char *type2;																						//	oi indexers, epalh8euoun ta conditions xwris index.

		for(int i=0; i< (int) conditionsListWithoutIndex.size(); i++){										//	Gia ka8e tetoio condition loipon,

			rc = GetConditionInfo(conditionsListWithoutIndex[i],conditionAttribute,comp,conditionValue);	//	vres ta systatika tou merh (attribute, comperator, value)
			if (rc != OK) {return rc; }	

			rc = FindAttributeInAttrmet(tName,conditionAttribute,offset2,type2,size2,indexID2);				//	kai psakse mesa sto attrmet to record gia to sygkekrimeno attribute. Pare tis plhrofories gia to attribute.
			if (rc != OK) {return rc; }	

			int j = 0;
				for(int j=0; j<(int)recordsFromIndexes.size(); j++){										//	Sygkrine an isxyei h syn8hkh me ola ta records pou epestrepsan oi indexes.	
					char *value;																			//	Ean h syn8hkh epalh8euetai, pros8ese to record sthn lista eksodou finalResultRecords.
					value = (char *)malloc(size);
					int z;
					for(z=0; z<size; z++){
						value[z] = recordsFromIndexes[j][offset+z];
					value[z] = '\0';
						int val = atoi(value);
						int condValue = atoi(conditionValue);
						if(comp == EQ_OP){
							if(val == condValue){
						else if(comp == GT_OP){
							if(val > condValue){
						else if(comp == LT_OP){
							if(val < condValue){
						else if(comp == NE_OP){
							if(val != condValue){
						else if(comp == GE_OP){
							if(val >= condValue){
						else if(comp == LE_OP){
							if(val <= condValue){
					else{ // the type is TYPE_STRING
						if(comp == EQ_OP){
						if(comp == GT_OP || comp == GE_OP){
							if(strcmp(value,conditionValue) == 1){
						if(comp == LT_OP || comp == LE_OP){
							if(strcmp(value,conditionValue) == -1){
			else{	// PERIPTWSH POU DEN EIXAME KANENA CONDITION ME INDEX									//	Sthn periptwsh pou den exoume kamia syn8hkh me index
				REM_RecordFileScan *remrfs = new REM_RecordFileScan();										//	psaxnoume mesa ston pinaka ta records pou epalh8euoun
				REM_RecordHandle *remrh2 = new REM_RecordHandle();											//	thn syn8hkh kai ta apouhkeyoume sthn lista eksodou.
				STORM_StorageManager *stormgr4 = new STORM_StorageManager();				
				REM_RecordFileManager *remrfm2 = new REM_RecordFileManager(stormgr4);		
				REM_RecordFileHandle *remrfh2 = new REM_RecordFileHandle();					
				char *data;

				rc = remrfm2->OpenRecordFile(pathname,*remrfh2);
				if (rc != OK) { return rc; }
				if(strcmp(type,"TYPE_INT") == 0){

					int atoiCondition = atoi(conditionValue);
					int *key = new int(atoiCondition);

					rc = remrfs->OpenRecordScan(*remrfh2,TYPE_INT,size,offset,comp,key);	
					if (rc != OK) {return rc; }
					rc = remrfs->OpenRecordScan(*remrfh2,TYPE_STRING,size,offset,comp,conditionValue);
					if (rc != OK) {return rc; }
				while( remrfs->GetNextRecord(*remrh2) != REM_FSEOF ){

					REM_RecordID recordIDFromNoIndex;
					rc = remrh2->GetRecordID(recordIDFromNoIndex);
					if (rc != OK) {return rc; }

					rc = remrh2->GetData(data);
					if (rc != OK) {return rc; }

					int dataLength = strlen(data);
					char *input;
					input = (char *)malloc(dataLength);

				rc = remrfs->CloseRecordScan();
				if (rc != OK) {return rc; }

				rc = remrfm2->CloseRecordFile(*remrfh2);
				if (rc != OK) {return rc; }
				delete remrfs;
				delete remrh2;
				delete remrfh2;
				delete remrfm2;
				delete stormgr4;
	else{	// PERIPTWH POU EIXAME MONO CONDITIONS ME INDEXES			//	Se auth thn periptwsh apla vgazoume sthn eksodo
		for( int i=0; i<(int)recordsFromIndexes.size(); i++){			//	ta records pou epestrepsan oi indexes.

	delete remrh;
	delete remrfh;
	delete remrfm;
	delete stormgr3;

	return OK;