Ejemplo n.º 1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RNameAddress::FormatNameAddress( )
//  Description:		Perform the formatting described in the format string to
//							the given inputs and put the result into output
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		kMemory
// ****************************************************************************
void RNameAddress::FormatNameAddress( RMBCString& output, const RMBCString& format,
									const RMBCString& firstName, const RMBCString& lastName, const RMBCString& address,
									const RMBCString& city, const RMBCString& state, const RMBCString& zip,
									const RMBCString& country )
	output.Empty( );

	RMBCStringIterator	iterator		= format.Start( );
	RMBCStringIterator	iteratorEnd	= format.End( );

	for ( ; iterator != iteratorEnd; ++iterator )
		RCharacter	ch	= ( *iterator );
		if ( ch == kFormatIdentifierTag )
			TpsAssert( iterator!=iteratorEnd, "Format Identifier found at end of stream" );
			ch = ( *iterator );
			if ( ch == kFormatIdentifierTag )
				output	+= kFormatIdentifierTag;
			else if ( ch == kFirstNameIdentifierTag )
				output	+= firstName;
			else if ( ch == kLastNameIdentifierTag )
				output	+= lastName;
			else if ( ch == kAddressIdentifierTag )
				output	+= address;
			else if ( ch == kCityIdentifierTag )
				output	+= city;
			else if ( ch == kStateIdentifierTag )
				output	+= state;
			else if ( ch == kZipIdentifierTag )
				output	+= zip;
			else if ( ch == kCountryIdentifierTag )
				output	+= country;
				TpsAssertAlways( "Unknown format tag found" );
			if ( ch == kSpaceTag )
				output	+= ch;
			else if ( ch == kReturnTag )
				output	+= ch;
			else if ( ch == kTabTag )
				output	+= ch;
			else if ( ch == kCommaTag )
				output	+= ch;
				//TpsAssertAlways( "Unsupported Character, If it is necessary add it to the MergeField info and here" );
				output	+= ch;

Ejemplo n.º 2
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RFont::GetStringWidth( )
//  Description:		Return the width of the given string of characters
//  Returns:			The requested string size
//  Exceptions:		Nothing
// ****************************************************************************
YFontSize RFont::GetStringWidth( const RMBCString& string ) const
	YFontSize				size = 0;

	RDataObjectLocker	locker( m_pWidthsTable );
	for ( RMBCStringIterator cz = string.Start(); cz != string.End(); ++cz )
		size += m_pWidthsTable->GetCharacterWidth( *cz );

	return size;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RNameAddress::FormatNameAddress( )
//  Description:		Perform the formatting described in the format string to
//							the given inputs and put the result into address
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		kMemory
// ****************************************************************************
void RNameAddress::FormatNameAddress( RMergeFieldContainer& output, const RMBCString& format,
										YMergeId firstName, YMergeId lastName, YMergeId address,
										YMergeId city, YMergeId state, YMergeId zip, YMergeId country )
	output.Empty( );

	RMBCStringIterator	iterator		= format.Start( );
	RMBCStringIterator	iteratorEnd	= format.End( );

	for ( ; iterator != iteratorEnd; ++iterator )
		RCharacter	ch	= ( *iterator );
		if ( ch == kFormatIdentifierTag )
			TpsAssert( iterator!=iteratorEnd, "Format Identifier found at end of stream" );
			ch = ( *iterator );
			if ( ch == kFirstNameIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( firstName );
			else if ( ch == kLastNameIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( lastName );
			else if ( ch == kAddressIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( address );
			else if ( ch == kCityIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( city );
			else if ( ch == kStateIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( state );
			else if ( ch == kZipIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( zip );
			else if ( ch == kCountryIdentifierTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( country );
				TpsAssertAlways( "Unknown format tag found" );
			if ( ch == kSpaceTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( kMergeFieldSpace );
			else if ( ch == kReturnTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( kMergeFieldReturn );
			else if ( ch == kTabTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( kMergeFieldTab );
			else if ( ch == kCommaTag )
				output.InsertAtEnd( kMergeFieldComma );
				TpsAssertAlways( "Unsupported Character, If it is necessary add it to the MergeField info and here" );

Ejemplo n.º 4
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RNumberDialog::GetSmartNumberSuffix
//  Description:		Return internationally correct suffix for given string
//							embedded number
//  Returns:			suffix
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RMBCString RNumberDialog::GetSmartNumberSuffix( const RMBCString& rNumber )
    int nNumber = atoi( (LPCSZ)rNumber );
    TpsAssert( nNumber >= 0 , "Number string invalid. Negative numbers not supported." );
    TpsAssert( nNumber <= kMaxNumber, "Number string invalid. Too large.");
    TpsAssert( rNumber.GetStringLength() <= kMaxNumNumbers, "Number string too long" );
    if( nNumber == 0 && rNumber.GetStringLength() > 1 )
        TpsAssertAlways( "Invalid number string." );

    // Only interested in the last two digits of number (ie. Suffix for 12 is the
    // same as suffix for 112)
    int nMeaningfulDigits = atoi( (LPCSZ)rNumber );
    if( rNumber.GetStringLength() > 2 )
        // If the number is three digits or greater, just get the last two digits..
        char sDigitConvert[3];
        //strncpy( sDigitConvert, (LPCSZ)rNumber[ rNumber.GetStringLength() - 2 ], 2 );
        sDigitConvert[ 0 ] = rNumber[ rNumber.GetStringLength() - 2 ];
        sDigitConvert[ 1 ] = rNumber[ rNumber.GetStringLength() - 1 ];
        sDigitConvert[ 2 ] = 0;
        nMeaningfulDigits = atoi( sDigitConvert );
    // To be safe for all languages we define suffixes for every number up to
    // 20, then just define suffixes for the second digit for numbers greater
    // than that.
    if( nMeaningfulDigits < kNumberOfSuffixesDefinedFromZero )
        /*!!!!!!!!!!!!       NOTE        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
        // Smart number ids from 0-19 MUST be sequential or the proper suffix will
        // NOT be used!!!!!! -MWH
        int nFirstSuffixInResource = IDS_SMARTNUM_SUFFIX_0;
        return ::GetResourceManager().GetResourceString( nFirstSuffixInResource + nMeaningfulDigits );
        // Number is greater than 20, need to get last digit suffix
        RMBCString rLastDigit("");
        rLastDigit += rNumber[rNumber.GetStringLength()-1];
        int nLastDigit = atoi( (LPCSZ)rLastDigit );
        /*!!!!!!!!!!!!       NOTE        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
        // Smart number two digit ids MUST be sequential or the proper suffix will
        // NOT be used!!!!!! -MWH
        int nFirst2DigitSuffixInResource = IDS_SMARTNUM_2DIGIT_SUFFIX_0;
        return ::GetResourceManager().GetResourceString( nFirst2DigitSuffixInResource + nLastDigit );
Ejemplo n.º 5
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RMergeData::SaveAsFile( )
//  Description:		Make this MergeData takes its values from a choosen file
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RMergeData::SaveAsFile( )

		RMBCString	fileName;

	#ifdef	_WINDOWS
		RMBCString	fileExtension;
		RMBCString	fileFilter;
		ReturnFileExtension( fileExtension, TRUE );
		ReturnFileFilter( fileFilter, TRUE );
									(LPCTSTR)fileFilter, NULL );
		if ( dialog.DoModal( ) == IDCANCEL )
			return FALSE;
		fileName	= dialog.GetPathName( );
	#else	//	MAC
	#endif	//	_WINDOWS

		if ( fileName.GetStringLength() > 0 )
			RMBCString	oldFileName	= m_FileName;
			m_FileName = fileName;
			if ( !SaveFile( ) )
				m_FileName = oldFileName;
				return FALSE;
	catch( YException exception )
		::ReportException( exception );
		return FALSE;
	catch( ... )
		::ReportException( kUnknownError );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RHLSpellCheckInterface::RHLSpellCheckInterface()
//  Description:		Replace the current word with the given replacement
//  Returns:			TRUE if sucessful
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RHLSpellCheckInterface::ReplaceWord( const RMBCString& original, const RMBCString& replacement )
	RMBCString				newText;
	RMBCStringIterator	iterator		= m_Text.Start( );
	RMBCStringIterator	iteratorEnd	= m_Text.End( );

	//	Empty the new string ( just to be paranoid );
	newText.Empty( );

	//	Copy the text before the word
	int	nLength = 0;
	while ( nLength++ < m_nWordStart )
		newText	+= (*iterator);

	//	add the replacement word
	newText	+= replacement;
	//	skip over the original word
	iterator	+= original.GetStringLength( );

	//	add the remaining string
	while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
		newText	+= (*iterator);

	m_pDocument->SetHeadlineText( newText );
	m_Text			=	newText;
	m_nWordEnd		=	m_nWordStart + replacement.GetStringLength();

	//	Invalidate the render cache
	TpsAssertIsObject( RComponentView, m_pDocument->GetActiveView( ) );
	RComponentView* pView = static_cast< RComponentView* >( m_pDocument->GetActiveView( ) );
	pView->InvalidateRenderCache( );
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RFont::GetStringWidth( )
//  Description:		Return the width of the given string of characters
//  Returns:			The requested string size
//  Exceptions:		Nothing
// ****************************************************************************
YFontSize RFont::GetStringWidth( const RMBCString& string, BOOLEAN fKern ) const
	YFontSize				size = GetStringWidth( string );
	RMBCStringIterator	cz;
	RCharacter				character, next;

	if ( fKern )
		cz = string.Start(); 
		character = *cz;
		while ( cz != string.End() )
			next = *cz;
			size += GetKernAmount( character, next );
			character = next;

	return size;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RNumberDialog::StripSmartNumber
//  Description:		Strip the smart number suffix if there is one.
//  Returns:			pointer to ContextData
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RNumberDialog::StripSmartNumber( RMBCString& rNumber )
    char* pStrippedNumber = new char[ rNumber.GetStringLength() + 1 ];
        strcpy( pStrippedNumber, (LPCSZ)rNumber );
        for( int nIdx = 0; nIdx < rNumber.GetStringLength(); nIdx++ )
            if( !isdigit( pStrippedNumber[nIdx] ) )
                pStrippedNumber[nIdx] = 0;
    catch( ... )
        delete [] pStrippedNumber;
    rNumber = RMBCString( pStrippedNumber );
    delete [] pStrippedNumber;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RMergeData::ReadTabDelimitedString( )
//  Description:		Read a string that is tab delimited from the storage.
//							Eat the delimeter character also (eof, cr/lf, tab).
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Any File Exception, will not send through on kEndOfFile
// ****************************************************************************
RMergeData::EDataDelimiter RMergeData::ReadTabDelimitedString( RStorage& storage, RMBCString& string )
	EDataDelimiter	delimiter	= kTab;

		uBYTE			ubChar( 0 );
		RCharacter	character;

		//	First, make sure the string is empty
		string.Empty( );

		//	Loop until I hit a EOF, TAB, CR, or LF
		while ( 1 )
			storage >> ubChar;
			if ( (ubChar == '\t') || (ubChar == '\r') || (ubChar == '\n') )

			//	Check for multi-Byte
			character = ubChar;

			if ( character.IsLead( ) )
				UntestedCode( );
				uBYTE	lead	= ubChar;
				uBYTE	trail;
				storage >> trail;
				character = RCharacter( lead, trail );

			string += character;

			//	If I found a CR or a LF, make sure the other is not also present.
			if ( (ubChar == '\r') || (ubChar == '\n') )
				storage >> ubChar;
				//	If character is NOT a CR or LF, rewind one character
				if ( !((ubChar == '\r') || (ubChar == '\n')) )
					storage.SeekRelative( -1 );
				delimiter = kEOL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RHLSpellCheckInterface::GetContext()
//  Description:		Return the context around the last word returned
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RHLSpellCheckInterface::GetContext( RMBCString& context, int& nWordStart )
	//	Empty the context
	context.Empty( );

	RMBCStringIterator	iterator		= m_Text.Start( );
	RMBCStringIterator	iteratorEnd	= m_Text.End( );

	nWordStart			= m_nWordStart;
	int nStartContext	= (m_nWordStart>kContextSize/2)? m_nWordStart-(kContextSize/2) : 0;
	iterator	+= nStartContext;

	//	Fill in at least kContextSize characters
	int	nLength = 0;
	while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
		context += (*iterator);
		if ( ++nLength == kContextSize )
Ejemplo n.º 11
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RHLSpellCheckInterface::FindNextWord()
//  Description:		Return the next word in the component
//  Returns:			TRUE if word found, FALSE if no more words
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RHLSpellCheckInterface::FindNextWord( RMBCString& word )
	//	Empty the word
	word.Empty( );

	RMBCStringIterator	iterator		= m_Text.Start( );
	RMBCStringIterator	iteratorEnd	= m_Text.End( );

	//	Advance to current word position
	iterator			+= m_nWordEnd;
	m_nWordStart	= m_nWordEnd;

	//	Try to find a word start.
	while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
		if ( !(*iterator).IsSpace( ) )

	if ( iterator == iteratorEnd )
		return FALSE;

	//	Find the word end
	m_nWordEnd	= m_nWordStart;
	while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
		if ( (*iterator).IsSpace( ) )
		word	+=	(*iterator);

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 12
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	ParseAndPutInListBox
//  Description:		Parses tokens out of passed in string, and loads tokens into listbox.
//  Returns:			void
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void ParseAndPutInComboBox( RMBCString& rListToParse, CComboBox& cComboBox )
	char* pList = NULL;
	pList = new char[ rListToParse.GetStringLength() + 1 ];
		strcpy( pList, rListToParse );
		char* pListItem = NULL;
		pListItem = strtok( pList, kListFieldSeperator );
		while( pListItem )
			cComboBox.AddString( pListItem );
			pListItem = strtok( NULL, kListFieldSeperator );
		delete pList;
	delete pList;

Ejemplo n.º 13
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RStandaloneDocument::OpenPlaceholder( )
//  Description:		Opens a placeholder file to prevent the document from being
//							deleted
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RStandaloneDocument::OpenPlaceholder( const RMBCString& filename )
	if( !filename.IsEmpty( ) )
			//	delete the existing placeholder and open the new doc
			delete m_pDocumentStorage;
			m_pDocumentStorage = NULL;
			//	Changed from kReadWrite to kRead so that revert to saved
			//	would work under Windows 95. REVIEW BDR - this change
			//	may allow the user to delete an open document from the NT
			//	Explorer, however only Win95 is important now. 6/9/97
			m_pDocumentStorage = new RChunkStorage( filename, kRead, kPlaceholder );
			m_pDocumentStorage->SetSaveOnClose( FALSE );
		catch( ... )
			//	it is ok to fail while opening a placeholder;
			//	this can happen if the doc is already open