Ejemplo n.º 1
@SYMTestCaseID          PDS-SQL-UT-4152
@SYMTestCaseDesc		Test for DEF142305 - RSqlDatabase::Attach does not use cache_size configuration parameters.
						The test verifies that when a database is attached, the attached database cache size will be set
						based on the page size, soft heap limit and default cache size.
@SYMTestPriority        High
@SYMTestActions			Test for DEF142305 - RSqlDatabase::Attach does not use cache_size configuration parameters.
@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
void DEF142305()
	_LIT8(KConfig, "cache_size=500");
	//Create main db
	TInt err = TheDb.Create(KTestDbName, &KConfig);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, 500, KDefaultPageSize, KDefaultEncoding);
	//Create non-secure db that will be attached 
	err = TheDb.Create(KTestDbName2, &KConfig);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, 500, KDefaultPageSize, KDefaultEncoding);

	//Create private db that will be attached 
	_LIT8(KConfig2, "page_size=2048");
	err = TheDb.Create(KTestDbName4, &KConfig2);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, (TSqlSrvConfigParams::KDefaultSoftHeapLimitKb * 1024) / 2048, 2048, KDefaultEncoding);//2048? - see KConfig2 string

	_LIT(KAttachDbName, "Attached");
	//Attach non-secure db
	err = TheDb.Open(KTestDbName, &KConfig);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, 500, KDefaultPageSize, KDefaultEncoding);
	err = TheDb.Attach(KTestDbName2, KAttachDbName);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, KDefaultCacheSize, KDefaultPageSize, KDefaultEncoding, KAttachDbName);
	err = TheDb.Detach(KAttachDbName);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	//Attach private db
	err = TheDb.Open(KTestDbName, &KConfig);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, 500, KDefaultPageSize, KDefaultEncoding);
	err = TheDb.Attach(KTestDbName4, KAttachDbName);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	AssertConfigPrmValues(TheDb, (TSqlSrvConfigParams::KDefaultSoftHeapLimitKb * 1024) / 2048, 2048, KDefaultEncoding, KAttachDbName);//2048? - see KConfig2 string
	err = TheDb.Detach(KAttachDbName);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
Ejemplo n.º 2
@SYMTestCaseDesc		Compaction configuration test - attached database.
						The test creates a database with an auto compaction mode.
						Then the test attaches the same database.
						The test verifies that the compaction mode of the main and the attached database is the same - auto.
@SYMTestPriority		Medium
@SYMTestActions			Compaction configuration test - attached database.
@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
@SYMREQ					REQ10273
void CompactConfigTest8L()
	//Create a test database with "auto" compaction mode
	_LIT8(KConfigStr1, "; ;; ; compaction  =   auto; ");
	TInt err = TheDb.Create(KTestDbName1, &KConfigStr1);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	//Attach a database
	err = TheDb.Attach(KTestDbName1, _L("db2"));
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	//Check compact for both main and attached database
	TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery scalarQuery(TheDb);
	TInt compact = scalarQuery.SelectIntL(_L("PRAGMA auto_vacuum"));
	TEST2(compact, KAutoVacuum);
	compact = scalarQuery.SelectIntL(_L("PRAGMA db2.auto_vacuum"));
	TEST2(compact, KAutoVacuum);
	err = TheDb.Detach(_L("db2"));
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
	//Check compact again
	compact = scalarQuery.SelectIntL(_L("PRAGMA auto_vacuum"));
	TEST2(compact, KAutoVacuum);
	err = RSqlDatabase::Delete(KTestDbName1);
	TEST2(err, KErrNone);