Ejemplo n.º 1
// returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool MsdFile::ReadFile( CString sNewPath )
	error = "";

	RageFile f;
	/* Open a file. */
	if( !f.Open( sNewPath ) )
		error = f.GetError();
		return false;

	// allocate a string to hold the file
	CString FileString;
	FileString.reserve( f.GetFileSize() );

	int iBytesRead = f.Read( FileString );
	if( iBytesRead == -1 )
		error = f.GetError();
		return false;

	ReadBuf( (char*) FileString.c_str(), iBytesRead );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool IniFile::WriteFile( const CString &sPath )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->Trace( "Writing '%s' failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		m_sError = f.GetError();
		return false;

	for( keymap::const_iterator k = keys.begin(); k != keys.end(); ++k )
		if (k->second.empty())

		if( f.PutLine( ssprintf("[%s]", k->first.c_str()) ) < 0 )
			m_sError = f.GetError();
			return false;

		for( key::const_iterator i = k->second.begin(); i != k->second.end(); ++i )
			f.PutLine( ssprintf("%s=%s", i->first.c_str(), i->second.c_str()) );

		if( f.PutLine( "" ) < 0 )
			m_sError = f.GetError();
			return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool RageDisplay::SaveScreenshot( RString sPath, GraphicsFileFormat format )
	RageTimer timer;
	RageSurface *surface = this->CreateScreenshot();
//	LOG->Trace( "CreateScreenshot took %f seconds", timer.GetDeltaTime() );
	/* Unless we're in lossless, resize the image to 640x480.  If we're saving lossy,
	 * there's no sense in saving 1280x960 screenshots, and we don't want to output
	 * screenshots in a strange (non-1) sample aspect ratio. */
	if( format != SAVE_LOSSLESS && format != SAVE_LOSSLESS_SENSIBLE )
		// Maintain the DAR.
		ASSERT( GetActualVideoModeParams().fDisplayAspectRatio > 0 );
		int iHeight = 480;
		// This used to be lrintf. However, lrintf causes odd resolutions like
		// 639x480 (4:3) and 853x480 (16:9). ceilf gives correct values. -aj
		int iWidth = static_cast<int>(ceilf( iHeight * GetActualVideoModeParams().fDisplayAspectRatio ));
		RageSurfaceUtils::Zoom( surface, iWidth, iHeight );
//		LOG->Trace( "%ix%i -> %ix%i (%.3f) in %f seconds", surface->w, surface->h, iWidth, iHeight, GetActualVideoModeParams().fDisplayAspectRatio, timer.GetDeltaTime() );

	RageFile out;
	if( !out.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->Trace("Couldn't write %s: %s", sPath.c_str(), out.GetError().c_str() );
		SAFE_DELETE( surface );
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = false;
	RString strError = "";
	switch( format )
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SaveBMP( surface, out );
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SavePNG( surface, out, strError );
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SaveJPEG( surface, out, false );
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SaveJPEG( surface, out, true );
	DEFAULT_FAIL( format );
//	LOG->Trace( "Saving Screenshot file took %f seconds.", timer.GetDeltaTime() );

	SAFE_DELETE( surface );

	if( !bSuccess )
		LOG->Trace("Couldn't write %s: %s", sPath.c_str(), out.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static bool ReadBMSFile( const RString &sPath, NameToData_t &mapNameToData )
	RageFile file;
	if( !file.Open(sPath) )
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "couldn't be opened: %s", file.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	while( !file.AtEOF() )
		RString line;
		if( file.GetLine(line) == -1 )
			LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "had a read error: %s", file.GetError().c_str() );
			return false;

		StripCrnl( line );

		// BMS value names can be separated by a space or a colon.
		size_t iIndexOfSeparator = line.find_first_of( ": " );
		RString value_name = line.substr( 0, iIndexOfSeparator );
		RString value_data;
		if( iIndexOfSeparator != line.npos )
			value_data = line.substr( iIndexOfSeparator+1 );

		mapNameToData.insert( make_pair(value_name, value_data) );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool IniFile::ReadFile( const CString &sPath )
	m_sPath = sPath;
	CHECKPOINT_M( ssprintf("Reading '%s'",m_sPath.c_str()) );

	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( m_sPath ) )
		LOG->Trace( "Reading '%s' failed: %s", m_sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		m_sError = f.GetError();
		return 0;

	CString keyname;
	while( 1 )
		CString line;

		int ret = f.GetLine(line);
		if( ret == 0 ) /* eof */
			return true;
		if( ret < 0 )
			m_sError = f.GetError();
			return false;

		if( line.size() >= 3 &&
			line[0] == '\xef' &&
			line[1] == '\xbb' &&
			line[2] == '\xbf'
			/* Obnoxious NT marker for UTF-8.  Remove it. */
			line.erase(0, 3);

		if( line == "" )

		if( line.substr(0, 2) == "//" || line.substr(0) == "#" )
			continue; /* comment */

		if( line[0] == '[' && line[line.GetLength()-1] == ']'  )
			/* New section. */
			keyname = line.substr(1, line.size()-2);
		else //if a value
			int iEqualIndex = line.Find("=");
			if( iEqualIndex != -1 )
				CString valuename = line.Left(iEqualIndex);
				CString value = line.Right(line.GetLength()-valuename.GetLength()-1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool IniFile::WriteFile( const CString &sPath ) const
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->Trace( "Writing '%s' failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		m_sError = f.GetError();
		return false;

	return IniFile::WriteFile( f );
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool RageDisplay::SaveScreenshot( CString sPath, GraphicsFileFormat format )
	RageSurface* surface = this->CreateScreenshot();

	/* Unless we're in lossless, resize the image to 640x480.  If we're saving lossy,
	 * there's no sense in saving 1280x960 screenshots, and we don't want to output
	 * screenshots in a strange (non-1) sample aspect ratio. */
	if( format != SAVE_LOSSLESS )
		/* Maintain the DAR. */
		int iHeight = 480;
		int iWidth = lrintf( iHeight * GetVideoModeParams().fDisplayAspectRatio );
		LOG->Trace( "%ix%i -> %ix%i (%.3f)", surface->w, surface->h, iWidth, iHeight, GetVideoModeParams().fDisplayAspectRatio );
		RageSurfaceUtils::Zoom( surface, iWidth, iHeight );


	RageFile out;
	if( !out.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->Trace("Couldn't write %s: %s", sPath.c_str(), out.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = false;
	switch( format )
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SaveBMP( surface, out );
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SaveJPEG( surface, out, false );
		bSuccess = RageSurfaceUtils::SaveJPEG( surface, out, true );
		return false;

	delete surface;
	surface = NULL;

	if( !bSuccess )
		LOG->Trace("Couldn't write %s: %s", sPath.c_str(), out.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool IniFile::ReadFile( const RString &sPath )
	m_sPath = sPath;
	CHECKPOINT_M( ssprintf("Reading '%s'",m_sPath.c_str()) );

	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( m_sPath ) )
		LOG->Trace( "Reading '%s' failed: %s", m_sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		m_sError = f.GetError();
		return 0;

	return ReadFile( f );
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool IniFile::WriteFile( const RString &sPath ) const
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->Warn( "Writing '%s' failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		m_sError = f.GetError();
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = IniFile::WriteFile( f );
	int iFlush = f.Flush();
	bSuccess &= (iFlush != -1);
	return bSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool CryptManager::VerifyFileWithFile( RString sPath, RString sSignatureFile, RString sPublicKeyFile )
	if( sSignatureFile.empty() )
		sSignatureFile = sPath + SIGNATURE_APPEND;

	RString sPublicKey;
	if( !GetFileContents(sPublicKeyFile, sPublicKey) )
		return false;

	int iBytes = FILEMAN->GetFileSizeInBytes( sSignatureFile );
		return false;

	RString sSignature;
	if( !GetFileContents(sSignatureFile, sSignature) )
		return false;

	RageFile file;
	if( !file.Open(sPath) )
		LOG->Warn( "Verify: open(%s) failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), file.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	return Verify( file, sSignature, sPublicKey );
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool CryptManager::Verify( CString sPath, CString sSignature )
	ASSERT( PREFSMAN->m_bSignProfileData );

	CString sPublicKeyFile = PUBLIC_KEY_PATH;
	CString sMessageFilename = sPath;

	CString sPublicKey;
	if( !GetFileContents(sPublicKeyFile, sPublicKey) )
		return false;

	RageFile file;
	if( !file.Open(sPath) )
		LOG->Warn( "Verify: open(%s) failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), file.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	CString sError;
	if( !CryptHelpers::VerifyFile(file, sSignature, sPublicKey, sError) )
		LOG->Warn( "Verify(%s) failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), sError.c_str() );
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int URLRageFile_open( avcodec::URLContext *h, const char *filename, int flags )
	if( strncmp( filename, "rage://", 7 ) )
		LOG->Warn("URLRageFile_open: Unexpected path \"%s\"", filename );
	    return -EIO;
	filename += 7;

	int mode = 0;
	switch( flags )
	case URL_RDONLY: mode = RageFile::READ; break;
	case URL_WRONLY: mode = RageFile::WRITE | RageFile::STREAMED; break;
	case URL_RDWR: FAIL_M( "O_RDWR unsupported" );

	RageFile *f = new RageFile;
	if( !f->Open(filename, mode) )
		LOG->Trace("Error opening \"%s\": %s", filename, f->GetError().c_str() );
		delete f;
	    return -EIO;

	h->is_streamed = false;
	h->priv_data = f;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void RageFile_png_write( png_struct *pPng, png_byte *pData, png_size_t iSize )
	RageFile *pFile = (RageFile *) png_get_io_ptr(pPng);

	int iGot = pFile->Write( pData, iSize );
	if( iGot == -1 )
		SafePngError( pPng, pFile->GetError() );
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void RageFile_png_flush( png_struct *pPng )
	RageFile *pFile = (RageFile *) png_get_io_ptr(pPng);

	int iGot = pFile->Flush();
	if( iGot == -1 )
		SafePngError( pPng, pFile->GetError() );
static void WriteBytes( RageFile &f, RString &sError, const void *buf, int size )
	if( sError.size() != 0 )

	int ret = f.Write( buf, size );
	if( ret == -1 )
		sError = f.GetError();
Ejemplo n.º 16
static bool WriteFile( RString sFile, RString sBuf )
	RageFile output;
	if( !output.Open(sFile, RageFile::WRITE) )
		LOG->Warn( "WriteFile: opening %s failed: %s", sFile.c_str(), output.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;
	if( output.Write(sBuf) == -1 || output.Flush() == -1 )
		LOG->Warn( "WriteFile: writing %s failed: %s", sFile.c_str(), output.GetError().c_str() );
		FILEMAN->Remove( sFile );
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
std::string MovieDecoder_FFMpeg::Open( std::string sFile )
	m_fctx = avcodec::avformat_alloc_context();
	if( !m_fctx )
		return "AVCodec: Couldn't allocate context";
	RageFile *f = new RageFile;

	if( !f->Open(sFile, RageFile::READ) )
		std::string errorMessage = f->GetError();
		std::string error = fmt::sprintf("MovieDecoder_FFMpeg: Error opening \"%s\": %s", sFile.c_str(), errorMessage.c_str() );
		delete f;
		return error;

	m_buffer = (unsigned char *)avcodec::av_malloc(STEPMANIA_FFMPEG_BUFFER_SIZE);
	m_avioContext = avcodec::avio_alloc_context(m_buffer, STEPMANIA_FFMPEG_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, f, AVIORageFile_ReadPacket, nullptr, AVIORageFile_Seek);
	m_fctx->pb = m_avioContext;
	int ret = avcodec::avformat_open_input( &m_fctx, sFile.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr );
	if( ret < 0 )
		return std::string( averr_format(ret, "AVCodec: Couldn't open \"%s\"", sFile.c_str()) );

	ret = avcodec::avformat_find_stream_info( m_fctx, nullptr );
	if( ret < 0 )
		return std::string( averr_format(ret, "AVCodec (%s): Couldn't find codec parameters", sFile.c_str()) );

	int stream_idx = avcodec::av_find_best_stream( m_fctx, avcodec::AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0 );
	if ( stream_idx < 0 ||
		static_cast<unsigned int>(stream_idx) >= m_fctx->nb_streams ||
		m_fctx->streams[stream_idx] == nullptr )
		return "Couldn't find any video streams";
	m_pStream = m_fctx->streams[stream_idx];

	if( m_pStream->codec->codec_id == avcodec::CODEC_ID_NONE )
		return fmt::sprintf( "Unsupported codec %08x", m_pStream->codec->codec_tag );

	std::string sError = OpenCodec();
	if( !sError.empty() )
		return fmt::sprintf( "AVCodec (%s): %s", sFile.c_str(), sError.c_str() );

	LOG->Trace( "Bitrate: %i", m_pStream->codec->bit_rate );
	char const* fmt_name= avcodec::av_get_pix_fmt_name(m_pStream->codec->pix_fmt);
	if(fmt_name == nullptr)
		LOG->Trace("Codec pixel format: Unknown");
		LOG->Trace("Codec pixel format: %s", fmt_name);
	return std::string();
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool XNode::SaveToFile( const CString &sFile, DISP_OPT *opt ) const
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open(sFile, RageFile::WRITE) )
		LOG->Warn("Couldn't open %s for writing: %s", sFile.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	return SaveToFile( f, opt );
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool NotesWriterSM::Write(CString sPath, const Song &out, bool bSavingCache)
	/* Flush dir cache when writing steps, so the old size isn't cached. */
	FILEMAN->FlushDirCache( Dirname(sPath) );

	unsigned i;

	int flags = RageFile::WRITE;

	/* If we're not saving cache, we're saving real data, so enable SLOW_FLUSH
	 * to prevent data loss.  If we're saving cache, this will slow things down
	 * too much. */
	if( !bSavingCache )
		flags |= RageFile::SLOW_FLUSH;

	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, flags ) )
		LOG->Warn( "Error opening song file '%s' for writing: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	WriteGlobalTags( f, out );
	if( bSavingCache )
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "// cache tags:" ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#FIRSTBEAT:%.3f;", out.m_fFirstBeat ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#LASTBEAT:%.3f;", out.m_fLastBeat ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SONGFILENAME:%s;", out.m_sSongFileName.c_str() ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#HASMUSIC:%i;", out.m_bHasMusic ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#HASBANNER:%i;", out.m_bHasBanner ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#MUSICLENGTH:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicLengthSeconds ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "// end cache tags" ) );

	// Save all Steps for this file
	const vector<Steps*>& vpSteps = out.GetAllSteps();
	for( i=0; i<vpSteps.size(); i++ ) 
		const Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[i];
		if( pSteps->IsAutogen() )
			continue; /* don't write autogen notes */

		/* Only save steps that weren't loaded from a profile. */
		if( pSteps->WasLoadedFromProfile() )

		WriteSMNotesTag( *pSteps, f, bSavingCache );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool CourseWriterCRS::Write( const Course &course, const RString &sPath, bool bSavingCache )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->UserLog( "Course file", sPath, "couldn't be written: %s", f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	return CourseWriterCRS::Write( course, f, bSavingCache );
SoundReader_FileReader::OpenResult RageSoundReader_Vorbisfile::Open(CString filename_)

	vf = new OggVorbis_File;
	memset( vf, 0, sizeof(*vf) );

	RageFile *f = new RageFile;
	if( !f->Open( filename ) )
		SetError( ssprintf("ogg: opening \"%s\" failed: %s", filename.c_str(), f->GetError().c_str()) );
		delete f;
		delete vf;
		vf = NULL;

	ov_callbacks callbacks;
	callbacks.read_func  = OggRageFile_read_func;
	callbacks.seek_func  = OggRageFile_seek_func;
	callbacks.close_func = OggRageFile_close_func;
	callbacks.tell_func  = OggRageFile_tell_func;

	int ret = ov_open_callbacks( f, vf, NULL, 0, callbacks );
	if(ret < 0)
		SetError( ov_ssprintf(ret, "ov_open failed") );
		delete f;
		delete vf;
		vf = NULL;
		switch( ret )

	eof = false;
	read_offset = (int) ov_pcm_tell(vf);

	vorbis_info *vi = ov_info( vf, -1 );
	ASSERT_M( vi->channels == 1 || vi->channels == 2, ssprintf("%i", vi->channels) );
	channels = vi->channels;

    return OPEN_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 22
SoundReader_FileReader::OpenResult RageSoundReader_Vorbisfile::Open(CString filename_)

	RageFile *f = new RageFile;
	if( !f->Open( filename ) )
		SetError( ssprintf("ogg: opening \"%s\" failed: %s", filename.c_str(), f->GetError().c_str()) );
		delete f;

	return Open( f );
Ejemplo n.º 23
bool XNode::LoadFromFile( CString sFile, PARSEINFO *pi )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open(sFile, RageFile::READ) )
		LOG->Warn("Couldn't open %s for reading: %s", sFile.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;
	CString s;
	if( f.Read( s ) == -1 )
		if( pi )
			pi->erorr_occur = true;
			pi->error_pointer = NULL;
			pi->error_code = PIE_READ_ERROR;
			pi->error_string = f.GetError();
		return false;
	this->Load( s, pi );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool CryptManager::Sign( RString sPath, RString &sSignatureOut, RString sPrivKey )
	if( !IsAFile(sPath) )
		LOG->Trace( "SignFileToFile: \"%s\" doesn't exist", sPath.c_str() );
		return false;

	RageFile file;
	if( !file.Open(sPath) )
		LOG->Warn( "SignFileToFile: open(%s) failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), file.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	RSAKeyWrapper key;
	RString sError;
	if( !key.Load(sPrivKey, sError) )
		LOG->Warn( "Error loading RSA key: %s", sError.c_str() );
		return false;

	int iHash = register_hash( &sha1_desc );
	ASSERT( iHash >= 0 );

	unsigned char buf_hash[20];
	if( !HashFile(file, buf_hash, iHash) )
		return false;

	unsigned char signature[256];
	unsigned long signature_len = sizeof(signature);

	int iRet = rsa_sign_hash_ex(
			buf_hash, sizeof(buf_hash),
			signature, &signature_len,
			LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, &g_pPRNG->m_PRNG, g_pPRNG->m_iPRNG, iHash,
			0, &key.m_Key);
	if( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "SignFileToFile error: %s", error_to_string(iRet) );
		return false;

	sSignatureOut.assign( (const char *) signature, signature_len );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool XNode::SaveToFile( CString sFile, DISP_OPT *opt )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open(sFile, RageFile::WRITE) )
		LOG->Warn("Couldn't open %s for writing: %s", sFile.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;
	f.PutLine( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" );
	if( !opt->stylesheet.empty() )
		f.PutLine( "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" + opt->stylesheet + "\"?>" );
	if( !this->GetXML(f, opt) )
		return false;
	if( f.Flush() == -1 )
		return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
RageSurface *RageSurfaceUtils::LoadFile( const RString &sPath, RString &error, bool bHeaderOnly )
		RageFile TestOpen;
		if( !TestOpen.Open( sPath ) )
			error = TestOpen.GetError();
			return NULL;

	set<RString> FileTypes;
	vector<RString> const& exts= ActorUtil::GetTypeExtensionList(FT_Bitmap);
	for(vector<RString>::const_iterator curr= exts.begin();
			curr != exts.end(); ++curr)

	RString format = GetExtension(sPath);

	bool bKeepTrying = true;

	/* If the extension matches a format, try that first. */
	if( FileTypes.find(format) != FileTypes.end() )
	    RageSurface *ret = TryOpenFile( sPath, bHeaderOnly, error, format, bKeepTrying );
		if( ret )
			return ret;
		FileTypes.erase( format );

	for( set<RString>::iterator it = FileTypes.begin(); bKeepTrying && it != FileTypes.end(); ++it )
		RageSurface *ret = TryOpenFile( sPath, bHeaderOnly, error, *it, bKeepTrying );
		if( ret )
			LOG->UserLog( "Graphic file", sPath, "is really %s", it->c_str() );
			return ret;

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 27
bool XNode::LoadFromFile( const CString &sFile )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open(sFile, RageFile::READ) )
		LOG->Warn("Couldn't open %s for reading: %s", sFile.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = LoadFromFile( f );
	if( !bSuccess )
		CString sWarning = ssprintf( "XML: LoadFromFile failed for file: %s", sFile.c_str() );
		LOG->Warn( sWarning );
		Dialog::OK( sWarning, "XML_PARSE_ERROR" );
	return bSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 28
SoundReader *SoundReader_FileReader::OpenFile( CString filename, CString &error )
		RageFile TestOpen;
		if( !TestOpen.Open( filename ) )
			error = TestOpen.GetError();
			return NULL;

	set<CString> FileTypes;

	CString format = GetExtension(filename);

	error = "";

	bool bKeepTrying = true;

	/* If the extension matches a format, try that first. */
	if( FileTypes.find(format) != FileTypes.end() )
	    SoundReader_FileReader *NewSample = TryOpenFile( filename, error, format, bKeepTrying );
		if( NewSample )
			return NewSample;
		FileTypes.erase( format );

	for( set<CString>::iterator it = FileTypes.begin(); bKeepTrying && it != FileTypes.end(); ++it )
	    SoundReader_FileReader *NewSample = TryOpenFile( filename, error, *it, bKeepTrying );
		if( NewSample )
			LOG->Warn("File \"%s\" is really %s", filename.c_str(), it->c_str());
			return NewSample;

	return NULL;
RageSurfaceUtils::OpenResult RageSurface_Load_PNG( const RString &sPath, RageSurface *&ret, bool bHeaderOnly, RString &error )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath ) )
		error = f.GetError();
		return RageSurfaceUtils::OPEN_FATAL_ERROR;

	char errorbuf[1024];
	ret = RageSurface_Load_PNG( &f, sPath, errorbuf, bHeaderOnly );
	if( ret == NULL )
		error = errorbuf;
		return RageSurfaceUtils::OPEN_UNKNOWN_FILE_FORMAT; // XXX

	return RageSurfaceUtils::OPEN_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 30
int URLRageFile_open( avcodec::URLContext *h, const char *filename, int flags )
	if( strncmp( filename, "rage://", 7 ) )
		LOG->Warn("URLRageFile_open: Unexpected path \"%s\"", filename );
	    return -EIO;
	filename += 7;

	int mode = 0;
	switch( flags )
	case URL_RDONLY: mode = RageFile::READ; break;
	case URL_WRONLY: mode = RageFile::WRITE | RageFile::STREAMED; break;
	case URL_RDWR: FAIL_M( "O_RDWR unsupported" );

	RageFileBasic *pFile = new RageFile;

		RageFile *f = new RageFile;
		if( !f->Open(filename, mode) )
			LOG->Trace("Error opening \"%s\": %s", filename, f->GetError().c_str() );
			delete f;
		    return -EIO;
		pFile = f;

	/* If possible, wrap this file in the read-ahead filter to avoid skips when we rewind. */
	if( RageFileDriverReadAhead::FileSupported(pFile) )
		RageFileDriverReadAhead *pBufferedFile = new RageFileDriverReadAhead( pFile, 1024*128 );
		pFile = pBufferedFile;

	h->is_streamed = false;
	h->priv_data = pFile;
	return 0;