Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Default constructor generates new Genome of randomized values. */
Genome::Genome(int i) 
  Rand r;             // random number generating utility
  ostringstream temp; // temp place to house the string version of the rand
  // id
  temp << i;
  genes["id"] = temp.str();
  temp << r.randfloat(1.8, 2.0);
  genes["period"] = temp.str();

  temp << r.randfloat(1.8, 2.0);
  genes["decending_length"] = temp.str();

  temp << r.randfloat(1.8, 2.0);
  genes["effector_delay"] = temp.str();

  temp << r.randfloat(1.8, 2.0);
  genes["prc_slope"] = temp.str();
  genes["channel"] = "0";
  genes["sample"]  = "peeper.wav";
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main()
    	int i=0;
	Rand * rnd = new Rand;
	cout << "[*] Generating 100 seeds...\t\tseeds.txt" << endl;
	ofstream fseed ("seeds.txt");
	for (i=0; i<100; i++)
		fseed   << rnd->genSeed() << endl;

	cout << "[*] Generating " << LOOPCNT << " chars...\t\tchars.txt" << endl;
	ofstream fchar ("chars.txt");
	for (i=0; i<LOOPCNT; i++)
		fchar   << rnd->getChar();

	cout << "[*] Generating " << LOOPCNT << " letters...\tletters.txt" << endl;
	ofstream fletter ("letters.txt");
	for (i=0; i<LOOPCNT; i++)
		fletter << rnd->getLetter();

	delete rnd;

	cout << endl << endl << "[I] Now you can run these tools:" << endl << "[I] $> cntchar letters.txt" << endl << "[I] $> derandom  chars.txt 1000" << endl << endl << "[I] Those tools are part of the jr-tools project:" << endl << "[I] $> git clone https://code.haibane.org/tools/jr-tools" << endl;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void BeatDetectorApp::NextFile()
	roto = 0;
	if(mTrack && mTrack->isPlaying())

#ifdef WIN32
	time_t now;
	int time_int = (int)now;
	timeval now;
	gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
	int time_int = now.tv_sec;

	Rand r;
	int rand_file = r.nextInt(m_FileList.size());
	path my_path = m_FileList[rand_file].path();
	m_CurrentFile = my_path.string();
		mAudioSource = audio::load(m_CurrentFile);
		mTrack = audio::Output::addTrack(mAudioSource, false);
	//rot_inc = r.nextFloat(1.5f, 30.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void DaemonState::start(bool forceFullScan, bool isReindex)
	// Disable implicit flushing after a change

	// Do full scans ?
	if (forceFullScan == true)
		m_fullScan = true;
		Rand randomStuff;
		guint32 randomArray[5];

		gint32 randomNum = randomStuff.get_int_range(0, 10);
		if (randomNum >= 7)
			m_fullScan = true;
#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << "DaemonState::start: picked " << randomNum << endl;
	m_isReindex = isReindex;

	// Fire up the disk monitor thread
	if (m_pDiskHandler == NULL)
		OnDiskHandler *pDiskHandler = new OnDiskHandler();
		pDiskHandler->getFileFoundSignal().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DaemonState::on_message_filefound));
		m_pDiskHandler = pDiskHandler;
	MonitorThread *pDiskMonitorThread = new MonitorThread(m_pDiskMonitor, m_pDiskHandler);
	start_thread(pDiskMonitorThread, true);

	for (set<PinotSettings::IndexableLocation>::const_iterator locationIter = PinotSettings::getInstance().m_indexableLocations.begin();
		locationIter != PinotSettings::getInstance().m_indexableLocations.end(); ++locationIter)
#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "DaemonState::start: " << m_crawlQueue.size() << " locations to crawl" << endl;

	if (m_fullScan == true)
		CrawlHistory crawlHistory(PinotSettings::getInstance().getHistoryDatabaseName());

		// Update all items status so that we can get rid of files from deleted sources
		crawlHistory.updateItemsStatus(CrawlHistory::CRAWLING, CrawlHistory::TO_CRAWL, 0, true);
		crawlHistory.updateItemsStatus(CrawlHistory::CRAWLED, CrawlHistory::TO_CRAWL, 0, true);
		crawlHistory.updateItemsStatus(CrawlHistory::CRAWL_ERROR, CrawlHistory::TO_CRAWL, 0, true);

	// Initiate crawling
Ejemplo n.º 5
Particle::Particle( const Vec2f& origin, Rand& r )
: position( origin ),
  lifespan( 1.0f ),
  velocity( r.nextFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f ), r.nextFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f ) ),
  acceleration( 0.0f, r.nextFloat( 0.01f, 0.03f ) ),
  aging( r.nextFloat( ( 1.0f / 64 ), ( 1.0f / 128 ) ) ),
  sizeRadius( r.nextFloat( 3.0f, 9.0f ) )
{ }
Ejemplo n.º 6
    virtual int ready()
	if(slotA->ready() + slotB->ready() == 2){
	    val = op(slotA->val, slotB->val);
	    delete slotA;
	    delete slotB;
	    return 1;
	} else return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	void loseScore(Vec2f impact, int num)
		vel -= impact;
		closestPlanet = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
			losing.push_back(new Particle(pos, Vec2f(rand->nextFloat(20.5f), rand->nextFloat(20.5f)), 5.0f, color));
Ejemplo n.º 8
void RandomPolicy::act(const Observation &in, Action *out) const
  Rand *rand = RandGen::instance();
  for (size_t ii=0; ii < min_.size(); ++ii)
    (*out)[ii] = rand->getUniform(min_[ii], max_[ii]);
  out->type = atExploratory;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: hexApp.cpp Proyecto: pholz/hex
	Particle(vector<Tile*> *_tiles, Tile *_tile, Vec2f _pos, float _lifetime, Rand* _r)
		tiles = _tiles;
		tile = _tile;
		lifetime = _lifetime;
		pos = _pos;
		expired = .0f;
		rand = _r;
		vel = Vec2f(rand->nextFloat(-PSPEED, PSPEED), rand->nextFloat(-PSPEED, PSPEED));
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Vocabulary::initWordVectors(){
  this->scoreVector = MatD::Zero(this->scoreDim, this->contextStr.size()-2);
  this->scoreBias = MatD::Zero(1, this->contextStr.size()-2);

  Rand rnd;
  double r = 1.0/this->wordDim;

  this->nounVector = MatD(this->wordDim, this->nounStr.size());
  this->contextVector = MatD(this->wordDim, this->contextStr.size());

  rnd.gauss(this->nounVector, r);
  rnd.gauss(this->contextVector, r);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CristalWaveApp::setup()
	float sizeW = getWindowWidth() * 0.5f;
	float sizeH = getWindowHeight() * 0.5f;
	float	x = 0.0f,
			z = 0.0f,
			y = 0.0f;

	int numRows = PARAM_WAVE_NB_ROWS;
	int gap = PARAM_WAVE_GAP + getWindowWidth() / 2000;
	int numLines = getWindowWidth() / gap + 1;

	mOpacity = 0.0f;
	mOffsetCameratH = 60; // Global amplitude

	// Init BackgroundLayer
	mBackground.setup(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), mOffsetCameratH);

	// Init Wave Model
	mWave.setup(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), numRows, numLines, -mOffsetCameratH);

	// set a random offset
	Rand rnd;
	rnd.seed((unsigned long)GetTickCount());
	mOffsetTime = rnd.nextFloat(0.0f, 100.0f);

	// Set the Shader program
	mpWaveShader = &mFresnelShader;

	// --------------------------------------------------------
	// Set Particule manager
	int nbParticule = PARAM_NB_PARTICULES;
	mEmitter.radius = PARAM_EMITTER_RADIUS;

	mParticuleInTheWindManager.attrPosition = Vec3f::zero();
	mParticuleInTheWindManager.attrFactor = PARAM_FORCE_FACTOR;

	ParticuleManager::PARTICULE_LIFE particule_life;
	particule_life.minTTL = 0.5f;
	particule_life.maxTTL = 3.5f;
	particule_life.minTTH = 1.0f;
	particule_life.minTTH = 4.0f;
	mParticuleInTheWindManager.init(nbParticule, particule_life, getWindowWidth());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 int choose(Rand& rand) const {
     const size_t v = rand.get(totalRatio);
     for (size_t i = 0; i < TYPE_MAX; i++) {
         if (v < ratio[i]) return i;
     throw cybozu::Exception("must not reach here.");
Ejemplo n.º 13
size_t sample_discrete(const double* cumsum, const size_t m, int level, Rand& rng)
  size_t a = 0;
  size_t b = m - 1;
  size_t c;

  double z = cumsum[b];
  double r = rng.rand_01() * z;

  // bisection search
  while (level > 0){
    c = (a + b) / 2;
    if (r < cumsum[c]){
      b = c;
    } else {
      a = c + 1;

  // linear search
  for (size_t i = a; i <= b; ++i){
    if (r < cumsum[i]){
      return i;

  throw std::logic_error("sample_discrete reached end");
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Layer::init(Rand& rand)
	double dev = std::max(0.3, 1.0 / m_weights.cols());
	for(size_t i = 0; i < m_weights.rows(); i++)
		vector<double>& row = m_weights[i];
		for(size_t j = 0; j < m_weights.cols(); j++)
			row[j] = dev * rand.normal();
	for(size_t j = 0; j < m_weights.rows(); j++)
		m_bias[j] = dev * rand.normal();
Ejemplo n.º 15
    virtual int ready()
	    val = op(slotA->val);
	    delete slotA;
	    return 1;
	} else return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void Matrix::shuffleRows(Rand& r, Matrix* pBuddy)
		for(size_t n = rows(); n > 0; n--)
			size_t i = (size_t)r.next(n);
			std::swap(m_data[i], m_data[n - 1]);
			std::swap((*pBuddy)[i], (*pBuddy)[n - 1]);
		for(size_t n = rows(); n > 0; n--)
			std::swap(m_data[(size_t)r.next(n)], m_data[n - 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void DaemonState::start(bool forceFullScan)
	// Disable implicit flushing after a change

	// Do full scans ?
	if (forceFullScan == true)
		m_fullScan = true;
		Rand randomStuff;
		guint32 randomArray[5];

		int randomNum = randomStuff.get_int_range(0, 10);
		if (randomNum >= 7)
			m_fullScan = true;
#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << "DaemonState::start: picked " << randomNum << endl;

	// Fire up the mail monitor thread now
	m_pMailHandler = new MboxHandler();
	MonitorThread *pMailMonitorThread = new MonitorThread(m_pMailMonitor, m_pMailHandler);
	pMailMonitorThread->getDirectoryFoundSignal().connect(SigC::slot(*this, &DaemonState::on_message_filefound));
	start_thread(pMailMonitorThread, true);

	// Same for the disk monitor thread
	m_pDiskHandler = new OnDiskHandler();
	MonitorThread *pDiskMonitorThread = new MonitorThread(m_pDiskMonitor, m_pDiskHandler);
	pDiskMonitorThread->getDirectoryFoundSignal().connect(SigC::slot(*this, &DaemonState::on_message_filefound));
	start_thread(pDiskMonitorThread, true);

	set<PinotSettings::IndexableLocation>::const_iterator locationIter = PinotSettings::getInstance().m_indexableLocations.begin();
	if (locationIter != PinotSettings::getInstance().m_indexableLocations.end())
		// Crawl this now
		crawlLocation(locationIter->m_name, true, locationIter->m_monitor);
Ejemplo n.º 18
void EditorState::keyDown(ci::app::KeyEvent event)
    // XXX duplicate raycast
    Vec2f pos = GG.mouse.getPos();
    Vec3f planeHit = GG.hexRender.raycastHexPlane(pos.x, pos.y);
    HexCoord selectedHex = GG.hexGrid.WorldToHex(planeHit);

    int keycode = event.getCode();

    Vec3f& cameraTo = GG.hexRender.getCameraTo();
    if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_ESCAPE) {
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_UP) {
        cameraTo += Vec3f(0, 2.0f, 0);
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_DOWN) {
        cameraTo += Vec3f(0, -2.0f, 0);
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_LEFT) {
        cameraTo += Vec3f(-2.0f, 0, 0);
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_RIGHT) {
        cameraTo += Vec3f(2.0f, 0, 0);
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_g) {
        //  Generate hex colors
        Vec2i mapSize = GG.hexMap.getSize();
        for (int iy=0; iy < mapSize.y; ++iy) {
            for (int ix=0; ix < mapSize.x; ++ix) {
                HexCell& cell = GG.hexMap.at(HexCoord(ix, iy));
                if (cell.getLand()) {
                    int playerID = random.nextInt(0, 5);
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_DELETE) {
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_SPACE) {
    else if (keycode == app::KeyEvent::KEY_c) {
        vector<HexCoord> connected = GG.hexMap.connected(selectedHex);
        for (vector<HexCoord>::iterator it = connected.begin(); it != connected.end(); ++it) {
            HexCell& cell = GG.hexMap.at(*it);
            Color cellColor = cell.getColor();
            cellColor.r = 0.5f * cellColor.r;
            cellColor.g = 0.5f * cellColor.g;
            cellColor.b = 0.5f * cellColor.b;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void setRandomData(AlignedArray& buf, Rand& rand)
    size_t off = 0;
    while (off < buf.size()) {
        const size_t size = std::min<size_t>(buf.size() - off, 16);
        rand.fill(buf.data() + off, size);
        off += 512;
void Example4App::setup()
    gl::clear( Color( 1, 1, 1 ) );
    app::setWindowSize(600, 200);
    mean_ = getWindowWidth() / 2;
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: hexApp.cpp Proyecto: pholz/hex
	void update(float dt)
		Vec2f newpos = pos + vel;
		if(insidePolygon(newpos - tile->pos, (*tile->hex)))
			pos = newpos;
			Vec2f newpos2 = pos + vel * 15.0f;
			Vec2f exitdir = newpos2 - tile->pos;
			bool wander = false;
			vector<Tile*>::iterator tileit;
			int idx = Tile::getIndexForAngle(math<float>::atan2(exitdir.x, exitdir.y));
			console() << idx << endl;
			for(tileit = tiles->begin(); tileit < tiles->end(); tileit++)
				if(insidePolygon(newpos2 - (*tileit)->pos, *(*tileit)->hex) &&
				   tile->connections[idx] &&
				   !tile->state[idx] &&
				   !(*tileit)->state[(idx+3) % 6])
					pos = newpos;
					wander = true;
					tile = tile->connections[idx];

				Rand r;
				vel = Vec2f(rand->nextFloat(-PSPEED, PSPEED), rand->nextFloat(-PSPEED, PSPEED));
		expired += dt;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void Prior::sample_tau2(Model* model, Rand& rng)
  const std::vector<DataModel::ef_t>& x_types = model->x_types;
  const VectorView& beta = model->beta;

  double alpha2_sigma2 = alpha2_ * model->sigma2;

  if (use_individual_tau2){
    for (size_t i = m_e; i < beta.length(); ++i){
      double nu = nu_tau2[x_types[i]] + 1.0;
      double s2 = (nus2_tau2[x_types[i]] + beta(i) * beta(i) / alpha2_sigma2) / nu;

      model->inv_tau2_alpha2(i) = 1.0 / (alpha2_ * rng.rand_sinvchi2(nu, s2));
      assert(model->inv_tau2_alpha2(i) > 0);
  } else {
    size_t m = beta.length();

    double beta2sum[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    size_t m_types[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

    for (size_t i = m_e; i < m; ++i){
      beta2sum[x_types[i]] += beta(i) * beta(i);

    for (size_t t = 0; t < 4; ++t){
      if (allow_terms[t]){
        double nu = nu_tau2[t] + m_types[t];
        double s2 = (nus2_tau2[t] + beta2sum[t] / alpha2_sigma2) / nu;

        inv_tau2_alpha2[t] = 1.0 / (alpha2_ * rng.rand_sinvchi2(nu, s2));
        assert(inv_tau2_alpha2[t] > 0);

    for (size_t i = m_e; i < m; ++i){
      model->inv_tau2_alpha2(i) = inv_tau2_alpha2[x_types[i]];

  model->mu_beta_computed = false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int createPath(const RTScene& scene, 
	Rand& rand, 
	int maxVerts,
	const float3& initialAlpha, 
	const Ray& initialRay,
	bool includeLightIntersections,
	PathVertex vertices[])
	int numVerts = 0;
	Ray ray = initialRay;
	float3 alpha = initialAlpha;
	for(int i = 0; i < maxVerts; i++)
		float3 woWorld = -ray.dir;
		IntersectionQuery query(ray);
		Intersection isect;
		Intersection lightIsect;

		intersectScene(scene, query, &isect, &lightIsect);
		if(hitLightFirst(isect, lightIsect))
				vertices[i] = PathVertex(lightIsect.normal, woWorld, lightIsect.position, lightIsect.material, 
				return numVerts + 1;
				return numVerts;

		if(!isect.hit) break;
		else numVerts++;

		vertices[i] = PathVertex(isect.normal, woWorld, isect.position, isect.material, alpha);

		if(i == (maxVerts - 1)) break;

		ShadingCS isectShadingCS(isect.normal);
		float3 wi;
		float3 weight;
		isect.material->sample(isectShadingCS.local(woWorld), rand.next01f2(), &wi, &weight);
		float3 wiWorld = isectShadingCS.world(wi);		
		ray.origin = isect.position;		
		ray.dir = wiWorld;
		alpha *= weight;
	return numVerts;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void RendererTestApp::setup()
  mRenderFunctions = {
    { "Batch 2d", [=](){ mRenderer2dStrip.update(); mRenderer2dStrip.render(); } },
    { "VBO 2d", [=](){ mRenderer2dStripVbo.update(); mRenderer2dStripVbo.render(); } },
    { "Simple", [=](){ mSimpleRenderer.render(); } },
    { "Batch 2d (no updates)", [=](){ mRenderer2dStrip.render(); } },
    { "VBO 2d (no updates)", [=](){ mRenderer2dStripVbo.render(); } },
  mRenderFn = mRenderFunctions.begin();

  Rand r;
  for( auto &box : mBoxes )
    box.setColor( ColorA{ CM_HSV, r.nextFloat( 1.0f ), 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f } );
    box.setPos( Vec2f{ r.nextFloat(getWindowWidth()), r.nextFloat(getWindowHeight()) } );
    box.setRotation( r.nextFloat( M_PI * 2 ) );
    mRenderer2dStrip.add( &box );
    mSimpleRenderer.add( &box );
    mRenderer2dStripVbo.add( &box );

  // We perform the cast since we know what type of things we stored in each renderer
  // A type-safe way could be to assign y to each objects layer and then sort by layer
  Vec2f center = getWindowCenter();
  auto vortex_simple = [center]( const SimpleRenderer::Renderable *lhs, const SimpleRenderer::Renderable *rhs )
    return static_cast<const Box*>( lhs )->getPos().distance(center) <
    static_cast<const Box*>( rhs )->getPos().distance(center);
  auto vortex_triangle = [center]( const BatchRenderer2d::Renderable *lhs, const BatchRenderer2d::Renderable *rhs )
    return  static_cast<const Box*>( lhs )->getPos().distance(center) <
    static_cast<const Box*>( rhs )->getPos().distance(center);
  mSimpleRenderer.sort( vortex_simple );
  mRenderer2dStrip.sort( vortex_triangle );
  mRenderer2dStripVbo.sort( vortex_triangle );

  getWindow()->getSignalKeyUp().connect( [this](KeyEvent &event){ if( event.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_SPACE ){ swapRenderer(); } } );
  getWindow()->getSignalTouchesEnded().connect( [this](TouchEvent &event){ swapRenderer(); } );
Ejemplo n.º 25
SpeedTest (pfHash hash, uint32_t seed, const int trials, const int blocksize,
	   const int align)
  Rand r (seed);

  uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[blocksize + 512];

  uint64_t t1 = reinterpret_cast < uint64_t > (buf);

  t1 = (t1 + 255) & BIG_CONSTANT (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00);
  t1 += align;

  uint8_t *block = reinterpret_cast < uint8_t * >(t1);

  r.rand_p (block, blocksize);


  std::vector < double >times;
  times.reserve (trials);

  for (int itrial = 0; itrial < trials; itrial++)
      r.rand_p (block, blocksize);

      double t = (double) timehash (hash, block, blocksize, itrial);

      if (t > 0)
	times.push_back (t);


  std::sort (times.begin (), times.end ());

  FilterOutliers (times);


  return CalcMean (times);
void MPEBouncingBallApp::mpeReset()
    console() << "RESETTING\n";

    // Set the random seed to a known value so all of the clients are using the same rand values.

    // Clear out the previous state
    mServerFramesProcessed = 0;

    // Add the first ball
    ivec2 sizeMaster = mClient->getMasterSize();
    addBallAtPosition(vec2(mRand.nextFloat(sizeMaster.x), mRand.nextFloat(sizeMaster.y)));
    if (mClient->isAsynchronousClient())
Ejemplo n.º 27
double sortTime(int method, int numSize, int repeat)
	Rand r;
	Timer t;
	double res = 0.0;
	for (int j = 0; j < repeat; j++)
		auto vec = r.getRandIntVec(numSize);
		if (method == 0) MergeSort::sort(vec);
		else if (method == 1) InsertionSort::sort(vec);
		else if (method == 2) HybridSort::sort(vec);
		else if (method == 3) MergeBU::sort(vec);
		res += t.elapsedSeconds();

	return res / repeat;
void P_2_1_3_01App::draw()
	// clear out the window with black
	gl::clear( Color( 1, 1, 1 ) );
    gl::color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
    gl::translate(mTileWidth / 2.0f, mTileHeight / 2.0f);
    mCircleCount = mMousePos.x / 30.0f + 1.0f;
    mEndSize = lmap(float(mMousePos.x), 0.0f, float(getWindowWidth()), mTileWidth / 2.0f, 0.0f);
    mEndOffset = lmap(float(mMousePos.y), 0.0f, float(getWindowHeight()), 0.0f, (mTileWidth - mEndSize)/2.0f);
    for (int gridY = 0; gridY <= mTileCountY; gridY++) {
        for (int gridX = 0; gridX <= mTileCountX; gridX++) {
            gl::translate(mTileWidth * gridX, mTileHeight * gridY);
            gl::scale(Vec2f(1.0f, mTileHeight / mTileWidth));
            int toggle = mRand.nextInt(4);
            if (toggle == 0) gl::rotate(-90.0f);
            if (toggle == 1) gl::rotate(0.0f);
            if (toggle == 2) gl::rotate(90.0f);
            if (toggle == 3) gl::rotate(180.0f);
            for (int i = 0; i < mCircleCount; i++) {
                float diameter = lmap(float(i), 0.0f, mCircleCount - 1.0f, mTileWidth, mEndSize);
                float offset = lmap(float(i), 0.0f, mCircleCount - 1.0f, 0.0f, mEndOffset);
                gl::drawStrokedCircle(Vec2f(offset, 0.0f), diameter / 2.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 29
int sample_discrete_naive(const double *cumsum, const int m, Rand &rng){
  double z = cumsum[m - 1];
  double r = rng.rand_01() * z;

  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i){
    if (r < cumsum[i]){
      return i;

  throw std::logic_error("sample_discrete_naive reached end, exiting");
Ejemplo n.º 30
double Prior::sample_alpha(Model* model, const VectorView& y, Rand& rng)
  // then use full conditional of alpha to update it
  size_t nterms = (model->beta).length() - m_e;

  double a = alpha_;

  do { // disallow exact zero value
    if (nterms > 0){
      // propose switching sign of alpha and eta (sign of eta has no effect as long
      // as we actually sample beta; note that eta has symmetric zero mean
      // distribution); this is metropolis move with deterministic
      // proposal; no effect is mu_alpha is zero (might as well skip...)
      if ((a <= 0.0) || log(rng.rand_01()) <= -2.0 * mu_alpha * a){
        a = -a;

      Vector xb(n);
      Vector eb(n);

      xb.set_to_product((model->x).columnblock(m_e, nterms),
          (model->beta).block(m_e, nterms), false);
      eb.set_to_product((model->x).columnblock(0, m_e),
          (model->beta).block(0, m_e), false);
      eb -= y; // note: this is E * b - y, hence there is minus below in mu formul.

      double alpha_sigma2 = a * model->sigma2;
      double var = 1.0 / (1.0 + VectorView::dotproduct(xb, xb) / (a * alpha_sigma2));
      double mu = var * (mu_alpha - VectorView::dotproduct(eb, xb) / alpha_sigma2);

      a = sqrt(var) * rng.rand_normal() + mu;
    } else {
      // sample from prior
      a = rng.rand_normal() + mu_alpha;
  } while (a == 0 || a * a == 0);
  model->mu_beta_computed = false;

  return a;