Ejemplo n.º 1
double testfunc()
	Random rng;
	double r = 0.0;
	for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)
		r += noise(1000.0*rng.Double(), 1000.0*rng.Double(), 1000.0*rng.Double());
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 2
double testfunc2()
	Random rng;
	double r = 0.0;
	for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
		r += 1000.0*rng.Double();
		r += 1000.0*rng.Double();
		r += 1000.0*rng.Double();
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Method: Number
 * Generates a real (non-integer) number.
 * > number = rand:Number()
 * > number = rand:Number(max)
 * > number = rand:Number(min, max)
 * Parameters:
 *   min - optional, the minimum possible value for the generated number. If
 *         omitted, defaults to 0
 *   max - optional, the maximum possible value for the generated number. If
 *         omitted, defaults to a very large number (currently 2^32-1)
 * Return:
 *   number - the random number
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   stable
static int l_rand_number(lua_State *l)
	Random *rand = LuaObject<Random>::CheckFromLua(1);

	double min, max;
	if (lua_isnumber(l, 2) && lua_isnumber(l, 3)) {
		min = lua_tonumber(l, 2);
		max = lua_tonumber(l, 3);
	else if (lua_isnumber(l, 2)) {
		min = 0.0;
		max = lua_tonumber(l, 2);
	else {
        lua_pushnumber(l, rand->Double());
        return 1;

	if (min > max)
		luaL_error(l, "Max must be bigger than min in random number range");

	lua_pushnumber(l, rand->Double(min, max));
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Starfield::Fill(Random &rand)
	Graphics::VertexBufferDesc vbd;
	vbd.attrib[0].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION;
	vbd.attrib[0].format = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_FLOAT3;
	vbd.attrib[1].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_DIFFUSE;
	vbd.attrib[1].format = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_UBYTE4;
	vbd.usage = Graphics::BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC;
	vbd.numVertices = BG_STAR_MAX;

	assert(sizeof(StarVert) == 16);
	assert(m_vertexBuffer->GetDesc().stride == sizeof(StarVert));
	auto vtxPtr = m_vertexBuffer->Map<StarVert>(Graphics::BUFFER_MAP_WRITE);
	//fill the array
	for (int i=0; i<BG_STAR_MAX; i++) {
		const Uint8 col = rand.Double(0.2,0.7)*255;

		// this is proper random distribution on a sphere's surface
		const float theta = float(rand.Double(0.0, 2.0*M_PI));
		const float u = float(rand.Double(-1.0, 1.0));

		vtxPtr->pos = vector3f(
			1000.0f * sqrt(1.0f - u*u) * cos(theta),
			1000.0f * u,
			1000.0f * sqrt(1.0f - u*u) * sin(theta));
		vtxPtr->col = Color(col, col, col,	255);

		//need to keep data around for HS anim - this is stupid
		m_hyperVtx[BG_STAR_MAX * 2 + i] = vtxPtr->pos;
		m_hyperCol[BG_STAR_MAX * 2 + i] = vtxPtr->col;

Ejemplo n.º 5
void Star::Render(Graphics::Renderer *renderer, const Camera *camera, const vector3d &viewCoords, const matrix4x4d &viewTransform)
	double radius = GetClipRadius();

	double rad = radius;
	vector3d fpos = viewCoords;
	double len = fpos.Length();

	while (len > 1000.0f) {
		rad *= 0.25;
		fpos = 0.25*fpos;
		len *= 0.25;

	matrix4x4d trans = matrix4x4d::Identity();
	trans.Translate(float(fpos.x), float(fpos.y), float(fpos.z));

	// face the camera dammit
	vector3d zaxis = viewCoords.NormalizedSafe();
	vector3d xaxis = vector3d(0,1,0).Cross(zaxis).Normalized();
	vector3d yaxis = zaxis.Cross(xaxis);
	matrix4x4d rot = matrix4x4d::MakeRotMatrix(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis).Inverse();

	renderer->SetTransform(trans * rot);

	Random rand;

	//render star halo
	const Color bright(StarSystem::starRealColors[GetSystemBody()->GetType()]);
	const Color dark(Color::BLANK);

	va.Add(vector3f(0.f), bright);
	for (float ang=0; ang<2*M_PI; ang+=0.26183+rand.Double(0,0.4)) {
		va.Add(vector3f(rad*sin(ang), rad*cos(ang), 0), dark);
	va.Add(vector3f(0.f, rad, 0.f), dark);

	renderer->DrawTriangles(&va, m_haloState, Graphics::vtxColorMaterial, TRIANGLE_FAN);

	TerrainBody::Render(renderer, camera, viewCoords, viewTransform);

	renderer->GetStats().AddToStatCount(Graphics::Stats::STAT_STARS, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool SectorRandomSystemsGenerator::Apply(Random& rng, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, RefCountedPtr<Sector> sector, GalaxyGenerator::SectorConfig* config)
	/* Always place random systems outside the core custom-only region */
	if (config->isCustomOnly)
		return true;

	const int sx = sector->sx;
	const int sy = sector->sy;
	const int sz = sector->sz;
	const int customCount = static_cast<Uint32>(sector->m_systems.size());
	const Sint64 dist = (1 + sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz);
	const Sint64 freq = (1 + sx * sx + sy * sy);

	const int numSystems = (rng.Int32(4,20) * galaxy->GetSectorDensity(sx, sy, sz)) >> 8;

	for (int i=0; i<numSystems; i++) {
		Sector::System s(sector.Get(), sx, sy, sz, customCount + i);

		switch (rng.Int32(15)) {
			case 0:
				s.m_numStars = 4; break;
			case 1: case 2:
				s.m_numStars = 3; break;
			case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6:
				s.m_numStars = 2; break;
				s.m_numStars = 1; break;

		s.m_pos.x = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);
		s.m_pos.y = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);
		s.m_pos.z = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);

		 * 0 - ~500ly from sol: explored
		 * ~500ly - ~700ly (65-90 sectors): gradual
		 * ~700ly+: unexplored
		if (((dist <= Square(90)) && ( dist <= Square(65) || rng.Int32(dist) <= Square(40))) || galaxy->GetFactions()->IsHomeSystem(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, customCount + i)))
			s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
			s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;

		// Frequencies are low enough that we probably don't need this anymore.
		if (freq > Square(10))
			const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000000);
			if (weight < 1) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_IM_BH;  // These frequencies are made up
			} else if (weight < 3) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_S_BH;
			} else if (weight < 5) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_WF;
			} else if (weight < 8) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_WF;
			} else if (weight < 12) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_WF;
			} else if (weight < 15) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 18) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 23) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 28) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 33) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 41) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 48) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 58) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 68) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 78) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 88) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 98) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 108) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 158) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 208) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 250) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 350) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 400) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 500) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 700) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 800) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O;  // should be 1 but that is boring
			} else if (weight < 2000) { // weight < 1300 / 20500
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B;
			} else if (weight < 8000) { // weight < 7300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A;
			} else if (weight < 37300) { // weight < 37300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F;
			} else if (weight < 113300) { // weight < 113300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G;
			} else if (weight < 234300) { // weight < 234300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K;
			} else if (weight < 250000) { // weight < 250000
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_WHITE_DWARF;
			} else if (weight < 900000) {  //weight < 900000
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;
			} else {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_BROWN_DWARF;
		} else {
			const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000000);
			if (weight < 100) { // should be 1 but that is boring
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O;
			} else if (weight < 1300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B;
			} else if (weight < 7300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A;
			} else if (weight < 37300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F;
			} else if (weight < 113300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G;
			} else if (weight < 234300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K;
			} else if (weight < 250000) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_WHITE_DWARF;
			} else if (weight < 900000) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;
			} else {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_BROWN_DWARF;
		//Output("%d: %d%\n", sx, sy);

		if (s.m_numStars > 1) {
			s.m_starType[1] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[0]));
			if (s.m_numStars > 2) {
				s.m_starType[2] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[0]));
				s.m_starType[3] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[2]));

		if ((s.m_starType[0] <= SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A) && (rng.Int32(10)==0)) {
			// make primary a giant. never more than one giant in a system
			if (freq > Square(10))
				const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000);
				if (weight >= 999) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 998) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 997) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 995) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 993) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 990) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 985) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 980) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 975) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 950) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 875) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			} else if (freq > Square(5)) s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			else s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;

			//Output("%d: %d%\n", sx, sy);

		s.m_name = GenName(galaxy, *sector, s, customCount + i,  rng);
		//Output("%s: \n", s.m_name.c_str());

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CityOnPlanet::PutCityBit(Random &rand, const matrix4x4d &rot, vector3d p1, vector3d p2, vector3d p3, vector3d p4)
	double rad = (p1-p2).Length()*0.5;
	Uint32 instIndex(0);
	double modelRadXZ(0.0);
	const CollMesh *cmesh(0);
	vector3d cent = (p1+p2+p3+p4)*0.25;

	cityflavourdef_t *flavour(0);
	citybuildinglist_t *buildings(0);

	// pick a building flavour (city, windfarm, etc)
	for (unsigned int flv = 0; flv < CITYFLAVOURS; flv++) {
		flavour = &cityflavour[flv];
		buildings = &s_buildingList;

		int tries;
		for (tries=20; tries--; ) {
			const citybuilding_t &bt = buildings->buildings[rand.Int32(buildings->numBuildings)];
			instIndex = bt.instIndex;
			modelRadXZ = bt.xzradius;
			cmesh = bt.collMesh.Get();
			if (modelRadXZ < rad) break;
			if (tries == 0) return;

		bool tooDistant = ((flavour->center - cent).Length()*(1.0/flavour->size) > rand.Double());
		if (!tooDistant) break;
		else flavour = 0;

	if (flavour == 0) {
		if (rad > MIN_SEG_SIZE) goto always_divide;
		else return;

	if (rad > modelRadXZ*2.0) {
		vector3d a = (p1+p2)*0.5;
		vector3d b = (p2+p3)*0.5;
		vector3d c = (p3+p4)*0.5;
		vector3d d = (p4+p1)*0.5;
		vector3d e = (p1+p2+p3+p4)*0.25;
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, p1, a, e, d);
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, a, p2, b, e);
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, e, b, p3, c);
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, d, e, c, p4);
	} else {
		cent = cent.Normalized();
		double height = m_planet->GetTerrainHeight(cent);
		/* don't position below sealevel! */
		if (height - m_planet->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius() <= 0.0) return;
		cent = cent * height;

		Geom *geom = new Geom(cmesh->GetGeomTree());
		int rotTimes90 = rand.Int32(4);
		matrix4x4d grot = rot * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI*0.5*double(rotTimes90));
		geom->MoveTo(grot, cent);
//		f->AddStaticGeom(geom);

		BuildingDef def = { instIndex, float(cmesh->GetRadius()), rotTimes90, cent, geom };