Ejemplo n.º 1
void ofApp::setup(){
    //Setup the FFT
    FFT fft;

    //Setup the classifier
    RandomForests forest;
    forest.setForestSize( 10 );
    forest.setNumRandomSplits( 100 );
    forest.setMaxDepth( 10 );
    forest.setMinNumSamplesPerNode( 10 );

    //Add the feature extraction and classifier to the pipeline
    pipeline.addFeatureExtractionModule( fft );
    pipeline.setClassifier( forest );

    trainingClassLabel = 1;
    record = false;
    processAudio = true;
    trainingData.setNumDimensions( 1 ); //We are only going to use the data from one microphone channel, so the dimensions are 1
    trainingSample.resize( AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE, 1 ); //We will set the training matrix to match the audio buffer size

    //Setup the audio card
    ofSoundStreamSetup(2, 1, this, AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE, 4);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool RandomForests::deepCopyFrom(const Classifier *classifier){
    if( classifier == NULL ) return false;
    if( this->getClassifierType() == classifier->getClassifierType() ){
        RandomForests *ptr = (RandomForests*)classifier;
        //Clear this tree
        if( ptr->getTrained() ){
            //Deep copy the forest
            for(UINT i=0; i<ptr->forest.size(); i++){
                this->forest.push_back( ptr->forest[i]->deepCopyTree() );
        this->forestSize = ptr->forestSize;
        this->numRandomSplits = ptr->numRandomSplits;
        this->minNumSamplesPerNode = ptr->minNumSamplesPerNode;
        this->maxDepth = ptr->maxDepth;
        //Copy the base classifier variables
        return copyBaseVariables( classifier );
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool RandomForests::combineModels( const RandomForests &forest ){

    if( !getTrained() ){
        errorLog << "combineModels( const RandomForests &forest ) - This instance has not been trained!" << endl;
        return false;

    if( !forest.getTrained() ){
        errorLog << "combineModels( const RandomForests &forest ) - This external forest instance has not been trained!" << endl;
        return false;

    if( this->getNumInputDimensions() != forest.getNumInputDimensions() ) {
        errorLog << "combineModels( const RandomForests &forest ) - The number of input dimensions of the external forest (";
        errorLog << forest.getNumInputDimensions() << ") does not match the number of input dimensions of this instance (";
        errorLog << this->getNumInputDimensions() << ")!" << endl;
        return false;

    //Add the trees in the other forest to this model
    DecisionTreeNode *node;
    for(UINT i=0; i<forest.getForestSize(); i++){
        node = forest.getTree(i);
        if( node ){
            this->forest.push_back( node->deepCopy() );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool RandomForests::deepCopyFrom(const Classifier *classifier){
    if( classifier == NULL ) return false;
    if( this->getClassifierType() == classifier->getClassifierType() ){
        RandomForests *ptr = (RandomForests*)classifier;
        //Clear this tree
        if( copyBaseVariables( classifier ) ){
            //Deep copy the main node
            if( this->decisionTreeNode != NULL ){
                delete decisionTreeNode;
                decisionTreeNode = NULL;
            this->decisionTreeNode = ptr->deepCopyDecisionTreeNode();
            if( ptr->getTrained() ){
                //Deep copy the forest
                this->forest.reserve( ptr->forest.size() );
                for(size_t i=0; i<ptr->forest.size(); i++){
                    this->forest.push_back( ptr->forest[i]->deepCopy() );
            this->forestSize = ptr->forestSize;
            this->numRandomSplits = ptr->numRandomSplits;
            this->minNumSamplesPerNode = ptr->minNumSamplesPerNode;
            this->maxDepth = ptr->maxDepth;
            this->removeFeaturesAtEachSpilt = ptr->removeFeaturesAtEachSpilt;
            this->bootstrappedDatasetWeight = ptr->bootstrappedDatasetWeight;
            this->trainingMode = ptr->trainingMode;
            return true;
        errorLog << "deepCopyFrom(const Classifier *classifier) - Failed to copy base variables!" << endl;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool computeFeatureWeights( CommandLineParser &parser ){

    infoLog << "Computing feature weights..." << endl;

    string resultsFilename = "";
    string modelFilename = "";
    bool combineWeights = false;

    //Get the model filename
    if( !parser.get("model-filename",modelFilename) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse filename from command line! You can set the model filename using the --model." << endl;
        return false;

    //Get the results filename
    if( !parser.get("filename",resultsFilename) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse results filename from command line! You can set the results filename using the -f." << endl;
        return false;

    //Get the results filename

    //Load the model
    GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;

    if( !pipeline.load( modelFilename ) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to load model from file: " << modelFilename << endl;
        return false;

    //Make sure the pipeline contains a random forest model and that it is trained
    RandomForests *forest = pipeline.getClassifier< RandomForests >();

    if( !forest ){
        errorLog << "Model loaded, but the pipeline does not contain a RandomForests classifier!" << endl;
        return false;

    if( !forest->getTrained() ){
        errorLog << "Model loaded, but the RandomForests classifier is not trained!" << endl;
        return false;

    //Compute the feature weights
    if( combineWeights ){
        VectorFloat weights = forest->getFeatureWeights();
        if( weights.getSize() == 0 ){
            errorLog << "Failed to compute feature weights!" << endl;
            return false;

        //Save the results to a file
        fstream file;
        file.open( resultsFilename.c_str(), fstream::out );
        const unsigned int N = weights.getSize();
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++){
            file << weights[i] << endl;

        double norm = 0.0;
        const unsigned int K = forest->getForestSize();
        const unsigned int N = forest->getNumInputDimensions();
        VectorFloat tmp( N, 0.0 );
        MatrixDouble weights(K,N);

        for(unsigned int i=0; i<K; i++){

            DecisionTreeNode *tree = forest->getTree(i);
            tree->computeFeatureWeights( tmp );
            norm = 1.0 / Util::sum( tmp );
            for(unsigned int j=0; j<N; j++){
                tmp[j] *= norm;
                weights[i][j] = tmp[j];
                tmp[j] = 0;

        //Save the results to a file
        weights.save( resultsFilename );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool combineModels( CommandLineParser &parser ){

    infoLog << "Combining models..." << endl;

    string directoryPath = "";
    string modelFilename = "";

    if( !parser.get("data-dir",directoryPath) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse data-directory from command line! You can set the data-directory using the --data-dir option." << endl;
        return false;

    //Get the filename
    if( !parser.get("model-filename",modelFilename) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse filename from command line! You can set the model filename using the --model." << endl;
        return false;

    Vector< string > files;

    infoLog << "- Parsing data directory: " << directoryPath << endl;

    //Parse the directory to get all the csv files
    if( !Util::parseDirectory( directoryPath, ".grt", files ) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse data directory!" << endl;
        return false;

    RandomForests forest; //Used to validate the random forest type
    GestureRecognitionPipeline *mainPipeline = NULL; // Points to the first valid pipeline that all the models will be merged to
    Vector< GestureRecognitionPipeline* > pipelineBuffer; //Stores the pipeline for each file that is loaded
    unsigned int inputVectorSize = 0; //Set to zero to mark we haven't loaded any models yet
    const unsigned int numFiles = files.getSize();
    bool mainPipelineSet = false;
    bool combineModelsSuccessful = false;

    pipelineBuffer.reserve( numFiles );
    //Loop over the files, load them, and add valid random forest pipelines to the pipelineBuffer so they can be combined with the mainPipeline
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<numFiles; i++){
        infoLog << "- Loading model " << files[i] << ". File " << i+1 << " of " << numFiles << endl;

        GestureRecognitionPipeline *pipeline = new GestureRecognitionPipeline;

        if( pipeline->load( files[i] ) ){

            infoLog << "- Pipeline loaded. Number of input dimensions: " << pipeline->getInputVectorDimensionsSize() << endl;

            if( pipelineBuffer.size() == 0 ){
                inputVectorSize = pipeline->getInputVectorDimensionsSize();

            if( pipeline->getInputVectorDimensionsSize() != inputVectorSize ){
                warningLog << "- Pipeline " << i+1 << " input vector size does not match the size of the first pipeline!" << endl;

                Classifier *classifier = pipeline->getClassifier();
                if( classifier ){
                    if( classifier->getClassifierType() == forest.getClassifierType() ){ //Validate the classifier is a random forest
                        if( !mainPipelineSet ){
                            mainPipelineSet = true;
                            mainPipeline = pipeline;
                        }else pipelineBuffer.push_back( pipeline );
                        warningLog << "- Pipeline " << i+1 << " does not contain a random forest classifer! Classifier type: " << classifier->getClassifierType() << endl;

            warningLog << "- WARNING: Failed to load model from file: " << files[i] << endl;

    if( mainPipelineSet ){

        //Combine the random forest models with the main pipeline model
        const unsigned int numPipelines = pipelineBuffer.getSize();
        RandomForests *mainForest = mainPipeline->getClassifier< RandomForests >();

        for(unsigned int i=0; i<numPipelines; i++){

            infoLog << "- Combing model " << i+1 << " of " << numPipelines << " with main model..." << endl;

            RandomForests *f = pipelineBuffer[i]->getClassifier< RandomForests >();

            if( !mainForest->combineModels( *f ) ){
                warningLog << "- WARNING: Failed to combine model " << i+1 << " with the main model!" << endl;

        if( mainPipeline->getTrained() ){
            infoLog << "- Saving combined pipeline to file..." << endl;
            combineModelsSuccessful = mainPipeline->save( modelFilename );

        errorLog << "Failed to combined models, no models were loaded!" << endl;

    //Cleanup the pipeline buffer
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<pipelineBuffer.getSize(); i++){
        delete pipelineBuffer[i];
        pipelineBuffer[i] = NULL;

    return combineModelsSuccessful;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool train( CommandLineParser &parser ){

    string trainDatasetFilename = "";
    string modelFilename = "";
    unsigned int forestSize = 0;
    unsigned int maxDepth = 0;
    unsigned int minNodeSize = 0;
    unsigned int numSplits = 0;
    bool removeFeatures = false;
    double bootstrapWeight = 0.0;

    //Get the filename
    if( !parser.get("filename",trainDatasetFilename) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse filename from command line! You can set the filename using the -f." << endl;
        return false;

    //Get the model filename

    //Get the forest size

    //Get the max depth

    //Get the min node size

    //Get the number of random splits
    //Get the remove features
    //Get the bootstrap weight 

    //Load some training data to train the classifier
    ClassificationData trainingData;

    infoLog << "- Loading Training Data..." << endl;
    if( !trainingData.load( trainDatasetFilename ) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to load training data!\n";
        return false;

    const unsigned int N = trainingData.getNumDimensions();
    Vector< ClassTracker > tracker = trainingData.getClassTracker();
    infoLog << "- Num training samples: " << trainingData.getNumSamples() << endl;
    infoLog << "- Num dimensions: " << N << endl;
    infoLog << "- Num classes: " << trainingData.getNumClasses() << endl;
    infoLog << "- Class stats: " << endl;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<tracker.getSize(); i++){
        infoLog << "- class " << tracker[i].classLabel << " number of samples: " << tracker[i].counter << endl;
    //Create a new RandomForests instance
    RandomForests forest;

    //Set the decision tree node that will be used for each tree in the forest
    string nodeType = "cluster-node"; //TODO: make this a command line option in the future
    if( nodeType == "cluster-node" ){
        forest.setDecisionTreeNode( DecisionTreeClusterNode() );
    if( nodeType == "threshold-node" ){
        forest.setTrainingMode( Tree::BEST_RANDOM_SPLIT );
        forest.setDecisionTreeNode( DecisionTreeThresholdNode() );

    //Set the number of trees in the forest
    forest.setForestSize( forestSize );

    //Set the maximum depth of the tree
    forest.setMaxDepth( maxDepth );

    //Set the minimum number of samples allowed per node
    forest.setMinNumSamplesPerNode( minNodeSize );

    //Set the number of random splits used per node
    forest.setNumRandomSplits( numSplits );

    //Set if selected features should be removed at each node
    forest.setRemoveFeaturesAtEachSplit( removeFeatures );

    //Set the bootstrap weight
    forest.setBootstrappedDatasetWeight( bootstrapWeight );

    //Add the classifier to a pipeline
    GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
    pipeline.setClassifier( forest );

    infoLog << "- Training model..." << endl;

    //Train the classifier
    if( !pipeline.train( trainingData ) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to train classifier!" << endl;
        return false;

    infoLog << "- Model trained!" << endl;
    infoLog << "- Training time: " << (pipeline.getTrainingTime() * 0.001) / 60.0 << " (minutes)" << endl;
    infoLog << "- Saving model to: " << modelFilename << endl;

    //Save the pipeline
    if( !pipeline.save( modelFilename ) ){
        warningLog << "Failed to save model to file: " << modelFilename << endl;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    //Parse the data filename from the argument list
    if( argc != 2 ){
        cout << "Error: failed to parse data filename from command line. You should run this example with one argument pointing to the data filename!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    const string filename = argv[1];

    //Create a new RandomForests instance
    RandomForests forest;
    //Set the number of trees in the forest
    forest.setForestSize( 10 );
    //Set the number of random candidate splits that will be used to choose the best splitting values
    //More steps will give you a better model, but will take longer to train
    forest.setNumRandomSplits( 100 );
    //Set the maximum depth of the tree
    forest.setMaxDepth( 10 );
    //Set the minimum number of samples allowed per node
    forest.setMinNumSamplesPerNode( 10 );
    //Load some training data to train the classifier
    ClassificationData trainingData;
    cout << "Loading Training Data\n";
    if( !trainingData.load( filename ) ){
        cout << "Failed to load training data: " << filename << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Use 20% of the training dataset to create a test dataset
    ClassificationData testData = trainingData.partition( 80 );
    //Train the classifier
    if( !forest.train( trainingData ) ){
        cout << "Failed to train classifier!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Print the forest
    //Save the model to a file
    if( !forest.save("RandomForestsModel.grt") ){
        cout << "Failed to save the classifier model!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Load the model from a file
    if( !forest.load("RandomForestsModel.grt") ){
        cout << "Failed to load the classifier model!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Test the accuracy of the model on the test data
    double accuracy = 0;
    for(UINT i=0; i<testData.getNumSamples(); i++){
        //Get the i'th test sample
        UINT classLabel = testData[i].getClassLabel();
        VectorDouble inputVector = testData[i].getSample();
        //Perform a prediction using the classifier
        bool predictSuccess = forest.predict( inputVector );
        if( !predictSuccess ){
            cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        //Get the predicted class label
        UINT predictedClassLabel = forest.getPredictedClassLabel();
        VectorDouble classLikelihoods = forest.getClassLikelihoods();
        VectorDouble classDistances = forest.getClassDistances();
        //Update the accuracy
        if( classLabel == predictedClassLabel ) accuracy++;
        cout << "TestSample: " << i <<  " ClassLabel: " << classLabel << " PredictedClassLabel: " << predictedClassLabel << endl;
    cout << "Test Accuracy: " << accuracy/double(testData.getNumSamples())*100.0 << "%" << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;