Ejemplo n.º 1
 void RepositoryXL::clear() {
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void clear() 
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void run() {

            int numShards = 10;
            int numInitialChunks = 5;
            int maxChunks = 100000; // Needed to not overflow the BSONArray's max bytes
            int keySize = 2;

            BSONArrayBuilder chunksB;

            BSONObj lastSplitPt;
            ShardChunkVersion version( 1, 0, OID() );

            // Generate numChunks with a given key size over numShards
            // All chunks have double key values, so we can split them a bunch

            for( int i = -1; i < numInitialChunks; i++ ){

                BSONObjBuilder splitPtB;
                for( int k = 0; k < keySize; k++ ){
                    string field = string( "k" ) + string( 1, (char)('0' + k) );
                    if( i < 0 )
                        splitPtB.appendMinKey( field );
                    else if( i < numInitialChunks - 1 )
                        splitPtB.append( field, (double)i );
                        splitPtB.appendMaxKey( field );
                BSONObj splitPt = splitPtB.obj();

                if( i >= 0 ){
                    BSONObjBuilder chunkB;

                    chunkB.append( "min", lastSplitPt );
                    chunkB.append( "max", splitPt );

                    int shardNum = rand( numShards );
                    chunkB.append( "shard", "shard" + string( 1, (char)('A' + shardNum) ) );

                    rand( 2 ) ? version.incMajor() : version.incMinor();
                    version.addToBSON( chunkB, "lastmod" );

                    chunksB.append( chunkB.obj() );

                lastSplitPt = splitPt;

            BSONArray chunks = chunksB.arr();

            // log() << "Chunks generated : " << chunks << endl;

            DBClientMockCursor chunksCursor( chunks );

            // Setup the empty ranges and versions first
            RangeMap ranges;
            ShardChunkVersion maxVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );
            VersionMap maxShardVersions;

            // Create a differ which will track our progress
            boost::shared_ptr< DefaultDiffAdapter > differ( _inverse ? new InverseDiffAdapter() : new DefaultDiffAdapter() );
            differ->attach( "test", ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions );

            // Validate initial load
            differ->calculateConfigDiff( chunksCursor );
            validate( chunks, ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions );

            // Generate a lot of diffs, and keep validating that updating from the diffs always
            // gives us the right ranges and versions

            int numDiffs = 135; // Makes about 100000 chunks overall
            int numChunks = numInitialChunks;
            for( int i = 0; i < numDiffs; i++ ){

                // log() << "Generating new diff... " << i << endl;

                BSONArrayBuilder diffsB;
                BSONArrayBuilder newChunksB;
                BSONObjIterator chunksIt( chunks );

                while( chunksIt.more() ){

                    BSONObj chunk = chunksIt.next().Obj();

                    int randChoice = rand( 10 );

                    if( randChoice < 2 && numChunks < maxChunks ){
                        // Simulate a split

                        // log() << " ...starting a split with chunk " << chunk << endl;

                        BSONObjBuilder leftB;
                        BSONObjBuilder rightB;
                        BSONObjBuilder midB;

                        for( int k = 0; k < keySize; k++ ){
                            string field = string( "k" ) + string( 1, (char)('0' + k) );

                            BSONType maxType = chunk["max"].Obj()[field].type();
                            double max = maxType == NumberDouble ? chunk["max"].Obj()[field].Number() : 0.0;
                            BSONType minType = chunk["min"].Obj()[field].type();
                            double min = minType == NumberDouble ? chunk["min"].Obj()[field].Number() : 0.0;

                            if( minType == MinKey ){
                                midB.append( field, max - 1.0 );
                            else if( maxType == MaxKey ){
                                midB.append( field, min + 1.0 );
                            else {
                                midB.append( field, ( max + min ) / 2.0 );

                        BSONObj midPt = midB.obj();
                        // Only happens if we can't split the min chunk
                        if( midPt.isEmpty() ) continue;

                        leftB.append( chunk["min"] );
                        leftB.append( "max", midPt );
                        rightB.append( "min", midPt );
                        rightB.append( chunk["max"] );

                        leftB.append( chunk["shard"] );
                        rightB.append( chunk["shard"] );

                        version._minor = 0;
                        version.addToBSON( leftB, "lastmod" );
                        version.addToBSON( rightB, "lastmod" );

                        BSONObj left = leftB.obj();
                        BSONObj right = rightB.obj();

                        // log() << " ... split into " << left << " and " << right << endl;

                        newChunksB.append( left );
                        newChunksB.append( right );

                        diffsB.append( right );
                        diffsB.append( left );

                    else if( randChoice < 4 && chunksIt.more() ){
                        // Simulate a migrate

                        // log() << " ...starting a migrate with chunk " << chunk << endl;

                        BSONObj prevShardChunk;
                        while( chunksIt.more() ){
                            prevShardChunk = chunksIt.next().Obj();
                            if( prevShardChunk["shard"].String() == chunk["shard"].String() ) break;

                            // log() << "... appending chunk from diff shard: " << prevShardChunk << endl;
                            newChunksB.append( prevShardChunk );

                            prevShardChunk = BSONObj();

                        // We need to move between different shards, hence the weirdness in logic here
                        if( ! prevShardChunk.isEmpty() ){

                            BSONObjBuilder newShardB;
                            BSONObjBuilder prevShardB;

                            newShardB.append( chunk["min"] );
                            newShardB.append( chunk["max"] );
                            prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["min"] );
                            prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["max"] );

                            int shardNum = rand( numShards );
                            newShardB.append( "shard", "shard" + string( 1, (char)('A' + shardNum) ) );
                            prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["shard"] );

                            version._minor = 0;
                            version.addToBSON( newShardB, "lastmod" );
                            version.addToBSON( prevShardB, "lastmod" );

                            BSONObj newShard = newShardB.obj();
                            BSONObj prevShard = prevShardB.obj();

                            // log() << " ... migrated to " << newShard << " and updated " << prevShard << endl;

                            newChunksB.append( newShard );
                            newChunksB.append( prevShard );

                            diffsB.append( newShard );
                            diffsB.append( prevShard );

                            // log() << "... appending chunk, no more left: " << chunk << endl;
                            newChunksB.append( chunk );
                        // log() << "Appending chunk : " << chunk << endl;
                        newChunksB.append( chunk );


                BSONArray diffs = diffsB.arr();
                chunks = newChunksB.arr();

                // log() << "Diffs generated : " << diffs << endl;
                // log() << "All chunks : " << chunks << endl;

                // Rarely entirely clear out our data
                if( rand( 10 ) < 1 ){
                    diffs = chunks;
                    maxVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                // log() << "Total number of chunks : " << numChunks << " iteration " << i << endl;

                DBClientMockCursor diffCursor( diffs );

                differ->calculateConfigDiff( diffCursor );

                validate( chunks, ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions );

