Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Tri::intersect(Ray& _ray, float* thit, Intersection* in) {
  Ray ray = _ray.transform(inverseTransform);
  if (!intersectP(ray)) { return false; }
  if (*thit < t) { return false; }

  p = ray.getPos() + ray.getDir() * t;
  w = p - a;
  vCrossW = glm::cross(v, w);
  uCrossW = glm::cross(u, w);

  if (glm::dot(vCrossW, vCrossU) < 0) { return false; }
  if (glm::dot(uCrossW, uCrossV) < 0) { return false; }

  beta = glm::length(vCrossW)/denom;
  gamma = glm::length(uCrossW)/denom;
  alpha = 1 - beta - gamma;

  if (!(beta <= 1 && gamma <= 1 && beta + gamma <= 1)) { return false; }

  *thit = t;
  in->localGeo.pos = mat4TimesVec3(getTransform(),
    (ray.getPos() + t * ray.getDir()), 1.0);
  in->localGeo.normal = getNormal();
  //shift position slightly towards normal (epsilon shift)
  in->localGeo.pos = in->localGeo.pos + in->localGeo.normal * epsilon;
  in->primitive = this;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Intersect a Ray with a plane defined by the 4 coefficients Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.
 * A,B,C are the plane normal
bool planeIntersect(const Ray& r, const float *plane, PointF& intersection) {
    Normal normal(plane[0], plane[1], plane[2]);
    const PointF& rp = r.getPos();
    float dotNormalRayDir = Math::dot3(normal, r.getDir());
    // Is the ray perpendicular to the plane's normal?
    if (fabs(dotNormalRayDir) < PLANE_INTERSECTION_THRESHOLD) {
        return false;
    // Determine which side of the plane the point is on
    float distFromPlane = Math::dot3(normal, rp) + plane[3];
    float t = distFromPlane/dotNormalRayDir;
    // > 0 if ray and normal are in the same direction and
    // the ray is on the normal side of the plane or
    // If the ray and normal point in opposite directions and
    // the ray is not on the normal side of the plane
    if (t > 0) {
        return false;
    intersection = Math::vec3AXPlusB(r.getDir(), -t, r.getPos());
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool World::intersect(Ray & r, double & bestT, vec3 &outn, MaterialInfo &outm) {

    bestT = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

            && abs(r.direction()[0] - 0.146734796) < 0.05
            && abs(r.direction()[1] + 0.146734796) < 0.05
            && abs(r.direction()[2] + 0.978231971) < 0.05)
        int i = 0; //debug statement, stops at a ray aimed at the center of one of the spheres in threespheres.scd
            && abs(r.direction()[0] + 0.114776942) < 0.02
            && abs(r.direction()[1] - 0.0619082097) < 0.02
            && abs(r.direction()[2] + 0.991460351) < 0.02)
        int i = 0; // debug statement, stops at a ray aimed for the left eye of the bunny in ellipsoids.scd

    if (_ASSIGNMENT <= 5 || _FINAL_PROJ) {
        // iterate through spheres to see if any of them are intersected
        for (vector<Sphere>::iterator sphere = _spheres.begin(); sphere != _spheres.end(); sphere++) {
            double intersect = sphere->intersect(r);
            if (intersect < bestT) {
                //cout << "intersect found" << endl;
                bestT = intersect;
                //cout << intersect << " ";
                vec4 pos = r.getPos(intersect);
                //cout << pos[0] << "," << pos[1] << "," << pos[2] << " ";
                outn = vec3(sphere->calculateNormal(pos), VW);
                //cout << outn[0] << "," << outn[1] << "," << outn[2] << endl;
                outm = sphere->getMaterial();
                //AS4 stuff
                //if (sphere == _spheres.begin()) {
                //	outm.k[MAT_KSM] *= ksmMod;
                //	outm.k[MAT_KSP] *= kspMod;
                //	if (outm.k[MAT_KSP] < 1.0) outm.k[MAT_KSP] = 1.0;

        for (vector<Cube>::iterator cube = _cubes.begin(); cube != _cubes.end(); cube++) {
            double intersect = cube->intersect(r);
            if (intersect < bestT) {
                bestT = intersect;
                vec4 pos = r.getPos(intersect);
                outn = vec3(cube->calculateNormal(pos), VW);
                outm = cube->getMaterial();
                outm.color = cube->calculateColor(pos);

        return bestT < numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
        return _bb->intersect(r, bestT, outn, outm);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool intersect_search(Ray ray, Triangle* trig, int nTriangles, PoI* poi)
	float min_hit = 99999;
	int count = 0;
	float t_hit;
	for (count = 0; count < nTriangles; count ++)
		Triangle t = trig[count];
		//t.scale(2, 1, 1); //scale by x-axis by 2

		bool hit = t.hit(ray, &t_hit);
		if (hit && t_hit < min_hit)
			min_hit = t_hit;
			poi->setCollision(ray.getDir() * min_hit + ray.getPos());
			Vector myNorm = t.getNormal();
			//if normal faces the wrong way, then needs to do soemthing about it
        	//cos(angle) = dot_product / (a.len * b.len)
        	float cosine = myNorm.Vdot(ray.getDir()) / (myNorm.getMag() * ray.getDir().getMag());
        	if (cosine < 0)
       			myNorm = myNorm * -1;
	if (min_hit != 99999)
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool Tri::intersectP(Ray& ray) {
  t = (glm::dot(a, planeNormal) - glm::dot(ray.getPos(), planeNormal)) /
    glm::dot(ray.getDir(), planeNormal);
  if (t > 0) { return true; }
  else { return false; }