UINT RenderCache::PaintTiles(HDC hdc, RectI bounds, DisplayModel *dm, int pageNo,
                             RectI pageOnScreen, USHORT tileRes, bool renderMissing,
                             bool *renderOutOfDateCue, bool *renderedReplacement)
    int rotation = dm->Rotation();
    float zoom = dm->ZoomReal();
    int tileCount = 1 << tileRes;

    TilePosition tile = { tileRes, 0, 0 };

    UINT renderTimeMin = (UINT)-1;
    for (tile.row = 0; tile.row < tileCount; tile.row++) {
        for (tile.col = 0; tile.col < tileCount; tile.col++) {
            RectI tileOnScreen = GetTileOnScreen(dm->engine, pageNo, rotation, zoom, tile, pageOnScreen);
            tileOnScreen = pageOnScreen.Intersect(tileOnScreen);
            RectI isect = bounds.Intersect(tileOnScreen);
            if (!isect.IsEmpty()) {
                UINT renderTime = PaintTile(hdc, isect, dm, pageNo, tile, tileOnScreen, renderMissing, renderOutOfDateCue, renderedReplacement);
                renderTimeMin = min(renderTime, renderTimeMin);

    return renderTimeMin;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Vec<SelectionOnPage> *SelectionOnPage::FromRectangle(DisplayModel *dm, RectI rect)
    Vec<SelectionOnPage> *sel = new Vec<SelectionOnPage>();

    for (int pageNo = dm->PageCount(); pageNo >= 1; --pageNo) {
        PageInfo *pageInfo = dm->GetPageInfo(pageNo);
        assert(!pageInfo || 0.0 == pageInfo->visibleRatio || pageInfo->shown);
        if (!pageInfo || !pageInfo->shown)

        RectI intersect = rect.Intersect(pageInfo->pageOnScreen);
        if (intersect.IsEmpty())

        /* selection intersects with a page <pageNo> on the screen */
        RectD isectD = dm->CvtFromScreen(intersect, pageNo);
        sel->Append(SelectionOnPage(pageNo, &isectD));

    if (sel->Count() == 0) {
        delete sel;
        return NULL;
    return sel;
Ejemplo n.º 3
UINT RenderCache::Paint(HDC hdc, RectI bounds, DisplayModel *dm, int pageNo,
                        PageInfo *pageInfo, bool *renderOutOfDateCue)
    assert(pageInfo->shown && 0.0 != pageInfo->visibleRatio);

    int rotation = dm->Rotation();
    float zoom = dm->ZoomReal();
    USHORT targetRes = GetTileRes(dm, pageNo);
    USHORT maxRes = GetMaxTileRes(dm, pageNo, rotation);
    if (maxRes < targetRes)
        maxRes = targetRes;

    Vec<TilePosition> queue;
    queue.Append(TilePosition(0, 0, 0));
    bool neededScaling = false;

    while (queue.Count() > 0) {
        TilePosition tile = queue.At(0);
        RectI tileOnScreen = GetTileOnScreen(dm->engine, pageNo, rotation, zoom, tile, pageInfo->pageOnScreen);
        tileOnScreen = pageInfo->pageOnScreen.Intersect(tileOnScreen);
        RectI isect = bounds.Intersect(tileOnScreen);
        if (isect.IsEmpty())

        bool isTargetRes = tile.res == targetRes;
        UINT renderDelay = PaintTile(hdc, isect, dm, pageNo, tile, tileOnScreen, isTargetRes,
                                     renderOutOfDateCue, isTargetRes ? &neededScaling : NULL);
        if (!(isTargetRes && 0 == renderDelay) && tile.res < maxRes) {
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2, tile.col * 2));
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2, tile.col * 2 + 1));
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2 + 1, tile.col * 2));
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2 + 1, tile.col * 2 + 1));
        if (isTargetRes && renderDelay > 0)
            neededScaling = true;
        renderDelayMin = min(renderDelay, renderDelayMin);
        // paint tiles from left to right from top to bottom
        if (tile.res > 0 && queue.Count() > 0 && tile.res < queue.At(0).res)

    if (!neededScaling) {
        if (renderOutOfDateCue)
            *renderOutOfDateCue = false;
        // free tiles with different resolution
        TilePosition tile(targetRes, (USHORT)-1, 0);
        FreePage(dm, pageNo, &tile);

    return renderDelayMin;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static BaseEngine *ps2pdf(const WCHAR *fileName)
    // TODO: read from gswin32c's stdout instead of using a TEMP file
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> shortPath(path::ShortPath(fileName));
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> tmpFile(path::GetTempPath(L"PsE"));
    ScopedFile tmpFileScope(tmpFile);
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> gswin32c(GetGhostscriptPath());
    if (!shortPath || !tmpFile || !gswin32c)
        return NULL;

    // try to help Ghostscript determine the intended page size
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> psSetup;
    RectI page = ExtractDSCPageSize(fileName);
    if (!page.IsEmpty())
        psSetup.Set(str::Format(L" << /PageSize [%i %i] >> setpagedevice", page.dx, page.dy));

    ScopedMem<WCHAR> cmdLine(str::Format(
        L"\"%s\" -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=\"%s\" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c \".setpdfwrite%s\" -f \"%s\"",
        gswin32c, tmpFile, psSetup ? psSetup : L"", shortPath));
    fprintf(stderr, "- %s:%d: using '%ls' for creating '%%TEMP%%\\%ls'\n", path::GetBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, gswin32c.Get(), path::GetBaseName(tmpFile));

    // TODO: the PS-to-PDF conversion can hang the UI for several seconds
    HANDLE process = LaunchProcess(cmdLine, NULL, CREATE_NO_WINDOW);
    if (!process)
        return NULL;

    DWORD timeout = 10000;
#ifdef DEBUG
    // allow to disable the timeout for debugging purposes
    if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"SUMATRAPDF_NO_GHOSTSCRIPT_TIMEOUT", NULL, 0))
        timeout = INFINITE;
    DWORD exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
    WaitForSingleObject(process, timeout);
    GetExitCodeProcess(process, &exitCode);
    TerminateProcess(process, 1);
    if (exitCode != EXIT_SUCCESS)
        return NULL;

    size_t len;
    ScopedMem<char> pdfData(file::ReadAll(tmpFile, &len));
    if (!pdfData)
        return NULL;

    ScopedComPtr<IStream> stream(CreateStreamFromData(pdfData, len));
    if (!stream)
        return NULL;

    return PdfEngine::CreateFromStream(stream);
void ZoomToSelection(WindowInfo *win, float factor, bool scrollToFit, bool relative)
    if (!win->IsDocLoaded())

    PointI pt;
    bool zoomToPt = win->showSelection && win->selectionOnPage;

    // either scroll towards the center of the current selection
    if (zoomToPt) {
        RectI selRect;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < win->selectionOnPage->Count(); i++) {
            selRect = selRect.Union(win->selectionOnPage->At(i).GetRect(win->dm));

        ClientRect rc(win->hwndCanvas);
        pt.x = 2 * selRect.x + selRect.dx - rc.dx / 2;
        pt.y = 2 * selRect.y + selRect.dy - rc.dy / 2;

        pt.x = limitValue(pt.x, selRect.x, selRect.x + selRect.dx);
        pt.y = limitValue(pt.y, selRect.y, selRect.y + selRect.dy);

        int pageNo = win->dm->GetPageNoByPoint(pt);
        if (!win->dm->ValidPageNo(pageNo) || !win->dm->PageVisible(pageNo))
            zoomToPt = false;
    // or towards the top-left-most part of the first visible page
    else {
        int page = win->dm->FirstVisiblePageNo();
        PageInfo *pageInfo = win->dm->GetPageInfo(page);
        if (pageInfo) {
            RectI visible = pageInfo->pageOnScreen.Intersect(win->canvasRc);
            pt = visible.TL();

            int pageNo = win->dm->GetPageNoByPoint(pt);
            if (!visible.IsEmpty() && win->dm->ValidPageNo(pageNo) && win->dm->PageVisible(pageNo))
                zoomToPt = true;

    if (!relative && (ZOOM_FIT_PAGE == factor || ZOOM_FIT_CONTENT == factor) && scrollToFit)
        zoomToPt = false;

    if (relative)
        win->dm->ZoomBy(factor, zoomToPt ? &pt : NULL);
        win->dm->ZoomTo(factor, zoomToPt ? &pt : NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 6
void ZoomToSelection(WindowInfo* win, float factor, bool scrollToFit, bool relative) {
    PointI pt;
    bool zoomToPt = false;

    if (win->AsFixed()) {
        DisplayModel* dm = win->AsFixed();
        // when not zooming to fit (which contradicts zooming to a specific point), ...
        if (!relative && (ZOOM_FIT_PAGE == factor || ZOOM_FIT_CONTENT == factor) && scrollToFit) {
            zoomToPt = false;
        // either scroll towards the center of the current selection (if there is any) ...
        else if (win->showSelection && win->currentTab->selectionOnPage) {
            RectI selRect;
            for (SelectionOnPage& sel : *win->currentTab->selectionOnPage) {
                selRect = selRect.Union(sel.GetRect(dm));

            ClientRect rc(win->hwndCanvas);
            pt.x = 2 * selRect.x + selRect.dx - rc.dx / 2;
            pt.y = 2 * selRect.y + selRect.dy - rc.dy / 2;
            pt.x = limitValue(pt.x, selRect.x, selRect.x + selRect.dx);
            pt.y = limitValue(pt.y, selRect.y, selRect.y + selRect.dy);

            int pageNo = dm->GetPageNoByPoint(pt);
            zoomToPt = dm->ValidPageNo(pageNo) && dm->PageVisible(pageNo);
        // or towards the top-left-most part of the first visible page
        else {
            int page = dm->FirstVisiblePageNo();
            PageInfo* pageInfo = dm->GetPageInfo(page);
            if (pageInfo) {
                RectI visible = pageInfo->pageOnScreen.Intersect(win->canvasRc);
                pt = visible.TL();

                int pageNo = dm->GetPageNoByPoint(pt);
                zoomToPt = !visible.IsEmpty() && dm->ValidPageNo(pageNo) && dm->PageVisible(pageNo);

    win->ctrl->SetZoomVirtual(factor * (relative ? win->ctrl->GetZoomVirtual(true) : 1), zoomToPt ? &pt : nullptr);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void PaintTransparentRectangles(HDC hdc, RectI screenRc, Vec<RectI>& rects, COLORREF selectionColor, BYTE alpha, int margin)
    using namespace Gdiplus;

    // create path from rectangles
    GraphicsPath path(FillModeWinding);
    screenRc.Inflate(margin, margin);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.Count(); i++) {
        RectI rc = rects.At(i).Intersect(screenRc);
        if (!rc.IsEmpty())
            path.AddRectangle(Rect(rc.x, rc.y, rc.dx, rc.dy));

    // fill path (and draw optional outline margin)
    Graphics gs(hdc);
    Color c(alpha, GetRValue(selectionColor), GetGValue(selectionColor), GetBValue(selectionColor));
    gs.FillPath(&SolidBrush(c), &path);
    if (margin) {
        path.Outline(NULL, 0.2f);
        gs.DrawPath(&Pen(Color(alpha, 0, 0, 0), (REAL)margin), &path);
Ejemplo n.º 8
DoubleBuffer::DoubleBuffer(HWND hwnd, RectI rect) :
    hTarget(hwnd), rect(rect), hdcBuffer(NULL), doubleBuffer(NULL)
    hdcCanvas = ::GetDC(hwnd);

    if (rect.IsEmpty())

    doubleBuffer = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcCanvas, rect.dx, rect.dy);
    if (!doubleBuffer)

    hdcBuffer = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcCanvas);
    if (!hdcBuffer)

    if (rect.x != 0 || rect.y != 0) {
        SetGraphicsMode(hdcBuffer, GM_ADVANCED);
        XFORM ctm = { 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, (float)-rect.x, (float)-rect.y };
        SetWorldTransform(hdcBuffer, &ctm);
    DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcBuffer, doubleBuffer));
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void GeomTest()
    PointD ptD(12.4, -13.6);
    utassert(ptD.x == 12.4 && ptD.y == -13.6);
    PointI ptI = ptD.ToInt();
    utassert(ptI.x == 12 && ptI.y == -14);
    ptD = ptI.Convert<double>();
    utassert(PointD(12, -14) == ptD);
    utassert(PointD(12.4, -13.6) != ptD);

    SizeD szD(7.7, -3.3);
    utassert(szD.dx == 7.7 && szD.dy == -3.3);
    SizeI szI = szD.ToInt();
    utassert(szI.dx == 8 && szI.dy == -3);
    szD = szI.Convert<double>();
    utassert(SizeD(8, -3) == szD);

    utassert(!szD.IsEmpty() && !szI.IsEmpty());
    utassert(SizeI().IsEmpty() && SizeD().IsEmpty());

    struct SRIData {
        int     x1s, x1e, y1s, y1e;
        int     x2s, x2e, y2s, y2e;
        bool    intersect;
        int     i_xs, i_xe, i_ys, i_ye;
        int     u_xs, u_xe, u_ys, u_ye;
    } testData[] = {
        { 0,10, 0,10,   0,10, 0,10,  true,  0,10, 0,10,  0,10, 0,10 }, /* complete intersect */
        { 0,10, 0,10,  20,30,20,30,  false, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,30, 0,30 }, /* no intersect */
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5,15, 0,10,  true,  5,10, 0,10,  0,15, 0,10 }, /* { | } | */
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5, 7, 0,10,  true,  5, 7, 0,10,  0,10, 0,10 }, /* { | | } */
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5, 7, 5, 7,  true,  5, 7, 5, 7,  0,10, 0,10 },
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5, 15,5,15,  true,  5,10, 5,10,  0,15, 0,15 },

    for (size_t i = 0; i < dimof(testData); i++) {
        struct SRIData *curr = &testData[i];

        RectI rx1(curr->x1s, curr->y1s, curr->x1e - curr->x1s, curr->y1e - curr->y1s);
        RectI rx2 = RectI::FromXY(curr->x2s, curr->y2s, curr->x2e, curr->y2e);
        RectI isect = rx1.Intersect(rx2);
        if (curr->intersect) {
            utassert(isect.x == curr->i_xs && isect.y == curr->i_ys);
            utassert(isect.x + isect.dx == curr->i_xe && isect.y + isect.dy == curr->i_ye);
        else {
        RectI urect = rx1.Union(rx2);
        utassert(urect.x == curr->u_xs && urect.y == curr->u_ys);
        utassert(urect.x + urect.dx == curr->u_xe && urect.y + urect.dy == curr->u_ye);

        /* if we swap rectangles, the results should be the same */
        std::swap(rx1, rx2);
        isect = rx1.Intersect(rx2);
        if (curr->intersect) {
            utassert(isect.x == curr->i_xs && isect.y == curr->i_ys);
            utassert(isect.x + isect.dx == curr->i_xe && isect.y + isect.dy == curr->i_ye);
        else {
        urect = rx1.Union(rx2);
        utassert(RectI::FromXY(curr->u_xs, curr->u_ys, curr->u_xe, curr->u_ye) == urect);

        utassert(!rx1.Contains(PointI(-2, -2)));
        utassert(!rx1.Contains(PointI(rx1.x, INT_MAX)));
        utassert(!rx1.Contains(PointI(INT_MIN, rx1.y)));
Ejemplo n.º 10
void OpenMobiInWindow(Doc doc, SumatraWindow& winToReplace)
    const TCHAR *fullPath = doc.GetFilePath();
    DisplayState *ds = gFileHistory.Find(fullPath);

    if (gGlobalPrefs.rememberOpenedFiles) {
        ds = gFileHistory.MarkFileLoaded(fullPath);
        if (gGlobalPrefs.showStartPage && ds) {
            // TODO: do it on a background thread?
            CreateThumbnailForDoc(doc, *ds);

    int startReparseIdx = -1;
    if (ds)
        startReparseIdx = ds->reparseIdx;

    // Add the file also to Windows' recently used documents (this doesn't
    // happen automatically on drag&drop, reopening from history, etc.)
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, fullPath);

    ScopedMem<TCHAR> winTitle(str::Format(_T("%s - %s"), path::GetBaseName(fullPath), SUMATRA_WINDOW_TITLE));

    if (winToReplace.AsEbookWindow()) {
        EbookWindow *mw = winToReplace.AsEbookWindow();
        win::SetText(mw->hwndFrame, winTitle);
        // TODO: if we have window position/last position for this file, restore it

    RectI windowPos = gGlobalPrefs.windowPos;
    if (!windowPos.IsEmpty())
        windowPos = GetDefaultWindowPos();

    if (ds && !ds->windowPos.IsEmpty()) {
        // Make sure it doesn't have a position like outside of the screen etc.
        windowPos = ShiftRectToWorkArea(ds->windowPos);

    WindowInfo *winInfo = winToReplace.AsWindowInfo();
    bool wasMaximized = false;
    if (winInfo && winInfo->hwndFrame)
        wasMaximized = IsZoomed(winInfo->hwndFrame);

    HWND hwnd = CreateWindow(
            windowPos.x, windowPos.y, windowPos.dx, windowPos.dy,
            NULL, NULL,
            ghinst, NULL);
    if (!hwnd)
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
    if (Touch::SupportsGestures()) {
        GESTURECONFIG gc = { 0, GC_ALLGESTURES, 0 };
        Touch::SetGestureConfig(hwnd, 0, 1, &gc, sizeof(GESTURECONFIG));

    EbookWindow *win = new EbookWindow();
    win->ebookControls = CreateEbookControls(hwnd);
    win->hwndWrapper = win->ebookControls->mainWnd;
    win->ebookController = new EbookController(win->ebookControls);
    win->hwndFrame = hwnd;

    win::SetText(win->hwndFrame, winTitle);
    SetMenu(hwnd, BuildMenu(win));

    ShowWindow(hwnd, wasMaximized ? SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED : SW_SHOW);
    win->ebookController->SetDoc(doc, startReparseIdx);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void OpenMobiInWindow(Doc doc, SumatraWindow& winToReplace)
    const WCHAR *fullPath = doc.GetFilePath();
    DisplayState *ds = gFileHistory.Find(fullPath);

    if (doc.IsNone()) {
        // TODO: a hack. In LoadDocumentOld(), if current window IsAboutWindow(),
        // we set loadedFilePath to prevent a crash if multiple ebook files are
        // dropped on about window. We need to undo that in case of failure
        // or else the window will be stuck in an invalid state (not about window
        // but not a document window either)
        WindowInfo *w = winToReplace.AsWindowInfo();
        if (str::Eq(w->loadedFilePath, doc.GetFilePath())) {
            w->loadedFilePath = NULL;
            // this is now about window. We don't want to show it if we're already
            // showing other windows (the scenario: dragging ebook file on a window
            // showing a document, we create invisible window for this document and
            // we don't want to show empty window if loading fails
            if (gEbookWindows.Count() > 0 || gWindows.Count() > 1) {
                CloseWindow(w, false);
                if (gFileHistory.MarkFileInexistent(fullPath))
                // TODO: notify the use that loading failed (e.g. show a notification)
        // TODO: notify the user that loading failed (e.g. show a notification)

        // TODO: this is not a great solution. In case of opening
        // file from cmd-line, we create a window but don't show it
        // if loading afils, we have to show the window. If window
        // is already visible, this is a no-op
        ShowWindow(winToReplace.HwndFrame(), SW_SHOW);
        if (gFileHistory.MarkFileInexistent(fullPath))

    if (gGlobalPrefs->rememberOpenedFiles) {
        ds = gFileHistory.MarkFileLoaded(fullPath);
        if (gGlobalPrefs->showStartPage) {
            // TODO: do it on a background thread?
            CreateThumbnailForDoc(doc, *ds);

    int startReparseIdx = -1;
    if (ds && gGlobalPrefs->rememberStatePerDocument && !ds->useDefaultState)
        startReparseIdx = ds->reparseIdx;

    // Add the file also to Windows' recently used documents (this doesn't
    // happen automatically on drag&drop, reopening from history, etc.)
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, fullPath);

    ScopedMem<WCHAR> winTitle(str::Format(L"%s - %s", path::GetBaseName(fullPath), SUMATRA_WINDOW_TITLE));

    if (winToReplace.AsEbookWindow()) {
        EbookWindow *mw = winToReplace.AsEbookWindow();
        win::SetText(mw->hwndFrame, winTitle);
        // TODO: if we have window position/last position for this file, restore it

    RectI windowPos = gGlobalPrefs->windowPos;
    if (!windowPos.IsEmpty())
        windowPos = GetDefaultWindowPos();

    if (ds && !ds->windowPos.IsEmpty()) {
        // Make sure it doesn't have a position like outside of the screen etc.
        windowPos = ShiftRectToWorkArea(ds->windowPos);

    WindowInfo *winInfo = winToReplace.AsWindowInfo();
    bool wasMaximized = false;
    if (winInfo && winInfo->hwndFrame) {
        wasMaximized = IsZoomed(winInfo->hwndFrame);
        // hide the window instead of destroying it so that
        // windows doesn't set a window from a different
        // process as foreground window instead of the once
        // created below
        ShowWindow(winInfo->hwndFrame, SW_HIDE);

    HWND hwnd = CreateWindow(
            windowPos.x, windowPos.y, windowPos.dx, windowPos.dy,
            NULL, NULL,
            ghinst, NULL);
    if (!hwnd) {
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
    if (Touch::SupportsGestures()) {
        GESTURECONFIG gc = { 0, GC_ALLGESTURES, 0 };
        Touch::SetGestureConfig(hwnd, 0, 1, &gc, sizeof(GESTURECONFIG));

    EbookWindow *win = new EbookWindow();
    win->ebookControls = CreateEbookControls(hwnd);
    win->hwndWrapper = win->ebookControls->mainWnd;
    win->ebookController = new EbookController(win->ebookControls);
    win->hwndFrame = hwnd;

    win::SetText(win->hwndFrame, winTitle);
    SetMenu(hwnd, BuildMenu(win));

    ShowWindow(hwnd, wasMaximized ? SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED : SW_SHOW);
    win->ebookController->SetDoc(doc, startReparseIdx);

Ejemplo n.º 12
UINT RenderCache::Paint(HDC hdc, RectI bounds, DisplayModel* dm, int pageNo, PageInfo* pageInfo,
                        bool* renderOutOfDateCue) {
    AssertCrash(pageInfo->shown && 0.0 != pageInfo->visibleRatio);

    if (!dm->ShouldCacheRendering(pageNo)) {
        int rotation = dm->GetRotation();
        float zoom = dm->GetZoomReal(pageNo);
        bounds = pageInfo->pageOnScreen.Intersect(bounds);

        RectD area = bounds.Convert<double>();
        area.Offset(-pageInfo->pageOnScreen.x, -pageInfo->pageOnScreen.y);
        area = dm->GetEngine()->Transform(area, pageNo, zoom, rotation, true);

        RenderedBitmap* bmp = dm->GetEngine()->RenderBitmap(pageNo, zoom, rotation, &area);
        bool success = bmp && bmp->GetBitmap() && bmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, bounds);
        delete bmp;

        return success ? 0 : RENDER_DELAY_FAILED;

    int rotation = dm->GetRotation();
    float zoom = dm->GetZoomReal();
    USHORT targetRes = GetTileRes(dm, pageNo);
    USHORT maxRes = GetMaxTileRes(dm, pageNo, rotation);
    if (maxRes < targetRes)
        maxRes = targetRes;

    Vec<TilePosition> queue;
    queue.Append(TilePosition(0, 0, 0));
    bool neededScaling = false;

    while (queue.size() > 0) {
        TilePosition tile = queue.PopAt(0);
        RectI tileOnScreen = GetTileOnScreen(dm->GetEngine(), pageNo, rotation, zoom, tile, pageInfo->pageOnScreen);
        if (tileOnScreen.IsEmpty()) {
            // display an error message when only empty tiles should be drawn (i.e. on page loading errors)
            renderDelayMin = std::min(RENDER_DELAY_FAILED, renderDelayMin);
        tileOnScreen = pageInfo->pageOnScreen.Intersect(tileOnScreen);
        RectI isect = bounds.Intersect(tileOnScreen);
        if (isect.IsEmpty())

        bool isTargetRes = tile.res == targetRes;
        UINT renderDelay = PaintTile(hdc, isect, dm, pageNo, tile, tileOnScreen, isTargetRes, renderOutOfDateCue,
                                     isTargetRes ? &neededScaling : nullptr);
        if (!(isTargetRes && 0 == renderDelay) && tile.res < maxRes) {
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2, tile.col * 2));
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2, tile.col * 2 + 1));
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2 + 1, tile.col * 2));
            queue.Append(TilePosition(tile.res + 1, tile.row * 2 + 1, tile.col * 2 + 1));
        if (isTargetRes && renderDelay > 0)
            neededScaling = true;
        renderDelayMin = std::min(renderDelay, renderDelayMin);
        // paint tiles from left to right from top to bottom
        if (tile.res > 0 && queue.size() > 0 && tile.res < queue.at(0).res)

    if (!neededScaling) {
        if (renderOutOfDateCue)
            *renderOutOfDateCue = false;
        // free tiles with different resolution
        TilePosition tile(targetRes, (USHORT)-1, 0);
        FreePage(dm, pageNo, &tile);

    return renderDelayMin;