Ejemplo n.º 1
RefDNode DCompiler::ByReference(RefDNode nIn)
  static RefDNode null = static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST);

// #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
//   cout << "ByReference: in:" << endl;
//   antlr::print_tree pt;
//   pt.pr_tree(static_cast<antlr::RefAST>( nIn));
//   cout << endl;
// #endif

  RefDNode n = nIn;

  // APRO,++(a=2) is passed like APRO,a
  // APRO,(((a=2))=3) // forbidden in GDL
  // Makes IDL segfault: APRO,++(((a=2))=3)

  int t=n->getType();
  // expressions (braces) are ignored
  do {
    while( n->getType() == EXPR) n = n->getFirstChild();
    t = n->getType();
    if( t == DEC || t == INC) // only preinc can be reference
	n = n->getFirstChild();
	t = n->getType();
  while( t == DEC || t == INC || t == EXPR);
//   // expressions (braces) are ignored
//   while( n->getType() == EXPR) n = n->getFirstChild();
//   t=n->getType();
  bool assignReplace = false;
  if( t == ASSIGN_REPLACE)
      assignReplace = true;
      n = n->getFirstChild()->getNextSibling();

  // expressions (braces) are ignored
  while( n->getType() == EXPR) n = n->getFirstChild();

  // only var, common block var and deref ptr are passed by reference
  // note: trinary op is REF_CHECK 
  // *** see AssignReplace(...)
  if( !assignReplace && t != VAR && t != VARPTR && t != DEREF && !GDLTreeParser::IsREF_CHECK(t)) // && t != QUESTION) 
    return null; 

// #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
//   cout << "ByReference: out:" << endl;
//   pt.pr_tree(static_cast<antlr::RefAST>( n));
//   cout << endl;
// #endif

  return n;
void AddLineOffset( SizeT lineOffset, RefDNode astR)
astR->SetLine( astR->getLine() + lineOffset);
if( astR->getFirstChild() != NULL) AddLineOffset( lineOffset, (RefDNode)astR->getFirstChild() );
if( astR->getNextSibling() != NULL) AddLineOffset( lineOffset, (RefDNode)astR->getNextSibling() );