int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;


   // Let's enable a bit of debug-output, just to see what the server is doing

   // This object contains our server's event loop.
   ReflectServer reflectServer;

   // This factory will create a StorageReflectSession object whenever
   // a TCP connection is received on SMART_SERVER_TCP_PORT, and
   // attach the StorageReflectSession to the ReflectServer for use.   
   StorageReflectSessionFactory smartSessionFactory;
   if (reflectServer.PutAcceptFactory(SMART_SERVER_TCP_PORT, ReflectSessionFactoryRef(&smartSessionFactory, false)) != B_NO_ERROR)
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Couldn't bind to TCP port %u!  (Perhaps a copy of this program is already running?\n", SMART_SERVER_TCP_PORT);
      return 5;

   // This UDP session will handle the UDP ping pong games
   UDPPingPongSession udpPingPong;
   if (reflectServer.AddNewSession(AbstractReflectSessionRef(&udpPingPong, false)) != B_NO_ERROR)
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Couldn't add UDP ping pong session!\n");
      return 5;
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "example_7_smart_server_wth_udp_pingpong is listening for incoming TCP connections on port %u\n", SMART_SERVER_TCP_PORT);
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Try running one or more instances of example_5_smart_client to connect/chat/subscribe!\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "\n");

   // Our server's event loop will run here -- ServerProcessLoop() return until it's time for the server to exit
   if (reflectServer.ServerProcessLoop() == B_NO_ERROR)
       LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "example_7_smart_server_wth_udp_pingpong is exiting normally.\n");
   else LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "example_7_smart_server_wth_udp_pingpong is exiting due to an error.\n");

   // Make sure our server lets go of all of its sessions and factories
   // before they are destroyed (necessary only because we may have 
   // allocated some of them on the stack rather than on the heap)

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int /*argc*/, char ** /*argv*/) 
   CompleteSetupSystem css;  // set up our environment

   ReflectServer server;
   TestSession testSession;        // detects config changes and computer sleeps/wakes
   SomeOtherSession otherSession;  // just to verify that the callbacks get called on other sessions also

   if ((server.AddNewSession(AbstractReflectSessionRef(&testSession, false)) == B_NO_ERROR)&&(server.AddNewSession(AbstractReflectSessionRef(&otherSession, false)) == B_NO_ERROR))
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Beginning Network-Configuration-Change-Detector test... try changing your network config, or plugging/unplugging an Ethernet cable, or putting your computer to sleep.\n");
      if (server.ServerProcessLoop() == B_NO_ERROR) LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "testnetconfigdetect event loop exiting.\n");
                                               else LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "testnetconfigdetect event loop exiting with an error condition.\n");

   return 0;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;


   // This object contains our server's event loop.
   ReflectServer reflectServer;

   // This factory will create a DumbReflectSession object whenever
   // a TCP connection is received on DUMB_SERVER_TCP_PORT, and
   // attach the DumbReflectSession to the ReflectServer for use.
   MyDumbReflectSessionFactory dumbSessionFactory;
   if (reflectServer.PutAcceptFactory(DUMB_SERVER_TCP_PORT, ReflectSessionFactoryRef(&dumbSessionFactory, false)) != B_NO_ERROR)
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Couldn't bind to TCP port %u!  (Perhaps a copy of this program is already running?\n", DUMB_SERVER_TCP_PORT);
      return 5;

   // Here's where our server will spend all of its time
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "example_3_annotated_dumb_server is listening for incoming TCP connections on port %u\n", DUMB_SERVER_TCP_PORT);
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Try running one or more instances of example_2_dumb_client to connect and chat!\n");

   // Our server's event loop will run here -- ServerProcessLoop() return until it's time for the server to exit
   if (reflectServer.ServerProcessLoop() == B_NO_ERROR)
       LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "example_3_annotated_dumb_server is exiting normally.\n");
   else LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "example_3_annotated_dumb_server is exiting due to an error.\n");

   // Make sure our server lets go of all of its sessions and factories
   // before they are destroyed (necessary only because we may have
   // allocated some of them on the stack rather than on the heap)

   return 0;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;


   // Let's enable a bit of debug-output, just to see what the client is doing

   ReflectServer reflectServer;

   // Still using a DumbReflectSession here since all we need is Message-forwarding.
   // (All of the client's "smarts" will be implemented in the MySmartStdinSession class)
   MyTCPSession tcpSession;
   if (reflectServer.AddNewConnectSession(AbstractReflectSessionRef(&tcpSession, false), localhostIP, SMART_SERVER_TCP_PORT, SecondsToMicros(1)) != B_NO_ERROR)
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Couldn't add tcpSession to the client, aborting!\n");
      return 10;

   // Set up this client's subscription
      MessageRef subscribeToNodesMsg = GetMessageFromPool(PR_COMMAND_SETPARAMETERS);

      // Our filter to only match Messages whose "User String" field contains \"magic\"
      StringQueryFilter sqf("User String", StringQueryFilter::OP_CONTAINS_IGNORECASE, "magic");
      if (subscribeToNodesMsg()->AddArchiveMessage("SUBSCRIBE:/*/*/*", sqf) != B_NO_ERROR)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't add StringQueryFilter to subscribe Message, aborting!\n");
         return 10;

      // Send off our subscription request
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Sending StringQueryFiltered-subscription request message to server:\n");

      // Send off our subscription request
      if (tcpSession.AddOutgoingMessage(subscribeToNodesMsg) != B_NO_ERROR)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't send filtered-subscription Message, aborting!\n");
         return 10;

   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "This program is designed to be run in conjunction with example_4_smart_server\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Run this program, then run another smart client (e.g. example_5_smart_client)\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "in another Terminal window, and start creating nodes with the other smart client\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "by typing commands like these into the example_5_smart_client's Terminal window:\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "   set node1 = foo\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "   set node2 = magic foo\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "   set node3 = bar\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "   set node4 = magic bar\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "   delete node*\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "... and note that this client ONLY gets updates about nodes whose contents contain \"magic\"!\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "(Other nodes don't match the QueryFilter we supplied and thus don't exist as far as our\n");
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "subscription is concerned)\n");

   if (reflectServer.ServerProcessLoop() == B_NO_ERROR)
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "eexample_2_smart_client_with_queryfilter is exiting normally.\n");
   else LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "example_2_smart_client_with_queryfilter is exiting due to an error.\n");

   // Make sure our server lets go of all of its sessions
   // before they are destroyed (necessary only because we have 
   // allocated some of them on the stack rather than on the heap)

   return 0;