Ejemplo n.º 1
HTMLTableElement* AccessibilityTable::tableElement() const
    if (!is<RenderTable>(*m_renderer))
        return nullptr;
    RenderTable& table = downcast<RenderTable>(*m_renderer);
    if (is<HTMLTableElement>(table.element()))
        return downcast<HTMLTableElement>(table.element());
    // If the table has a display:table-row-group, then the RenderTable does not have a pointer to it's HTMLTableElement.
    // We can instead find it by asking the firstSection for its parent.
    RenderTableSection* firstBody = table.firstBody();
    if (!firstBody || !firstBody->element())
        return nullptr;
    Element* actualTable = firstBody->element()->parentElement();
    if (!is<HTMLTableElement>(actualTable))
        return nullptr;
    return downcast<HTMLTableElement>(actualTable);
Ejemplo n.º 2
HTMLTableElement* AccessibilityTable::tableElement() const
    if (!m_renderer->isTable())
        return nullptr;
    RenderTable* table = toRenderTable(m_renderer);
    if (table->element() && isHTMLTableElement(table->element()))
        return toHTMLTableElement(table->element());
    // If the table has a display:table-row-group, then the RenderTable does not have a pointer to it's HTMLTableElement.
    // We can instead find it by asking the firstSection for its parent.
    RenderTableSection* firstBody = table->firstBody();
    if (!firstBody || !firstBody->element())
        return nullptr;
    Element* actualTable = firstBody->element()->parentElement();
    if (!actualTable || !isHTMLTableElement(actualTable))
        return nullptr;
    return toHTMLTableElement(actualTable);