Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: ic-hep/emi3
void abnormalTermination(const std::string& classification, const std::string&, const std::string& finalState) {
    terminalState = true;

    if(globalErrorMessage.length() > 0){
    	errorMessage += " " + globalErrorMessage;
    msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_error_scope(&tr_completed, getDefaultScope());
    msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_error_category(&tr_completed, getDefaultReasonClass());
    msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_failure_phase(&tr_completed, getDefaultErrorPhase());
    msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_error_message(&tr_completed, errorMessage);
    msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_final_transfer_state(&tr_completed, finalState);
    msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_tr_timestamp_complete(&tr_completed, msg_ifce::getInstance()->getTimestamp());

    reporter.timeout = timeout;
    reporter.nostreams = nbstreams;
    reporter.buffersize = tcpbuffersize;
    if (strArray[0].length() > 0)
        reporter.constructMessage(g_job_id, strArray[0], classification, errorMessage, diff, source_size);
        reporter.constructMessage(g_job_id, g_file_id, classification, errorMessage, diff, source_size);

    std::string moveFile = fileManagement->archive();
    if (moveFile.length() != 0) {
        logStream << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Failed to archive file: " << moveFile << '\n';
    if (reuseFile.length() > 0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: ic-hep/emi3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {


    // register signal SIGINT & SIGUSR1signal handler  
    signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);
    signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler);

    /**TODO: disable for now*/

    std::string bytes_to_string("");
    struct stat statbufsrc;
    struct stat statbufdest;
    GError * tmp_err = NULL; // classical GError/glib error management   
    params = gfalt_params_handle_new(NULL);

    gfalt_set_event_callback(params, event_logger, NULL);

    int ret = -1;
    long long transferred_bytes = 0;
    UserProxyEnv* cert = NULL;

    hostname[1023] = '\0';
    gethostname(hostname, 1023);

    for (register int i(1); i < argc; ++i) {
        std::string temp(argv[i]);
        if (temp.compare("-K") == 0)
            file_Metadata = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-J") == 0)
            job_Metadata = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-I") == 0)
            userFilesize = boost::lexical_cast<double>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-H") == 0)
            bringonline = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-G") == 0)
            reuseFile = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-F") == 0)
            debug = true;
        if (temp.compare("-D") == 0)
            sourceSiteName = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-E") == 0)
            destSiteName = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-C") == 0)
            vo = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-y") == 0)
            algorithm = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-z") == 0)
            checksum_value = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-A") == 0)
            compare_checksum = true;
        if (temp.compare("-w") == 0)
            timeout_per_mb = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-x") == 0)
            no_progress_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-u") == 0)
            lan_connection = true;
        if (temp.compare("-v") == 0)
            fail_nearline = true;
        if (temp.compare("-t") == 0)
            copy_pin_lifetime = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-q") == 0)
            dont_ping_source = true;
        if (temp.compare("-r") == 0)
            dont_ping_dest = true;
        if (temp.compare("-s") == 0)
            disable_dir_check = true;
        if (temp.compare("-a") == 0)
            job_id = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-b") == 0)
            source_url = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-c") == 0)
            dest_url = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-d") == 0)
            overwrite = true;
        if (temp.compare("-e") == 0)
            nbstreams = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-f") == 0)
            tcpbuffersize = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-g") == 0)
            blocksize = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-h") == 0)
            timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-i") == 0)
            daemonize = true;
        if (temp.compare("-j") == 0)
            dest_token_desc = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-k") == 0)
            source_token_desc = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-l") == 0)
            markers_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-m") == 0)
            first_marker_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-n") == 0)
            srm_get_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-o") == 0)
            srm_put_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-p") == 0)
            http_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-B") == 0)
            file_id = std::string(argv[i + 1]);
        if (temp.compare("-proxy") == 0)
            proxy = std::string(argv[i + 1]);

    g_file_id = file_id;
    g_job_id = job_id;

    /*TODO: until we find a way to calculate RTT(perfsonar) accurately, OS tcp auto-tuning does a better job*/
    tcpbuffersize = DEFAULT_BUFFSIZE;

    CRYPTO_malloc_init(); // Initialize malloc, free, etc for OpenSSL's use
    SSL_library_init(); // Initialize OpenSSL's SSL libraries
    SSL_load_error_strings(); // Load SSL error strings
    ERR_load_BIO_strings(); // Load BIO error strings
    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); // Load all available encryption algorithms

    /*send an update message back to the server to indicate it's alive*/
    boost::thread btUpdater(taskStatusUpdater, 30);
    }catch (std::exception& e) {
    	globalErrorMessage = e.what();
        globalErrorMessage = "Failed to create boost thread, boost::thread_resource_error";

    if (proxy.length() > 0) {
        // Set Proxy Env    
        cert = new UserProxyEnv(proxy);

    GError* handleError = NULL;    
    handle = gfal_context_new(&handleError);

    if (!handle) {
        errorMessage = "Failed to create the gfal2 handle: ";
        if (handleError && handleError->message) {
            errorMessage += handleError->message;
            abnormalTermination("FAILED", errorMessage, "Error");

    //reuse session    
    if (reuseFile.length() > 0) {
        gfal2_set_opt_boolean(handle, "GRIDFTP PLUGIN", "SESSION_REUSE", TRUE, NULL);

    std::vector<std::string> urlsFile;
    std::string line("");
    readFile = "/var/lib/fts3/" + job_id;
    if (reuseFile.length() > 0) {
        std::ifstream infile(readFile.c_str(), std::ios_base::in);
        while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) {

    //cancelation point 
    long unsigned int reuseOrNot = (urlsFile.empty() == true) ? 1 : urlsFile.size();
    unsigned timerTimeout = reuseOrNot * (http_timeout + srm_put_timeout + srm_get_timeout + timeout);
    	boost::thread bt(taskTimer, timerTimeout);
    }catch (std::exception& e) {
    	globalErrorMessage = e.what();
        globalErrorMessage = "Failed to create boost thread, boost::thread_resource_error";

    if (reuseFile.length() > 0 && urlsFile.empty() == true) {
        errorMessage = "Transfer " + g_job_id + " containes no urls with session reuse enabled";

        abnormalTermination("FAILED", errorMessage, "Error");

    for (register unsigned int ii = 0; ii < reuseOrNot; ii++) {
        errorScope = std::string("");
        reasonClass = std::string("");
        errorPhase = std::string("");

        if (reuseFile.length() > 0) {
            std::string mid_str(urlsFile[ii]);
            typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
            tokenizer tokens(mid_str, boost::char_separator<char> (" "));
            std::copy(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), strArray);
        } else {
            strArray[0] = file_id;
            strArray[1] = source_url;
            strArray[2] = dest_url;
            strArray[3] = checksum_value;
            strArray[4] = userFilesize;
            strArray[5] = file_Metadata;

        g_file_id = strArray[0];
        g_job_id = job_id;

        reporter.timeout = timeout;
        reporter.nostreams = nbstreams;
        reporter.buffersize = tcpbuffersize;
        reporter.source_se = fileManagement->getSourceHostname();
        reporter.dest_se = fileManagement->getDestHostname();

        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_tr_timestamp_start(&tr_completed, msg_ifce::getInstance()->getTimestamp());
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_agent_fqdn(&tr_completed, hostname);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_t_channel(&tr_completed, fileManagement->getSePair());
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_id(&tr_completed, fileManagement->getLogFileName());
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_source_srm_version(&tr_completed, srmVersion(strArray[1]));
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_destination_srm_version(&tr_completed, srmVersion(strArray[2]));
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_source_url(&tr_completed, strArray[1]);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_dest_url(&tr_completed, strArray[2]);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_source_hostname(&tr_completed, fileManagement->getSourceHostname());
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_dest_hostname(&tr_completed, fileManagement->getDestHostname());
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_channel_type(&tr_completed, "urlcopy");
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_vo(&tr_completed, vo);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_source_site_name(&tr_completed, sourceSiteName);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_dest_site_name(&tr_completed, destSiteName);
        nstream_to_string = to_string<unsigned int>(nbstreams, std::dec);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_number_of_streams(&tr_completed, nstream_to_string.c_str());
        tcpbuffer_to_string = to_string<unsigned int>(tcpbuffersize, std::dec);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_tcp_buffer_size(&tr_completed, tcpbuffer_to_string.c_str());
        block_to_string = to_string<unsigned int>(blocksize, std::dec);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_block_size(&tr_completed, block_to_string.c_str());
        timeout_to_string = to_string<unsigned int>(timeout, std::dec);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_timeout(&tr_completed, timeout_to_string.c_str());
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_srm_space_token_dest(&tr_completed, dest_token_desc);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_srm_space_token_source(&tr_completed, source_token_desc);

        int checkError = fileManagement->getLogStream(logStream);
        if (checkError != 0) {
            std::string message = mapErrnoToString(checkError);
            errorMessage = "Failed to create transfer log file, error was: " + message;
            goto stop;
        { //add curly brackets to delimit the scope of the logger
            logger log(logStream);

            gfalt_set_user_data(params, &log, NULL);

            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Transfer accepted" << '\n';
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Proxy:" << proxy << '\n';
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO VO:" << vo << '\n'; //a
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Job id:" << job_id << '\n'; //a
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO File id:" << strArray[0] << '\n'; //a
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Source url:" << strArray[1] << '\n'; //b
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Dest url:" << strArray[2] << '\n'; //c
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Overwrite enabled:" << overwrite << '\n'; //d
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO nbstreams:" << nbstreams << '\n'; //e
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO tcpbuffersize:" << tcpbuffersize << '\n'; //f
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO blocksize:" << blocksize << '\n'; //g
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Timeout:" << timeout << '\n'; //h
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Daemonize:" << daemonize << '\n'; //i
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Dest space token:" << dest_token_desc << '\n'; //j
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Sourcespace token:" << source_token_desc << '\n'; //k
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO markers_timeout:" << markers_timeout << '\n'; //l
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO first_marker_timeout:" << first_marker_timeout << '\n'; //m
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO srm_get_timeout:" << srm_get_timeout << '\n'; //n
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO srm_put_timeout:" << srm_put_timeout << '\n'; //o
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO http_timeout:" << http_timeout << '\n'; //p
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO dont_ping_source:" << dont_ping_source << '\n'; //q
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO dont_ping_dest:" << dont_ping_dest << '\n'; //r
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO disable_dir_check:" << disable_dir_check << '\n'; //s
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO copy_pin_lifetime:" << copy_pin_lifetime << '\n'; //t
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO bringOnline:" << bringonline << '\n'; //t	    
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO lan_connection:" << lan_connection << '\n'; //u
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO fail_nearline:" << fail_nearline << '\n'; //v
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO timeout_per_mb:" << timeout_per_mb << '\n'; //w
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO no_progress_timeout:" << no_progress_timeout << '\n'; //x
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Checksum:" << strArray[3] << '\n'; //z
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Checksum enabled:" << compare_checksum << '\n'; //A
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO User specified filesize:" << userFilesize << '\n'; //A
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO File metadata:" << strArray[5] << '\n'; //A
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Job metadata:" << job_Metadata << '\n'; //A
	    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Send transfer start message to monitoring" << '\n';	    	

            if ((bringonline > 0 || copy_pin_lifetime > 0) && isSrmUrl(strArray[1])) { //issue a bring online	    	
                reporter.constructMessage(job_id, strArray[0], "STAGING", "", diff, source_size);
                if (gfal2_bring_online(handle, (strArray[1]).c_str(), copy_pin_lifetime, bringonline, &tmp_err) < 0) {
                    std::string tempError(tmp_err->message);
                    const int errCode = tmp_err->code;
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Failed to stage file, errno:" << tempError << '\n';
                    errorMessage = "Failed to stage file: " + tempError;
                    errorScope = SOURCE;
                    reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(errCode);
                    errorPhase = TRANSFER_PREPARATION;
                    goto stop;
                //staging finished without failure
		log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Staging file" << source_size << " finished" << '\n';
                reporter.constructMessage(job_id, strArray[0], "STAGING", "", diff, source_size);

            //set to active
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Set the transfer to ACTIVE, report back to the server" << '\n';
            reporter.constructMessage(job_id, strArray[0], "ACTIVE", "", diff, source_size);

            if (fexists(proxy.c_str()) != 0) {
                errorMessage = "ERROR proxy doesn't exist, probably expired and not renewed " + proxy;
                errorScope = SOURCE;
                reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(errno);
                errorPhase = TRANSFER_PREPARATION;
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << errorMessage << '\n';
                goto stop;

            /*set infosys to gfal2*/
            if (handle) {
                char *bdii = (char *) fileManagement->getBDII().c_str();
                if (bdii) {
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO BDII:" << bdii << '\n';
                    if (std::string(bdii).compare("false") == 0) {
                        gfal2_set_opt_boolean(handle, "BDII", "ENABLED", false, NULL);
                    } else {
                        gfal2_set_opt_string(handle, "BDII", "LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS", bdii, NULL);

            /*gfal2 debug logging*/
            if (debug == true) {
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Set the transfer to debug mode" << '\n';
                FILE* reopenDebugFile = freopen(fileManagement->getLogFileFullPath().c_str(), "w", stderr);
                chmod(fileManagement->getLogFileFullPath().c_str(), (mode_t) 0644);
                if (reopenDebugFile == NULL) {
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "WARN Failed to create debug file, errno:" << mapErrnoToString(errno) << '\n';
                gfal_log_set_handler((GLogFunc) log_func, NULL);

            if (source_token_desc.length() > 0)
                gfalt_set_src_spacetoken(params, source_token_desc.c_str(), NULL);

            if (dest_token_desc.length() > 0)
                gfalt_set_dst_spacetoken(params, dest_token_desc.c_str(), NULL);

            gfalt_set_create_parent_dir(params, TRUE, NULL);

            //get checksum timeout from gfal2
            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO get checksum timeout" << '\n';
            int checksumTimeout = gfal2_get_opt_integer(handle, "GRIDFTP PLUGIN", "CHECKSUM_CALC_TIMEOUT", NULL);
            msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_checksum_timeout(&tr_completed, boost::lexical_cast<std::string > (checksumTimeout));

            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Stat the source surl start" << '\n';
            for (int sourceStatRetry = 0; sourceStatRetry < 4; sourceStatRetry++) {
                if (gfal2_stat(handle, (strArray[1]).c_str(), &statbufsrc, &tmp_err) < 0) {
                    std::string tempError(tmp_err->message);
                    const int errCode = tmp_err->code;
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Failed to get source file size, errno:" << tempError << '\n';
                    errorMessage = "Failed to get source file size: " + tempError;
                    errorScope = SOURCE;
                    reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(errCode);
                    errorPhase = TRANSFER_PREPARATION;
                    if (sourceStatRetry == 3 || ENOENT == errCode || EACCES == errCode){
  			log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO No more retries for stat the source" << '\n';
                        goto stop;
                } else {
                    if (statbufsrc.st_size <= 0) {
                        errorMessage = "Source file size is 0";
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR " << errorMessage << '\n';
                        errorScope = SOURCE;
                        reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(gfal_posix_code_error());
                        errorPhase = TRANSFER_PREPARATION;
                        if (sourceStatRetry == 3){
		            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO No more retries for stat the source" << '\n';
                            goto stop;
                    } else if (userFilesize != 0 && userFilesize != statbufsrc.st_size) {
                        std::stringstream error_;
                        error_ << "User specified source file size is " << userFilesize << " but stat returned " << statbufsrc.st_size;
                        errorMessage = error_.str();
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR " << errorMessage << '\n';
                        errorScope = SOURCE;
                        reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(gfal_posix_code_error());
                        errorPhase = TRANSFER_PREPARATION;
                        if (sourceStatRetry == 3){
			    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO No more retries for stat the source" << '\n';
                            goto stop;
                    } else {
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Source file size: " << statbufsrc.st_size << '\n';
                        if (statbufsrc.st_size > 0)
                            source_size = statbufsrc.st_size;
                        //conver longlong to string
                        std::string size_to_string = to_string<long double > (source_size, std::dec);
                        //set the value of file size to the message
                        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_file_size(&tr_completed, size_to_string.c_str());
		log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Stat the source file will be retried" << '\n';
                sleep(3); //give it some time to breath

            if (compare_checksum) {
                if (checksum_value.length() > 0) { //user provided checksum
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO user  provided checksum" << '\n';
                    std::vector<std::string> token = split((strArray[3]).c_str());
                    std::string checkAlg = token[0];
                    std::string csk = token[1];
                    gfalt_set_user_defined_checksum(params, checkAlg.c_str(), csk.c_str(), NULL);
                    gfalt_set_checksum_check(params, TRUE, NULL);
                } else {//use auto checksum
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Calculate checksum auto" << '\n';
                    gfalt_set_checksum_check(params, TRUE, NULL);

            //overwrite dest file if exists
            if (overwrite) {
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Overwrite is enabled" << '\n';
                gfalt_set_replace_existing_file(params, TRUE, NULL);

            gfalt_set_timeout(params, timeout, NULL);
            gfalt_set_nbstreams(params, nbstreams, NULL);
            gfalt_set_tcp_buffer_size(params, tcpbuffersize, NULL);
            gfalt_set_monitor_callback(params, &call_perf, NULL);

            //calculate tr time in seconds
            start = std::time(NULL);

            //check all params before passed to gfal2
            if ((strArray[1]).c_str() == NULL || (strArray[2]).c_str() == NULL) {
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Failed to get source or dest surl" << '\n';

            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Transfer Starting" << '\n';
            if ((ret = gfalt_copy_file(handle, params, (strArray[1]).c_str(), (strArray[2]).c_str(), &tmp_err)) != 0) {
                diff = std::difftime(std::time(NULL), start);
                if (tmp_err != NULL && tmp_err->message != NULL) {
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Transfer failed - errno: " << tmp_err->code << " Error message:" << tmp_err->message << '\n';
                    if (tmp_err->code == 110) {
                        errorMessage = std::string(tmp_err->message);
                        errorMessage += ", operation timeout";
                    } else {
                        errorMessage = std::string(tmp_err->message);
                    errorScope = TRANSFER;
                    reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(tmp_err->code);
                    errorPhase = TRANSFER;
                } else {
                    log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Transfer failed - Error message: Unresolved error" << '\n';
                    errorMessage = std::string("Unresolved error");
                    errorScope = TRANSFER;
                    reasonClass = GENERAL_FAILURE;
                    errorPhase = TRANSFER;
                goto stop;
            } else {
                diff = difftime(std::time(NULL), start);
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Transfer completed successfully" << '\n';

            transferred_bytes = source_size;
            bytes_to_string = to_string<double>(transferred_bytes, std::dec);
            msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_total_bytes_transfered(&tr_completed, bytes_to_string.c_str());

            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Stat the dest surl start" << '\n';
            for (int destStatRetry = 0; destStatRetry < 4; destStatRetry++) {
                if (gfal2_stat(handle, (strArray[2]).c_str(), &statbufdest, &tmp_err) < 0) {
                    if (tmp_err->message) {
                        std::string tempError(tmp_err->message);
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Failed to get dest file size, errno:" << tempError << '\n';
                        errorMessage = "Failed to get dest file size: " + tempError;
                        errorScope = DESTINATION;
                        reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(tmp_err->code);
                        errorPhase = TRANSFER_FINALIZATION;
                    } else {
                        std::string tempError = "Undetermined error";
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Failed to get dest file size, errno:" << tempError << '\n';
                        errorMessage = "Failed to get dest file size: " + tempError;
                        errorScope = DESTINATION;
                        reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(tmp_err->code);
                        errorPhase = TRANSFER_FINALIZATION;
                    if (destStatRetry == 3) {
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO No more retry stating the destination" << '\n';
                        goto stop;
                } else {
                    if (statbufdest.st_size <= 0) {
                        errorMessage = "Destination file size is 0";
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR " << errorMessage << '\n';
                        errorScope = DESTINATION;
                        reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(gfal_posix_code_error());
                        errorPhase = TRANSFER_FINALIZATION;
                        if (destStatRetry == 3) {
                            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO No more retry stating the destination" << '\n';
                            goto stop;
                    } else if (userFilesize != 0 && userFilesize != statbufdest.st_size) {
                        std::stringstream error_;
                        error_ << "User specified destination file size is " << userFilesize << " but stat returned " << statbufsrc.st_size;
                        errorMessage = error_.str();
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR " << errorMessage << '\n';
                        errorScope = DESTINATION;
                        reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(gfal_posix_code_error());
                        errorPhase = TRANSFER_FINALIZATION;
                        if (destStatRetry == 3) {
                            log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO No more retry stating the destination" << '\n';
                            goto stop;
                    } else {
                        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Destination file size: " << statbufdest.st_size << '\n';
                        dest_size = statbufdest.st_size;
    	        log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "WARN Stat the destination will be retried" << '\n';
                sleep(3); //give it some time to breath

            //check source and dest file sizes
            if (source_size == dest_size) {
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Source and destination file size matching" << '\n';
            } else {
                log << fileManagement->timestamp() << "ERROR Source and destination file size are different" << '\n';
                errorMessage = "Source and destination file size mismatch";
                errorScope = DESTINATION;
                reasonClass = mapErrnoToString(gfal_posix_code_error());
                errorPhase = TRANSFER_FINALIZATION;
                goto stop;

            gfalt_set_user_data(params, NULL, NULL);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_error_scope(&tr_completed, errorScope);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_error_category(&tr_completed, reasonClass);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_failure_phase(&tr_completed, errorPhase);
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_transfer_error_message(&tr_completed, errorMessage);
        if (errorMessage.length() > 0) {
            msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_final_transfer_state(&tr_completed, "Error");
            reporter.timeout = timeout;
            reporter.nostreams = nbstreams;
            reporter.buffersize = tcpbuffersize;            
            if (!terminalState) {
	        /*TODO: re-enable it later*/
 	        //logStream << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Try issuing a cancel to clean resources" << '\n';
                logStream << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Report FAILED back to the server" << '\n';
                reporter.constructMessage(job_id, strArray[0], "FAILED", errorMessage, diff, source_size);
        } else {
            msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_final_transfer_state(&tr_completed, "Ok");
            reporter.timeout = timeout;
            reporter.nostreams = nbstreams;
            reporter.buffersize = tcpbuffersize;
            logStream << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Report FINISHED back to the server" << '\n';
            reporter.constructMessage(job_id, strArray[0], "FINISHED", errorMessage, diff, source_size);
        logStream << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Send monitoring complete message" << '\n';
        msg_ifce::getInstance()->set_tr_timestamp_complete(&tr_completed, msg_ifce::getInstance()->getTimestamp());
        logStream << fileManagement->timestamp() << "INFO Closing the log stream" << '\n';
        if (logStream.is_open()) {
        if (debug == true) {

        std::string moveFile = fileManagement->archive();        
    }//end for reuse loop

    if (params) {
        gfalt_params_handle_delete(params, NULL);
        params = NULL;
    if (handle) {
        handle = NULL;

    if (cert) {
        delete cert;
        cert = NULL;

    if (reuseFile.length() > 0)

    if (fileManagement)
        delete fileManagement;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;