Ejemplo n.º 1
bool LuaScript::LoadRawFile(const String& fileName)

    LOGINFO("Finding Lua file on file system: " + fileName);

    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    String filePath = cache->GetResourceFileName(fileName);

    if (filePath.Empty())
        LOGINFO("Lua file not found: " + fileName);
        return false;

    filePath = GetNativePath(filePath);

    LOGINFO("Loading Lua file from file system: " + filePath);

    if (luaL_loadfile(luaState_, filePath.CString()))
        const char* message = lua_tostring(luaState_, -1);
        LOGERRORF("Load Lua file failed: %s", message);
        lua_pop(luaState_, 1);
        return false;

    LOGINFO("Lua file loaded: " + filePath);

    return true;
void ShaderVariation::SaveByteCode(const String& binaryShaderName)
    ResourceCache* cache = owner_->GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    FileSystem* fileSystem = owner_->GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();

    // Filename may or may not be inside the resource system
    String fullName = binaryShaderName;
    if (!IsAbsolutePath(fullName))
        // If not absolute, use the resource dir of the shader
        String shaderFileName = cache->GetResourceFileName(owner_->GetName());
        if (shaderFileName.Empty())
        fullName = shaderFileName.Substring(0, shaderFileName.Find(owner_->GetName())) + binaryShaderName;
    String path = GetPath(fullName);
    if (!fileSystem->DirExists(path))

    SharedPtr<File> file(new File(owner_->GetContext(), fullName, FILE_WRITE));
    if (!file->IsOpen())

    file->WriteShort((unsigned short)type_);

    for (HashMap<StringHash, ShaderParameter>::ConstIterator i = parameters_.Begin(); i != parameters_.End(); ++i)
        file->WriteUByte((unsigned char)i->second_.register_);
        file->WriteUByte((unsigned char)i->second_.regCount_);

    unsigned usedTextureUnits = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; ++i)
        if (useTextureUnit_[i])
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; ++i)
        if (useTextureUnit_[i])
            file->WriteUByte((unsigned char)i);

    unsigned dataSize = byteCode_.Size();
    if (dataSize)
        file->Write(&byteCode_[0], dataSize);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool Shader::ProcessSource(String& code, Deserializer& source)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    // If the source if a non-packaged file, store the timestamp
    File* file = dynamic_cast<File*>(&source);
    if (file && !file->IsPackaged())
        FileSystem* fileSystem = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
        String fullName = cache->GetResourceFileName(file->GetName());
        unsigned fileTimeStamp = fileSystem->GetLastModifiedTime(fullName);
        if (fileTimeStamp > timeStamp_)
            timeStamp_ = fileTimeStamp;
    // Store resource dependencies for includes so that we know to reload if any of them changes
    if (source.GetName() != GetName())
        cache->StoreResourceDependency(this, source.GetName());
    while (!source.IsEof())
        String line = source.ReadLine();
        if (line.StartsWith("#include"))
            String includeFileName = GetPath(source.GetName()) + line.Substring(9).Replaced("\"", "").Trimmed();
            SharedPtr<File> includeFile = cache->GetFile(includeFileName);
            if (!includeFile)
                return false;
            // Add the include file into the current code recursively
            if (!ProcessSource(code, *includeFile))
                return false;
            code += line;
            code += "\n";

    // Finally insert an empty line to mark the space between files
    code += "\n";
    return true;
bool ShaderVariation::LoadByteCode(const String& binaryShaderName)
    ResourceCache* cache = owner_->GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    if (!cache->Exists(binaryShaderName))
        return false;

    FileSystem* fileSystem = owner_->GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
    unsigned sourceTimeStamp = owner_->GetTimeStamp();
    // If source code is loaded from a package, its timestamp will be zero. Else check that binary is not older
    // than source
    if (sourceTimeStamp && fileSystem->GetLastModifiedTime(cache->GetResourceFileName(binaryShaderName)) < sourceTimeStamp)
        return false;

    SharedPtr<File> file = cache->GetFile(binaryShaderName);
    if (!file || file->ReadFileID() != "USHD")
        ATOMIC_LOGERROR(binaryShaderName + " is not a valid shader bytecode file");
        return false;

    /// \todo Check that shader type and model match
    /*unsigned short shaderType = */file->ReadUShort();
    /*unsigned short shaderModel = */file->ReadUShort();

    unsigned numParameters = file->ReadUInt();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numParameters; ++i)
        String name = file->ReadString();
        unsigned reg = file->ReadUByte();
        unsigned regCount = file->ReadUByte();

        ShaderParameter parameter;
        parameter.type_ = type_;
        parameter.name_ = name;
        parameter.register_ = reg;
        parameter.regCount_ = regCount;
        parameters_[StringHash(name)] = parameter;

    unsigned numTextureUnits = file->ReadUInt();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numTextureUnits; ++i)
        /*String unitName = */file->ReadString();
        unsigned reg = file->ReadUByte();

        if (reg < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS)
            useTextureUnit_[reg] = true;

    unsigned byteCodeSize = file->ReadUInt();
    if (byteCodeSize)
        file->Read(&byteCode_[0], byteCodeSize);

        if (type_ == VS)
            ATOMIC_LOGDEBUG("Loaded cached vertex shader " + GetFullName());
            ATOMIC_LOGDEBUG("Loaded cached pixel shader " + GetFullName());

        return true;
        ATOMIC_LOGERROR(binaryShaderName + " has zero length bytecode");
        return false;