Ejemplo n.º 1
RobotNodeSet::RobotNodeSet(const std::string &name, 
						   RobotWeakPtr robot, 
						   const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &robotNodes, 
						   const RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot /*= RobotNodePtr()*/,
						   const RobotNodePtr tcp /*= RobotNodePtr()*/)
	this->robotNodes = robotNodes;
	this->kinematicRoot = kinematicRoot;
	this->tcp = tcp;
	RobotPtr rob = robot.lock();
	if (!kinematicRoot && robotNodes.size()>0)
		this->kinematicRoot = rob->getRootNode();
	if (!tcp && robotNodes.size()>0)
		this->tcp = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1];
	this->robot = robot;

	// now, the objects are stored in the parent's (SceneObjectSet) data structure, so that the methods of SceneObjectSet do work
	for(size_t i = 0; i < robotNodes.size(); i++)
		SceneObjectPtr cm = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SceneObject>(robotNodes[i]);
		if (cm)
			if (colChecker != cm->getCollisionChecker())
				VR_WARNING << "col model of " << robotNodes[i]->getName() << " belongs to different instance of collision checker, in: " << getName().c_str() << endl;
			} else
Ejemplo n.º 2
void RobotNode::updateTransformationMatrices()
	if (this->getParent())
		// check for root
		RobotPtr r = getRobot();
		if (r && r->getRootNode() == shared_from_this())
Ejemplo n.º 3
RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(RobotPtr robot, 
												 const std::string &name, 
												 const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &robotNodes, 
												 const RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot,
												 const RobotNodePtr tcp,
												 bool registerToRobot)
	VR_ASSERT (robot!=NULL);

	if (robotNodes.empty() || !robotNodes[0])
		VR_WARNING << " No robot nodes in set..." << endl;
	} else
		CollisionCheckerPtr cc = robotNodes[0]->getCollisionChecker();

		for (unsigned int i=1;i<robotNodes.size();i++)
			if (robotNodes[0]->getRobot() != robotNodes[i]->getRobot())
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different robots");
			if (cc !=  robotNodes[i]->getCollisionChecker())
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different collision checkers");

	RobotNodePtr kinematicRootNode = kinematicRoot;
	if (!kinematicRootNode)
		kinematicRootNode = robot->getRootNode();
	RobotNodePtr tcpNode = tcp;
	if (!tcpNode)
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robotNodes.empty(), "can not determine the tcp node need for creating a RobotNodeSet");
		tcpNode = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1];
	RobotNodeSetPtr rns(new RobotNodeSet(name, robot, robotNodes, kinematicRootNode, tcpNode));

	if (registerToRobot)
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robot->hasRobotNodeSet(rns), "RobotNodeSet with name " << rns->getName() << " already present in the robot");

	return rns;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void RobotNode::updateVisualizationPose( const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose, bool updateChildren )
	// check if we are a root node
    SceneObjectPtr parent = getParent();
    RobotPtr rob = getRobot();
	if (!parent || parent == rob)
		if (rob && rob->getRootNode() == static_pointer_cast<RobotNode>(shared_from_this()))
			Eigen::Matrix4f gpPre = getLocalTransformation().inverse() * globalPose;
			rob->setGlobalPose(gpPre, false);
		} else
            VR_WARNING << "INTERNAL ERROR: getParent==robot but getRoot!=this ?! " << endl;

	this->globalPose = globalPose;

	// update collision and visualization model and children
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool SceneIO::processSceneRobot(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* sceneXMLNode, ScenePtr scene, const std::string& basePath )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!sceneXMLNode, "NULL data in processSceneRobot");

	// get name
	std::string robotName = processNameAttribute(sceneXMLNode,true);
	if (robotName.empty())
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Please specify the name of the robot...");
		return false;
	std::string initStr("initconfig");
	std::string initConfigName = processStringAttribute(initStr,sceneXMLNode,true);

	std::vector< RobotConfigPtr > configs;
	std::vector< std::vector< RobotConfig::Configuration > > configDefinitions;
	std::vector< std::string > configNames;
	Eigen::Matrix4f globalPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
	std::string fileName;
	rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = sceneXMLNode->first_node();

	std::vector< rapidxml::xml_node<>* > rnsNodes;
	while (node)
		std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());
		if (nodeName == "file")
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!fileName.empty(), "Multiple files defined in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);
			fileName = processFileNode(node,basePath);
		} else if (nodeName == "configuration")
			bool c*K = processConfigurationNodeList(node, configDefinitions, configNames);
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!c*K, "Invalid configuration defined in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);
		} else if (nodeName == "globalpose")
			processTransformNode(node, robotName, globalPose);
		} else if (nodeName == "robotnodeset")
		} else
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in scene's Robot definition <" << robotName << ">." << endl);

		node = node->next_sibling();

	// create & register robot
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(fileName.empty(), "Missing file definition in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);
	RobotPtr robot = RobotIO::loadRobot(fileName);
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!robot, "Invalid robot file in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);

	// create & register node sets
	int rnsNr = 0;
	for (size_t i=0;i<rnsNodes.size();i++)
		// registers rns to robot
		RobotNodeSetPtr r = processRobotNodeSet(rnsNodes[i], robot, robot->getRootNode()->getName(), rnsNr);
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, "Invalid RobotNodeSet definition " << endl);

	// create & register configs
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(configDefinitions.size()!=configNames.size(), "Invalid RobotConfig definitions " << endl);
	for (size_t i=0;i<configDefinitions.size();i++)
		RobotConfigPtr rc(new RobotConfig(robot,configNames[i],configDefinitions[i]));

	// process init config
	if (!initConfigName.empty())
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!scene->hasRobotConfig(robot,initConfigName), "Scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "' does not have the initConfig '" << initConfigName << "'." << endl);
	return true;