Ejemplo n.º 1
/*******M step, maximazize log-likelihood*/
void Plsa::M_step(MatrixXd &data)
    MatrixXd X;
    for (int i=0;i<K;i++)
      Pw_z.col(i)=(Pz_wd[i].cwiseProduct(data)).rowwise().sum();//suma de filas[vector(1XN)]
      Pd_z.col(i)=(Pz_wd[i].cwiseProduct(data)).colwise().sum();//suma de columnas[vector(1XN)]

    RowVectorXd Temp;
    RowVectorXd C;
    VectorXd E;
    VectorXd T;
    T=VectorXd::Ones(K); // vector of K with ones

    C=Pd_z.colwise().sum(); //suma de columnas[vector(1XN)]

    C=Pw_z.colwise().sum(); //


Ejemplo n.º 2
/* compares evaluations on corner cases */
void eval_spline3d_onbrks()
  Spline3d spline = spline3d();

  RowVectorXd u = spline.knots();

  MatrixXd pts(11,3);
  pts <<    0.959743958516081,   0.340385726666133,   0.585267750979777,
    0.959743958516081,   0.340385726666133,   0.585267750979777,
    0.959743958516081,   0.340385726666133,   0.585267750979777,
    0.430282980289940,   0.713074680056118,   0.720373307943349,
    0.558074875553060,   0.681617921034459,   0.804417124839942,
    0.407076008291750,   0.349707710518163,   0.617275937419545,
    0.240037008286602,   0.738739390398014,   0.324554153129411,
    0.302434111480572,   0.781162443963899,   0.240177089094644,
    0.251083857976031,   0.616044676146639,   0.473288848902729,
    0.251083857976031,   0.616044676146639,   0.473288848902729,
    0.251083857976031,   0.616044676146639,   0.473288848902729;

  for (int i=0; i<u.size(); ++i)
    Vector3d pt = spline(u(i));
    VERIFY( (pt - pts.col(i)).norm() < 1e-14 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Plsa::Normalize(MatrixXd &Mat)
  RowVectorXd Temp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void RelativeEulerAnglePcaDecoder::Encode(array_view<const DirectX::Quaternion> rots, VectorType & x)
	RelativeEulerAngleDecoder::Encode(rots, x);
	RowVectorXd dx = x.transpose().cast<double>();
	dx -= meanY;
	dx *= pcaY;
	x = dx.transpose().cast<float>();
Ejemplo n.º 5
QMap<int,QList<QPair<int,double> > > DetectTrigger::detectTriggerFlanksGrad(const MatrixXd& data, const QList<int>& lTriggerChannels, int iOffsetIndex, double dThreshold, bool bRemoveOffset, const QString& type, int iBurstLengthSamp)
    QMap<int,QList<QPair<int,double> > > qMapDetectedTrigger;
    RowVectorXd tGradient = RowVectorXd::Zero(data.cols());

    //Find all triggers above threshold in the data block
    for(int i = 0; i < lTriggerChannels.size(); ++i)
//        QTime time;
//        time.start();

        int iChIdx = lTriggerChannels.at(i);

        //Add empty list to map
        QList<QPair<int,double> > temp;
        qMapDetectedTrigger.insert(iChIdx, temp);

        //detect the actual triggers in the current data matrix
        if(iChIdx > data.rows() || iChIdx < 0)
            return qMapDetectedTrigger;

        //Compute gradient
        for(int t = 1; t<tGradient.cols(); t++)
            tGradient(t) = data(iChIdx,t)-data(iChIdx,t-1);

        // If falling flanks are to be detected flip the gradient's sign
        if(type == "Falling")
            tGradient = tGradient * -1;

        //Find positive maximum in gradient vector. This position is equal to the rising trigger flank.
        for(int j = 0; j < tGradient.cols(); ++j)
            double dMatVal = bRemoveOffset ? tGradient(j) - data(iChIdx,0) : tGradient(j);

            if(dMatVal >= dThreshold)
                QPair<int,double> pair;
                pair.first = iOffsetIndex+j;
                pair.second = tGradient(j);


                j += iBurstLengthSamp;

//        int timeElapsed = time.elapsed();
//        std::cout<<"timeElapsed: "<<timeElapsed<<std::endl;

    return qMapDetectedTrigger;
Ejemplo n.º 6
RowVectorXd FilterData::applyFFTFilter(const RowVectorXd& data, bool keepOverhead, CompensateEdgeEffects compensateEdgeEffects) const

    if(data.cols()<m_dCoeffA.cols() && compensateEdgeEffects==MirrorData) {
        qDebug()<<QString("Error in FilterData: Number of filter taps(%1) bigger then data size(%2). Not enough data to perform mirroring!").arg(m_dCoeffA.cols()).arg(data.cols());
        return data;

//    std::cout<<"m_iFFTlength: "<<m_iFFTlength<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<"2*m_dCoeffA.cols() + data.cols(): "<<2*m_dCoeffA.cols() + data.cols()<<std::endl;

    if(2*m_dCoeffA.cols() + data.cols()>m_iFFTlength) {
        qDebug()<<"Error in FilterData: Number of mirroring/zeropadding size plus data size is bigger then fft length!";
        return data;

    //Do zero padding or mirroring depending on user input
    RowVectorXd t_dataZeroPad = RowVectorXd::Zero(m_iFFTlength);

    switch(compensateEdgeEffects) {
        case MirrorData:
            t_dataZeroPad.head(m_dCoeffA.cols()) = data.head(m_dCoeffA.cols()).reverse();   //front
            t_dataZeroPad.segment(m_dCoeffA.cols(), data.cols()) = data;                    //middle
            t_dataZeroPad.tail(m_dCoeffA.cols()) = data.tail(m_dCoeffA.cols()).reverse();   //back

        case ZeroPad:
            t_dataZeroPad.head(data.cols()) = data;

            t_dataZeroPad.head(data.cols()) = data;

    //generate fft object
    Eigen::FFT<double> fft;

    //fft-transform data sequence
    RowVectorXcd t_freqData;

    //perform frequency-domain filtering
    RowVectorXcd t_filteredFreq = m_dFFTCoeffA.array()*t_freqData.array();

    RowVectorXd t_filteredTime;

    //Return filtered data
        return t_filteredTime.segment(m_dCoeffA.cols()/2, data.cols());

    return t_filteredTime.head(data.cols()+m_dCoeffA.cols());
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: bci.cpp Proyecto: Lx37/mne-cpp
QPair< int,QList<double> > BCI::applyFeatureCalcConcurrentlyOnSensorLevel(const QPair<int, RowVectorXd> &chdata)
    RowVectorXd data = chdata.second;
    QList<double> features;

    // TODO: Divide into subsignals
    //features << data.squaredNorm(); // Compute variance
    features << abs(log10(data.squaredNorm())); // Compute log of variance

    return QPair< int,QList<double> >(chdata.first, features);
Ejemplo n.º 8
RowVectorXd DataPackage::cutData(const RowVectorXd &originalData, int cutFront, int cutBack)
    if(originalData.cols()-cutFront-cutBack < 0 || cutFront>originalData.cols()) {
        qDebug()<<"DataPackage::cutData - cutFront or cutBack do not fit. Aborting mapping and returning original data.";
        RowVectorXd returnVec = originalData;
        return returnVec;

    //Cut original data using segment
    return (RowVectorXd)originalData.segment(cutFront, originalData.cols()-cutFront-cutBack);
Ejemplo n.º 9
CDataObject::CDataObject(int total_pts, enumStreetIndices br_ndx, int times_acted, int ndealt, eBetType action_type) : 
	assert(br_ndx >= ePreflopIndex && br_ndx < eRoundIndices);
	assert(times_acted >= 0);

	m_ndims = times_acted + (br_ndx == ePreflopIndex ? num_prior_dims_preflop : num_prior_dims_postflop) + 1;

	// this is only used for ann
	m_data = new double*[m_npoints];
	// allocate hand_ids for corresponding data points
	m_hand_ids = new long[m_npoints];
	for(long i = 0; i < m_npoints; i++)
		m_hand_ids[i] = -1L;

	m_profits	= VectorXd::Zero(m_npoints);
	m_points	= Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>::Zero(m_npoints, m_ndims);

	CDatabase p_db;

	// Set the weights
	diag_factor	= Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>::Identity(m_ndims, m_ndims);


		RowVectorXd tmp;
		if(ePreflopIndex == br_ndx)
			tmp = RowVectorXd::Zero(9);
			tmp << 10, 20, 100, 10, 0, 0, 2, 2, 20;
			tmp = RowVectorXd::Zero(11);
			tmp << 10, 80, 10, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 50, 1, 1;
		diag_factor.bottomRightCorner(tmp.cols(), tmp.cols()) = tmp.asDiagonal();


		CRegressionObject regress(m_points, m_profits);
		diag_factor = regress.get_theta().asDiagonal();


	gLog.WriteLog(eSeverityInfo, eCatPerformance, "br%d_%d: %8s - %8d points\n", br_ndx+1, times_acted, bets_str[action_type], m_npoints);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void IKoptions::setAdditionaltSamples(const RowVectorXd &t_samples) {
  if (t_samples.size() > 0) {
    set<double> unique_sort_t(t_samples.data(),
                              t_samples.data() + t_samples.size());
    int t_idx = 0;
    for (auto it = unique_sort_t.begin(); it != unique_sort_t.end(); it++) {
      this->additional_tSamples(t_idx) = *it;
  } else {
Ejemplo n.º 11
QPair<int,double> ConnectivityMeasures::calcCrossCorrelation(const RowVectorXd& vecFirst, const RowVectorXd& vecSecond)
    Eigen::FFT<double> fft;

    int N = std::max(vecFirst.cols(), vecSecond.cols());

    //Compute the FFT size as the "next power of 2" of the input vector's length (max)
    int b = ceil(log2(2.0 * N - 1));
    int fftsize = pow(2,b);
//    int end = fftsize - 1;
//    int maxlag = N - 1;

    //Zero Padd
    RowVectorXd xCorrInputVecFirst = RowVectorXd::Zero(fftsize);
    xCorrInputVecFirst.head(vecFirst.cols()) = vecFirst;

    RowVectorXd xCorrInputVecSecond = RowVectorXd::Zero(fftsize);
    xCorrInputVecSecond.head(vecSecond.cols()) = vecSecond;

    //FFT for freq domain to both vectors
    RowVectorXcd freqvec;
    RowVectorXcd freqvec2;

    fft.fwd(freqvec, xCorrInputVecFirst);
    fft.fwd(freqvec2, xCorrInputVecSecond);

    //Create conjugate complex

    //Main step of cross corr
    for (int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
        freqvec[i] = freqvec[i] * freqvec2[i];

    RowVectorXd result;
    fft.inv(result, freqvec);

    //Will get rid of extra zero padding
    RowVectorXd result2 = result;//.segment(maxlag, N);

    QPair<int,int> minMaxRange;
    int idx = 0;
    minMaxRange.first = idx;
    minMaxRange.second = idx;

//    std::cout<<"result2(minMaxRange.first)"<<result2(minMaxRange.first)<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<"result2(minMaxRange.second)"<<result2(minMaxRange.second)<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<"b"<<b<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<"fftsize"<<fftsize<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<"end"<<end<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<"maxlag"<<maxlag<<std::endl;

    //Return val
    int resultIndex = minMaxRange.second;
    double maxValue = result2(resultIndex);

    return QPair<int,double>(resultIndex, maxValue);
PatchSample::sample_frustum(double hfov, double vfov, int nh, int nv,
                            Vector3d p, Vector3d u,
                            MatrixXd &mx, MatrixXd &my, MatrixXd &mz)
  //TBD: check input args

  // pointing, up, left
  p = p/p.norm();
  u = u/u.norm();
  Vector3d l = u.cross(p);

  // sample like a camera would
  double ll = (tan(hfov/2.0)*((double)(nh-1)))/nh;
  double uu = (tan(vfov/2.0)*((double)(nv-1)))/nv;
  RowVectorXd y;
  MatrixXd yy;
  yy = y.replicate(nv,1);
  VectorXd z;
  MatrixXd zz;
  zz = z.replicate(1,nh);
  MatrixXd xx = MatrixXd::Ones(nv,nh);
  MatrixXd nn = (xx.array().square() + yy.array().square() + zz.array().square()).cwiseSqrt();
  xx = xx.array() / nn.array();
  yy = yy.array() / nn.array();
  zz = zz.array() / nn.array();

  // rotation matrix
  Matrix3d rr;
  rr << p, l, u;

  // rotate points
  MatrixXd xyz;
  MatrixXd cam (3,xx.rows()*xx.cols());
  cam.row(0) = vectorizeColWise(xx);
  cam.row(1) = vectorizeColWise(yy);
  cam.row(2) = vectorizeColWise(zz);
  xyz = rr*cam;

  // extract coordinates
  xx = xyz.row(0);
  yy = xyz.row(1);
  zz = xyz.row(2);
  mx = Map<MatrixXd>(xx.data(),nv,nh);
  my = Map<MatrixXd>(yy.data(),nv,nh);
  mz = Map<MatrixXd>(zz.data(),nv,nh);
Ejemplo n.º 13
QList<QPair<int,double> > DetectTrigger::detectTriggerFlanksGrad(const MatrixXd &data, int iTriggerChannelIdx, int iOffsetIndex, double dThreshold, bool bRemoveOffset, const QString& type, int iBurstLengthSamp)
    QList<QPair<int,double> > lDetectedTriggers;

    RowVectorXd tGradient = RowVectorXd::Zero(data.cols());

//        QTime time;
//        time.start();

    //detect the actual triggers in the current data matrix
    if(iTriggerChannelIdx > data.rows() || iTriggerChannelIdx < 0)
        return lDetectedTriggers;

    //Compute gradient
    for(int t = 1; t < tGradient.cols(); ++t)
        tGradient(t) = data(iTriggerChannelIdx,t) - data(iTriggerChannelIdx,t-1);

    //If falling flanks are to be detected flip the gradient's sign
    if(type == "Falling")
        tGradient = tGradient * -1;

    //Find all triggers above threshold in the data block
    for(int j = 0; j < tGradient.cols(); ++j)
        double dMatVal = bRemoveOffset ? tGradient(j) - data(iTriggerChannelIdx,0) : tGradient(j);

        if(dMatVal >= dThreshold)
            QPair<int,double> pair;
            pair.first = iOffsetIndex+j;
            pair.second = tGradient(j);


            j += iBurstLengthSamp;

//        int timeElapsed = time.elapsed();
//        std::cout<<"timeElapsed: "<<timeElapsed<<std::endl;

    return lDetectedTriggers;
Ejemplo n.º 14
VectorXd probutils::mahaldist (
    const MatrixXd& X,
    const RowVectorXd& mu,
    const MatrixXd& A
  // Check for same number of dimensions, D
  if((X.cols() != mu.cols()) || (X.cols() != A.cols()))
    throw invalid_argument("Arguments do not have the same dimensionality");

  // Check if A is square
  if (A.rows() != A.cols())
    throw invalid_argument("Matrix A must be square!");

  // Decompose A
  LDLT<MatrixXd> Aldl(A);

  // Check if A is PD
  if ((Aldl.vectorD().array() <= 0).any() == true)
    throw invalid_argument("Matrix A is not positive definite");

  // Do the Mahalanobis distance for each sample (N times)
  MatrixXd X_mu = (X.rowwise() - mu).transpose();
  return ((X_mu.array() * (Aldl.solve(X_mu)).array())
void FrequencySpectrumDelegate::createPlotPath(const QModelIndex &index, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, QPainterPath& path, RowVectorXd& data) const
    const FrequencySpectrumModel* t_pModel = static_cast<const FrequencySpectrumModel*>(index.model());

    float fMaxValue = data.maxCoeff();

    float fValue;
    float fScaleY = option.rect.height()/(fMaxValue*0.5);

    float y_base = path.currentPosition().y();
    QPointF qSamplePosition;

    qint32 lowerIdx = t_pModel->getLowerFrqBound();
    qint32 upperIdx = t_pModel->getUpperFrqBound();

    //Move to initial starting point
    if(data.size() > 0)
        float val = 0;
        fValue = val*fScaleY;

        float newY = y_base+fValue;



    //create lines from one to the next sample
    qint32 i;
    for(i = lowerIdx+1; i <= upperIdx; ++i) {
        float val = data[i]-data[0]; //remove first sample data[0] as offset
        fValue = val*fScaleY;

        float newY = y_base+fValue;


Ejemplo n.º 16
//target function przyjmuje macierz, wiec mozemy oba porownywane punkty polaczyc i przeslac.
bool NelderMead::Compare(RowVectorXd first, RowVectorXd second)
    RowVector2d val;
    MatrixXd temp(2, first.cols());
    temp.row(0) = first;
    temp.row(1) = second;
    val = this->TargetFunction(temp);

    return val[0] < val[1];
Ejemplo n.º 17
vector <RowVectorXd> findCorners(vector <int> quadMap)
    RowVectorXd corners;
    corners << 0, 0, 1, 1;
    RowVectorXd tempCorners;
    vector <RowVectorXd> finalCorners;

    vector<int>::size_type sz = quadMap.size();

    for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
            case 0:
                tempCorners << corners[0], corners[1], (corners[3] + corners[0]) / 2, (corners[4] + corners[1]) / 2;
                corners = tempCorners;
            case 1:
                tempCorners << corners[0], (corners[4] + corners[1]) / 2, (corners[3] + corners[0]) / 2, corners[4];
                corners = tempCorners;
            case 2:
                tempCorners << (corners[3] + corners[0]) / 2, corners[1], corners[3], (corners[4] + corners[1]) / 2;
                corners = tempCorners;
            case 3:
                tempCorners << (corners[3] + corners[0]) / 2, (corners[4] + corners[1]) / 2, corners[0], corners[1];
                corners = tempCorners;

    finalCorners.push_back({corners[0], corners[1]});
    finalCorners.push_back({corners[2], corners[3]});

    return finalCorners;
Ejemplo n.º 18
RowVectorXd FilterData::applyConvFilter(const RowVectorXd& data, bool keepOverhead, CompensateEdgeEffects compensateEdgeEffects) const
    if(data.cols()<m_dCoeffA.cols() && compensateEdgeEffects==MirrorData){
        qDebug()<<QString("Error in FilterData: Number of filter taps(%1) bigger then data size(%2). Not enough data to perform mirroring!").arg(m_dCoeffA.cols()).arg(data.cols());
        return data;

    //Do zero padding or mirroring depending on user input
    RowVectorXd t_dataZeroPad = RowVectorXd::Zero(2*m_dCoeffA.cols() + data.cols());
    RowVectorXd t_filteredTime = RowVectorXd::Zero(2*m_dCoeffA.cols() + data.cols());

    switch(compensateEdgeEffects) {
        case MirrorData:
            t_dataZeroPad.head(m_dCoeffA.cols()) = data.head(m_dCoeffA.cols()).reverse();   //front
            t_dataZeroPad.segment(m_dCoeffA.cols(), data.cols()) = data;                    //middle
            t_dataZeroPad.tail(m_dCoeffA.cols()) = data.tail(m_dCoeffA.cols()).reverse();   //back

        case ZeroPad:
            t_dataZeroPad.segment(m_dCoeffA.cols(), data.cols()) = data;

            t_dataZeroPad.segment(m_dCoeffA.cols(), data.cols()) = data;

    //Do the convolution
    for(int i=m_dCoeffA.cols(); i<t_filteredTime.cols(); i++)
        t_filteredTime(i-m_dCoeffA.cols()) = t_dataZeroPad.segment(i-m_dCoeffA.cols(),m_dCoeffA.cols()) * m_dCoeffA.transpose();

    //Return filtered data
        return t_filteredTime.segment(m_dCoeffA.cols()/2, data.cols());

    return t_filteredTime.head(data.cols()+m_dCoeffA.cols());
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool qbd_compute_pi0(const MatrixXd & R,
		     const MatrixXd & B0,
		     const MatrixXd & A0,
		     RowVectorXd & pi0,
		     const qbd_parms & parms) throw (Exc) {
    EXC_PRINT("R had to be square");

  if (!check_sizes(A0,R) || !check_sizes(A0,B0)) 
    EXC_PRINT("A0, A1, A2 matrixes have to be square and equal size");

  if ((R.minCoeff()<0)&&parms.verbose)
    cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: Warning: R has negative coeeficients"<<endl;
  SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> eigensolver(R);
  if (eigensolver.info() != Success) {
    if (parms.verbose)
      cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: cannot compute eigenvalues of R"<<endl;
    return false;
  if ((ArrayXd(eigensolver.eigenvalues()).abs().maxCoeff()>1)&&parms.verbose)
    cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: Warning: R has spectral radius greater than 1"<<endl;
  int n = R.rows();
  MatrixXd Id = MatrixXd::Identity(n,n);
  VectorXd u(n);
  MatrixXd M(n,n+1);
  M.block(0,0,n,n)= B0+R*A0-Id;
  M.block(0,n,n,1)= (Id-R).inverse()*u;

  FullPivLU<MatrixXd> lu_decomp(M);
  if(lu_decomp.rank()<n) {
    if (parms.verbose)
      cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: No unique solution"<<endl;
    return false;

  RowVectorXd work(n+1);
  MatrixXd W1;
  pi0 = work*W1;
  if ((pi0.minCoeff()<0)&&parms.verbose)
    cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: Warning: x0 has negative elements"<<endl;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void DataPackage::setMappedProcData(const RowVectorXd &originalProcData, int row, int cutFront, int cutBack)
    if(originalProcData.cols()-cutFront-cutBack != m_dataProcMapped.cols() || row >= m_dataProcMapped.rows()){
        qDebug()<<"DataPackage::setMappedProcData - cannot set row data to m_dataProcOriginal";

    //Cut data
    m_dataProcMapped.row(row) = cutData(originalProcData, cutFront, cutBack);

    if(cutFront != m_iCutFrontProc)
        m_iCutFrontProc = cutFront;

    if(cutBack != m_iCutBackProc)
        m_iCutBackProc = cutBack;

    //Calculate mean
    m_dataProcMean(row) = calculateRowMean(m_dataProcMapped.row(row));
Ejemplo n.º 21
void DataPackage::setOrigRawData(const RowVectorXd &originalRawData, int row, int cutFront, int cutBack)
    if(originalRawData.cols() != m_dataRawOriginal.cols() || row >= m_dataRawOriginal.rows()){
        qDebug()<<"DataPackage::setOrigRawData - cannot set row data to m_dataRawOriginal";

    //set orignal data at row row
    m_dataRawOriginal.row(row) = originalRawData;

    //Cut data
    m_dataRawMapped.row(row) = cutData(m_dataRawOriginal, cutFront, cutBack);

    if(cutFront != m_iCutFrontRaw)
        m_iCutFrontRaw = cutFront;

    if(cutBack != m_iCutBackRaw)
        m_iCutBackRaw = cutBack;

    //Calculate mean
    m_dataRawMean(row) = calculateRowMean(m_dataRawMapped.row(row));
Ejemplo n.º 22
// barebones version of the lasso for fixed lambda
// Eigen library is used for linear algebra
// x .............. predictor matrix
// y .............. response
// lambda ......... penalty parameter
// useSubset ...... logical indicating whether lasso should be computed on a
//                  subset
// subset ......... indices of subset on which lasso should be computed
// normalize ...... logical indicating whether predictors should be normalized
// useIntercept ... logical indicating whether intercept should be included
// eps ............ small numerical value (effective zero)
// useGram ........ logical indicating whether Gram matrix should be computed
//                  in advance
// useCrit ........ logical indicating whether to compute objective function
void fastLasso(const MatrixXd& x, const VectorXd& y, const double& lambda,
		const bool& useSubset, const VectorXi& subset, const bool& normalize, 
    const bool& useIntercept, const double& eps, const bool& useGram, 
    const bool& useCrit,
    // intercept, coefficients, residuals and objective function are returned 
    // through the following parameters
    double& intercept, VectorXd& beta, VectorXd& residuals, double& crit) {

	// data initializations
	int n, p = x.cols();
	MatrixXd xs;
	VectorXd ys;
	if(useSubset) {
		n = subset.size();
		xs.resize(n, p);
		int s;
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			s = subset(i);
			xs.row(i) = x.row(s);
			ys(i) = y(s);
	} else {
		n = x.rows();
		xs = x;	// does this copy memory?
		ys = y;	// does this copy memory?
	double rescaledLambda = n * lambda / 2;

	// center data and store means
	RowVectorXd meanX;
	double meanY;
	if(useIntercept) {
		meanX = xs.colwise().mean();	// columnwise means of predictors
		xs.rowwise() -= meanX;			// sweep out columnwise means
		meanY = ys.mean();				// mean of response
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			ys(i) -= meanY;				// sweep out mean
	} else {
		meanY = 0;		// just to avoid warning, this is never used
//		intercept = 0;	// zero intercept

	// some initializations
	VectorXi inactive(p);	// inactive predictors
	int m = 0;				// number of inactive predictors
	VectorXi ignores;		// indicates variables to be ignored
	int s = 0;				// number of ignored variables

	// normalize predictors and store norms
	RowVectorXd normX;
  if(normalize) {
    normX = xs.colwise().norm();	// columnwise norms
	  double epsNorm = eps * sqrt(n);	// R package 'lars' uses n, not n-1
	  for(int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
		  if(normX(j) < epsNorm) {
			  // variance is too small: ignore variable
			  ignores.append(j, s);
			  // set norm to tolerance to avoid numerical problems
			  normX(j) = epsNorm;
		  } else {
			  inactive(m) = j;		// add variable to inactive set
			  m++;					// increase number of inactive variables
		  xs.col(j) /= normX(j);		// sweep out norm
	  // resize inactive set and update number of variables if necessary
	  if(m < p) {
		  p = m;
  } else {
    for(int j = 0; j < p; j++) inactive(j) = j;  // add variable to inactive set
    m = p;

	// compute Gram matrix if requested (saves time if number of variables is
	// not too large)
	MatrixXd Gram;
	if(useGram) {
		Gram.noalias() = xs.transpose() * xs;

	// further initializations for iterative steps
  RowVectorXd corY;
  corY.noalias() = ys.transpose() * xs; // current correlations
  beta.resize(p+s);                     // final coefficients

  // compute lasso solution
  if(p == 1) {

    // special case of only one variable (with sufficiently large norm)
    int j = inactive(0);          
    // set maximum step size in the direction of that variable
    double maxStep = corY(j);
    if(maxStep < 0) maxStep = -maxStep; // absolute value
    // compute coefficients for least squares solution
    VectorXd betaLS = xs.col(j).householderQr().solve(ys);
    // compute lasso coefficients
    if(rescaledLambda < maxStep) {
      // interpolate towards least squares solution
      beta(j) = (maxStep - rescaledLambda) * betaLS(0) / maxStep;

  } else {

    // further initializations for iterative steps
    VectorXi active;  // active predictors
  	int k = 0;        // number of active predictors
    // previous and current regression coefficients
  	VectorXd previousBeta = VectorXd::Zero(p+s), currentBeta = VectorXd::Zero(p+s);
  	// previous and current penalty parameter
    double previousLambda = 0, currentLambda = 0;
  	// indicates variables to be dropped
    VectorXi drops;
  	// keep track of sign of correlations for the active variables 
    // (double precision is necessary for solve())
    VectorXd signs;
  	// Cholesky L of Gram matrix of active variables
    MatrixXd L;
  	int rank = 0;		// rank of Cholesky L
    // maximum number of variables to be sequenced
  	int maxActive = findMaxActive(n, p, useIntercept);

  	// modified LARS algorithm for lasso solution
  	while(k < maxActive) {

  		// extract current correlations of inactive variables
  		VectorXd corInactiveY(m);
  		for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
  			corInactiveY(j) = corY(inactive(j));
  		// compute absolute values of correlations and find maximum
  		VectorXd absCorInactiveY = corInactiveY.cwiseAbs();
  		double maxCor = absCorInactiveY.maxCoeff();
  		// update current lambda
  		if(k == 0) {	// no active variables
  			previousLambda = maxCor;
  		} else {
  			previousLambda = currentLambda;
  		currentLambda = maxCor;
  		if(currentLambda <= rescaledLambda) break;

  		if(drops.size() == 0) {
  			// new active variables
  			VectorXi newActive = findNewActive(absCorInactiveY, maxCor - eps);
  			// do calculations for new active variables
  			for(int j = 0; j < newActive.size(); j++) {
  				// update Cholesky L of Gram matrix of active variables
  				// TODO: put this into void function
  				int newJ = inactive(newActive(j));
  				VectorXd xNewJ;
  				double newX;
  				if(useGram) {
  					newX = Gram(newJ, newJ);
  				} else {
  					xNewJ = xs.col(newJ);
  					newX = xNewJ.squaredNorm();
  				double normNewX = sqrt(newX);
  				if(k == 0) {	// no active variables, L is empty
  					L(0, 0) = normNewX;
  					rank = 1;
  				} else {
  					VectorXd oldX(k);
  					if(useGram) {
  						for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
  							oldX(j) = Gram(active(j), newJ);
  					} else {
  						for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
  							oldX(j) = xNewJ.dot(xs.col(active(j)));
  					VectorXd l = L.triangularView<Lower>().solve(oldX);
  					double lkk = newX - l.squaredNorm();
  					// check if L is machine singular
  					if(lkk > eps) {
  						// no singularity: update Cholesky L
  						lkk = sqrt(lkk);
  						// add new row and column to Cholesky L
  						// this is a little trick: sometimes we need
  						// lower triangular matrix, sometimes upper
  						// hence we define quadratic matrix and use
  						// triangularView() to interpret matrix the
  						// correct way
  						L.conservativeResize(k+1, k+1);
  						for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
  							L(k, j) = l(j);
  							L(j, k) = l(j);
  						L(k,k) = lkk;
  				// add new variable to active set or drop it for good
  				// in case of singularity
  				if(rank == k) {
  					// singularity: drop variable for good
  					ignores.append(newJ, s);
  					s++;	// increase number of ignored variables
  					p--;	// decrease number of variables
  					if(p < maxActive) {
  						// adjust maximum number of active variables
  						maxActive = p;
  				} else {
  					// no singularity: add variable to active set
  					active.append(newJ, k);
  					// keep track of sign of correlation for new active variable
  					signs.append(sign(corY(newJ)), k);
  					k++;	// increase number of active variables
  			// remove new active or ignored variables from inactive variables
  			// and corresponding vector of current correlations
  			m = inactive.size();	// update number of inactive variables
  		// prepare for computation of step size
  		// here double precision of signs is necessary
  		VectorXd b = L.triangularView<Lower>().solve(signs);
  		VectorXd G = L.triangularView<Upper>().solve(b);
  		// correlations of active variables with equiangular vector
  		double corActiveU = 1/sqrt(G.dot(signs));
  		// coefficients of active variables in linear combination forming the
  		// equiangular vector
  		VectorXd w = G * corActiveU;	// note that this has the right signs
  		// equiangular vector
  		VectorXd u;
  		if(!useGram) {
  			// we only need equiangular vector if we don't use the precomputed
  			// Gram matrix, otherwise we can compute the correlations directly
  			// from the Gram matrix
  			u = VectorXd::Zero(n);
  			for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  				for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
  					u(i) += xs(i, active(j)) * w(j);
  		// compute step size in equiangular direction
  		double step;
  		if(k < maxActive) {
  			// correlations of inactive variables with equiangular vector
  			VectorXd corInactiveU(m);
  			if(useGram) {
  				for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
  					corInactiveU(j) = 0;
  					for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
  						corInactiveU(j) += w(i) * Gram(active(i), inactive(j));
  			} else {
  				for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
  					corInactiveU(j) = u.dot(xs.col(inactive(j)));
  			// compute step size in the direction of the equiangular vector
  			step = findStep(maxCor, corInactiveY, corActiveU, corInactiveU, eps);
  		} else {
  			// last step: take maximum possible step
  			step = maxCor/corActiveU;
  		// adjust step size if any sign changes and drop corresponding variables
  		drops = findDrops(currentBeta, active, w, eps, step);
  		// update current regression coefficients
  		previousBeta = currentBeta;
  		for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
  			currentBeta(active(j)) += step * w(j);
  		// update current correlations
  		if(useGram) {
  			// we also need to do this for active variables, since they may be
  			// dropped at a later stage
  			// TODO: computing a vector step * w in advance may save some computation time
  			for(int j = 0; j < Gram.cols(); j++) {
  				for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
  					corY(j) -= step * w(i) * Gram(active(i), j);
  		} else {
  			ys -= step * u;	// take step in equiangular direction
  			corY.noalias() = ys.transpose() * xs;	// update correlations
  		// drop variables if necessary
  		if(drops.size() > 0) {
  			// downdate Cholesky L
  			// TODO: put this into void function
  			for(int j = drops.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
  				// variables need to be dropped in descending order
  				int drop = drops(j);	// index with respect to active set
  				// modify upper triangular part as in R package 'lars'
  				// simply deleting columns is not enough, other computations
  				// necessary but complicated due to Fortran code
  				VectorXd z = VectorXd::Constant(k, 1, 1);
  				k--;	// decrease number of active variables
  				for(int i = drop; i < k; i++) {
  					double a = L(i,i), b = L(i+1,i);
  					if(b != 0.0) {
  						// compute the rotation
  						double tau, s, c;
  						if(std::abs(b) > std::abs(a)) {
  							tau = -a/b;
  							s = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+tau*tau);
  							c = s * tau;
  						} else {
  							tau = -b/a;
  							c = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+tau*tau);
  							s = c * tau;
  						// update 'L' and 'z';
  						L(i,i) = c*a - s*b;
  						for(int j = i+1; j < k; j++) {
  							a = L(i,j);
  							b = L(i+1,j);
  							L(i,j) = c*a - s*b;
  							L(i+1,j) = s*a + c*b;
  						a = z(i);
  						b = z(i+1);
  						z(i) = c*a - s*b;
  						z(i+1) = s*a + c*b;
  				// TODO: removing all rows together may save some computation time
  				L.conservativeResize(k, NoChange);
  			// mirror lower triangular part
  			for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
  				for(int i = j+1; i < k; i++) {
  					L(i,j) = L(j,i);
  			// add dropped variables to inactive set and make sure
  			// coefficients are 0
  			inactive.conservativeResize(m + drops.size());
  			for(int j = 0; j < drops.size(); j++) {
  				int newInactive = active(drops(j));
  				inactive(m + j) = newInactive;
  				currentBeta(newInactive) = 0;	// make sure coefficient is 0
  			m = inactive.size();	// update number of inactive variables
  			// drop variables from active set and sign vector
  			// number of active variables is already updated above

  	// interpolate coefficients for given lambda
    if(k == 0) {
      // lambda larger than largest lambda from steps of LARS algorithm
    } else {
    	// penalty parameter within two steps
      if(k == maxActive) {
          // current coefficients are the least squares solution (in the 
          // high-dimensional case, as far along the solution path as possible)
          // current and previous values of the penalty parameter need to be 
          // reset for interpolation
          previousLambda = currentLambda;
          currentLambda = 0;
      // interpolate coefficients
    	beta = ((rescaledLambda - currentLambda) * previousBeta +
  				(previousLambda - rescaledLambda) * currentBeta) /
  				(previousLambda - currentLambda);

	// transform coefficients back
  VectorXd normedBeta;
	if(normalize) {
    if(useCrit) normedBeta = beta;
    for(int j = 0; j < p; j++) beta(j) /= normX(j);
	if(useIntercept) intercept = meanY - beta.dot(meanX);

  // compute residuals for all observations
  n = x.rows();
  residuals = y - x * beta;
  if(useIntercept) {
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) residuals(i) -= intercept;

  // compute value of objective function on the subset
  if(useCrit && useSubset) {
    if(normalize) crit = objective(normedBeta, residuals, subset, lambda);
    else crit = objective(beta, residuals, subset, lambda);
void RealTimeButterflyPlot::createPlotPath(qint32 row, QPainterPath& path) const
    //get maximum range of respective channel type (range value in FiffChInfo does not seem to contain a reasonable value)
    qint32 kind = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getKind(row);
    float fMaxValue = 1e-9f;

    switch(kind) {
        case FIFFV_MEG_CH: {
            qint32 unit =m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getUnit(row);
            if(unit == FIFF_UNIT_T_M) { //gradiometers
                fMaxValue = 1e-10f;
                    fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFF_UNIT_T_M];
            else if(unit == FIFF_UNIT_T) //magnitometers
                if(m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getCoil(row) == FIFFV_COIL_BABY_MAG)
                    fMaxValue = 1e-11f;
                    fMaxValue = 1e-11f;

                    fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFF_UNIT_T];

        case FIFFV_REF_MEG_CH: {  /*11/04/14 Added by Limin: MEG reference channel */
            fMaxValue = 1e-11f;
                fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFF_UNIT_T];
        case FIFFV_EEG_CH: {
            fMaxValue = 1e-4f;
                fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFFV_EEG_CH];
        case FIFFV_EOG_CH: {
            fMaxValue = 1e-3f;
                fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFFV_EOG_CH];
        case FIFFV_STIM_CH: {
            fMaxValue = 5;
                fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFFV_STIM_CH];
        case FIFFV_MISC_CH: {
            fMaxValue = 1e-3f;
                fMaxValue = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getScaling()[FIFFV_MISC_CH];

    float fValue;
    float fScaleY = this->height()/(2*fMaxValue);

    //restrictions for paint performance
    float fWinMaxVal = ((float)this->height()-2)/2.0f;
    qint32 iDownSampling = (m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getNumSamples() * 4 / (this->width()-2));
    if(iDownSampling < 1)
        iDownSampling = 1;

    float y_base = path.currentPosition().y();
    QPointF qSamplePosition;

    float fDx = (float)(this->width()-2) / ((float)m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getNumSamples()-1.0f);//((float)option.rect.width()) / m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getMaxSamples();
//    fDx *= iDownSampling;

    RowVectorXd rowVec = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->data(row,1).value<RowVectorXd>();
    //Move to initial starting point
    if(rowVec.size() > 0)
        float val = rowVec[0];
        fValue = (val/*-rowVec[m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getNumPreStimSamples()-1]*/)*fScaleY;//ToDo -> -2 PreStim is one too short

        float newY = y_base+fValue;



    //create lines from one to the next sample
    qint32 i;
    for(i = 1; i < rowVec.size(); ++i) {

//        if(i != m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getNumPreStimSamples() - 2)
//        {
            float val = /*rowVec[m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->getNumPreStimSamples()-1] - */rowVec[i]; //remove first sample data[0] as offset
            fValue = val*fScaleY;

            fValue = fValue > fWinMaxVal ? fWinMaxVal : fValue < -fWinMaxVal ? -fWinMaxVal : fValue;

            float newY = y_base+fValue;

//        }
//        else
//            qSamplePosition.setY(y_base);



//    //create lines from one to the next sample for last path
//    qint32 sample_offset = m_pRealTimeEvokedModel->numVLines() + 1;
//    qSamplePosition.setX(qSamplePosition.x() + fDx*sample_offset);
//    lastPath.moveTo(qSamplePosition);

//    for(i += sample_offset; i < lastData.size(); ++i) {
//        float val = lastData[i] - lastData[0]; //remove first sample lastData[0] as offset
//        fValue = val*fScaleY;

//        float newY = y_base+fValue;

//        qSamplePosition.setY(newY);
//        qSamplePosition.setX(lastPath.currentPosition().x()+fDx);

//        lastPath.lineTo(qSamplePosition);
//    }
void FrequencySpectrumDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    float t_fPlotHeight = option.rect.height();
    switch(index.column()) {
        case 0: { //chnames


        case 1: { //data plot

            //draw special background when channel is marked as bad
//            QVariant v = index.model()->data(index,Qt::BackgroundRole);
//            if(v.canConvert<QBrush>() && !(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
//                QPointF oldBO = painter->brushOrigin();
//                painter->setBrushOrigin(option.rect.topLeft());
//                painter->fillRect(option.rect, qvariant_cast<QBrush>(v));
//                painter->setBrushOrigin(oldBO);
//            }

//            //Highlight selected channels
//            if(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
//                QPointF oldBO = painter->brushOrigin();
//                painter->setBrushOrigin(option.rect.topLeft());
//                painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.highlight());
//                painter->setBrushOrigin(oldBO);
//            }

            //Get data
            QVariant variant = index.model()->data(index,Qt::DisplayRole);
            RowVectorXd data = variant.value< RowVectorXd >();

            const FrequencySpectrumModel* t_pModel = static_cast<const FrequencySpectrumModel*>(index.model());

            if(data.size() > 0)
                QPainterPath path(QPointF(option.rect.x(),option.rect.y()));//QPointF(option.rect.x()+t_rtmsaModel->relFiffCursor()-1,option.rect.y()));

                //Plot grid
                painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
                createGridPath(index, option, path, data);
                createGridTick(index, option, painter);

                //capture the mouse
                capturePoint(index, option, path, data, painter);

                QPen pen;

                //Plot data path
                path = QPainterPath(QPointF(option.rect.x(),option.rect.y()));//QPointF(option.rect.x()+t_rtmsaModel->relFiffCursor(),option.rect.y()));

                createPlotPath(index, option, path, data);

                painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

                if(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
                    painter->setPen(QPen(t_pModel->isFreezed() ? Qt::darkRed : Qt::red, 1, Qt::SolidLine));
                    painter->setPen(QPen(t_pModel->isFreezed() ? Qt::darkGray : Qt::darkBlue, 1, Qt::SolidLine));


Ejemplo n.º 25
IGL_INLINE bool igl::linprog(
  const Eigen::VectorXd & c,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & _A,
  const Eigen::VectorXd & b,
  const int k,
  Eigen::VectorXd & x)
  // This is a very literal translation of
  // http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/2166-introduction-to-linear-algebra/content/strang/linprog.m
  using namespace Eigen;
  using namespace std;
  bool success = true;
  // number of constraints
  const int m = _A.rows();
  // number of original variables
  const int n = _A.cols();
  // number of iterations
  int it = 0;
  // maximum number of iterations
  //const int MAXIT = 10*m;
  const int MAXIT = 100*m;
  // residual tolerance
  const double tol = 1e-10;
  const auto & sign = [](const Eigen::VectorXd & B) -> Eigen::VectorXd
    Eigen::VectorXd Bsign(B.size());
    for(int i = 0;i<B.size();i++)
      Bsign(i) = B(i)>0?1:(B(i)<0?-1:0);
    return Bsign;
  // initial (inverse) basis matrix
  VectorXd Dv = sign(sign(b).array()+0.5);
  MatrixXd D = Dv.asDiagonal();
  // Incorporate slack variables
  MatrixXd A(_A.rows(),_A.cols()+D.cols());
  // Initial basis
  VectorXi B = igl::colon<int>(n,n+m-1);
  // non-basis, may turn out that vector<> would be better here
  VectorXi N = igl::colon<int>(0,n-1);
  int j;
  double bmin = b.minCoeff(&j);
  int phase;
  VectorXd xb;
  VectorXd s;
  VectorXi J;
  if(k>0 && bmin<0)
    phase = 1;
    xb = VectorXd::Ones(m);
    // super cost
    // [0 1 2 3 4]
    //      ^
    // [0 1]
    //      [3 4]
    J.head(j) = B.head(j);
    J.tail(B.size()-j-1) = B.tail(B.size()-j-1);
    B(j) = n+m;
    MatrixXd AJ;
    const VectorXd a = b - AJ.rowwise().sum();
      MatrixXd old_A = A;
    D.col(j) = -a/a(j);
    D(j,j) = 1./a(j);
  }else if(k==m)
    phase = 2;
    xb = b;
    // cost function
  }else //k = 0 or bmin >=0
    phase = 1;
    xb = b.array().abs();
    // super cost
    double df = -1;
    int t = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    // Lagrange mutipliers fro Ax=b
    VectorXd yb = D.transpose() * igl::slice(s,B);
      if(MAXIT>0 && it>=MAXIT)
        cerr<<"linprog: warning! maximum iterations without convergence."<<endl;
        success = false;
      // no freedom for minimization
      if(N.size() == 0)
      // reduced costs
      VectorXd sN = igl::slice(s,N);
      MatrixXd AN = igl::slice(A,N,2);
      VectorXd r = sN - AN.transpose() * yb;
      int q;
      // determine new basic variable
      double rmin = r.minCoeff(&q);
      // optimal! infinity norm
      // increment iteration count
      // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling
        if(MAXIT == -1)
          cerr<<"linprog: warning! degenerate vertex"<<endl;
          success = false;
        double Nq = igl::slice(N,J).minCoeff();
        // again seems like q is assumed to be a scalar though matlab code
        // could produce a vector for multiple matches
      VectorXd d = D*A.col(N(q));
      VectorXi I;
      if(I.size() == 0)
        cerr<<"linprog: warning! solution is unbounded"<<endl;
        // This seems dubious:
        success = false;
      VectorXd xbd = igl::slice(xb,I).array()/igl::slice(d,I).array();
      // new use of r
      int p;
        double r;
        r = xbd.minCoeff(&p);
        p = I(p);
        // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling
          double Bp = igl::slice(B,igl::slice(I,J)).minCoeff();
          // idiotic way of finding index in B of Bp
          // code down the line seems to assume p is a scalar though the matlab
          // code could find a vector of matches)
        // update x
        xb -= r*d;
        xb(p) = r;
        // change in f
        df = r*rmin;
      // row vector
      RowVectorXd v = D.row(p)/d(p);
      yb += v.transpose() * (s(N(q)) - d.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B));
      // update inverse basis matrix
      D = D - d*v;
      t = B(p);
      B(p) = N(q);
        // remove qth entry from N
        VectorXi old_N = N;
        N.head(q) = old_N.head(q);
        N.head(q) = old_N.head(q);
        N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1) = old_N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1);
        N(q) = t;
    // iterative refinement
    xb = (xb+D*(b-igl::slice(A,B,2)*xb)).eval();
    // must be due to rounding
    VectorXi I;
      // so correct
      VectorXd Z = VectorXd::Zero(I.size(),1);
    // B, xb,n,m,res=A(:,B)*xb-b
    if(phase == 2 || it<0)
    if(xb.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B) > tol)
      it = -it;
      cerr<<"linprog: warning, no feasible solution"<<endl;
      success = false;
    // re-initialize for Phase 2
    phase = phase+1;
    s.head(n) = c;
  x = x.head(n).eval();
  return success;
Ejemplo n.º 26
MatrixXd RtFilter::filterChannelsConcurrently(const MatrixXd& matDataIn, int iMaxFilterLength, const QVector<int>& lFilterChannelList, const QList<FilterData>& lFilterData)
    //Initialise the overlay matrix
    if(m_matOverlap.cols() != iMaxFilterLength || m_matOverlap.rows() < matDataIn.rows()) {
        m_matOverlap.resize(matDataIn.rows(), iMaxFilterLength);

    if(m_matDelay.cols() != iMaxFilterLength/2 || m_matOverlap.rows() < matDataIn.rows()) {
        m_matDelay.resize(matDataIn.rows(), iMaxFilterLength/2);

    //Resize output matrix to match input matrix
    MatrixXd matDataOut(matDataIn.rows(), matDataIn.cols());

    //Generate QList structure which can be handled by the QConcurrent framework
    QList<QPair<QList<FilterData>,QPair<int,RowVectorXd> > > timeData;
    QList<int> notFilterChannelIndex;

    //Only select channels specified in lFilterChannelList
    for(qint32 i = 0; i < matDataIn.rows(); ++i) {
        int pos = lFilterChannelList.indexOf(i);
        if(pos != -1 && pos < matDataIn.rows()) {
            timeData.append(QPair<QList<FilterData>,QPair<int,RowVectorXd> >(lFilterData,QPair<int,RowVectorXd>(pos,matDataIn.row(pos))));
        } else {

    //Do the concurrent filtering
    if(!timeData.isEmpty()) {
        QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::map(timeData,


        //Do the overlap add method and store in matDataOut
        int iFilteredNumberCols = timeData.at(0).second.second.cols();

        for(int r = 0; r < timeData.size(); r++) {
            //Get the currently filtered data. This data has a delay of filterLength/2 in front and back.
            RowVectorXd tempData = timeData.at(r).second.second;

            //Perform the actual overlap add by adding the last filterlength data to the newly filtered one
            tempData.head(iMaxFilterLength) += m_matOverlap.row(timeData.at(r).second.first);

            //Write the newly calulated filtered data to the filter data matrix. Keep in mind that the current block also effect last part of the last block (begin at dataIndex-iFilterDelay).
            int start = 0;
            matDataOut.row(timeData.at(r).second.first).segment(start,iFilteredNumberCols-iMaxFilterLength) = tempData.head(iFilteredNumberCols-iMaxFilterLength);

            //Refresh the m_matOverlap with the new calculated filtered data.
            m_matOverlap.row(timeData.at(r).second.first) = timeData.at(r).second.second.tail(iMaxFilterLength);

    //Fill filtered data with raw data if the channel was not filtered
    for(int i = 0; i < notFilterChannelIndex.size(); ++i) {
        matDataOut.row(notFilterChannelIndex.at(i)) << m_matDelay.row(notFilterChannelIndex.at(i)), matDataIn.row(notFilterChannelIndex.at(i)).head(matDataIn.cols() - iMaxFilterLength/2);

        //matDataOut.row(notFilterChannelIndex.at(i)).segment(0, matDataIn.row(notFilterChannelIndex.at(i)).cols()) = matDataIn.row(notFilterChannelIndex.at(i));

    m_matDelay = matDataIn.block(0, matDataIn.cols()-iMaxFilterLength/2, matDataIn.rows(), iMaxFilterLength/2);

    return matDataOut;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void Dataset::normalize(void){
    MatrixXd m = Map<Matrix<double,Dynamic,Dynamic,RowMajor> >(this->x,this->records,this->features);
    RowVectorXd mean = m.colwise().mean();
    RowVectorXd var = (m.rowwise() - mean).array().square().colwise().mean().sqrt();
    m = (m.rowwise() - mean).array().rowwise() / var.array();
Ejemplo n.º 28
	virtual void Transform(_Out_ frame_view target_frame, _In_ const_frame_view source_frame, _In_ const_frame_view last_frame, float frame_time) override
		//if (!g_UseVelocity)
		//	Transform(target_frame, source_frame);
		//	return;

		const auto& blocks = *pBlockArmature;

		int pvDim = inputExtractor.GetDimension(*blocks[0]);

		RowVectorXd X(g_UseVelocity ? pvDim * 2 : pvDim), Y;

		double semga = 1000;
		RowVectorXf yf;

		std::vector<RowVectorXd> Xabs;
		for (auto& block : blocks)
			//X[0] *= 13;

			if (block->Index > 0 && block->ActiveActions.size() > 0)
				auto& sik = pController->GetStylizedIK(block->Index);
				auto& gpr = sik.Gplvm();
				auto& joints = block->Joints;

				RowVectorXf xf = inputExtractor.Get(*block, source_frame);
				RowVectorXf xfl = inputExtractor.Get(*block, last_frame);

				yf = outputExtractor.Get(*block, target_frame);
				auto xyf = inputExtractor.Get(*block, target_frame);
				auto pDecoder = sik.getDecoder();
				auto baseRot = target_frame[block->parent()->Joints.back()->ID].GblRotation;
				sik.setChain(block->Joints, target_frame);


				//std::vector<DirectX::Quaternion, XMAllocator> corrrots(joints.size());
				//std::vector<DirectX::Quaternion, XMAllocator> rots(joints.size());

				//for (int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
				//	corrrots[i] = target_frame[joints[i]->ID].LclRotation;

				//(*pDecoder)(rots.data(), yf.cast<double>());
				////outputExtractor.Set(*block, target_frame, yf);
				//auto ep = sik.EndPosition(reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4A*>(rots.data()));

				X.segment(0, pvDim) = xf.cast<double>();

				auto Xd = X.segment(0, pvDim);
				auto uXd = gpr.uX.segment(0, pvDim);

				//auto uXv = block->PdGpr.uX.segment<3>(3);
				//Xv = (Xv - uXv).array() * g_NoiseInterpolation.array() + uXv.array();

				Xd = (Xd - uXd).array();

				double varZ = (Xd.array() * (g_NoiseInterpolation.array() - 1.0)).cwiseAbs2().sum();
				// if no noise
				varZ = std::max(varZ, 1e-5);

				Xd = Xd.array() * g_NoiseInterpolation.array() + uXd.array();

				RowVector3d Xld = (xfl.cast<double>() - uXd).array() * g_NoiseInterpolation.array() + uXd.array();

				if (g_UseVelocity)
					auto Xv = X.segment(pvDim, pvDim);
					Xv = (Xd - Xld) / (frame_time * g_FrameTimeScaleFactor);

				xf = X.cast<float>();

				SetVisualizeHandle(block, xf);

				//m_Xs.row(block->Index) = X;

				// Beyesian majarnlize over X
				//size_t detail = 3;
				//MatrixXd Xs(detail*2+1,g_PvDimension), Ys;
				//Xs = gaussian_sample(X, X, detail);

				//VectorXd Pxs = (Xs - X.replicate(detail * 2 + 1, 1)).cwiseAbs2().rowwise().sum();
				//Pxs = (-Pxs.array() / semga).exp();

				//VectorXd Py_xs = block->PdGpr.get_expectation_and_likelihood(Xs, &Ys);
				//Py_xs = (-Py_xs.array()).exp() * Pxs.array();
				//Py_xs /= Py_xs.sum();

				//Y = (Ys.array() * Py_xs.replicate(1, Ys.cols()).array()).colwise().sum();

				MatrixXd covObsr(g_PvDimension, g_PvDimension);
				covObsr.diagonal() = g_NoiseInterpolation.replicate(1, g_PvDimension / 3).transpose() * varZ;

				//block->PdGpr.get_expectation_from_observation(X, covObsr, &Y);
				//block->PdGpr.get_expectation(X, &Y);
				//auto yc = yf;
				//yf = Y.cast<float>();
				//yf.array() *= block->Wx.cwiseInverse().array().transpose();

				if (!g_UseVelocity)
					Y = sik.apply(X.transpose(), baseRot).cast<double>();
					Y = sik.apply(X.segment(0, pvDim).transpose(), Vector3d(X.segment(pvDim, pvDim).transpose()), baseRot).cast<double>();


				//auto scoref = block->PdStyleIk.objective(X, yf.cast<double>());
				//auto scorec = block->PdStyleIk.objective(X, yc.cast<double>());
				//std::cout << "Gpr score : " << scoref << " ; Cannonical score : " << scorec << endl;
				//auto ep = sik.EndPosition(yf.cast<double>());

				//Y = yf.cast<double>();
				outputExtractor.Set(*block, target_frame, Y.cast<float>());
				for (int i = 0; i < block->Joints.size(); i++)

				auto ep2 = target_frame[block->Joints.back()->ID].GblTranslation -


		// Fill Xabpv
		if (g_EnableDependentControl)
			RowVectorXd Xabpv;
			int i = 0;
			for (const auto& xab : Xabs)
				auto Yi = Xabpv.segment(i, xab.size());
				Yi = xab;
				i += xab.size();

			auto _x = (Xabpv.cast<float>() - pController->uXabpv) * pController->XabpvT;
			auto _xd = _x.cast<double>().eval();

			for (auto& block : blocks)
				if (block->ActiveActions.size() == 0 && block->SubActiveActions.size() > 0)

					auto& sik = pController->GetStylizedIK(block->Index);
					auto& gpr = sik.Gplvm();

					auto lk = gpr.get_expectation_and_likelihood(_xd, &Y);

					yf = Y.cast<float>();
					//yf *= block->Wx.cwiseInverse().asDiagonal();

					outputExtractor.Set(*block, target_frame, yf);


		target_frame[0].LclTranslation = source_frame[0].LclTranslation;
		target_frame[0].GblTranslation = source_frame[0].GblTranslation;
		FrameRebuildGlobal(*m_tArmature, target_frame);