Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ScaffoldDistanceRefinementVisitor::visit(ScaffoldGraph* /*pGraph*/, ScaffoldVertex* pVertex)
    for(size_t idx = 0; idx < ED_COUNT; idx++)
        EdgeDir dir = EDGE_DIRECTIONS[idx];
        ScaffoldEdgePtrVector edgeVec = pVertex->getEdges(dir);

        for(size_t i = 0; i < edgeVec.size(); ++i)
            Vertex* pX = m_pStringGraph->getVertex(edgeVec[i]->getStartID());
            Vertex* pY = m_pStringGraph->getVertex(edgeVec[i]->getEndID());
            assert(pX != NULL && pY != NULL);

            SGWalkVector walks;
            SGSearch::findWalks(pX, pY, edgeVec[i]->getDir(), edgeVec[i]->getDistance() + pY->getSeqLen() + 1000, true, 100000, walks); 

            // Select the walk closest to the distance estimate
            if(walks.size() > 0)
                int closest = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
                int est = edgeVec[i]->getDistance();

                size_t idx = -1;
                for(size_t j = 0; j < walks.size(); ++j)
                    int diff = abs(walks[j].getEndToStartDistance() - est);
                    if(diff < closest)
                        closest = diff;
                        idx = j;

                printf("%s -> %s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", pX->getID().c_str(), 
                printf("%s -> %s\t%d\tN/A\n", pX->getID().c_str(), pY->getID().c_str(), edgeVec[i]->getDistance());

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Attempt to resolve a scaffold link by finding a walk through the graph linking the two vertices
bool ScaffoldRecord::graphResolve(const ResolveParams& params, const std::string& startID, 
                                  const ScaffoldLink& link, std::string& outExtensionString) const
    assert(params.pGraph != NULL);

    // Get the vertex to start the search from
    Vertex* pStartVertex = params.pGraph->getVertex(startID);
    Vertex* pEndVertex = params.pGraph->getVertex(link.endpointID);
    assert(pStartVertex != NULL && pEndVertex != NULL);

    int threshold = static_cast<int>(params.distanceFactor * link.stdDev);
    int maxDistance = link.distance + threshold;
    int maxExtensionDistance = maxDistance + pEndVertex->getSeqLen();
    SGWalkVector walks;
    SGSearch::findWalks(pStartVertex, pEndVertex, link.getDir(), maxExtensionDistance, 10000, true, walks);

    int numWalksValid = 0;
    int numWalksClosest = 0;
    int selectedIdx = -1;
    int closestDist = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

            std::cout << "Attempting graph resolve of link " << startID << " -- " << link.endpointID << " expected distance: " << link.distance << " orientation: " << link.edgeData.getComp() << "\n";
    // Select the closest walk to the distance estimate
    for(size_t i = 0; i < walks.size(); ++i)
        // Check that the orientation of the walk is the same as the expected link
        std::vector<EdgeComp> vertexOrientations = walks[i].getOrientationsToStart();
        assert(walks[i].getLastEdge()->getEndID() == link.endpointID);

        if(vertexOrientations.back() != link.edgeData.getComp())
            std::cout << "SKIPPING WALK OF THE WRONG ORIENTATION\n";

        int walkDistance = walks[i].getEndToStartDistance();
        int diff = abs(abs(link.distance - walkDistance));
        if(diff <= threshold)

            std::cout << "  Walk distance: " << walkDistance << " diff: " << diff << " threshold: " << threshold << " close: " << closestDist << "\n";
            if(diff < closestDist)
                selectedIdx = i;
                closestDist = diff;
                numWalksClosest = 1;
            else if(diff == closestDist)
                numWalksClosest += 1;


    // Choose the best path, if any, depending on the algorithm to use
    bool useWalk = false;

    if(numWalksValid > 0)
        if(params.resolveMask & RESOLVE_GRAPH_BEST)
            // If the unique flag is not set, or we only have 1 closest walk, select it
            if(!(params.resolveMask & RESOLVE_GRAPH_UNIQUE) || numWalksClosest == 1)
                useWalk = true;
            else if((params.resolveMask & RESOLVE_GRAPH_UNIQUE) && numWalksClosest > 1)
                params.pStats->graphWalkTooMany += 1;
            if(numWalksValid == 1)
                useWalk = true;
            else if(numWalksValid > 1)
                params.pStats->graphWalkTooMany += 1;

    std::cout << "  Num walks: " << walks.size() << " Num valid: " << numWalksValid << " Num closest: " << numWalksClosest << " using: " << useWalk << "\n";

    // Was an acceptable walk found? 
        assert(selectedIdx != -1);
        outExtensionString = walks[selectedIdx].getString(SGWT_EXTENSION);
        params.pStats->graphWalkFound += 1;

        // Mark all vertices in the walk as visited
        VertexPtrVec vertexPtrVector = walks[selectedIdx].getVertices();
        for(size_t i = 0; i < vertexPtrVector.size(); ++i)
        return true;
        if(numWalksValid == 0)
            params.pStats->graphWalkNoPath += 1;
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool SGSmoothingVisitor::visit(StringGraph* pGraph, Vertex* pVertex)
    if(pVertex->getColor() == GC_RED)
        return false;

    bool found = false;
    for(size_t idx = 0; idx < ED_COUNT; idx++)
        EdgeDir dir = EDGE_DIRECTIONS[idx];
        EdgePtrVec edges = pVertex->getEdges(dir);
        if(edges.size() <= 1)

        for(size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
            if(edges[i]->getEnd()->getColor() == GC_RED)
                return false;

        //std::cout << "Smoothing " << pVertex->getID() << "\n";

        const int MAX_WALKS = 10;
        const int MAX_DISTANCE = 5000;
        bool bIsDegenerate = false;
        bool bFailGapCheck = false;
        bool bFailDivergenceCheck = false;
        bool bFailIndelSizeCheck = false;

        SGWalkVector variantWalks;
        SGSearch::findVariantWalks(pVertex, dir, MAX_DISTANCE, MAX_WALKS, variantWalks);

        if(variantWalks.size() > 0)
            found = true;
            size_t selectedIdx = -1;
            size_t selectedCoverage = 0;

            // Calculate the minimum amount overlapped on the start/end vertex.
            // This is used to properly extract the sequences from walks that represent the variation.
            int minOverlapX = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
            int minOverlapY = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

            for(size_t i = 0; i < variantWalks.size(); ++i)
                if(variantWalks[i].getNumEdges() <= 1)
                    bIsDegenerate = true;

                // Calculate the walk coverage using the internal vertices of the walk. 
                // The walk with the highest coverage will be retained
                size_t walkCoverage = 0;
                for(size_t j = 1; j < variantWalks[i].getNumVertices() - 1; ++j)
                    walkCoverage += variantWalks[i].getVertex(j)->getCoverage();

                if(walkCoverage > selectedCoverage || selectedCoverage == 0)
                    selectedIdx = i;
                    selectedCoverage = walkCoverage;
                Edge* pFirstEdge = variantWalks[i].getFirstEdge();
                Edge* pLastEdge = variantWalks[i].getLastEdge();

                if((int)pFirstEdge->getMatchLength() < minOverlapX)
                    minOverlapX = pFirstEdge->getMatchLength();

                if((int)pLastEdge->getTwin()->getMatchLength() < minOverlapY)
                    minOverlapY = pLastEdge->getTwin()->getMatchLength();

            // Calculate the strings for each walk that represent the region of variation
            StringVector walkStrings;
            for(size_t i = 0; i < variantWalks.size(); ++i)
                Vertex* pStartVertex = variantWalks[i].getStartVertex();
                Vertex* pLastVertex = variantWalks[i].getLastVertex();
                assert(pStartVertex != NULL && pLastVertex != NULL);
                std::string full = variantWalks[i].getString(SGWT_START_TO_END);
                int posStart = 0;
                int posEnd = 0;

                if(dir == ED_ANTISENSE)
                    // pLast   -----------
                    // pStart          ------------
                    // full    --------------------
                    // out             ----
                    posStart = pLastVertex->getSeqLen() - minOverlapY;
                    posEnd = full.size() - (pStartVertex->getSeqLen() - minOverlapX);
                    // pStart         --------------
                    // pLast   -----------
                    // full    ---------------------
                    // out            ----
                    posStart = pStartVertex->getSeqLen() - minOverlapX; // match start position
                    posEnd = full.size() - (pLastVertex->getSeqLen() - minOverlapY); // match end position
                std::string out;
                if(posEnd > posStart)
                    out = full.substr(posStart, posEnd - posStart);

            assert(selectedIdx != (size_t)-1);
            SGWalk& selectedWalk = variantWalks[selectedIdx];

            // Check the divergence of the other walks to this walk
            StringVector cigarStrings;
            std::vector<int> maxIndel;
            std::vector<double> gapPercent; // percentage of matching that is gaps
            std::vector<double> totalPercent; // percent of total alignment that is mismatch or gap


            for(size_t i = 0; i < variantWalks.size(); ++i)
                if(i == selectedIdx)

                // We want to compute the total gap length, total mismatches and percent
                // divergence between the two paths.
                int matchLen = 0;
                int totalDiff = 0;
                int gapLength = 0;
                int maxGapLength = 0;
                // We have to handle the degenerate case where one internal string has zero length
                // this can happen when there is an isolated insertion/deletion and the walks are like:
                // x -> y -> z
                // x -> z
                if(walkStrings[selectedIdx].empty() || walkStrings[i].empty())
                    matchLen = std::max(walkStrings[selectedIdx].size(), walkStrings[i].size());
                    totalDiff = matchLen;
                    gapLength = matchLen;
                    AlnAln *aln_global;
                    aln_global = aln_stdaln(walkStrings[selectedIdx].c_str(), walkStrings[i].c_str(), &aln_param_blast, 1, 1);

                    // Calculate the alignment parameters
                    while(aln_global->outm[matchLen] != '\0')
                        if(aln_global->outm[matchLen] == ' ')
                            totalDiff += 1;
                        matchLen += 1;

                    std::stringstream cigarSS;
                    for (int j = 0; j != aln_global->n_cigar; ++j)
                        char cigarOp = "MID"[aln_global->cigar32[j]&0xf];
                        int cigarLen = aln_global->cigar32[j]>>4;
                        if(cigarOp == 'I' || cigarOp == 'D')
                            gapLength += cigarLen;
                            if(gapLength > maxGapLength)
                                maxGapLength = gapLength;

                        cigarSS << cigarLen;
                        cigarSS << cigarOp;
                    cigarStrings[i] = cigarSS.str();

                double percentDiff = (double)totalDiff / matchLen;
                double percentGap = (double)gapLength / matchLen;

                if(percentDiff > m_maxTotalDivergence)
                    bFailDivergenceCheck = true;
                if(percentGap > m_maxGapDivergence)
                    bFailGapCheck = true;

                if(maxGapLength > m_maxIndelLength)
                    bFailIndelSizeCheck = true;

                gapPercent[i] = percentGap;
                totalPercent[i] = percentDiff;
                maxIndel[i] = maxGapLength;

            if(bIsDegenerate || bFailGapCheck || bFailDivergenceCheck || bFailIndelSizeCheck)

            // Write the selected path to the variants file as variant 0
            int variantIdx = 0;
            std::string selectedSequence = selectedWalk.getString(SGWT_START_TO_END);
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "variant-" << m_numRemovedTotal << "/" << variantIdx++;
            writeFastaRecord(&m_outFile, ss.str(), selectedSequence);

            // The vertex set for each walk is not necessarily disjoint,
            // the selected walk may contain vertices that are part
            // of other paths. We handle this be initially marking all
            // vertices of the 
            for(size_t i = 0; i < variantWalks.size(); ++i)
                if(i == selectedIdx)

                SGWalk& currWalk = variantWalks[i];
                for(size_t j = 0; j < currWalk.getNumEdges() - 1; ++j)
                    Edge* currEdge = currWalk.getEdge(j);
                    // If the vertex is also on the selected path, do not mark it
                    Vertex* currVertex = currEdge->getEnd();

                // Write the variant to a file
                std::string variantSequence = currWalk.getString(SGWT_START_TO_END);
                std::stringstream variantID;
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << "variant-" << m_numRemovedTotal << "/" << variantIdx++;
                ss << " IGD:" << (double)gapPercent[i] << " ITD:" << totalPercent[i] << " MID: " << maxIndel[i] << " InternalCigar:" << cigarStrings[i];
                writeFastaRecord(&m_outFile, ss.str(), variantSequence);

            if(variantWalks.size() == 2)
                m_simpleBubblesRemoved += 1;
                m_complexBubblesRemoved += 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Returns true if the paired reads are a short-insert pair
bool filterByGraph(StringGraph* pGraph, 
                   const BamTools::RefVector& referenceVector, 
                   BamTools::BamAlignment& record1, 
                   BamTools::BamAlignment& record2)
    std::string vertexID1 = referenceVector[record1.RefID].RefName;
    std::string vertexID2 = referenceVector[record2.RefID].RefName;

    // Get the vertices for this pair using the mapped IDs
    Vertex* pX = pGraph->getVertex(vertexID1);
    Vertex* pY = pGraph->getVertex(vertexID2);

    // Ensure that the vertices are found
    assert(pX != NULL && pY != NULL);

    std::cout << "Finding path from " << vertexID1 << " to " << vertexID2 << "\n";

    EdgeDir walkDirectionXOut = ED_SENSE;
    EdgeDir walkDirectionYIn = ED_SENSE;

    // Flip walk directions if the alignment is to the reverse strand
        walkDirectionXOut = !walkDirectionXOut;
        walkDirectionYIn = !walkDirectionYIn;

    int fromX = walkDirectionXOut == ED_SENSE ? record1.Position : record1.GetEndPosition();
    int toY = walkDirectionYIn == ED_SENSE ? record2.Position : record2.GetEndPosition();

    // Calculate the amount of contig X that already covers the fragment
    // Using this number, we calculate how far we should search
    int coveredX = walkDirectionXOut == ED_SENSE ? pX->getSeqLen() - fromX : fromX;
    int maxWalkDistance = opt::maxDistance - coveredX;

    bool bShortInsertPair = false;
    if(pX == pY)
        if(abs(record1.InsertSize) < opt::maxDistance)
            bShortInsertPair = true;

        SGWalkVector walks;
        SGSearch::findWalks(pX, pY, walkDirectionXOut, maxWalkDistance, 10000, true, walks);

            for(size_t i = 0; i < walks.size(); ++i)
                std::string fragment = walks[i].getFragmentString(pX, 
                if((int)fragment.size() < opt::maxDistance)
                    bShortInsertPair = true;
                    //std::cout << "Found completing fragment (" << pX->getID() << " -> " << pY->getID() << ": " << fragment.size() << "\n";
    return bShortInsertPair;
// Run the bubble construction process
HaplotypeBuilderReturnCode DeBruijnHaplotypeBuilder::run(StringVector& out_haplotypes)

    std::map<std::string, int> kmerCountMap;

    // We search until we find the first common vertex in each direction
    size_t MIN_TARGET_COUNT = m_parameters.bReferenceMode ? 1 : 2;
    size_t MAX_ITERATIONS = 2000;
    size_t MAX_TOTAL_BRANCHES = 50;

    // Tracking stats
    size_t max_simul_branches_used = 0;
    size_t total_branches = 0;
    size_t iterations = 0;

    // Initialize the graph
    StringGraph* pGraph = new StringGraph;
    BuilderExtensionQueue queue;

    Vertex* pVertex = new(pGraph->getVertexAllocator()) Vertex(m_startingKmer, m_startingKmer);

    // Add the vertex to the extension queue
    queue.push(BuilderExtensionNode(pVertex, ED_SENSE));
    queue.push(BuilderExtensionNode(pVertex, ED_ANTISENSE));

    std::vector<Vertex*> sense_join_vector;
    std::vector<Vertex*> antisense_join_vector;

    // Perform the extension. The while conditions are heuristics to avoid searching
    // the graph too much 
    while(!queue.empty() && iterations++ < MAX_ITERATIONS && queue.size() < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_BRANCHES && total_branches < MAX_TOTAL_BRANCHES)
        if(queue.size() > max_simul_branches_used)
            max_simul_branches_used = queue.size();

        BuilderExtensionNode curr = queue.front();

        // Calculate de Bruijn extensions for this node
        std::string vertStr = curr.pVertex->getSeq().toString();
        AlphaCount64 extensionCounts = BWTAlgorithms::calculateDeBruijnExtensionsSingleIndex(vertStr, m_parameters.variantIndex.pBWT, curr.direction);

        std::string extensionsUsed;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < DNA_ALPHABET::size; ++i)
            char b = DNA_ALPHABET::getBase(i);
            size_t count = extensionCounts.get(b);
            bool acceptExt = count >= m_parameters.minDBGCount;

            std::string newStr = VariationBuilderCommon::makeDeBruijnVertex(vertStr, b, curr.direction);
            kmerCountMap[newStr] = count;

            // Create the new vertex and edge in the graph
            // Skip if the vertex already exists
            if(pGraph->getVertex(newStr) != NULL)
            // Allocate the new vertex and add it to the graph
            Vertex* pVertex = new(pGraph->getVertexAllocator()) Vertex(newStr, newStr);

            // Add edges
            VariationBuilderCommon::addSameStrandDeBruijnEdges(pGraph, curr.pVertex, pVertex, curr.direction);
            // Check if this sequence is present in the FM-index of the target
            // If so, it is the join point of the de Bruijn graph and we extend no further.
            size_t targetCount = BWTAlgorithms::countSequenceOccurrences(newStr, m_parameters.baseIndex);

            if(targetCount >= MIN_TARGET_COUNT)
                if(curr.direction == ED_SENSE)
                // Add the vertex to the extension queue
                queue.push(BuilderExtensionNode(pVertex, curr.direction));
        // Update the total number of times we branches the search
            total_branches += extensionsUsed.size() - 1;

    // If the graph construction was successful, walk the graph
    // between the endpoints to make a string
    // Generate haplotypes between every pair of antisense/sense join vertices
    for(size_t i = 0; i < antisense_join_vector.size(); ++i) {
        for(size_t j = 0; j < sense_join_vector.size(); ++j) {
            SGWalkVector outWalks;
                                100000, // max distance to search
                                10000, // max nodes to search
                                true, // exhaustive search

            for(size_t k = 0; k < outWalks.size(); ++k)
    delete pGraph;
    return HBRC_OK;