Ejemplo n.º 1
static bool isLessThan(SILValue Start, SILValue End) {
  auto S = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Start.getDef());
  if (!S)
    return false;
  auto E = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(End.getDef());
  if (!E)
    return false;
  return S->getValue().slt(E->getValue());
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Get the pair of array and index. Because we want to disambiguate between the
// two types of check bounds checks merge in the type into the lower bit of one
// of the addresse index.
static std::pair<ValueBase *, ArrayAccessDesc>
getArrayIndexPair(SILValue Array, SILValue ArrayIndex, ArrayCallKind K) {
  assert((K == ArrayCallKind::kCheckIndex ||
          K == ArrayCallKind::kCheckSubscript) &&
         "Must be a bounds check call");
  return std::make_pair(
      ArrayAccessDesc(ArrayIndex.getDef(), K == ArrayCallKind::kCheckIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// Two allocations of a mutable array struct cannot reference the same
/// storage after modification. So we can treat them as not aliasing for the
/// purpose of bound checking. The change would only be tracked through one of
/// the allocations.
static bool isIdentifiedUnderlyingArrayObject(SILValue V) {
  // Allocations are safe.
  if (isa<AllocationInst>(V.getDef()))
    return true;

  // Function arguments are safe.
  if (auto Arg = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(V.getDef()))
    return Arg->isFunctionArg();

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
AliasKeyTy AliasAnalysis::toAliasKey(SILValue V1, SILValue V2,
                                     SILType Type1, SILType Type2) {
  size_t idx1 = AliasValueBaseToIndex.getIndex(V1.getDef());
  assert(idx1 != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() &&
         "~0 index reserved for empty/tombstone keys");
  size_t idx2 = AliasValueBaseToIndex.getIndex(V2.getDef());
  assert(idx2 != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() &&
         "~0 index reserved for empty/tombstone keys");
  void *t1 = Type1.getOpaqueValue();
  void *t2 = Type2.getOpaqueValue();
  return {idx1, idx2, t1, t2};
/// Check if the root value for Value that comes
/// along the path from DomBB is equivalent to the
/// DomCondition.
SILValue CheckedCastBrJumpThreading::isArgValueEquivalentToCondition(
    SILValue Value, SILBasicBlock *DomBB, SILValue DomValue,
    DominanceInfo *DT) {
  SmallPtrSet<ValueBase *, 16> SeenValues;
  DomValue = DomValue.stripClassCasts();

  while (true) {
    Value = Value.stripClassCasts();
    if (Value == DomValue)
      return Value;

    // We know how to propagate through BBArgs only.
    auto *V = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(Value);
    if (!V)
      return SILValue();

    // Have we visited this BB already?
    if (!SeenValues.insert(Value.getDef()).second)
      return SILValue();

    if (SeenValues.size() > 10)
      return SILValue();

    SmallVector<SILValue, 4> IncomingValues;
    if (!V->getIncomingValues(IncomingValues) || IncomingValues.empty())
      return SILValue();

    ValueBase *Def = nullptr;
    for (auto IncomingValue : IncomingValues) {
      // Each incoming value should be either from a block
      // dominated by DomBB or it should be the value used in
      // condition in DomBB
      Value = IncomingValue.stripClassCasts();
      if (Value == DomValue)

      // Values should be the same
      if (!Def)
        Def = Value.getDef();

      if (Def != Value.getDef())
        return SILValue();

      if (!DT->dominates(DomBB, Value.getDef()->getParentBB()))
        return SILValue();
      // OK, this value is a potential candidate

    Value = IncomingValues[0];
Ejemplo n.º 6
mayGuaranteedUseValue(SILInstruction *User, SILValue Ptr, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
  // Only full apply sites can require a guaranteed lifetime. If we don't have
  // one, bail.
  if (!isa<FullApplySite>(User))
    return false;

  FullApplySite FAS(User);

  // Ok, we have a full apply site. If the apply has no arguments, we don't need
  // to worry about any guaranteed parameters.
  if (!FAS.getNumArguments())
    return false;

  // Ok, we have an apply site with arguments. Look at the function type and
  // iterate through the function parameters. If any of the parameters are
  // guaranteed, attempt to prove that the passed in parameter cannot alias
  // Ptr. If we fail, return true.
  CanSILFunctionType FType = FAS.getSubstCalleeType();
  auto Params = FType->getParameters();
  for (unsigned i : indices(Params)) {    
    if (!Params[i].isGuaranteed())
    SILValue Op = FAS.getArgument(i);
    for (int i = 0, e = Ptr->getNumTypes(); i < e; i++)
      if (!AA->isNoAlias(Op, SILValue(Ptr.getDef(), i)))
        return true;

  // Ok, we were able to prove that all arguments to the apply that were
  // guaranteed do not alias Ptr. Return false.
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static SILValue stripRCIdentityPreservingInsts(SILValue V) {
  // First strip off RC identity preserving casts.
  if (isRCIdentityPreservingCast(V->getKind()))
    return cast<SILInstruction>(V.getDef())->getOperand(0);

  // Then if we have a struct_extract that is extracting a non-trivial member
  // from a struct with no other non-trivial members, a ref count operation on
  // the struct is equivalent to a ref count operation on the extracted
  // member. Strip off the extract.
  if (auto *SEI = dyn_cast<StructExtractInst>(V))
    if (SEI->isFieldOnlyNonTrivialField())
      return SEI->getOperand();

  // If we have a struct instruction with only one non-trivial stored field, the
  // only reference count that can be modified is the non-trivial field. Return
  // the non-trivial field.
  if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StructInst>(V))
    if (SILValue NewValue = SI->getUniqueNonTrivialFieldValue())
      return NewValue;

  // If we have an unchecked_enum_data, strip off the unchecked_enum_data.
  if (auto *UEDI = dyn_cast<UncheckedEnumDataInst>(V))
    return UEDI->getOperand();

  // If we have an enum instruction with a payload, strip off the enum to
  // expose the enum's payload.
  if (auto *EI = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(V))
    if (EI->hasOperand())
      return EI->getOperand();

  // If we have a tuple_extract that is extracting the only non trivial member
  // of a tuple, a retain_value on the tuple is equivalent to a retain_value on
  // the extracted value.
  if (auto *TEI = dyn_cast<TupleExtractInst>(V))
    if (TEI->isEltOnlyNonTrivialElt())
      return TEI->getOperand();

  // If we are forming a tuple and the tuple only has one element with reference
  // semantics, a retain_value on the tuple is equivalent to a retain value on
  // the tuple operand.
  if (auto *TI = dyn_cast<TupleInst>(V))
    if (SILValue NewValue = TI->getUniqueNonTrivialElt())
      return NewValue;

  // Any SILArgument with a single predecessor from a "phi" perspective is
  // dead. In such a case, the SILArgument must be rc-identical.
  // This is the easy case. The difficult case is when you have an argument with
  // /multiple/ predecessors.
  // We do not need to insert this SILArgument into the visited SILArgument set
  // since we will only visit it twice if we go around a back edge due to a
  // different SILArgument that is actually being used for its phi node like
  // purposes.
  if (auto *A = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(V))
    if (SILValue Result = A->getSingleIncomingValue())
      return Result;

  return SILValue();
Ejemplo n.º 8
static bool canApplyDecrementRefCount(OperandValueArrayRef Ops, SILValue Ptr,
                                      AliasAnalysis *AA) {
  // Ok, this apply *MAY* decrement ref counts. Now our strategy is to attempt
  // to use properties of the pointer, the function's arguments, and the
  // function itself to prove that the pointer cannot have its ref count
  // affected by the applied function.

  // TODO: Put in function property check section here when we get access to
  // such information.

  // First make sure that the underlying object of ptr is a local object which
  // does not escape. This prevents the apply from indirectly via the global
  // affecting the reference count of the pointer.
  if (!isNonEscapingLocalObject(getUnderlyingObject(Ptr)))
    return true;

  // Now that we know that the function can not affect the pointer indirectly,
  // make sure that the apply can not affect the pointer directly via the
  // applies arguments by proving that the pointer can not alias any of the
  // functions arguments.
  for (auto Op : Ops) {
    for (int i = 0, e = Ptr->getNumTypes(); i < e; i++) {
      if (!AA->isNoAlias(Op, SILValue(Ptr.getDef(), i)))
        return true;

  // Success! The apply inst can not affect the reference count of ptr!
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static bool canHoistArrayArgument(ApplyInst *SemanticsCall, SILValue Arr,
                                  SILInstruction *InsertBefore,
                                  DominanceInfo *DT) {

  // We only know how to hoist inout, owned or guaranteed parameters.
  auto Convention = getSelfParameterConvention(SemanticsCall);
  if (Convention != ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout &&
      Convention != ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned &&
      Convention != ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed)
    return false;

  auto *SelfVal = Arr.getDef();
  auto *SelfBB = SelfVal->getParentBB();
  if (DT->dominates(SelfBB, InsertBefore->getParent()))
    return true;

  if (auto LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(SelfVal)) {
    // Are we loading a value from an address in a struct defined at a point
    // dominating the hoist point.
    auto Val = LI->getOperand().getDef();
    bool DoesNotDominate;
    StructElementAddrInst *SEI;
    while ((DoesNotDominate = !DT->dominates(Val->getParentBB(),
                                             InsertBefore->getParent())) &&
           (SEI = dyn_cast<StructElementAddrInst>(Val)))
      Val = SEI->getOperand().getDef();
    return DoesNotDominate == false;

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
SILValue SILValue::stripIndexingInsts() {
  SILValue V = *this;
  while (true) {
    if (!isa<IndexingInst>(V.getDef()))
      return V;
    V = cast<IndexingInst>(V)->getBase();
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void mapOperands(SILInstruction *I,
                        const llvm::DenseMap<ValueBase *, SILValue> &ValueMap) {
  for (auto &Opd : I->getAllOperands()) {
    SILValue OrigVal = Opd.get();
    ValueBase *OrigDef = OrigVal.getDef();
    auto Found = ValueMap.find(OrigDef);
    if (Found != ValueMap.end()) {
      SILValue MappedVal = Found->second;
      unsigned ResultIdx = OrigVal.getResultNumber();
      // All mapped instructions have their result number set to zero. Except
      // for arguments that we followed along one edge to their incoming value
      // on that edge.
      if (isa<SILArgument>(OrigDef))
        ResultIdx = MappedVal.getResultNumber();
      Opd.set(SILValue(MappedVal.getDef(), ResultIdx));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  /// Analyse one potential induction variable starting at Arg.
  InductionInfo *analyseIndVar(SILArgument *HeaderVal, BuiltinInst *Inc,
                               IntegerLiteralInst *IncVal) {
    if (IncVal->getValue() != 1)
      return nullptr;

    // Find the start value.
    auto *PreheaderTerm = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(Preheader->getTerminator());
    if (!PreheaderTerm)
      return nullptr;
    auto Start = PreheaderTerm->getArg(HeaderVal->getIndex());

    // Find the exit condition.
    auto CondBr = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(ExitingBlk->getTerminator());
    if (!CondBr)
      return nullptr;

    if (ExitBlk == CondBr->getFalseBB())
      return nullptr;
    assert(ExitBlk == CondBr->getTrueBB() &&
           "The loop's exiting blocks terminator must exit");

    auto Cond = CondBr->getCondition();
    SILValue End;

    // Look for a compare of induction variable + 1.
    // TODO: obviously we need to handle many more patterns.
    if (!match(Cond, m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ,
                                 m_TupleExtractInst(m_Specific(Inc), 0),
                                 m_SILValue(End))) &&
               m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ, m_SILValue(End),
                           m_TupleExtractInst(m_Specific(Inc), 0)))) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " found no exit condition\n");
      return nullptr;

    // Make sure our end value is loop invariant.
    if (!dominates(DT, End, Preheader))
      return nullptr;

    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " found an induction variable (ICMP_EQ): "
                       << *HeaderVal << "  start: " << *Start.getDef()
                       << "  end: " << *End.getDef());

    // Check whether the addition is overflow checked by a cond_fail or whether
    // code in the preheader's predecessor ensures that we won't overflow.
    bool IsRangeChecked = false;
    if (!isOverflowChecked(Inc)) {
      IsRangeChecked = isRangeChecked(Start, End, Preheader, DT);
      if (!IsRangeChecked)
        return nullptr;
    return new (Allocator.Allocate()) InductionInfo(
        HeaderVal, Inc, Start, End, BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ, IsRangeChecked);
Ejemplo n.º 13
static SILValue getArrayStructPointer(ArrayCallKind K, SILValue Array) {
  assert(K != ArrayCallKind::kNone);

  if (K < ArrayCallKind::kMakeMutable) {
    auto LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(Array.getDef());
    if (!LI) {
      return Array;
    return LI->getOperand();
  return Array;
Ejemplo n.º 14
/// Copy the array load to the insert point.
static SILValue copyArrayLoad(SILValue ArrayStructValue,
                               SILInstruction *InsertBefore,
                               DominanceInfo *DT) {
  if (DT->dominates(ArrayStructValue.getDef()->getParentBB(),
    return ArrayStructValue;

  auto *LI = cast<LoadInst>(ArrayStructValue.getDef());

  // Recursively move struct_element_addr.
  auto *Val = LI->getOperand().getDef();
  auto *InsertPt = InsertBefore;
  while (!DT->dominates(Val->getParentBB(), InsertBefore->getParent())) {
    auto *Inst = cast<StructElementAddrInst>(Val);
    Val = Inst->getOperand().getDef();
    InsertPt = Inst;

  return SILValue(LI->clone(InsertBefore), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Walk backwards in BB looking for the last use of a given
// value, and add it to the set of release points.
static bool addLastUse(SILValue V, SILBasicBlock *BB,
                       ReleaseTracker &Tracker) {
  for (auto I = BB->rbegin(); I != BB->rend(); ++I) {
    for (auto &Op : I->getAllOperands())
      if (Op.get().getDef() == V.getDef()) {
        return true;

  llvm_unreachable("BB is expected to have a use of a closure");
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool swift::mayUseValue(SILInstruction *User, SILValue Ptr,
                        AliasAnalysis *AA) {
  // If Inst is an instruction that we know can never use values with reference
  // semantics, return true.
  if (canNeverUseValues(User))
    return false;

  // If the user is a load or a store and we can prove that it does not access
  // the object then return true.
  // Notice that we need to check all of the values of the object.
  if (isa<StoreInst>(User)) {
    for (int i = 0, e = Ptr->getNumTypes(); i < e; i++) {
      if (AA->mayWriteToMemory(User, SILValue(Ptr.getDef(), i)))
        return true;
    return false;

  if (isa<LoadInst>(User) ) {
    for (int i = 0, e = Ptr->getNumTypes(); i < e; i++) {
      if (AA->mayReadFromMemory(User, SILValue(Ptr.getDef(), i)))
        return true;
    return false;

  // If we have a terminator instruction, see if it can use ptr. This currently
  // means that we first show that TI cannot indirectly use Ptr and then use
  // alias analysis on the arguments.
  if (auto *TI = dyn_cast<TermInst>(User))
    return canTerminatorUseValue(TI, Ptr, AA);

  // TODO: If we add in alias analysis support here for apply inst, we will need
  // to check that the pointer does not escape.

  // Otherwise, assume that Inst can use Target.
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
/// Given an address defined by 'Def', find the object root and all direct uses,
/// not including:
/// - 'Def' itself
/// - Transitive uses of 'Def' (listed elsewhere in DestUserInsts)
/// If the returned root is not 'Def' itself, then 'Def' must be an address
/// projection that can be trivially rematerialized with the root as its
/// operand.
static ValueBase *
findAddressRootAndUsers(ValueBase *Def,
                        SmallPtrSetImpl<SILInstruction*> &RootUserInsts) {
  if (isa<InitEnumDataAddrInst>(Def) || isa<InitExistentialAddrInst>(Def)) {
    SILValue InitRoot = cast<SILInstruction>(Def)->getOperand(0);
    for (auto *Use : InitRoot.getUses()) {
      auto *UserInst = Use->getUser();
      if (UserInst == Def)
    return InitRoot.getDef();
  return Def;
Ejemplo n.º 18
SILValue SILValue::stripValueProjections() {
  SILValue V = *this;

  while (true) {
    V = stripSinglePredecessorArgs(V);

    switch (V->getKind()) {
    case ValueKind::StructExtractInst:
    case ValueKind::TupleExtractInst:
      V = cast<SILInstruction>(V.getDef())->getOperand(0);
      return V;
Ejemplo n.º 19
SILValue SILValue::stripCasts() {
  SILValue V = *this;

  while (true) {
    V = stripSinglePredecessorArgs(V);

    auto K = V->getKind();
    if (isRCIdentityPreservingCast(K)
        || K == ValueKind::UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst
        || K == ValueKind::MarkDependenceInst) {
      V = cast<SILInstruction>(V.getDef())->getOperand(0);

    return V;
Ejemplo n.º 20
/// Look for checks that guarantee that start is less than or equal to end.
static bool isSignedLessEqual(SILValue Start, SILValue End, SILBasicBlock &BB) {

  // If we have an inclusive range "low...up" the loop exit count will be
  // "up + 1" but the overflow check is on "up".
  SILValue PreInclusiveEnd;
  if (!match(
                                         m_SILValue(PreInclusiveEnd), m_One()),
    PreInclusiveEnd = SILValue();

  bool IsPreInclusiveEndLEQ = false;
  bool IsPreInclusiveEndGTEnd = false;
  for (auto &Inst : BB)
    if (auto CF = dyn_cast<CondFailInst>(&Inst)) {
      // Try to match a cond_fail on "XOR , (SLE Start, End), 1".
      if (match(CF->getOperand().getDef(),
        return true;
      // Inclusive ranges will have a check on the upper value (before adding
      // one).
      if (PreInclusiveEnd) {
        if (match(CF->getOperand().getDef(),
          IsPreInclusiveEndLEQ = true;
        if (match(CF->getOperand().getDef(),
          IsPreInclusiveEndGTEnd = true;
        if (IsPreInclusiveEndLEQ && IsPreInclusiveEndGTEnd)
          return true;

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
SILValue SILValue::stripAddressProjections() {
  SILValue V = *this;

  while (true) {
    V = stripSinglePredecessorArgs(V);

    switch (V->getKind()) {
    case ValueKind::StructElementAddrInst:
    case ValueKind::TupleElementAddrInst:
    case ValueKind::RefElementAddrInst:
    case ValueKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst:
      V = cast<SILInstruction>(V.getDef())->getOperand(0);
      return V;
Ejemplo n.º 22
SILValue ConstantTracker::scanProjections(SILValue addr,
                                          SmallVectorImpl<Projection> *Result) {
  for (;;) {
    if (Projection::isAddrProjection(addr)) {
      SILInstruction *I = cast<SILInstruction>(addr.getDef());
      if (Result) {
        Optional<Projection> P = Projection::addressProjectionForInstruction(I);
      addr = I->getOperand(0);
    if (SILValue param = getParam(addr)) {
      // Go to the caller.
      addr = param;
    // Return the base address = the first address which is not a projection.
    return addr;
Ejemplo n.º 23
SILInstruction *optimizeBitOp(BuiltinInst *BI,
                              CombineFunc combine,
                              NeutralFunc isNeutral,
                              ZeroFunc isZero,
                              SILBuilder &Builder,
                              SILCombiner *C) {
    SILValue firstOp;
    APInt bits;
    if (!getBitOpArgs(BI, firstOp, bits))
        return nullptr;

    // Combine all bits of consecutive bit operations, e.g. ((op & c1) & c2) & c3
    SILValue op = firstOp;
    BuiltinInst *Prev;
    APInt prevBits;
    while ((Prev = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(op)) &&
            Prev->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID &&
            getBitOpArgs(Prev, op, prevBits)) {
        combine(bits, prevBits);
    if (isNeutral(bits))
        // The bit operation has no effect, e.g. x | 0 -> x
        return C->replaceInstUsesWith(*BI, op.getDef());

    if (isZero(bits))
        // The bit operation yields to a constant, e.g. x & 0 -> 0
        return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(), bits);

    if (op != firstOp) {
        // We combined multiple bit operations to a single one,
        // e.g. (x & c1) & c2 -> x & (c1 & c2)
        auto *newLI = Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(),
        return Builder.createBuiltin(BI->getLoc(), BI->getName(), BI->getType(),
        { op, newLI });
    return nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  /// Like ValueIsPHI but also check if the PHI has no source
  /// operands, i.e., it was just added.
  static SILArgument *ValueIsNewPHI(SILValue Val, SILSSAUpdater *Updater) {
    SILArgument *PHI = ValueIsPHI(Val, Updater);
    if (PHI) {
      auto *PhiBB = PHI->getParent();
      size_t PhiIdx = PHI->getIndex();

      // If all predecessor edges are 'not set' this is a new phi.
      for (auto *PredBB : PhiBB->getPreds()) {
        OperandValueArrayRef Edges =
            getEdgeValuesForTerminator(PredBB->getTerminator(), PhiBB);

        assert(PhiIdx < Edges.size() && "Not enough edges!");

        SILValue V = Edges[PhiIdx];
        // Check for the 'not set' sentinel.
        if (V.getDef() != Updater->PHISentinel.get())
          return nullptr;
      return PHI;
    return nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 25
/// Compute the subelement number indicated by the specified pointer (which is
/// derived from the root by a series of tuple/struct element addresses) by
/// treating the type as a linearized namespace with sequential elements.  For
/// example, given:
///   root = alloc { a: { c: i64, d: i64 }, b: (i64, i64) }
///   tmp1 = struct_element_addr root, 1
///   tmp2 = tuple_element_addr tmp1, 0
/// This will return a subelement number of 2.
/// If this pointer is to within a existential projection, it returns ~0U.
static unsigned computeSubelement(SILValue Pointer, SILInstruction *RootInst) {
  unsigned SubEltNumber = 0;
  SILModule &M = RootInst->getModule();
  while (1) {
    // If we got to the root, we're done.
    if (RootInst == Pointer.getDef())
      return SubEltNumber;
    auto *Inst = cast<SILInstruction>(Pointer);
    if (auto *TEAI = dyn_cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(Inst)) {
      SILType TT = TEAI->getOperand().getType();
      // Keep track of what subelement is being referenced.
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = TEAI->getFieldNo(); i != e; ++i) {
        SubEltNumber += getNumSubElements(TT.getTupleElementType(i), M);
      Pointer = TEAI->getOperand();
    } else if (auto *SEAI = dyn_cast<StructElementAddrInst>(Inst)) {
      SILType ST = SEAI->getOperand().getType();
      // Keep track of what subelement is being referenced.
      StructDecl *SD = SEAI->getStructDecl();
      for (auto *D : SD->getStoredProperties()) {
        if (D == SEAI->getField()) break;
        SubEltNumber += getNumSubElements(ST.getFieldType(D, M), M);
      Pointer = SEAI->getOperand();
    } else {
      assert((isa<InitExistentialAddrInst>(Inst) || isa<InjectEnumAddrInst>(Inst))&&
             "Unknown access path instruction");
      // Cannot promote loads and stores from within an existential projection.
      return ~0U;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  /// Analyse one instruction wrt. the instructions we have seen so far.
  void analyseInstruction(SILInstruction *Inst) {
    SILValue Array;
    ArrayCallKind K;
    auto BoundsEffect =
        mayChangeArraySize(Inst, K, Array, ReleaseSafeArrayReferences, RCIA);

    if (BoundsEffect == ArrayBoundsEffect::kMayChangeAny) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " no safe because kMayChangeAny " << *Inst);
      allArraysInMemoryAreUnsafe = true;
      // No need to store specific arrays in this case.

    assert(Array ||
           K == ArrayCallKind::kNone &&
               "Need to have an array for array semantic functions");

    // We need to make sure that the array container is not aliased in ways
    // that we don't understand.
    if (Array && !isIdentifiedUnderlyingArrayObject(Array)) {
            << " not safe because of not identified underlying object "
            << *Array.getDef() << " in " << *Inst);
      allArraysInMemoryAreUnsafe = true;
      // No need to store specific arrays in this case.

    if (BoundsEffect == ArrayBoundsEffect::kMayChangeArg) {
    assert(BoundsEffect == ArrayBoundsEffect::kNone);
Ejemplo n.º 27
/// \brief Removes instructions that create the callee value if they are no
/// longer necessary after inlining.
static void
cleanupCalleeValue(SILValue CalleeValue, ArrayRef<SILValue> CaptureArgs,
                   ArrayRef<SILValue> FullArgs) {
  SmallVector<SILInstruction*, 16> InstsToDelete;
  for (SILValue V : FullArgs) {
    if (SILInstruction *I = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(V))
      if (I != CalleeValue.getDef() &&
  recursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(InstsToDelete, true);

  // Handle the case where the callee of the apply is a load instruction.
  if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(CalleeValue)) {
    assert(CalleeValue.getResultNumber() == 0);
    SILInstruction *ABI = dyn_cast<AllocBoxInst>(LI->getOperand());
    assert(ABI && LI->getOperand().getResultNumber() == 1);

    // The load instruction must have no more uses left to erase it.
    if (!LI->use_empty())

    // Look through uses of the alloc box the load is loading from to find up to
    // one store and up to one strong release.
    StoreInst *SI = nullptr;
    StrongReleaseInst *SRI = nullptr;
    for (auto UI = ABI->use_begin(), UE = ABI->use_end(); UI != UE; ++UI) {
      if (SI == nullptr && isa<StoreInst>(UI.getUser())) {
        SI = cast<StoreInst>(UI.getUser());
        assert(SI->getDest() == SILValue(ABI, 1));
      } else if (SRI == nullptr && isa<StrongReleaseInst>(UI.getUser())) {
        SRI = cast<StrongReleaseInst>(UI.getUser());
        assert(SRI->getOperand() == SILValue(ABI, 0));
      } else

    // If we found a store, record its source and erase it.
    if (SI) {
      CalleeValue = SI->getSrc();
    } else {
      CalleeValue = SILValue();

    // If we found a strong release, replace it with a strong release of the
    // source of the store and erase it.
    if (SRI) {
      if (CalleeValue.isValid())
            .emitStrongReleaseAndFold(SRI->getLoc(), CalleeValue);

    if (!CalleeValue.isValid())

  if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(CalleeValue)) {
    assert(CalleeValue.getResultNumber() == 0);

    SILValue Callee = PAI->getCallee();
    if (!tryDeleteDeadClosure(PAI))
    CalleeValue = Callee;

  if (auto *TTTFI = dyn_cast<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(CalleeValue)) {
    assert(CalleeValue.getResultNumber() == 0);
    SILValue Callee = TTTFI->getCallee();
    if (!tryDeleteDeadClosure(TTTFI))
    CalleeValue = Callee;

  if (FunctionRefInst *FRI = dyn_cast<FunctionRefInst>(CalleeValue)) {
    assert(CalleeValue.getResultNumber() == 0);
    if (!FRI->use_empty())
Ejemplo n.º 28
/// \brief Devirtualize an apply of a class method.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatype is a class value or metatype value that is the
///    self argument of the apply we will devirtualize.
/// return the result value of the new ApplyInst if created one or null.
DevirtualizationResult swift::devirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                                     SILValue ClassOrMetatype) {
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : " << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();
  auto *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());
  auto ClassOrMetatypeType = ClassOrMetatype.getType();
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, CMI->getMember());

  CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType = F->getLoweredFunctionType();

  auto Subs = getSubstitutionsForCallee(Mod, GenCalleeType,
                                        ClassOrMetatypeType, AI);
  CanSILFunctionType SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType;
  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic())
    SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType->substGenericArgs(Mod, Mod.getSwiftModule(), Subs);

  SILBuilderWithScope B(AI.getInstruction());
  FunctionRefInst *FRI = B.createFunctionRef(AI.getLoc(), F);

  // Create the argument list for the new apply, casting when needed
  // in order to handle covariant indirect return types and
  // contravariant argument types.
  llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> NewArgs;
  auto Args = AI.getArguments();
  auto ParamTypes = SubstCalleeType->getParameterSILTypes();

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Args.size() - 1; i != e; ++i)
    NewArgs.push_back(castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, AI.getLoc(), Args[i],

  // Add the self argument, upcasting if required because we're
  // calling a base class's method.
  auto SelfParamTy = SubstCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getSILType();
  NewArgs.push_back(castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, AI.getLoc(),

  // If we have a direct return type, make sure we use the subst callee return
  // type. If we have an indirect return type, AI's return type of the empty
  // tuple should be ok.
  SILType ResultTy = AI.getType();
  if (!SubstCalleeType->hasIndirectResult()) {
    ResultTy = SubstCalleeType->getSILResult();

  SILType SubstCalleeSILType =
  FullApplySite NewAI;

  SILBasicBlock *ResultBB = nullptr;
  SILBasicBlock *NormalBB = nullptr;
  SILValue ResultValue;
  bool ResultCastRequired = false;
  SmallVector<Operand *, 4> OriginalResultUses;

  if (!isa<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
    NewAI = B.createApply(AI.getLoc(), FRI, SubstCalleeSILType, ResultTy,
                          Subs, NewArgs, cast<ApplyInst>(AI)->isNonThrowing());
    ResultValue = SILValue(NewAI.getInstruction(), 0);
  } else {
    auto *TAI = cast<TryApplyInst>(AI);
    // Create new normal and error BBs only if:
    // - re-using a BB would create a critical edge
    // - or, the result of the new apply would be of different
    //   type than the argument of the original normal BB.
    if (TAI->getNormalBB()->getSinglePredecessor())
      ResultBB = TAI->getNormalBB();
    else {
      ResultBB = B.getFunction().createBasicBlock();

    NormalBB = TAI->getNormalBB();

    SILBasicBlock *ErrorBB = nullptr;
    if (TAI->getErrorBB()->getSinglePredecessor())
      ErrorBB = TAI->getErrorBB();
    else {
      ErrorBB = B.getFunction().createBasicBlock();

    NewAI = B.createTryApply(AI.getLoc(), FRI, SubstCalleeSILType,
                             Subs, NewArgs,
                             ResultBB, ErrorBB);
    if (ErrorBB != TAI->getErrorBB()) {
      B.createBranch(TAI->getLoc(), TAI->getErrorBB(),

    // Does the result value need to be casted?
    ResultCastRequired = ResultTy != NormalBB->getBBArg(0)->getType();

    if (ResultBB != NormalBB)
    else if (ResultCastRequired) {
      // Collect all uses, before casting.
      for (auto *Use : NormalBB->getBBArg(0)->getUses()) {
      NormalBB->getBBArg(0)->replaceAllUsesWith(SILUndef::get(AI.getType(), Mod));
      NormalBB->replaceBBArg(0, ResultTy, nullptr);

    // The result value is passed as a parameter to the normal block.
    ResultValue = ResultBB->getBBArg(0);

  // Check if any casting is required for the return value.
  ResultValue = castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, NewAI.getLoc(), ResultValue,
                                             ResultTy, AI.getType()).getValue();

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        SUCCESS: " << F->getName() << "\n");

  if (NormalBB) {
    if (NormalBB != ResultBB) {
      // If artificial normal BB was introduced, branch
      // to the original normal BB.
      B.createBranch(NewAI.getLoc(), NormalBB, { ResultValue });
    } else if (ResultCastRequired) {
      // Update all original uses by the new value.
      for(auto *Use: OriginalResultUses) {
    return std::make_pair(NewAI.getInstruction(), NewAI);

  // We need to return a pair of values here:
  // - the first one is the actual result of the devirtualized call, possibly
  //   casted into an appropriate type. This SILValue may be a BB arg, if it
  //   was a cast between optional types.
  // - the second one is the new apply site.
  return std::make_pair(ResultValue.getDef(), NewAI);
Ejemplo n.º 29
/// The main AA entry point. Performs various analyses on V1, V2 in an attempt
/// to disambiguate the two values.
AliasResult AliasAnalysis::aliasInner(SILValue V1, SILValue V2,
                                      SILType TBAAType1,
                                      SILType TBAAType2) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // If alias analysis is disabled, always return may alias.
  if (!shouldRunAA())
    return AliasResult::MayAlias;

  // If the two values equal, quickly return must alias.
  if (isSameValueOrGlobal(V1, V2))
    return AliasResult::MustAlias;

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "ALIAS ANALYSIS:\n    V1: " << *V1.getDef()
        << "    V2: " << *V2.getDef());

  // Pass in both the TBAA types so we can perform typed access TBAA and the
  // actual types of V1, V2 so we can perform class based TBAA.
  if (!typesMayAlias(TBAAType1, TBAAType2))
    return AliasResult::NoAlias;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  if (!shouldRunBasicAA())
    return AliasResult::MayAlias;

  // Strip off any casts on V1, V2.
  V1 = V1.stripCasts();
  V2 = V2.stripCasts();
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        After Cast Stripping V1:" << *V1.getDef());
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        After Cast Stripping V2:" << *V2.getDef());

  // Ok, we need to actually compute an Alias Analysis result for V1, V2. Begin
  // by finding the "base" of V1, V2 by stripping off all casts and GEPs.
  SILValue O1 = getUnderlyingObject(V1);
  SILValue O2 = getUnderlyingObject(V2);
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Underlying V1:" << *O1.getDef());
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Underlying V2:" << *O2.getDef());

  // If O1 and O2 do not equal, see if we can prove that they cannot be the
  // same object. If we can, return No Alias.
  if (O1 != O2 && aliasUnequalObjects(O1, O2))
    return AliasResult::NoAlias;

  // Ok, either O1, O2 are the same or we could not prove anything based off of
  // their inequality.
  // Next: ask escape analysis. This catches cases where we compare e.g. a
  // non-escaping pointer with another (maybe escaping) pointer. Escape analysis
  // uses the connection graph to check if the pointers may point to the same
  // content.
  // Note that escape analysis must work with the original pointers and not the
  // underlying objects because it treats projections differently.
  if (!EA->canPointToSameMemory(V1, V2)) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "            Found not-aliased objects based on"
                                      "escape analysis\n");
    return AliasResult::NoAlias;

  // Now we climb up use-def chains and attempt to do tricks based off of GEPs.

  // First if one instruction is a gep and the other is not, canonicalize our
  // inputs so that V1 always is the instruction containing the GEP.
  if (!NewProjection::isAddressProjection(V1) &&
       NewProjection::isAddressProjection(V2)) {
    std::swap(V1, V2);
    std::swap(O1, O2);

  // If V1 is an address projection, attempt to use information from the
  // aggregate type tree to disambiguate it from V2.
  if (NewProjection::isAddressProjection(V1)) {
    AliasResult Result = aliasAddressProjection(V1, V2, O1, O2);
    if (Result != AliasResult::MayAlias)
      return Result;

  // We could not prove anything. Be conservative and return that V1, V2 may
  // alias.
  return AliasResult::MayAlias;
Ejemplo n.º 30
/// Check if the value \p Value is known to be zero, non-zero or unknown.
IsZeroKind swift::isZeroValue(SILValue Value) {
  // Inspect integer literals.
  if (auto *L = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Value.getDef())) {
    if (!L->getValue())
      return IsZeroKind::Zero;
    return IsZeroKind::NotZero;

  // Inspect Structs.
  switch (Value.getDef()->getKind()) {
    // Bitcast of zero is zero.
    case ValueKind::UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst:
    // Extracting from a zero class returns a zero.
    case ValueKind::StructExtractInst:
      return isZeroValue(cast<SILInstruction>(Value.getDef())->getOperand(0));

  // Inspect casts.
  if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(Value.getDef())) {
    switch (BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
      case BuiltinValueKind::IntToPtr:
      case BuiltinValueKind::PtrToInt:
      case BuiltinValueKind::ZExt:
        return isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]);
      case BuiltinValueKind::UDiv:
      case BuiltinValueKind::SDiv: {
        if (IsZeroKind::Zero == isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]))
          return IsZeroKind::Zero;
        return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
      case BuiltinValueKind::Mul:
      case BuiltinValueKind::SMulOver:
      case BuiltinValueKind::UMulOver: {
        IsZeroKind LHS = isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]);
        IsZeroKind RHS = isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[1]);
        if (LHS == IsZeroKind::Zero || RHS == IsZeroKind::Zero)
          return IsZeroKind::Zero;

        return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
        return IsZeroKind::Unknown;

  // Handle results of XXX_with_overflow arithmetic.
  if (auto *T = dyn_cast<TupleExtractInst>(Value.getDef())) {
    // Make sure we are extracting the number value and not
    // the overflow flag.
    if (T->getFieldNo() != 0)
      return IsZeroKind::Unknown;

    BuiltinInst *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(T->getOperand());
    if (!BI)
      return IsZeroKind::Unknown;

    return isZeroValue(BI);

  //Inspect allocations and pointer literals.
  if (isa<StringLiteralInst>(Value.getDef()) ||
      isa<AllocationInst>(Value.getDef()) ||
    return IsZeroKind::NotZero;

  return IsZeroKind::Unknown;