Ejemplo n.º 1
void FunctionTestReturnChecker::preCheckNode(const ast::Exp & e, SLintContext & context, SLintResult & result)
    const ast::CallExp & ce = static_cast<const ast::CallExp &>(e);
    if (ce.getName().isSimpleVar())
        const std::wstring & name = static_cast<const ast::SimpleVar &>(ce.getName()).getSymbol().getName();
        auto i = funs.find(name);
        if (i != funs.end())
            const std::vector<unsigned int> & positions = i->second;
            if (!positions.empty())
                const ast::AssignListExp * ale = nullptr;
                const ast::AssignExp * ae = context.getAssignExp();
                if (ae)
                    if (ae->getLeftExp().isAssignListExp())
                        ale = &static_cast<const ast::AssignListExp &>(ae->getLeftExp());

                    // syms will contain the symbols associated to returned error code
                    std::set<symbol::Symbol> syms;
                    if (ale)
                        const ast::exps_t & exps = ale->getExps();
                        for (const auto pos : positions)
                            if (pos > exps.size())
                                result.report(context, e.getLocation(), *this, _("Function %s requires an error checking just after call."), name);
                                if (exps[pos - 1] && exps[pos - 1]->isSimpleVar())
                                    syms.emplace(static_cast<ast::SimpleVar *>(exps[pos - 1])->getSymbol());
                    else if (ae->getLeftExp().isSimpleVar())
                        if (positions.size() > 1 || positions.back() != 1)
                            result.report(context, e.getLocation(), *this, _("Function %s requires an error checking just after call."), name);
                        syms.emplace(static_cast<ast::SimpleVar &>(ae->getLeftExp()).getSymbol());
                    if (const ast::Exp * next = context.getNextRelevantExp())
                        if (next->isIfExp())
                            const ast::IfExp * ie = static_cast<const ast::IfExp *>(next);
                            // We look for syms in the test: found syms are removed from syms
                            FindSymVisitor(syms, ie->getTest());
                            if (!syms.empty())
                                result.report(context, e.getLocation(), *this, _("Function %s requires an error checking just after call."), name);
                    result.report(context, e.getLocation(), *this, _("Function %s requires an error checking just after call."), name);