Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // Option parsing
    // ==============
    argc -= (argc > 0); argv += (argc > 0);
    option::Stats stats( usage, argc, argv );
    option::Option* options = new option::Option[ stats.options_max ];
    option::Option* buffer = new option::Option[ stats.buffer_max ];
    option::Parser parse( usage, argc, argv, options, buffer );

    if( options[ HELP ] || parse.nonOptionsCount() == 0 ) {
        int columns = getenv( "COLUMNS" ) ? atoi( getenv( "COLUMNS" ) ) : 80;
        option::printUsage( std::cout, usage, columns );
        if( options[ HELP ] ) exit( 0 );
        else exit( 1 );

    if( options[ QUIET ] )LOG::SetDefaultLoggerLevel( LOG::CHECK );

    // unknown options
    for( option::Option* opt = options[ UNKNOWN ]; opt; opt = opt->next() ){
        LOG( ERROR ) << "Unknown option: " << std::string( opt->name,opt->namelen );

    if( parse.error() ) exit( 1 );

    // all non options are treated as smf's options
    SMF *smf;
    int retVal = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < parse.nonOptionsCount(); ++i ){
        smf = SMF::open( parse.nonOption( i ) );
        if(! smf ){
            LOG( ERROR ) << "cannot open smf file";
            retVal = 1;
        else {
            LOG(INFO) << "\n" << smf->info();
            delete smf;

    delete [] options;
    delete [] buffer;
    return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//TODO go over this function to see if it can be refactored
TileCache::addSource( const std::string fileName )
    ImageInput *image = nullptr;
    if( (image = ImageInput::open( fileName )) ){
        delete image;

        map.push_back( nTiles );
        fileNames.push_back( fileName );

    SMT *smt = nullptr;
    if( (smt = SMT::open( fileName )) ){
        if(! smt->nTiles ) return;
        _nTiles += smt->nTiles;
        map.push_back( nTiles );
        fileNames.push_back( fileName );

        delete smt;

    SMF *smf = nullptr;
    if( (smf = SMF::open( fileName )) ){
        // get the fileNames here
        auto smtList = smf->getSMTList();
        for( auto i : smtList ) addSource( i.second );
        delete smf;

    LOG(ERROR) << "unrecognised format: " << fileName;
Ejemplo n.º 3
main( int argc, char **argv )
	bool fail = false;
// Generic Options
//  -l --load <string>, smf file to load
//  -s --save <string>, prefix for output
//  -v --verbose, Display extra output
//  -q --quiet, Supress standard output
//  -d --decompile, Decompile loaded map
//  -c --slowcomp, better quality but slower
	string saveFile= "", loadFile = "";
	bool verbose = false, quiet = false, decompile = false, slowcomp = false;
//  Map Dimensions
//	-x --width <int>, Width in spring map units
//	-z --length <int>, Length in spring map units
//	-y --floor <float>, Height of the map in spring map units
//	-Y --ceiling <float>, Depth of the map in spring map units
	int width = 2, length = 2;
	float floor = 0, ceiling = 1;
// Tiles and Tileindex
//  -a --add-smt <string>
//  -i --tileindex <image>
	vector<string> tileFiles;
	string tilemapFile = "";
// Height
//	-e --heightmap <image>
//	   --lowpass, whether to filter the heightmap with a lowpass filter
//	   --invert, whether to invert the heightmap values
	string heightFile = "";
	bool invert = false;
//FIXME	bool lowpass = false;
// Terrain Type
//	-t --typemap <image>
	string typeFile = "";
// Minimap
//  -m --minimap <image>
	string minimapFile = "";
// Metal
//	-r --metalmap <image> 
	string metalFile = "";
// Grass
//  -g --grassmap <image>
	string grassFile = "";
// Features
//	-f --features <text>
	string featuresFile = "";

	try {
		// Define the command line object.
		CmdLine cmd( "Converts a series of image and text files to .smf and"
						".smt files used in SpringRTS maps.", ' ', "0.5" );

		// Define a value argument and add it to the command line.
		// Generic Options //		
		ValueArg<string> arg_load(
			"l", "load",
			"Filename to load (.smf)",
			false, "", ".smf", cmd);

		ValueArg<string> arg_save(
			"s", "save",
			"Output prefix for the spring map file(.smf)",
			false, "", "fileprefix", cmd);

		SwitchArg arg_verbose(
			"v", "verbose",
			"Extra information printed to standard output.",
			cmd, false );

		SwitchArg arg_quiet(
			"q", "quiet",
			"Supress information printing to standard output.",
			cmd, false );

		SwitchArg arg_decompile(
			"d", "decompile",
			"Supress information printing to standard output.",
			cmd, false );

		SwitchArg arg_slowcomp(
			"c", "slowcomp",
			"Use slower but better compression on DXT1 textures.",
			cmd, false );

		// Map Dimensions //
		ValueArg<int> arg_width(
			"x", "width",
			"The Width of the map in spring map units. Must be multiples of 2",
			false, 2, "int", cmd );

		ValueArg<int> arg_length(
			"z", "length",
			"The Length of the map in spring map units. Must be multiples of 2",
			false, 2, "int", cmd );

		ValueArg<float> arg_floor(
			"y", "floor",
			"The deepest point on the map in spring map units, with zero being sea level.",
			false, 0, "float", cmd );

		ValueArg<float> arg_ceiling(
			"Y", "ceiling",
			"The highest point on the map in spring map units, with zero being sea level.",
			false, 1, "float", cmd );

		// Tiles and Tileindex //
		MultiArg<string> arg_add_smt(
			"a", "add-smt",
			"External tile files.",
			false, ".smt", cmd );

		ValueArg<string> arg_tileindex(
			"i", "tileindex",
			"The index image to use for referencing tiles.",
			false, "", "image", cmd);

		// Height //
		ValueArg<string> arg_height(
			"e", "heightmap",
			"Image to use for vertical displacement of the terrain.",
			false, "", "image", cmd );

		SwitchArg arg_invert(
			"", "invert",
			"Invert the meaning of black and white.",
			cmd, false );

//FIXME		SwitchArg arg_lowpass(
//			"", "lowpass",
//			"Lowpass filter smoothing hard edges from 8bit colour.",
//			cmd, false );

		// Terrain Type //
		ValueArg<string> arg_type(
			"t", "typemap",
			"Image to define terrain types.",
			false, "", "image", cmd );

		// Minimap //
		ValueArg<string> arg_minimap(
			"m", "minimap",
			"Image file to use for the minimap",
			false, "", "image", cmd );

		// Metal //
		ValueArg<string> arg_metal(
			"r", "metalmap",
			"Image used for built in resourcing scheme.",
			false, "", "image", cmd);

		// Grass //
		ValueArg<string> arg_grass(
			"g", "grassmap",
			"Image used to place grass.",
			false, "", "image", cmd );

		// Features //
		ValueArg<string> arg_features(
			"f", "featurelist",
			"Text file defining type, location, rotation of feature and "
			"decal to paint to diffuse texture.",
			false, "", ".csv", cmd );

		// Parse the args.
		cmd.parse( argc, argv );

		// Get the value parsed by each arg.
		// Generic Options
		loadFile = arg_load.getValue();
		saveFile = arg_save.getValue();

		verbose = arg_verbose.getValue();
		quiet = arg_quiet.getValue();
		decompile = arg_decompile.getValue();
		slowcomp = arg_slowcomp.getValue();

		// Map Dimensions
		width = arg_width.getValue();
		length = arg_length.getValue();
		floor = arg_floor.getValue();
		ceiling = arg_ceiling.getValue();

		// SMT options
		tileFiles = arg_add_smt.getValue(); // SMT Input Filenames
		tilemapFile = arg_tileindex.getValue();

		// Height
		heightFile = arg_height.getValue();
		invert = arg_invert.getValue();
//FIXME		lowpass = arg_lowpass.getValue();

		// Terrain Type
		typeFile = arg_type.getValue();

		// Minimap
		minimapFile = arg_minimap.getValue();

		// Metal Map
		metalFile = arg_metal.getValue();

		// Grass Map
		grassFile = arg_grass.getValue();

		// Feature List
		featuresFile = arg_features.getValue();

	} catch ( ArgException &e ) {
		cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << endl;
		exit( -1 );

	// Test arguments for validity before continuing //
	if ( width < 2 || width > 256 || width % 2 ) {
		if( !quiet )cout << "ERROR: Width needs to be multiples of 2 between and including 2 and 64" << endl;
		fail = true;
	if ( length < 2 || length > 256 || length % 2 ) {
		if( !quiet )cout << "ERROR: Length needs to be multiples of 2 between and including 2 and 64" << endl;
		fail = true;

	if(decompile && !strcmp(loadFile.c_str(), "")) {
		fail = true;
		if( !quiet )cout << "ERROR: no file specified to decompile" << endl;

	if( fail ) exit(-1);

	// Globals //
	SMF smf;
	smf.verbose = verbose;
	smf.quiet = quiet;
	smf.slowcomp = slowcomp;
	smf.invert = invert;

	// Load file 
	if(strcmp(loadFile.c_str(), ""))smf.load(loadFile);

	// decompile loaded file

	// Change attributes
	smf.setDimensions(width, length, floor, ceiling);

	if( strcmp(heightFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setHeightFile( heightFile );
	if( strcmp(typeFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setTypeFile( typeFile );
	if( strcmp(minimapFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setMinimapFile( minimapFile );
	if( strcmp(metalFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setMetalFile( metalFile );
	if( strcmp(tilemapFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setTilemapFile(tilemapFile );
	if( strcmp(featuresFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setFeaturesFile( featuresFile );

	if( strcmp(grassFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.setGrassFile(grassFile);
	if( !strcmp(grassFile.c_str(), "") ) smf.unsetGrassFile();

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tileFiles.size(); ++i ) {
	if( strcmp(saveFile.c_str(), "") )smf.save( saveFile );
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SMFWriter::save( const QString& sFilename, Song *pSong )
	INFOLOG( "save" );
	const int DRUM_CHANNEL = 9;

	vector<SMFEvent*> eventList;

	SMF smf;

	// Standard MIDI format 1 files should have the first track being the tempo map
	// which is a track that contains global meta events only.
	SMFTrack *pTrack0 = new SMFTrack();
	pTrack0->addEvent( new SMFCopyRightNoticeMetaEvent( pSong->__author , 0 ) );
	pTrack0->addEvent( new SMFTrackNameMetaEvent( pSong->__name , 0 ) );
	pTrack0->addEvent( new SMFSetTempoMetaEvent( pSong->__bpm , 0 ) );
	pTrack0->addEvent( new SMFTimeSignatureMetaEvent( 4 , 4 , 24 , 8 , 0 ) );
	smf.addTrack( pTrack0 );

	// Standard MIDI Format 1 files should have note events in tracks =>2
	SMFTrack *pTrack1 = new SMFTrack();
	smf.addTrack( pTrack1 );

	AutomationPath *vp = pSong->get_velocity_automation_path();

	InstrumentList *iList = pSong->get_instrument_list();
	// ogni pattern sara' una diversa traccia
	int nTick = 1;
	for ( unsigned nPatternList = 0 ;
		  nPatternList < pSong->get_pattern_group_vector()->size() ;
		  nPatternList++ ) {
		// infoLog( "[save] pattern list pos: " + toString( nPatternList ) );
		PatternList *pPatternList =
			( *(pSong->get_pattern_group_vector()) )[ nPatternList ];

		int nStartTicks = nTick;
		int nMaxPatternLength = 0;
		for ( unsigned nPattern = 0 ;
			  nPattern < pPatternList->size() ;
			  nPattern++ ) {
			Pattern *pPattern = pPatternList->get( nPattern );
			// infoLog( "      |-> pattern: " + pPattern->getName() );
			if ( ( int )pPattern->get_length() > nMaxPatternLength ) {
				nMaxPatternLength = pPattern->get_length();

			for ( unsigned nNote = 0; nNote < pPattern->get_length(); nNote++ ) {
				const Pattern::notes_t* notes = pPattern->get_notes();
				FOREACH_NOTE_CST_IT_BOUND(notes,it,nNote) {
					Note *pNote = it->second;
					if ( pNote ) {
						float rnd = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
						if ( pNote->get_probability() < rnd ) {

						float fPos = nPatternList + (float)nNote/(float)nMaxPatternLength;
						float velocity_adjustment = vp->get_value(fPos);
						int nVelocity =
							(int)( 127.0 * pNote->get_velocity() * velocity_adjustment );
						int nInstr = iList->index(pNote->get_instrument());
						Instrument *pInstr = pNote->get_instrument();
						int nPitch = pNote->get_midi_key();
							new SMFNoteOnEvent(
								nStartTicks + nNote,
						int nLength = 12;
						if ( pNote->get_length() != -1 ) {
							nLength = pNote->get_length();
							new SMFNoteOffEvent(
								nStartTicks + nNote + nLength,
		nTick += nMaxPatternLength;
Ejemplo n.º 5
main( int argc, char **argv )
    // == temporary/global variables
    SMF *smf = nullptr;
    SMT *smt = nullptr;
    bool force = false;
    uint32_t mapWidth = 0, mapLength = 0;
    string outFileName;
    fstream tempFile;
    uint32_t tileSize = 32;
    float mapFloor = 0.01f, mapCeiling = 1.0f;

    // Options Parsing
    // ===============
    bool fail = false;
    argc -= (argc > 0); argv += (argc > 0);
    option::Stats stats( usage, argc, argv );
    option::Option* options = new option::Option[ stats.options_max ];
    option::Option* buffer = new option::Option[ stats.buffer_max ];
    option::Parser parse( usage, argc, argv, options, buffer );

    // unknown options
    for( option::Option* opt = options[ UNKNOWN ]; opt; opt = opt->next() ){
        LOG( ERROR ) << "Unknown option: " << string( opt->name, opt->namelen );
        fail = true;

    // -h --help
    if( options[ HELP ] || argc == 0 ){
        int columns = getenv( "COLUMNS" ) ? atoi( getenv( "COLUMNS" ) ) : 80;
        option::printUsage( std::cout, usage, columns );
        exit( 1 );

    // -v --verbose
    LOG::SetDefaultLoggerLevel( LOG::WARN );
    if( options[ VERBOSE ] )
        LOG::SetDefaultLoggerLevel( LOG::INFO );

    // -q --quiet
    if( options[ QUIET ] )
        LOG::SetDefaultLoggerLevel( LOG::CHECK );

    // -o --output filename
    if( options[ OUTPUT ] ) outFileName = options[ OUTPUT ].arg;
    else outFileName = "output.smf";

    // -f --force
    if( options[ FORCE ] ){
        force = true;

    // --mapsize
    if( options[ MAPSIZE ] ){
        std::tie( mapWidth, mapLength ) = valxval( options[ MAPSIZE ].arg );
        if( mapWidth % 2 || mapLength % 2 ){
            LOG( ERROR ) << "map sizes must be multiples of two";
            fail = true;
    if( (! mapWidth || ! mapLength) && (! options[ TILEMAP ]) ){
        //FIXME dont error here, check first if a tilefile is specified.
        LOG( ERROR ) << "--mapsize not specified";
        fail = true;

    //TODO add squarewidth
    //TODO add texels

    // --tilesize
    // take the tilesize from the first smt added
    if( parse.nonOptionsCount() ){
        CHECK( SMT::test( parse.nonOption( 0 ) ) )
                << " additional arguments are not smt files";
        smt = SMT::open( parse.nonOption( 0 ) );
        tileSize = smt->tileSize;
        delete smt;
        smt = nullptr;
    // take the tilesize from the arguments
    if( options[ TILESIZE ] ){
        tileSize = atoi( options[ TILESIZE ].arg );
    if( tileSize % 4 ){
        LOG( ERROR ) << "tile size must be a multiple of 4";
        fail = true;

    // -y --floor
    if( options[ FLOOR ] ){
        mapFloor = atof( options[ FLOOR ].arg );

    // -Y --ceiling
    if( options[ CEILING ] ){
        mapCeiling = atof( options[ CEILING ].arg );

    // --tilemap
    SMF *smfTemp = nullptr;
    TileMap *tileMap = nullptr;
    if( options[ TILEMAP ] ){
        if( SMF::test( options[ TILEMAP ].arg ) ){
            smfTemp = SMF::open( options[ TILEMAP ].arg );
            tileMap = smfTemp->getMap();
            delete smfTemp;
        else {
            tileMap = TileMap::createCSV( options[ TILEMAP ].arg );

    // Fix up map height and length to match tile source, and smt files.
    if( tileMap != nullptr ){
        int diffuseWidth = tileSize * tileMap->width;
        int diffuseHeight = tileSize * tileMap->height;
        if( diffuseWidth % 1024 || diffuseHeight % 1024){
            LOG( ERROR ) << "(tileMap * tileSize) % 1024 != 0,"
                "supplied arguments do not construct a valid map";
            fail = true;
        mapWidth = diffuseWidth / 512;
        mapLength = diffuseHeight / 512;
        LOG( INFO ) << "Checking input dimensions"
            << "\n\ttileMap:  " << tileMap->width << "x" << tileMap->height
            << "\n\ttileSize: " << tileSize << "x" << tileSize
            << "\n\tdiffuse=  " << diffuseWidth << "x" << diffuseHeight
            << "\n\tmapSize=  " << mapWidth << "x" << mapLength;

    //TODO collect feature information from the command line.

    // end option parsing
    if( fail || parse.error() ){
        exit( 1 );

    // == lets do it! ==
    if(! (smf = SMF::create( outFileName, force )) ){
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create: " << outFileName;

    // == Information Collection ==
    // === header information ===
    // * width & length
    smf->setSize( mapWidth, mapLength );

    // * squareWidth
    // TODO
    // * squareTexels
    // TODO

    // * tileSize
    smf->setTileSize( tileSize );

    // * floor & ceiling
    smf->setDepth( mapFloor, mapCeiling );

    // === extra header information ===
    // * enable grass
    if( options[ GRASS ] ){

    // map header and smt files
    // * add smt files
    for( int i = 0; i < parse.nonOptionsCount(); ++i ){
        smf->addTileFile( parse.nonOption( i ) );

    // features
    // * add features
    if( options[ FEATURES ] ){
        smf->addFeatures( options[ FEATURES ].arg );

    // == calculate remaining file properties ==

    // == Write ==
    // header

    // extra headers

    // height
    if( options[ HEIGHT ] ){
        ImageBuf heightBuf( options[ HEIGHT ].arg );
        smf->writeHeight( &heightBuf );
    else {

    // type
    if( options[ TYPE ] ){
        ImageBuf typeBuf( options[ TYPE ].arg );
        smf->writeType( &typeBuf );
    else {

    // map header
    // map smt's

    // tilemap
    smf->writeMap( tileMap );

    // minimap
    if( options[ MINI ] ){
        ImageBuf miniBuf( options[ MINI ].arg );
        smf->writeMini( &miniBuf );
    else {

    // metalmap
    if( options[ METAL ] ){
        ImageBuf metalBuf( options[ METAL ].arg );
        smf->writeMetal( &metalBuf );
    else {

    // features

    // grass
    if( options[ GRASS ] ){
        ImageBuf grassBuf( options[ GRASS ].arg );
        smf->writeGrass( &grassBuf );

    LOG(INFO) << smf->info();

    delete smf;
    delete [] options;
    delete [] buffer;
    return 0;