void STK_ExodusReaderFactory::registerSidesets(STK_Interface & mesh,stk::io::MeshData & meshData) const
   using Teuchos::RCP;

   RCP<stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData> metaData = mesh.getMetaData();
   const stk::mesh::PartVector & parts = metaData->get_parts();

   stk::mesh::PartVector::const_iterator partItr;
   for(partItr=parts.begin();partItr!=parts.end();++partItr) {
      const stk::mesh::Part * part = *partItr;
      const stk::mesh::PartVector & subsets = part->subsets();
      // const CellTopologyData * ct = stk::mesh::fem::get_cell_topology(*part).getCellTopologyData();
      const CellTopologyData * ct = metaData->get_cell_topology(*part).getCellTopologyData();

      // if a side part ==> this is a sideset: now storage is recursive
      // on part contains all sub parts with consistent topology
      if(part->primary_entity_rank()==mesh.getSideRank() && ct==0 && subsets.size()>0) {
                            "STK_ExodusReaderFactory::registerSidesets error - part \"" << part->name() << 
                            "\" has more than one subset"); 

         // grab cell topology and name of subset part
         const stk::mesh::Part * ss_part = subsets[0];
         // const CellTopologyData * ss_ct = stk::mesh::fem::get_cell_topology(*ss_part).getCellTopologyData();
         const CellTopologyData * ss_ct = metaData->get_cell_topology(*ss_part).getCellTopologyData();
         // only add subset parts that have no topology
void STK_ExodusReaderFactory::completeMeshConstruction(STK_Interface & mesh,stk::ParallelMachine parallelMach) const

   using Teuchos::RCP;
   using Teuchos::rcp;

   if(not mesh.isInitialized())

   // grab mesh data pointer to build the bulk data
   stk::mesh::MetaData & metaData = stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get_meta_data(*mesh.getMetaData());
   stk::io::MeshData * meshData = 
         const_cast<stk::io::MeshData *>(metaData.get_attribute<stk::io::MeshData>());
         // if const_cast is wrong ... why does it feel so right?
         // I believe this is safe since we are basically hiding this object under the covers
         // until the mesh construction can be completed...below I cleanup the object myself.
      // remove the MeshData attribute

   RCP<stk::mesh::BulkData> bulkData = mesh.getBulkData();

   // build mesh bulk data
   stk::io::populate_bulk_data(*bulkData, *meshData);

   // put in a negative index and (like python) the restart will be from the back
   // (-1 is the last time step)
   int restartIndex = restartIndex_;
   if(restartIndex<0) {
     std::pair<int,double> lastTimeStep = meshData->m_input_region->get_max_time();
     restartIndex = 1+restartIndex+lastTimeStep.first;

   // populate mesh fields with specific index


   if(restartIndex>0) // process_input_request is a no-op if restartIndex<=0 ... thus there would be no inital time
      mesh.setInitialStateTime(0.0); // no initial time to speak, might as well use 0.0

   // clean up mesh data object
   delete meshData;

   // calls Stk_MeshFactory::rebalance
void STK_ExodusReaderFactory::registerElementBlocks(STK_Interface & mesh,stk::io::MeshData & meshData) const 
   using Teuchos::RCP;

   RCP<stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData> femMetaData = mesh.getMetaData();

   // here we use the Ioss interface because they don't add
   // "bonus" element blocks and its easier to determine
   // "real" element blocks versus STK-only blocks
   const Ioss::ElementBlockContainer & elem_blocks = meshData.m_input_region->get_element_blocks();
   for(Ioss::ElementBlockContainer::const_iterator itr=elem_blocks.begin();itr!=elem_blocks.end();++itr) {
      Ioss::GroupingEntity * entity = *itr;
      const std::string & name = entity->name(); 

      const stk::mesh::Part * part = femMetaData->get_part(name);
      const CellTopologyData * ct = femMetaData->get_cell_topology(*part).getCellTopologyData();

void STK_ExodusReaderFactory::registerNodesets(STK_Interface & mesh,stk::io::MeshData & meshData) const
   using Teuchos::RCP;

   RCP<stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData> metaData = mesh.getMetaData();
   const stk::mesh::PartVector & parts = metaData->get_parts();

   stk::mesh::PartVector::const_iterator partItr;
   for(partItr=parts.begin();partItr!=parts.end();++partItr) {
      const stk::mesh::Part * part = *partItr;
      const CellTopologyData * ct = metaData->get_cell_topology(*part).getCellTopologyData();

      // if a side part ==> this is a sideset: now storage is recursive
      // on part contains all sub parts with consistent topology
      if(part->primary_entity_rank()==mesh.getNodeRank() && ct==0) {

         // only add subset parts that have no topology
void STK_ExodusReaderFactory::completeMeshConstruction(STK_Interface & mesh,stk_classic::ParallelMachine parallelMach) const

   using Teuchos::RCP;
   using Teuchos::rcp;

   if(not mesh.isInitialized())

   // grab mesh data pointer to build the bulk data
   stk_classic::mesh::MetaData & metaData = stk_classic::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get_meta_data(*mesh.getMetaData());
   stk_classic::io::MeshData * meshData = 
         const_cast<stk_classic::io::MeshData *>(metaData.get_attribute<stk_classic::io::MeshData>());
         // if const_cast is wrong ... why does it feel so right?
         // I believe this is safe since we are basically hiding this object under the covers
         // until the mesh construction can be completed...below I cleanup the object myself.
      // remove the MeshData attribute

   RCP<stk_classic::mesh::BulkData> bulkData = mesh.getBulkData();

   // build mesh bulk data
   stk_classic::io::populate_bulk_data(*bulkData, *meshData);

   // The following section of code is applicable if mesh scaling is
   // turned on from the input file.
   if (userMeshScaling_)
     stk_classic::mesh::Field<double,stk_classic::mesh::Cartesian>* coord_field =
       metaData.get_field<stk_classic::mesh::Field<double, stk_classic::mesh::Cartesian> >("coordinates");

     std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::Bucket*> const all_node_buckets =

     stk_classic::mesh::Selector select_all_local = metaData.locally_owned_part() | metaData.globally_shared_part();
     std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::Bucket*> my_node_buckets;
     stk_classic::mesh::get_buckets(select_all_local, all_node_buckets, my_node_buckets);

     int mesh_dim = mesh.getDimension();

     // Scale the mesh
     for (size_t i=0; i < my_node_buckets.size(); ++i)
       stk_classic::mesh::Bucket& b = *(my_node_buckets[i]);
       stk_classic::mesh::BucketArray<stk_classic::mesh::Field<double,stk_classic::mesh::Cartesian> > 
         coordinate_data(*coord_field, b);

       for (size_t j=0; j < b.size(); ++j) {

         int index = j;

         double inv_msf = 1.0/meshScaleFactor_;
         for (int k=0; k < mesh_dim; ++k)
           coordinate_data(k, index) = coordinate_data(k, index) * inv_msf;


   // put in a negative index and (like python) the restart will be from the back
   // (-1 is the last time step)
   int restartIndex = restartIndex_;
   if(restartIndex<0) {
     std::pair<int,double> lastTimeStep = meshData->m_input_region->get_max_time();
     restartIndex = 1+restartIndex+lastTimeStep.first;

   // populate mesh fields with specific index


   if(restartIndex>0) // process_input_request is a no-op if restartIndex<=0 ... thus there would be no inital time
      mesh.setInitialStateTime(0.0); // no initial time to speak, might as well use 0.0

   // clean up mesh data object
   delete meshData;

   // calls Stk_MeshFactory::rebalance
std::pair<Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<std::size_t> >,
          Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<Teuchos::Tuple<double,3> > > >
getLocalSideIdsAndCoords(const STK_Interface & mesh,
                         const std::string & sideName, const std::string type_)
   unsigned physicalDim = mesh.getDimension();
   Teuchos::RCP<stk::mesh::MetaData> metaData = mesh.getMetaData();
   Teuchos::RCP<stk::mesh::BulkData> bulkData = mesh.getBulkData();

   // grab nodes owned by requested side
   std::stringstream ss;
   ss << "Can't find part=\"" << sideName << "\"" << std::endl;
   stk::mesh::Part * side = metaData->get_part(sideName,ss.str().c_str());
   stk::mesh::Selector mySides = (*side) & metaData->locally_owned_part();

   stk::mesh::EntityRank rank;
   const STK_Interface::VectorFieldType * field = 0;
   unsigned int offset = 0;
   if(type_ == "coord"){
     rank = mesh.getNodeRank();
     field = & mesh.getCoordinatesField();
   } else if(type_ == "edge"){
     rank = mesh.getEdgeRank();
     field = & mesh.getEdgesField();
     offset = mesh.getMaxEntityId(mesh.getNodeRank());
   } else if(type_ == "face"){
     rank = mesh.getFaceRank();
     field = & mesh.getFacesField();
     offset = mesh.getMaxEntityId(mesh.getNodeRank())+mesh.getMaxEntityId(mesh.getEdgeRank());
   } else {
     ss << "Can't do BCs of type " << type_  << std::endl;
     TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true,std::runtime_error, ss.str())

   std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*> const& nodeBuckets =
     bulkData->get_buckets(rank, mySides);

   // build id vector
   std::size_t nodeCount = 0;
   for(std::size_t b=0;b<nodeBuckets.size();b++)
      nodeCount += nodeBuckets[b]->size();

   Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<std::size_t> > sideIds
      = Teuchos::rcp(new std::vector<std::size_t>(nodeCount));
   Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<Teuchos::Tuple<double,3> > > sideCoords
      = Teuchos::rcp(new std::vector<Teuchos::Tuple<double,3> >(nodeCount));

   // loop over node buckets
   for(std::size_t b=0,index=0;b<nodeBuckets.size();b++) {
      stk::mesh::Bucket & bucket = *nodeBuckets[b];
      double const* array = stk::mesh::field_data(*field, bucket);

      for(std::size_t n=0;n<bucket.size();n++,index++) {
         (*sideIds)[index] = bulkData->identifier(bucket[n]) + offset;
         Teuchos::Tuple<double,3> & coord = (*sideCoords)[index];

         // copy coordinates into multi vector
         for(std::size_t d=0;d<physicalDim;d++)
            coord[d] = array[physicalDim*n + d];

   return std::make_pair(sideIds,sideCoords);