Ejemplo n.º 1
SUOffscreen *PTPatternView::BWPatternToOffscreen( const Pattern &inPattern )
	StSaveGWorld	save1;
	CTabHandle		theTable = nil;
	SUOffscreen		*theBuffer = nil;
		theTable = SUColorUtils::GetColorTable( 1 );
		theBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( DefaultPatternWidth, DefaultPatternHeight, 1, theTable );
		//theBuffer->AssignPalette( theTable );		
			Rect		r;
			::SetRect( &r, 0, 0, DefaultPatternWidth, DefaultPatternHeight );
			::PenPat( &inPattern );
			::PaintRect( &r );
	catch( ... )
		if ( theBuffer ) delete( theBuffer );
		if ( theTable ) ::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	if ( theTable ) ::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	return( theBuffer );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PTPaintSelection::SetSelection( PTPaintSelection *inSource )
	if ( inSource->IsEmpty() )
		SUOffscreen 		*sourceBuffer = inSource->mSelectionBuffer;
		mSelectionBuffer = sourceBuffer->CreateSimilarOffscreen( false );
		mSelectionBuffer->CopyFrom( sourceBuffer );
		this->SetRawSelection( inSource->GetRegion() );
	catch( ... )
		this->SelectNone();		// if an error occurs, force no selection or things get weird
Ejemplo n.º 3
void PTCursorView::ParseBWCursor( RFMap *inMap, ResIDT inResID,
						SUOffscreen **outBW, SUOffscreen **outMask, 
						Point *outHotSpot )
	CursHandle		h = nil;
	SUOffscreen		*bw = nil, *mask = nil;
			get the raw resource handle
		RFResource *theRes = inMap->FindResource( ImageType_Cursor, inResID, false );
		ThrowIfNil_( theRes );
		h = (CursHandle) theRes->GetResData();
		ThrowIfNil_( h );
		::HLock( (Handle) h );

			// 2 rowBytes x 16 rows x 2 images + sizeof(Point)
		if ( ::GetHandleSize( (Handle) h ) != BWCursor_Bytes )
			LException::Throw( err_CorruptedResource );
			create the bw bitmap
		bw = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( Cursor_Width, Cursor_Height, 1 );
		ThrowIfMemFail_( bw );
		//bw->AssignPalette( oneBitTable );
		bw->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) &(**h).data, BWCursor_RowBytes );

			create the mask bitmap
		mask = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( Cursor_Width, Cursor_Height, 1 );
		ThrowIfMemFail_( bw );
		mask->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) &(**h).mask, BWCursor_RowBytes );

			and return stuff to the caller
		*outBW = bw;
		*outMask = mask;
		*outHotSpot = (**h).hotSpot;
	catch( ... )
		SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
		if ( bw ) delete ( bw );
		if ( mask ) delete( mask );
	SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void PTRecolorAction::DoIt()
	if ( mTable )
		SUOffscreen		*currentBuffer = mSettings.currentBuffer;
			create a new buffer the same size as the image but with
			a depth of 8-bits. use the specified color table as the
			color table.
		SInt32	width = currentBuffer->GetWidth();
		SInt32	height = currentBuffer->GetHeight();
		SUOffscreen *newBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, kRecolorDepth, mTable );

			increase the inverse table size from 4 to 5 bits.
			this gives substantially better color matching.
			Copy the image to the 8-bit buffer to downsample the colors 
			and then back to the original 32-bit one
		newBuffer->CopyFrom( currentBuffer );		
		currentBuffer->CopyFrom( newBuffer );
		delete newBuffer;
			// update the canvas
		mSettings.theCanvas->DrawFrom( currentBuffer );

Ejemplo n.º 5
	Affects only the pixpat, _not_ the black & white pattern.
void PTPatternView::ChangeImageSize( SInt32 inWidth, SInt32 inHeight, Boolean inStretch )
	ThrowIf_( (inWidth < mMinImageWidth) || (inHeight < mMinImageHeight) );
	ThrowIf_( (inWidth > mMaxImageWidth) || (inHeight > mMaxImageHeight) );
	ThrowIf_( mResourceType != ImageType_PixPat );
	ThrowIfNil_( mColorSample );
	ThrowIfNil_( mCurrentImage );
	SInt32			savedWidth = mPixPatWidth;		// in case of error...
	SInt32			savedHeight = mPixPatHeight;
	Boolean			changedSize = true;
	SUOffscreen		*newBuffer = nil;
	Rect			destR;
			create a new buffer -- same depth as current one, but new size
		newBuffer = mCurrentImage->CreateSimilarOffscreen( false, inWidth, inHeight );
			copy the image from the old buffer into the new one
		if ( inStretch )
			::SetRect( &destR, 0, 0, inWidth, inHeight );
			::SetRect( &destR, 0, 0, mCurrentImage->GetWidth(), mCurrentImage->GetHeight() );
		newBuffer->CopyFrom( mCurrentImage, &destR );
			resize the pixpat sample pane
		this->ResizeSampleWell( inWidth, inHeight );
		changedSize = true;
			keep track of the changed size. do this before SetImage() because it
			may call GetZoomFactor.
		mPixPatWidth = inWidth;
		mPixPatHeight = inHeight;

			set the current buffer
			 -- this can trigger all sorts of things (canvas resize, etc)
		this->SetImage( newBuffer, PTResize_All, redraw_Later );
			change the sample pane's buffer.
			 (1) The sample pane will own the buffer after this call (don't delete it)
			 (2) The previous sample pane buffer will be saved away by the PTResizer object
		mColorSample->SetRawBuffer( newBuffer );
	catch( ... )
			restore things to the way they were before we were called
		mPixPatWidth = savedWidth;
		mPixPatHeight = savedHeight;

		if ( changedSize )
			this->ResizeSampleWell( mPixPatWidth, mPixPatHeight );
		delete newBuffer;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void PTPatternView::ParseColorPattern( Handle inPattern, SUOffscreen **outColor,
												SUOffscreen **outBW )
	// See IM V-79 for details

	StSaveGWorld		save1;
	StHandleLocker		save2( inPattern );
	PixPatPtr			p = (PixPatPtr) *inPattern;
	CTabHandle			theTable = nil;
	SUOffscreen			*tempColorBuffer = nil, *colorBuffer = nil, *bwBuffer = nil;

		if ( p->patType != 1 )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageFormat );
			first handle the b&w pattern
		bwBuffer = this->BWPatternToOffscreen( p->pat1Data );

			now the color pattern
		PixMapPtr			theMap = (PixMapPtr)( *inPattern + (SInt32) p->patMap );
		UInt8 *				theData = (UInt8*)( *inPattern + (SInt32) p->patData );
		SInt32				depth = theMap->pixelSize;
		SInt32				width = theMap->bounds.right - theMap->bounds.left;
		SInt32				height = theMap->bounds.bottom - theMap->bounds.top;
		SInt32				rowBytes = theMap->rowBytes & 0x3FFF;		// clear flags
		if ( (depth != 1) && (depth != 2) && (depth != 4) && (depth != 8) )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageDepth );
		if ( (width <= 3) || (width > 64) || (height <= 3) || (height > 64) )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageSize );
		theTable = SUColorUtils::NewColorTableFromPtr( depth, (UInt8*)( *inPattern + (SInt32)theMap->pmTable) );
		tempColorBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, depth, theTable );
		tempColorBuffer->CopyFromRawData( theData, rowBytes );

		// now switch to a 32-bit buffer
		colorBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, 32 );
		colorBuffer->CopyFrom( tempColorBuffer );
	catch( ... )
		delete colorBuffer;
		delete bwBuffer;
		delete tempColorBuffer;
		if ( theTable )
			::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	*outColor = colorBuffer;
	*outBW = bwBuffer;

	if ( theTable )
		::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	delete tempColorBuffer;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void PTPatternView::InitializeFromResource( RFMap *inMap, ResType inResType, ResIDT inResID )
	StSaveGWorld		aSaver;
	StSaveResFile		aSaver2;

	SUOffscreen			*colorImage = nil, *bwImage = nil;
	Handle				h = nil;
		mResourceType = inResType;
			get the raw resource handle
		RFResource *theRes = inMap->FindResource( inResType, inResID, false );
		ThrowIfNil_( theRes );
		h = theRes->GetResData();
		ThrowIfNil_( h );
			draw the pattern(s) into bitmaps
		switch( inResType )
			case ImageType_PixPat:
				this->ParseColorPattern( h, &colorImage, &bwImage );
				mAllowImageResizing = true;
			case ImageType_Pattern:
				this->ParseBWPattern( h, &bwImage );
				LException::Throw( err_UnknownDataType );
			resize the sample well if the color pattern is bigger than 8x8
		if ( colorImage )
			SInt32	width = colorImage->GetWidth();
			SInt32	height = colorImage->GetHeight();
				// save these _now_ because SetImage() will trigger a call to
				// GetZoomFactor()
			mPixPatWidth = width;
			mPixPatHeight = height;
			this->ResizeSampleWell( width, height );
			this->SetImage( colorImage, PTResize_All, redraw_Later );

			mColorSample->SetBuffer( colorImage, redraw_Dont );
			colorImage = nil;		// because it belongs to the sample pane now
			mColorSample->SetTarget( true, redraw_Dont );
			mCurrentSamplePane = mColorSample;
			this->SetImage( bwImage, PTResize_All, redraw_Later );
			mCurrentSamplePane = mBWSample;	
			mBWSample->SetTarget( true, redraw_Dont );
		mBWSample->SetBuffer( bwImage, redraw_Dont );
		bwImage = nil;			// because it belongs to the sample pane now
	catch( ... )
		delete( colorImage );
		delete( bwImage );
		SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
	SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
Ejemplo n.º 8
Boolean PTFamilyView::InitializeOneMember( RFMap *inMap, ResType inResType, ResIDT inResID,
											SInt32 inWidth, SInt32 inHeight, SInt32 inDepth,
											SInt32 inOffset, SInt32 inRowBytes,
											PaneIDT inSamplePaneID, Boolean /* inIsMask */ )
	StSaveResFile 	aSaver;
	SUOffscreen		*theBuffer = nil;
	Boolean			isUsed = false;
		icon families use the standard color table for their depth
	CTabHandle		theTable = SUColorUtils::GetColorTable( inDepth );

			create the offscreen buffer
		theBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( inWidth, inHeight, inDepth, theTable );
			if we have a resource, load the data into the offscreen buffer
		RFResource *theResource = inMap->FindResource( inResType, inResID, false );
		if ( theResource )
			Handle h = theResource->GetResData();
			if ( h )
				::HLock( h );
				theBuffer->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) *h + inOffset, inRowBytes );
				SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
				isUsed = true;

			initialize the sample pane
		PTDraggableTargetBox *thePane = (PTDraggableTargetBox*) this->FindPaneByID( inSamplePaneID );
		ThrowIfNil_( thePane );
		mSamplePaneList[ mNumSamplePanes++ ] = thePane;		
		thePane->SetUsedFlag( isUsed, redraw_Dont );		// true if the resource exists
		thePane->SetBuffer( theBuffer, redraw_Dont );
		theBuffer = nil;									// so we don't delete it below
	catch( ... )
		if ( theBuffer )
			delete theBuffer;
		if ( theTable )
			::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	if ( theTable )
		::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	return( isUsed );
Ejemplo n.º 9

	See description of CCrsr structure above.
void PTCursorView::ParseColorCursor( RFMap *inMap, ResIDT inResID,
						SUOffscreen **outColor, SUOffscreen **outBW, 
						SUOffscreen **outMask, Point *outHotSpot )
	PixMapPtr		cMap;
	SInt32			depth, width, height;
	CTabHandle		theTable = nil;
	SUOffscreen		*cBuffer = nil, *bwBuffer = nil, *maskBuffer = nil, *tempBuffer = nil;
	CCrsrHandle		h = nil;
	UInt8			*p;
			get the raw resource handle
			 -- this isn't the usual way of loading color cursors, so the fields
			 -- will be raw and not filled in (as when GetCCursor is used)
		RFResource *theRes = inMap->FindResource( ImageType_ColorCursor, inResID, false );
		ThrowIfNil_( theRes );
		h = (CCrsrHandle) theRes->GetResData();
		ThrowIfNil_( h );
		::HLock( (Handle) h );
		p = (UInt8*) *h;
			validate the handle a little bit
		if ( (UInt16) (**h).crsrType != (UInt16) 0x8001 )	// cast *is* needed - crsrType is signed
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageFormat );
		if ( ::GetHandleSize( (Handle) h ) < static_cast<Size>(sizeof(CCrsr)) )
			LException::Throw( err_CorruptedResource );
			get some info about the cursor
		cMap = (PixMapPtr) (p + (SInt32) (**h).crsrMap);

		if ( cMap->pixelType != 0 )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageFormat );

		width = cMap->bounds.right - cMap->bounds.left;
		height = cMap->bounds.bottom - cMap->bounds.top;
		depth = cMap->pixelSize;
		if ( (width != Cursor_Width) || (height != Cursor_Height) )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageSize );
		if ( (depth != 1) && (depth != 2) && (depth != 4) && (depth != 8) )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageDepth );
			create the bwBuffer and maskBuffer
		bwBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( Cursor_Width, Cursor_Height, 1 );
		ThrowIfMemFail_( bwBuffer );
		bwBuffer->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) &(**h).crsr1Data, BWCursor_RowBytes );

		maskBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( Cursor_Width, Cursor_Height, 1 );
		ThrowIfMemFail_( maskBuffer );
		maskBuffer->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) &(**h).crsrMask, BWCursor_RowBytes );

			allocate the color table. note that the resource may have a minimal
			color table and QuickDraw doesn't work with anything but a full-sized one.
		if ( cMap->pmTable == 0 )			// probably won't happen, but can't hurt to check
			theTable = SUColorUtils::NewColorTableByDepth( depth );
			theTable = SUColorUtils::NewColorTableFromPtr( depth, p + (SInt32) cMap->pmTable );
			allocate the color bitmap
		tempBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, depth, theTable );
		SInt32	rowBytes = cMap->rowBytes & 0x3FFF;			// clear flag bits
		if ( rowBytes != 0 )
			tempBuffer->CopyFromRawData( p + (SInt32) (**h).crsrData, rowBytes );

			now switch it to a 32-bit offscreen
		cBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, 32 );
		cBuffer->CopyFrom( tempBuffer );
	catch( ... )
		delete maskBuffer;
		delete bwBuffer;
		delete cBuffer;
		delete tempBuffer;
		if ( theTable ) ::DisposeCTable( theTable );
		SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
		// return buffers and info to the caller
	*outColor = cBuffer;
	*outBW = bwBuffer;
	*outMask = maskBuffer;
	*outHotSpot = (**h).crsrHotSpot;

		// don't need the color table because the offscreen makes a copy of it
	if ( theTable ) ::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
	delete tempBuffer;