bool SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff::processIncomingListItemValue(const ListItemType& newItem, unsigned* indexToModify)
    SVGPathSegWithContext* newItemWithContext = static_cast<SVGPathSegWithContext*>(newItem.get());
    SVGAnimatedProperty* animatedPropertyOfItem = newItemWithContext->animatedProperty();

    // Alter the role, after calling animatedProperty(), as that may influence the returned animated property.
    newItemWithContext->setContextAndRole(contextElement(), m_pathSegRole);

    if (!animatedPropertyOfItem)
        return true;

    // newItem belongs to a SVGPathElement, but its associated SVGAnimatedProperty is not an animated list tear off.
    // (for example: "pathElement.pathSegList.appendItem(pathElement.createSVGPathSegClosepath())")
    if (!animatedPropertyOfItem->isAnimatedListTearOff())
        return true;

    // Spec: If newItem is already in a list, it is removed from its previous list before it is inserted into this list.
    // 'newItem' is already living in another list. If it's not our list, synchronize the other lists wrappers after the removal.
    bool livesInOtherList = animatedPropertyOfItem != m_animatedProperty;
    SVGAnimatedPathSegListPropertyTearOff* propertyTearOff = static_cast<SVGAnimatedPathSegListPropertyTearOff*>(animatedPropertyOfItem);
    int indexToRemove = propertyTearOff->findItem(newItem.get());
    ASSERT(indexToRemove != -1);

    // Do not remove newItem if already in this list at the target index.
    if (!livesInOtherList && indexToModify && static_cast<unsigned>(indexToRemove) == *indexToModify)
        return false;

    propertyTearOff->removeItemFromList(indexToRemove, livesInOtherList);

    if (!indexToModify)
        return true;

    // If the item lived in our list, adjust the insertion index.
    if (!livesInOtherList) {
        unsigned& index = *indexToModify;
        // Spec: If the item is already in this list, note that the index of the item to (replace|insert before) is before the removal of the item.
        if (static_cast<unsigned>(indexToRemove) < index)

    return true;