Ejemplo n.º 1
// control all of the tree browsing is in charge of the S_part visit
// it assumes that the score is a partwise score but the strategy could
// equalli work on a timewise score, provided that the jump information
// is consistent across the different parts.
// Jumps are under control of fNextIterator which could be modified by the
// measure visit. Anchor points for future jumps (like segno) are stored
// at S_part level using fStoreIterator pointer.
// visit methods can use the fStoreIterator pointer to store the current iterator
// to any ctree<xmlelement>::literator. Using fStoreDelay allows for delayed stores.
void unrolled_xml_tree_browser::visitStart( S_part& elt)
	// first initializes the iterators used to broswe the tree
	// segno and coda are initialized to the end of the measures list
	fEndIterator = elt->elements().end();
	fSegnoIterator= fCodaIterator = fEndIterator;
	// stores the first measures and makes a provision for the forward repeat location
	ctree<xmlelement>::literator iter = elt->elements().begin();
	fFirstMeasure = fForwardRepeat = iter;
	fStoreIterator = 0;
	fStoreDelay = 0;


	enter(*elt);			// normal visit of the part (pass thru)
	fForward = false;
	// while we're not at the end location (elements().end() is checked for safety reasons only)
	while ((iter != fEndIterator) && (iter != elt->elements().end())) {
		fNextIterator = iter;
		fNextIterator++;				// default value for next iterator is the next measure
		browse(**iter);					// browse the measure
		if (fStoreIterator) {			// check if we need to store the current iterator
			if (fStoreDelay == 0) {
				*fStoreIterator = iter;
				fStoreIterator = 0;
			else fStoreDelay--;			// this is actually a delayed store
		iter = fNextIterator;			// switch to next iterator (which may be changed by the measure visit)
	leave(*elt);			// normal visit of the part (pass thru)
Ejemplo n.º 2
void xml2guidovisitor::visitStart ( S_part& elt )
	partsummary ps;
	xml_tree_browser browser(&ps);

	smartlist<int>::ptr voices = ps.getVoices ();
	int targetStaff = 0xffff;	// initialized to a value we'll unlikely encounter
	bool notesOnly = false;
	rational currentTimeSign (0,1);
	// browse the parts voice by voice: allows to describe voices that spans over several staves
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < voices->size(); i++) {
		int targetVoice = (*voices)[i];
		int mainstaff = ps.getMainStaff(targetVoice);
		if (targetStaff == mainstaff) {
			notesOnly = true;
		else {
			notesOnly = false;
			targetStaff = mainstaff;

		Sguidoelement seq = guidoseq::create();
		push (seq);

		Sguidoelement tag = guidotag::create("staff");
		tag->add (guidoparam::create(fCurrentStaffIndex, false));
		add (tag);

		flushHeader (fHeader);
		flushPartHeader (fPartHeaders[elt->getAttributeValue("id")]);

		xmlpart2guido pv(fGenerateComments, fGenerateStem, fGenerateBars);
		pv.generatePositions (fGeneratePositions);
		xml_tree_browser browser(&pv);
		pv.initialize(seq, targetStaff, fCurrentStaffIndex, targetVoice, notesOnly, currentTimeSign);
		currentTimeSign = pv.getTimeSign();
void midicontextvisitor::visitStart(S_part& elt) {
  fCurrentDate = fLastPosition = fPendingDuration = 0;
  fEndMeasureDate = fEndPartDate = 0;
  fTranspose = 0;
  fDivisions = 1;

  fCurrentPartID = elt->getAttributeValue("id");
  int instrCount = fScoreInstruments.count(fCurrentPartID);
  if (fMidiWriter) {
    multimap<string, scoreInstrument>::iterator start =
    multimap<string, scoreInstrument>::iterator end =
    while (start != end) {