bool Msg3a::gotAllSplitReplies ( ) {

    // if any of the split requests had an error, give up and set m_errno
    // but don't set if for non critical errors like query truncation
    if ( m_errno ) {
        g_errno = m_errno;
        return true;

    // also reset the finalbuf and the oldNumTopDocIds
    if ( m_finalBuf ) {
        mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
        m_finalBuf     = NULL;
        m_finalBufSize = 0;

    // update our estimated total hits
    m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0;

    for ( long i = 0; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
        // get that host that gave us the reply
        //Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
        // . get the reply from multicast
        // . multicast should have destroyed all slots, but saved reply
        // . we are responsible for freeing the reply
        // . we need to call this even if g_errno or m_errno is
        //   set so we can free the replies in Msg3a::reset()
        // . if we don't call getBestReply() on it multicast should
        //   free it, because Multicast::m_ownReadBuf is still true
        Multicast *m = &m_mcast[i];
        bool freeit = false;
        long  replySize = 0;
        long  replyMaxSize;
        char *rbuf;
        Msg39Reply *mr;
        // . only get it if the reply not already full
        // . if reply already processed, skip
        // . perhaps it had no more docids to give us or all termlists
        //   were exhausted on its disk and this is a re-call
        // . we have to re-process it for count m_numTotalEstHits, etc.
        rbuf = m->getBestReply ( &replySize    ,
                                 &replyMaxSize ,
                                 &freeit       ,
                                 true          ); //stealIt?
        // cast it
        mr = (Msg39Reply *)rbuf;
        // in case of mem leak, re-label from "mcast" to this so we
        // can determine where it came from, "Msg3a-GBR"
        relabel( rbuf, replyMaxSize , "Msg3a-GBR" );
        // . we must be able to free it... we must own it
        // . this is true if we should free it, but we should not have
        //   to free it since it is owned by the slot?
        if ( freeit ) {
            log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Steal failed.");
            char *xx = NULL;
        // bad reply?
        if ( ! mr ) {
            log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Bad NULL reply.");
            m_reply       [i] = NULL;
            m_replyMaxSize[i] = 0;
            // it might have been timd out, just ignore it!!
            // if size is 0 it can be Msg39 giving us an error!
            g_errno = EBADREPLYSIZE;
            m_errno = EBADREPLYSIZE;
            // all reply buffers should be freed on reset()
            return true;
        // how did this happen?
        if ( replySize < 29 && ! mr->m_errno ) {
            // if size is 0 it can be Msg39 giving us an error!
            g_errno = EBADREPLYSIZE;
            m_errno = EBADREPLYSIZE;
            log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Bad reply size of %li.",
            // all reply buffers should be freed on reset()
            return true;

        // can this be non-null? we shouldn't be overwriting one
        // without freeing it...
        if ( m_reply[i] )
            // note the mem leak now
            log("query: mem leaking a 0x39 reply");

        // cast it and set it
        m_reply       [i] = mr;
        m_replyMaxSize[i] = replyMaxSize;
        // deserialize it (just sets the ptr_ and size_ member vars)
        //mr->deserialize ( );
        deserializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg39Reply) ,
                         mr->m_buf );

        // sanity check
        if ( mr->m_nqt != m_q->getNumTerms() ) {
            g_errno = EBADREPLY;
            m_errno = EBADREPLY;
            log("query: msg3a: Split reply qterms=%li != %li.",
                (long)mr->m_nqt,(long)m_q->getNumTerms() );
            return true;
        // return if split had an error, but not for a non-critical
        // error like query truncation
        if ( mr->m_errno && mr->m_errno != EQUERYTRUNCATED ) {
            g_errno = mr->m_errno;
            m_errno = mr->m_errno;
            log("query: msg3a: Split had error: %s",
            return true;
        // skip down here if reply was already set
        // add of the total hits from each split, this is how many
        // total results the lastest split is estimated to be able to
        // return
        // . THIS should now be exact since we read all termlists
        //   of posdb...
        m_numTotalEstimatedHits += mr->m_estimatedHits;

        // debug log stuff
        if ( ! m_debug ) continue;
        // cast these for printing out
        long long *docIds    = (long long *)mr->ptr_docIds;
        score_t   *scores    = (score_t   *)mr->ptr_scores;
        // print out every docid in this split reply
        for ( long j = 0; j < mr->m_numDocIds ; j++ ) {
            // print out score_t
            logf( LOG_DEBUG,
                  "query: msg3a: [%lu] %03li) "
                  "split=%li docId=%012llu domHash=0x%02lx "
                  "score=%lu"                     ,
                  (unsigned long)this                      ,
                  j                                        ,
                  i                                        ,
                  docIds [j] ,
                  (long)scores[j] );

    // this seems to always return true!
    mergeLists ( );

    if ( ! m_r->m_useSeoResultsCache ) return true;

    // now cache the reply
    SafeBuf cr;
    long dataSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + m_numDocIds * (8+4+4);
    long need = sizeof(key_t) + 4 + dataSize;
    bool status = cr.reserve ( need );
    // sanity
    if ( ( m_ckey.n0 & 0x01 ) == 0x00 ) {
        char *xx=NULL;
    // ignore errors
    g_errno = 0;
    // return on error with g_errno cleared if cache add failed
    if ( ! status ) return true;
    // add to buf otherwise
    cr.safeMemcpy ( &m_ckey , sizeof(key_t) );
    cr.safeMemcpy ( &dataSize , 4 );
    long now = getTimeGlobal();
    cr.pushLong ( now );
    cr.pushLong ( m_numDocIds );
    cr.pushLong ( m_numTotalEstimatedHits );//Results );
    long max = m_numDocIds;
    // then the docids
    for ( long i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
        cr.pushLongLong(m_docIds[i] );
    for ( long i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
    for ( long i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
    // sanity
    if ( cr.length() != need ) {
        char *xx=NULL;
    // make these
    key_t startKey;
    key_t endKey;
    startKey = m_ckey;
    // clear delbit
    startKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
    // end key is us
    endKey = m_ckey;
    // that is the single record
    m_seoCacheList.set ( cr.getBufStart() ,
                         cr.getBufStart(), // alloc
                         cr.getCapacity(), // alloc size
                         (char *)&startKey,
                         (char *)&endKey,
                         -1, // fixeddatasize
                         true, // owndata?
                         false,// use half keys?
                         sizeof(key_t) );
    // do not allow cr to free it, msg1 will
    // note it
    //log("seopipe: storing ckey=%s q=%s"
    //    ,KEYSTR(&m_ckey,12)
    //    ,m_r->ptr_query
    //    );
    //log("msg1: sending niceness=%li",(long)m_r->m_niceness);
    // this will often block, but who cares!? it just sends a request off
    if ( ! m_msg1.addList ( &m_seoCacheList ,
                            this, // state
                            gotSerpdbReplyWrapper, // callback
                            false, // forcelocal?
                            m_r->m_niceness ) ) {
        return false;

    // we can safely delete m_msg17... just return true
    return true;
// . when user clicks 'begin' in import page we come here..
// . so when that parm changes in Parms.cpp we sense that and call
//   beginImport(CollectionRec *cr)
// . or on startup we call resumeImports to check each coll for 
//   an import in progress.
// . search for files named titledb*.dat
// . if none found just return
// . when msg7 inject competes it calls this
// . call this from sleep wrapper in Process.cpp
// . returns false if would block (outstanding injects), true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool ImportState::importLoop ( ) {

	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );

	if ( ! cr || g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 ) { 
		// if coll was deleted!
		log("import: collnum %li deleted while importing into",
		//if ( m_numOut > m_numIn ) return true;
		// delete the entire import state i guess
		// what happens if we have a msg7 reply come back in?
		// it should see the collrec is NULL and just fail.
		mdelete ( this, sizeof(ImportState) , "impstate");
		delete (this);
		return true;


	// stop if waiting on outstanding injects
	long long out = m_numOut - m_numIn;
	if ( out >= cr->m_numImportInjects ) {
		g_errno = 0;
		return false;

	if ( ! cr->m_importEnabled ) {
		// wait for all to return
		if ( out > 0 ) return false;
		// then delete it
		log("import: collnum %li import loop disabled",
		mdelete ( this, sizeof(ImportState) , "impstate");
		delete (this);
		return true;

	// scan each titledb file scanning titledb0001.dat first,
	// titledb0003.dat second etc.

	//long long offset = -1;
	// . when offset is too big for current m_bigFile file then
	//   we go to the next and set offset to 0.
	// . sets m_bf and m_fileOffset
	if ( ! setCurrentTitleFileAndOffset ( ) ) {//cr  , -1 );
		log("import: import: no files to read");
		//goto INJECTLOOP;
		return true;

	// this is -1 if none remain!
	if ( m_fileOffset == -1 ) {
		log("import: import fileoffset is -1. done.");
		return true;

	long long saved = m_fileOffset;

	//Msg7 *msg7;
	//GigablastRequest *gr;
	//SafeBuf *sbuf = NULL;

	long need = 12;
	long dataSize = -1;
	//XmlDoc xd;
	key_t tkey;
	bool status;
	SafeBuf tmp;
	SafeBuf *sbuf = &tmp;
	long long docId;
	long shardNum;
	long key;
	Multicast *mcast;
	char *req;
	long reqSize;

	if ( m_fileOffset >= m_bfFileSize ) {
		log("inject: import: done processing file %li %s",
		goto nextFile;
	// read in title rec key and data size
	status = ( &tkey, sizeof(key_t) , m_fileOffset );
	//if ( n != 12 ) goto nextFile;
	if ( g_errno ) {
		log("inject: import: reading file error: %s. advancing "
		    "to next file",mstrerror(g_errno));
		goto nextFile;

	m_fileOffset += 12;

	// if negative key, skip
	if ( (tkey.n0 & 0x01) == 0 ) {

	// if non-negative then read in size
	status = ( &dataSize , 4 , m_fileOffset );
	if ( g_errno ) {
		log("main: failed to read in title rec "
		    "file. %s. Skipping file %s",
		goto nextFile;
	m_fileOffset += 4;
	need += 4;
	need += dataSize;
	need += 4; // collnum, first 4 bytes
	if ( dataSize < 0 || dataSize > 500000000 ) {
		log("main: could not scan in titledb rec of "
		    "corrupt dataSize of %li. BAILING ENTIRE "
		    "SCAN of file %s",dataSize,m_bf.getFilename());
		goto nextFile;

	//gr = &msg7->m_gr;

	//XmlDoc *xd = getAvailXmlDoc();
	//msg7 = getAvailMsg7();
	mcast = getAvailMulticast();

	// if none, must have to wait for some to come back to us
	if ( ! mcast ) {
		// restore file offset
		//m_fileOffset = saved;
		// no, must have been a oom or something
		log("import: import no mcast available");
		return true;//false;
	// this is for holding a compressed titlerec
	//sbuf = &mcast->m_sbuf;//&gr->m_sbuf;

	// point to start of buf

	// ensure we have enough room
	sbuf->reserve ( need );

	// collnum first 4 bytes
	sbuf->pushLong( (long)m_collnum );

	// store title key
	sbuf->safeMemcpy ( &tkey , sizeof(key_t) );

	// then datasize if any. neg rec will have -1 datasize
	if ( dataSize >= 0 ) 
		sbuf->pushLong ( dataSize );

	// then read data rec itself into it, compressed titlerec part
	if ( dataSize > 0 ) {
		// read in the titlerec after the key/datasize
		status = ( sbuf->getBuf() ,
				     dataSize ,
				     m_fileOffset );
		if ( g_errno ) { // n != dataSize ) {
			log("main: failed to read in title rec "
			    "file. %s. Skipping file %s",
			// essentially free up this msg7 now
			//msg7->m_inUse = false;
			goto nextFile;
		// advance
		m_fileOffset += dataSize;
		// it's good, count it
		sbuf->m_length += dataSize;

	// set xmldoc from the title rec
	//xd->set ( sbuf.getBufStart() );
	//xd->m_masterState = NULL;
	//xd->m_masterCallback ( titledbInjectLoop );

	// we use this so we know where the doc we are injecting
	// was in the foregien titledb file. so we can update our bookmark
	// code.
	mcast->m_hackFileOff = saved;//m_fileOffset;
	mcast->m_hackFileId  = m_bfFileId;

	// inject a title rec buf this time, we are doing an import
	//gr->m_titleRecBuf = &sbuf;

	// break it down into gw
	// xd.set2 ( sbuf.getBufStart() ,
	// 	  sbuf.length() , // max size
	// 	  cr->m_coll, // use our coll
	// 	  NULL , // pbuf for page parser
	// 	  1 , // niceness
	// 	  NULL ); //sreq );

	// // note it
	// log("import: importing %s",xd.m_firstUrl.getUrl());

	// now we can set gr for the injection
	// TODO: inject the whole "sbuf" so we get sitenuminlinks etc
	// all exactly the same...
	// gr->m_url = xd.getFirstUrl()->getUrl();
	// gr->m_queryToScrape = NULL;
	// gr->m_contentDelim = 0;
	// gr->m_contentTypeStr = g_contentTypeStrings [xd.m_contentType];
	// gr->m_contentFile = NULL;
	// gr->m_content = xd.ptr_utf8Content;
	// gr->m_diffbotReply = NULL;
	// gr->m_injectLinks = false;
	// gr->m_spiderLinks = true;
	// gr->m_shortReply = false;
	// gr->m_newOnly = false;
	// gr->m_deleteUrl = false;
	// gr->m_recycle = true; // recycle content? or sitelinks?
	// gr->m_dedup = false;
	// gr->m_hasMime = false;
	// gr->m_doConsistencyTesting = false;
	// gr->m_getSections = false;
	// gr->m_gotSections = false;
	// gr->m_charset = xd.m_charset;
	// gr->m_hopCount = xd.m_hopCount;

	// point to next doc in the titledb file
	//m_fileOffset += need;

	// get docid from key
	docId = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( &tkey );

	// get shard that holds the titlerec for it
	shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumFromDocId ( docId );

	// for selecting which host in the shard receives it
	key = (long)docId;


	// then index it. master callback will be called
	//if ( ! xd->index() ) return false;

	// TODO: make this forward the request to an appropriate host!!
	// . gr->m_sbuf is set to the titlerec so this should handle that
	//   and use XmlDoc::set4() or whatever
	// if ( msg7->injectTitleRec ( msg7 , // state
	// 			    gotMsg7ReplyWrapper , // callback
	// 			    cr )) {
	// 	// it didn't block somehow...
	// 	msg7->m_inUse = false;
	// 	msg7->gotMsg7Reply();
	// }

	req = sbuf->getBufStart();
	reqSize = sbuf->length();

	if ( reqSize != need ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0 ; }

	// do not free it, let multicast free it after sending it

	if ( ! mcast->send ( req ,
			     reqSize ,
			     0x07 ,
			     true , // ownmsg?
			     false, // send to whole shard?
			     key , // for selecting host in shard
			     mcast , // state
			     NULL , // state2
			     gotMulticastReplyWrapper ,
			     999999 ) ) { // total timeout in seconds
		log("import: import mcast had error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));


	// invalidate this flag
	//m_offIsValid = false;
	// . and call this function. we add one to m_bfFileId so we
	//   do not re-get the file we just injected.
	// . sets m_bf and m_fileOffset
	// . returns false if nothing to read
	if ( ! setCurrentTitleFileAndOffset ( ) ) { //cr , m_bfFileId+1 );
		log("import: import: no files left to read");
		//goto INJECTLOOP;
		return true;

	// if it returns NULL we are done!
	log("main: titledb injection loop completed. waiting for "
	    "outstanding injects to return.");
	if ( m_numOut > m_numIn )
		return false;

	log("main: all injects have returned. DONE.");

	// dummy return
	return true;