Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    // Fill in your implementation here.

    // This loop loops over each of the input arguments.
    // argNum is initialized to 1 because the first
    // "argument" provided to the program is actually the
    // name of the executable (in our case, "a4").
    for( int argNum = 1; argNum < argc; ++argNum )
        std::cout << "Argument " << argNum << " is: " << argv[argNum] << std::endl;
    int w, h ; //img size
    float depthMin, depthMax;
    char filename[80];
    char output[80];
    char depthOutput[80];
    char normalsOutput[80];
    bool depthMode = false, normalsMode = false, imageMode = false;

    int max_bounces = 0;
    float cutoff_weight;
    bool shadows = false;
    bool refraction = false;

    int uniform_samples = 0;
    int jitter_samples = 0;
    float box_filter_radius;

    bool render_samples = false;
    char* render_samples_outfile;
    int zoom_factor;

    for( int i = 0 ; i < argc ; i++)
        if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-input")){
                strcpy(filename, argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-size")){
                w = atoi(argv[i+1]);
                h = atoi(argv[i+2]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-output")){
                strcpy(output , argv[i+1]);
                imageMode = true;
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-depth")){
                depthMode = true;
                depthMin = atof(argv[i+1]);
                depthMax = atof(argv[i+2]);
                strcpy(depthOutput , argv[i+3]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-normals")){
                normalsMode = true;
                strcpy(normalsOutput , argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-bounces")){
            max_bounces = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-weight")){
            cutoff_weight = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-shadows")){
            shadows = true;
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-uniform_samples")){
            uniform_samples = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-jittered_samples")){
            jitter_samples = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-box_filter")){
            box_filter_radius = atof(argv[i+1]);
        else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-render_samples")){
//            strcpy(render_samples_outfile, argv[i+1]);
            render_samples_outfile = argv[i+1];
            zoom_factor = atoi(argv[i+2]);
            render_samples = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-refraction")){
            refraction = true;
    // First, parse the scene using SceneParser.
    // Then loop over each pixel in the image, shooting a ray
    // through that pixel and finding its intersection with
    // the scene.  Write the color at the intersection to that
    // pixel in your output image.

    SceneParser sp = SceneParser(filename);

    RayTracer rt = RayTracer(&sp, max_bounces, cutoff_weight, shadows, refraction); 

    Image image( w , h );
    Image depth( w , h );
    Image normals( w,h ); 

    Camera* camera = sp.getCamera();

    // Variables for anti-aliasing
    SampleDebugger *sd;
    Hit hit;
    int num_samples = max(uniform_samples, jitter_samples);

    if (render_samples)
//        cout << "render samples - now making the sample_debugger" << endl;
        sd = new SampleDebugger(w, h, num_samples);

//    cout << "now starting iteration through pixels" << endl;
    for( int  j = 0 ; j < h ; j++ )
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < w ; i++ )
//            if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << "at beginning of loop i = " << i<< "j = " << j << endl;}
            Vector3f pixelColor;
            Vector3f normalVal;
//            if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " checking num_samples" << endl;}
            if (num_samples > 0)
                float grid_width = sqrt(num_samples); 
                float max_offset = 1.0/grid_width;
                float offset = 0;
//                if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " where is this getting stuck - jitter samples?" << endl;}
                if (jitter_samples > 0)
                    offset += (float)rand()/RAND_MAX * max_offset;
                int count = 0;
                Vector3f color_sum = Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

//                if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " where is this getting stuck - for loop?" << endl;}
                for (int grid_x = 0; grid_x < grid_width; grid_x++)
                    for (int grid_y = 0; grid_y < grid_width; grid_y++)
//                        if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " in second for loop: grid_x = " << grid_x << "grid y =" << grid_y << endl;}
                        float xin = grid_x*max_offset + i + offset;
                        float yin = grid_y*max_offset + j + offset;

                        float normX = (float)((float)(xin-((float)w)/2))/((float)w/2);
                        float normY = (float)((float)(yin-((float)h)/2))/((float)h/2);

                        Ray ray = camera->generateRay( Vector2f( normX , normY ) );
                        hit = Hit(INFINITY, NULL, Vector3f(1,0,0));
                        Vector3f local_color = rt.traceRay(ray, camera->getTMin(), max_bounces, cutoff_weight, hit);
                        color_sum += local_color;
//                        if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " where is this getting stuck first render sampels?" << endl;}
                        if (render_samples)
                            cout << "1) count = " << count << endl;
                            Vector2f offset_vec = Vector2f(max_offset*grid_x+offset, max_offset*grid_y+offset);
                            sd->setSample(i, j, count, offset_vec, local_color);


//                if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " where is this getting stuck - setting pixel color?" << endl;}
                pixelColor = color_sum/num_samples;

//                float x = 2*((float)j/((float)w - 1.0f)) - 1.0f;
//                float y = 2*((float)i/((float)h - 1.0f)) - 1.0f;

                float x = (float)((float)(i+0.25-((float)w)/2))/((float)w/2);
                float y = (float)((float)(j+0.25-((float)h)/2))/((float)h/2);
                Ray ray = camera->generateRay( Vector2f( x , y ) );

//                        if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " where is this getting stuck - tracing the ray?" << endl;}

                //			group->intersect( ray , hit , camera->getTMin() ) ; 			

                hit = Hit(INFINITY, NULL, Vector3f(1,0,0));
                Vector3f color_normal = rt.traceRay(ray, camera->getTMin(), max_bounces, cutoff_weight, hit);

//                if (i > 144 && j > 43) {cout << " made it through traceRay?" << endl;}
                pixelColor = color_normal;
//			if( hit.getMaterial()==NULL){ //background
//				pixelColor = Scene.getBackgroundColor();
//				normalVal = Vector3f(0.0,0.0,0.0);
//			}
//			else{
//				//ambient light
//				pixelColor = PhongMaterial::pointwiseDot( Scene.getAmbientLight(), hit.getMaterial()->getDiffuseColor());
//				//defussion light
//				for( int i = 0 ; i < Scene.getNumLights(); i++){
//					Light* light = Scene.getLight(i);
//					Vector3f dirToLight, lightColor ;
//					Vector3f position = ray.pointAtParameter(hit.getT());
//					float dist = hit.getT(); 
//					light->getIllumination( position , dirToLight , lightColor , dist);
//					pixelColor += hit.getMaterial()->Shade( ray , hit , dirToLight , lightColor ) ; 
//				}
//				//normal map			
//				Vector3f n = hit.getNormal();
//				normalVal = Vector3f( abs(n[0]),abs(n[1]),abs(n[2]));
//			}
            float d = clampedDepth( hit.getT(), depthMin , depthMax);

//            cout << "setting pixel for i,j = " << i << ", " << j << endl;
            depth.SetPixel( i , j , Vector3f(d,d,d));
            image.SetPixel( i ,  j , pixelColor );
//            if (i > 144) {cout << "where is this getting stuck?" << endl;}
            normalVal = hit.getNormal();
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
//                if (i > 144) {cout << "where is this getting stuck? in normals?" << endl;}
                normalVal[k] = fabs(normalVal[k]);
//            if (i > 144) {cout << "where is this getting stuck? setting normals?" << endl;}
            normals.SetPixel( i , j , normalVal) ; 
//            if (i > 144) {cout << "where is this getting stuck? redner samples??" << endl;}

//            if (i > 144) {cout << "where is this getting stuck? before starting the next loop?" << endl;}


    cout << "output = " << output << "should not be null!" << endl;
    if( depthMode){ depth.SaveTGA(depthOutput);}
    if( normalsMode){ normals.SaveTGA(normalsOutput);}

    if (render_samples)
        sd->renderSamples(render_samples_outfile, zoom_factor);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    // Fill in your implementation here.

    // This loop loops over each of the input arguments.
    // argNum is initialized to 1 because the first
    // "argument" provided to the program is actually the
    // name of the executable (in our case, "a4").
	string sceneInput;
	int sizeX;
	int sizeY;
	string outputFile;
	string normalFile;
	int depth1;
	int depth2;
	string depthFile;
	bool shadows = false;
	int bounces = 0;
	float weight = 0.1;
	int numSamples = 0;
	bool uniformSamples = true;
	bool jitteredSamples = false;
	float boxFilterRadius = 0.0f;
	bool antialiasing = false;
	string renderSamplesFile;
	int renderSamplesFactor = 1;
    for( int argNum = 1; argNum < argc; ++argNum )
        //std::cout << "Argument " << argNum << " is: " << argv[argNum] << std::endl;
		string arg = argv[argNum];
		if (arg == "-input") {
			sceneInput = argv[argNum];
		} else if (arg == "-size") {
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &sizeX);
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &sizeY);
		} else if (arg == "-output") {
			outputFile = argv[argNum];
		} else if (arg == "-normals") {
			normalFile = argv[argNum];
		} else if (arg == "-depth") {
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &depth1);
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &depth2);
			depthFile = argv[argNum];
		} else if (arg == "-bounces") {
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &bounces);
		} else if (arg == "-weight") {
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%f", &weight);
		} else if (arg == "-shadows") {
			shadows = true;
		} else if (arg == "-uniform_samples") {
			uniformSamples = true;
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &numSamples);
		} else if (arg == "-jittered_samples") {
			jitteredSamples = true;
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &numSamples);
		} else if (arg == "-box_filter") {
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%f", &boxFilterRadius);
			antialiasing = true;
		} else if (arg == "-render_samples") {
			renderSamplesFile = argv[argNum];
			sscanf(argv[argNum], "%d", &renderSamplesFactor);
		} else {
			std::cout << "Argument not implemented " << argNum << " is: " << argv[argNum] << std::endl;

	assert(sceneInput != "");
	SceneParser* sceneParser = new SceneParser( (char*)sceneInput.c_str() );

	Camera* camera = sceneParser->getCamera();
	Group* objects = sceneParser->getGroup();
    // First, parse the scene using SceneParser.
    // Then loop over each pixel in the image, shooting a ray
    // through that pixel and finding its intersection with
    // the scene.  Write the color at the intersection to that
    // pixel in your output image.

	float stepX = 2.0f/(sizeX);
	float stepY = 2.0f/(sizeY);
	float stepXStart = 3.0 * stepX / 8.0f;
	float stepYStart = 3.0 * stepY / 8.0f;
	int rootNumSamples = (int)sqrt(numSamples);
	float stepRoot = 1.0f / rootNumSamples;
	float stepRootStart = stepRoot / 2.0f;
	//float stepXrender = 2.0f/(sizeX - 1)/renderSamplesFactor;
	//float stepYrender = 2.0f/(sizeY - 1)/renderSamplesFactor;
	Image* output;
	Image* depth;
	Image* normal;
	SampleDebugger* render;
	if (outputFile != "") {
		output = new Image( sizeX, sizeY );
		output->SetAllPixels( sceneParser->getBackgroundColor() );
	if (depthFile != "") {
		depth = new Image( sizeX, sizeY );
		depth->SetAllPixels( Vector3f::ZERO );
	if (normalFile != "") {
		normal = new Image( sizeX, sizeY );
		normal->SetAllPixels( Vector3f::ZERO );
	if (renderSamplesFile != "") {
		render = new SampleDebugger( sizeX, sizeY, numSamples );
	RayTracer rayTracer = RayTracer( sceneParser, bounces, weight, shadows );
	for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) {
			Vector2f point = Vector2f(-1 + ((x + 0.5f) * stepX), -1 + ((y + 0.5f) * stepY));
			Ray ray = camera->generateRay( point );
			Hit hit = Hit();
			float tmin = camera->getTMin();

			if (renderSamplesFile != "") {
				for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
					int row = floor((float)i / (float)rootNumSamples);
					int col = i % rootNumSamples;
					Vector2f offset = Vector2f( stepRootStart + col * stepRoot, stepRootStart + row * stepRoot);
					if (jitteredSamples) {
						offset = Vector2f( nextFloat(), nextFloat());
					Vector3f color = sceneParser->getBackgroundColor(); 
					Ray renderRay = camera->generateRay( point - Vector2f(0.5f * stepX, 0.5f * stepY) + (offset) * Vector2f(stepX, stepY) );
					Hit renderHit = Hit();
					if (objects->intersect(renderRay, renderHit, tmin)) {
						color = rayTracer.traceRay( renderRay, tmin, 0, 1.0, renderHit, 1.0 );
					render->setSample( x, y, i, offset, color );
			//cout << "testing ray at " << ray << tmin << endl; 
			bool intersected = objects->intersect( ray, hit, tmin );
			if (intersected || antialiasing) {
				//cout << "found an intersection for " << ray << "at " << hit.getT() << endl;
				if (outputFile != "") {
					Vector3f pixelColor = sceneParser->getBackgroundColor();
					if (antialiasing) {
						Vector3f color = Vector3f( 0 );
						for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
							int row = floor((float)i / (float)rootNumSamples);
							int col = i % rootNumSamples;
							Vector2f offset = Vector2f( stepRootStart + col * stepRoot, stepRootStart + row * stepRoot);
							if (jitteredSamples) {
								offset = Vector2f( nextFloat(), nextFloat() );
							Vector3f aColor = sceneParser->getBackgroundColor();
							Ray renderRay = camera->generateRay( point - Vector2f(0.5f * stepX, 0.5f * stepY) + (offset) * Vector2f(2.0 * boxFilterRadius * stepX, 2.0 * boxFilterRadius * stepY) );
							Hit renderHit = Hit();
							if (objects->intersect(renderRay, renderHit, tmin)) {
								aColor = rayTracer.traceRay( renderRay, tmin, 0, 1.0, renderHit, 1.0 );
							color += aColor;
						pixelColor = color / numSamples;
					} else if (intersected) {
						pixelColor = rayTracer.traceRay( ray, tmin, 0, 1.0, hit, 1.0 );
					Vector3f pixelColor = sceneParser->getAmbientLight() * hit.getMaterial()->getDiffuseColor();
					for (int i = 0; i < sceneParser->getNumLights(); i++) {
						Light* light = sceneParser->getLight(i);
						Vector3f p = ray.pointAtParameter( hit.getT() );
						Vector3f dir = Vector3f();
						Vector3f col = Vector3f();
						float distance = 0;
						light->getIllumination(p, dir, col, distance);
						pixelColor += hit.getMaterial()->shade( ray, hit, dir, col );
					//cout << "final pixel color: ";
					 //cout << endl;
					output->SetPixel(x, y, VecUtils::clamp(pixelColor));
				if (depthFile != "") {
					Vector3f clamped = VecUtils::clamp(Vector3f(hit.getT()), depth1, depth2);
					Vector3f grayscale = (Vector3f(depth2) - clamped) / (float)(depth2 - depth1);
					depth->SetPixel(x, y, grayscale);
				if (normalFile != "") {
					normal->SetPixel(x, y, VecUtils::absoluteValue(hit.getNormal()) );
	if (outputFile != "") {
		output->SaveTGA( (char *)outputFile.c_str() );
	if (depthFile != "") {
		depth->SaveTGA( (char *)depthFile.c_str() );
		//printf("depth %d %d\n", depth1, depth2);
	if (normalFile != "") {
		normal->SaveTGA( (char *)normalFile.c_str() );
	if (renderSamplesFile != "") {
		render->renderSamples( (char *)renderSamplesFile.c_str(), renderSamplesFactor );
    return 0;