Ejemplo n.º 1
    /*static*/ CreateInstanceProc ClassClosure::calcCreateInstanceProc(VTable* cvtable)
        VTable* ivtable = cvtable->ivtable;
        if (ivtable && ivtable->base)
            ScopeChain* scope = cvtable->init->scope();
            if (scope->getSize())
                Atom baseAtom = scope->getScope(scope->getSize()-1);
                if (!AvmCore::isObject(baseAtom))

                ScriptObject* base = AvmCore::atomToScriptObject(baseAtom);
                // make sure scope object is base type's class object
                AvmAssert(base->traits()->itraits == cvtable->traits->itraits->base);
                if (base->traits()->itraits->isAbstractBase)
                    // If we get here, it means that we descend from an abstract base class,
                    // but don't have a native createInstanceProc of our own; in that case, we
                    // should just create a plain old ScriptObject. (Note that this can
                    // happen for abstract and abstract-restricted; for the latter, we will do
                    // a second check in checkForRestrictedInheritance() and may reject it anyway.)
                    goto create_normal;
                // ...otherwise, we're done.
                ClassClosure* base_cc = base->toClassClosure();
                AvmAssert(base_cc != NULL);
                CreateInstanceProc proc = base_cc->m_createInstanceProc;
                // If the proc is SemiSealedArrayObject, revert back to normal Array,
                // and let checkForRestrictedInheritance() choose the proper proc:
                // we might be a dynamic subclass of a non-dynamic subclass of Array.
                if (proc == SemiSealedArrayObject::createInstanceProc)
                    proc = ArrayClass::createInstanceProc;

                // Bugzilla 688486: don't use unsubclassed-specialized
                // instance creator to create subclassed instances.
                if (proc == ArrayClass::createUnsubclassedInstanceProc)
                    proc = ArrayClass::createInstanceProc;

                return proc;

        return ClassClosure::createScriptObjectProc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void CallStackNode::enumerateScopeChainAtoms(IScopeChainEnumerator& scb)
		// First, get the "dynamic" portion of the scope chain, that is, the
		// part that is modified on-the-fly within the function.  This includes
		// activation objects for try/catch blocks and "with" clauses.

		if (m_info)
            MethodSignaturep const ms = m_info->getMethodSignature();
            for (int i = (ms->max_scope() + ms->local_count() - 1), n = ms->local_count(); i >= n; --i)
                Atom const scope = m_info->boxOneLocal(m_framep, i, m_traits);
                AvmAssert(atomKind(scope) != kUnusedAtomTag);
                // go ahead and call addScope, even if null or undefined.

		// Next, get the "static" portion of the scope chain, that is, the
		// part that is defined as part of the definition of the function.  This
		// includes the locals of any functions that enclose this one, and the "this"
		// object, if any.

		ScopeChain* scopeChain = m_env ? m_env->scope() : NULL;
		if (scopeChain) 
			int scopeChainLength = scopeChain->getSize();
			for (int i = scopeChainLength - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				Atom scope = scopeChain->getScope(i);
				if (AvmCore::isObject(scope))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    ClassClosure *SamplerScript::getType(Toplevel* ss_toplevel, SamplerObjectType sot, const void *ptr)
        Toplevel* tl;

        switch (sotGetKind(sot))
            case kSOT_String:
                // toplevel can be null here if there was no CodeContext active
                // when the sample was taken (ie, string was allocated from C++ code).
                // in that case, use the TL from the SamplerScript itself... it isn't
                // technically the right one to use, but is adequate for our purposes here
                // (it will return a stringClass or namespaceClass that will be valid
                // for the sampler)
                tl = sotGetToplevel(sot);
                if (!tl) tl = ss_toplevel;
                return tl->stringClass();
            case kSOT_Namespace:
                tl = sotGetToplevel(sot);
                if (!tl) tl = ss_toplevel;
                return tl->namespaceClass();
            case kSOT_Object:

        VTable* vt = sotGetVTable(sot);
        tl = vt->toplevel();
        AvmCore* core = tl->core();

        ClassClosure *type;
        ScriptObject* obj = (ScriptObject*)ptr;
        if (obj && AvmCore::istype(obj->atom(), core->traits.class_itraits))
            type = tl->classClass();
        else if (obj && AvmCore::istype(obj->atom(), core->traits.function_itraits))
            type = tl->functionClass();
        else if (obj && obj->traits()->isActivationTraits())
            type = tl->objectClass;
            // fallback answer
            type = tl->objectClass;

            // note that note all types will have an init method,
            // so those types may get reported as "objectClass" rather
            // than something more specific. However, it's not clear
            // that the Sampler ever really cared about reporting those
            // objects well in the first place (eg activation or catch objects),
            // so it doesn't seem we're a lot worse off than before.
            ScopeChain* sc = NULL;
            if (vt->init)
                sc = vt->init->scope();

            if (sc && sc->getSize() <= 1)
                if(sc->getSize() == 1)
                    type = tl->classClass();
            else if (sc)
                Atom ccAtom = sc->getScope(sc->getSize()-1);
                    type = (ClassClosure*) AvmCore::atomToScriptObject(ccAtom);
                    if(!AvmCore::istype(type->atom(), core->traits.class_itraits))
                        // obj is a ClassClosure
                        type = tl->classClass();
        AvmAssert(AvmCore::istype(type->atom(), core->traits.class_itraits));
        return type;