Ejemplo n.º 1
JSBool JSI_GUIMouse::toString(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)

    i32 x, y, buttons;
    ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface = ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface;
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "x", x);
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "y", y);
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "buttons", buttons);

    char buffer[256];
    snprintf(buffer, 256, "%d %d %d", x, y, buttons);
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, buffer)));
    return JS_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Send a request to register a game to the server.
 * @param data A JS array of game attributes
void XmppClient::SendIqRegisterGame(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, CScriptVal data)
	glooxwrapper::JID xpartamuppJid(m_xpartamuppId);
	jsval dataval = data.get();

	// Setup some base stanza attributes
	GameListQuery* g = new GameListQuery();
	g->m_Command = "register";
	glooxwrapper::Tag* game = glooxwrapper::Tag::allocate("game");
	// Add a fake ip which will be overwritten by the ip stamp XMPP module on the server.
	game->addAttribute("ip", "fake");

	// Iterate through all the properties reported and add them to the stanza.
	std::vector<std::string> properties;
	scriptInterface.EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(dataval, "", properties);
	for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != properties.size(); i++)
		std::wstring value;
		scriptInterface.GetProperty(dataval, properties[i].c_str(), value);
		game->addAttribute(properties[i], utf8_from_wstring(value));

	// Push the stanza onto the IQ

	// Send IQ
	glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, xpartamuppJid);
	DbgXMPP("SendIqRegisterGame [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Send game report containing numerous game properties to the server.
 * @param data A JS array of game statistics
void XmppClient::SendIqGameReport(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, CScriptVal data)
	glooxwrapper::JID xpartamuppJid(m_xpartamuppId);
	jsval dataval = data.get();

	// Setup some base stanza attributes
	GameReport* game = new GameReport();
	glooxwrapper::Tag* report = glooxwrapper::Tag::allocate("game");

	// Iterate through all the properties reported and add them to the stanza.
	std::vector<std::string> properties;
	scriptInterface.EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(dataval, "", properties);
	for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != properties.size(); i++)
		std::wstring value;
		scriptInterface.GetProperty(dataval, properties[i].c_str(), value);
		report->addAttribute(properties[i], utf8_from_wstring(value));

	// Add stanza to IQ

	// Send IQ
	glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, xpartamuppJid);
	DbgXMPP("SendGameReport [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]");
Ejemplo n.º 4
JSBool JSI_GUIColor::toString(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)

    double r, g, b, a;
    ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface = ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface;
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "r", r);
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "g", g);
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "b", b);
    pScriptInterface->GetProperty(JS_THIS_VALUE(cx, vp), "a", a);
    char buffer[256];
    // Convert to integers, to be compatible with the GUI's string SetSetting
    snprintf(buffer, 256, "%d %d %d %d",
             (int)(255.0 * r),
             (int)(255.0 * g),
             (int)(255.0 * b),
             (int)(255.0 * a));
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, buffer)));
    return JS_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::vector<std::string> CTemplateLoader::FindPlaceableTemplates(const std::string& path, bool includeSubdirectories, ETemplatesType templatesType, ScriptInterface& scriptInterface)
	JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
	std::vector<std::string> templates;
	Status ok;
	VfsPath templatePath;

	if (templatesType == SIMULATION_TEMPLATES || templatesType == ALL_TEMPLATES)
		JS::RootedValue placeablesFilter(cx);
		scriptInterface.ReadJSONFile("simulation/data/placeablesFilter.json", &placeablesFilter);

		JS::RootedObject folders(cx);
		if (scriptInterface.GetProperty(placeablesFilter, "templates", &folders))
			if (!(JS_IsArrayObject(cx, folders)))
				LOGERROR("FindPlaceableTemplates: Argument must be an array!");
				return templates;

			u32 length;
			if (!JS_GetArrayLength(cx, folders, &length))
				LOGERROR("FindPlaceableTemplates: Failed to get array length!");
				return templates;

			templatePath = VfsPath(TEMPLATE_ROOT) / path;
			//I have every object inside, just run for each
			for (u32 i=0; i<length; ++i)
				JS::RootedValue val(cx);
				if (!JS_GetElement(cx, folders, i, &val))
					LOGERROR("FindPlaceableTemplates: Failed to read array element!");
					return templates;

				std::string directoryPath;
				std::wstring fileFilter;
				scriptInterface.GetProperty(val, "directory", directoryPath);
				scriptInterface.GetProperty(val, "file", fileFilter);
				VfsPaths filenames;
				if (vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, templatePath / (directoryPath + "/"), fileFilter.c_str(), filenames) != INFO::OK)
				for (const VfsPath& filename : filenames)
					// Strip the .xml extension
					VfsPath pathstem = filename.ChangeExtension(L"");
					// Strip the root from the path
					std::wstring name = pathstem.string().substr(ARRAY_SIZE(TEMPLATE_ROOT) - 1);

					templates.emplace_back(name.begin(), name.end());

	if (templatesType == ACTOR_TEMPLATES || templatesType == ALL_TEMPLATES)
		templatePath = VfsPath(ACTOR_ROOT) / path;
		if (includeSubdirectories)
			ok = vfs::ForEachFile(g_VFS, templatePath, AddActorToTemplates, (uintptr_t)&templates, L"*.xml", vfs::DIR_RECURSIVE);
			ok = vfs::ForEachFile(g_VFS, templatePath, AddActorToTemplates, (uintptr_t)&templates, L"*.xml");

	if (templatesType != SIMULATION_TEMPLATES && templatesType != ACTOR_TEMPLATES && templatesType != ALL_TEMPLATES)
		LOGERROR("Undefined template type (valid: all, simulation, actor)");

	return templates;