Ejemplo n.º 1
bool hasSkeleton(Selection& sel, bool recurse)
	// iterate over selection
	for (int i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); ++i)
		X3DObject obj(sel[i]);
		bool ret = hasSkeleton(obj, recurse);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

	return false;
XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus OutputMaterials( Selection& in_sel )
	// prepare the mtl file
	Project prj = app.GetActiveProject();
	Scene scn = prj.GetActiveScene();
	CString tmpLocation = Get3DCoatParam( L"tempLocation" ).GetValue();

	ULONG npos = tmpLocation.ReverseFindString(L".");
	CString substr = tmpLocation.GetSubString(0, npos+1);
	CString strOut = substr + L"mtl";	

	//app.LogMessage(L"strOut:" + strOut);

	std::ofstream matfw;
	matfw.open(strOut.GetAsciiString(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
	if (matfw.is_open())
		CRefArray tempMats;

		for(int i=0; i< in_sel.GetCount(); i++)
			X3DObject xobj(in_sel.GetItem(i));

			// Get a geometry accessor from the selected object	
			Primitive prim = xobj.GetActivePrimitive();
			PolygonMesh mesh = prim.GetGeometry();
			if (!mesh.IsValid()) return CStatus::False;

			CGeometryAccessor ga = mesh.GetGeometryAccessor();

			// get the material objects used by the mesh
			CRefArray materials = ga.GetMaterials();

			for (LONG n=0; n < materials.GetCount(); n++)
				bar.PutStatusText( L"materials" );

				Material mat(materials[n]);
				bool inMats = false;
				//app.LogMessage(CString(n) +L" : "+ CString(i)+ L" :" + mat.GetName());

				for(int m = 0; m < tempMats.GetCount(); m++)
					Material tmat(tempMats[m]);
					if(mat.GetName() == tmat.GetName())
						inMats = true;


					CString string = L"newmtl " + mat.GetName() + L"\n";
					matfw << string.GetAsciiString();

					Parameter surf = mat.GetParameters().GetItem(L"surface");
					Shader lShader(surf.GetSource());
					//app.LogMessage(L"shader: " + lShader.GetFullName());
					//app.LogMessage(L"shader: " + lShader.GetProgID());
					if ( lShader.GetProgID() == L"Softimage.material-phong.1" )
						float r, g, b, a;

						lShader.GetColorParameterValue(L"ambient", r, g, b, a );
						CString ka = L"Ka " + FormatNumber(r) + L" " + FormatNumber(g) + L" " + FormatNumber(b);
						lShader.GetColorParameterValue(L"diffuse", r, g, b, a );
						CString kd = L"Kd " + FormatNumber(r) + L" " + FormatNumber(g) + L" " + FormatNumber(b);
						lShader.GetColorParameterValue(L"specular", r, g, b, a );
						CString ks = L"Ks " + FormatNumber(r) + L" " + FormatNumber(g) + L" " + FormatNumber(b);
						float ns = lShader.GetParameterValue(L"shiny");
						float d = 1.0f;
						CValue illum = 2;

						matfw << ka.GetAsciiString();
						matfw << "\n";
						matfw << kd.GetAsciiString();
						matfw << "\n";
						matfw << ks.GetAsciiString();
						matfw << "\n";
						matfw << "Ns ";
						matfw << FormatNumber(ns).GetAsciiString();
						matfw << "\n";
						matfw << "d ";
						matfw << FormatNumber(d).GetAsciiString();
						matfw << "\n";
						matfw << "illum ";
						matfw << illum.GetAsText().GetAsciiString();
						matfw << "\n";

						Parameter diff = lShader.GetParameters().GetItem(L"diffuse");
						Shader lImageD(diff.GetSource());

						if (lImageD.GetProgID() == L"Softimage.txt2d-image-explicit.1")
							Parameter tex = lImageD.GetParameters().GetItem(L"tex");
							ImageClip2 lTextureD(tex.GetSource());

							//app.LogMessage( L"Found texture shader: " + lTexture.GetFullName() + L", Class: " + lTexture.GetClassIDName() + L", Type: " + lTexture.GetType() );
							app.LogMessage(L"texture GetFileName: " + lTextureD.GetFileName());
							matfw << "map_Kd ";
							matfw << lTextureD.GetFileName().GetAsciiString();
							matfw << "\n";

						Parameter spec = lShader.GetParameters().GetItem(L"specular");
						Shader lImageS(spec.GetSource());

						if (lImageS.GetProgID() == L"Softimage.txt2d-image-explicit.1")
							Parameter tex = lImageD.GetParameters().GetItem(L"tex");
							ImageClip2 lTextureS(tex.GetSource());

							//app.LogMessage( L"Found texture shader: " + lTexture.GetFullName() + L", Class: " + lTexture.GetClassIDName() + L", Type: " + lTexture.GetType() );
							//app.LogMessage(L"texture GetFileName: " + lTexture.GetFileName());
							matfw << "map_Ks ";
							matfw << lTextureS.GetFileName().GetAsciiString();
							matfw << "\n";
					matfw << "\n";
					matfw << "\n";
	return CStatus::OK;