void replaceExps(SgExpression* exp, SgVariableDeclaration* vardecl) {
	 if (isSgVarRefExp(exp)) {
        else if (isSgUnaryOp(exp)) {
                if (isSgMinusMinusOp(exp) || isSgPlusPlusOp(exp)) {
                        SgExpression* operand = (isSgUnaryOp(exp))->get_operand();
			SgExpression* operand_cpy = SageInterface::copyExpression(operand);
			std::cout << "operand: " << operand->class_name() << std::endl;

        else if (isSgBinaryOp(exp)) {
                replaceExps(isSgBinaryOp(exp)->get_lhs_operand(), vardecl);
                replaceExps(isSgBinaryOp(exp)->get_rhs_operand(), vardecl);
        else {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	SgProject* proj = frontend(argc,argv);
	SgFunctionDeclaration* mainDecl = SageInterface::findMain(proj);
	SgFunctionDefinition* mainDef = mainDecl->get_definition();
	std::vector<SgNode*> ifExps;
	ifExps = NodeQuery::querySubTree(mainDef, V_SgIfStmt);
	for (int i = 0; i < ifExps.size(); i++) {
		getIfConds(isSgIfStmt(ifExps[i]), isSgScopeStatement(mainDef));
	std::vector<SgNode*> assignNodes = NodeQuery::querySubTree(mainDef, V_SgVariableDeclaration);
	std::cout << assignNodes.size() << " nodes found" << std::endl;
	std::vector<SgBinaryOp*> bin_ops;
	std::vector<SgUnaryOp*> un_ops;
	std::vector<SgNode*> other;
	std::vector<SgExpression*> results;
	for (std::vector<SgNode*>::iterator i = assignNodes.begin(); i != assignNodes.end(); i++) {
		SgVariableDeclaration* vdecl = isSgVariableDeclaration(*i);
		SgInitializedNamePtrList vlst = vdecl->get_variables();
		SgInitializedName* initName = isSgInitializedName((*(vlst.begin())));
		SgExpression* exp = isSgAssignInitializer(initName->get_initializer())->get_operand();
		std::cout << exp->class_name() << std::endl;
		if (!isSgFunctionCallExp(exp)) {
			getExps(exp, isSgInitializedName(*i), results, 0);
	std::cout << "prefixes" << std::endl;
	for (int j = 0; j < prefixes.size(); j++) {
	        SgExprStatement* expSt = SageBuilder::buildExprStatement_nfi(prefixes[j]);
		std::cout << prefixes[j]->class_name() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "results" << std::endl;
	for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) {
		std::cout << results[j]->class_name() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "postfixes" << std::endl;
	for (int j = 0; j < postfixes.size(); j++) {
		SgExprStatement* expSt = SageBuilder::buildExprStatement_nfi(postfixes[j]);
		std::cout << postfixes[j]->class_name() << std::endl;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void instrumentRead(SgVarRefExp *varRef) {
   SgExpression *parent = isSgExpression(varRef->get_parent());
   assert(parent != NULL);
   Sg_File_Info * file_info = Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode();

   SgCommaOpExp *commaOp = new SgCommaOpExp(file_info, beforeRead.getCallExp(), varRef,
   SgUnaryOp *uOp = isSgUnaryOp(parent);
   if (uOp != NULL) {
   else {
      SgBinaryOp *bOp = isSgBinaryOp(parent);
      if (bOp != NULL) {
         if (bOp->get_lhs_operand() == varRef) {
         else {
            assert(bOp->get_rhs_operand() == varRef);
      else {
         SgExprListExp *expList = isSgExprListExp(parent);
         if (expList != NULL) {
            SgExpressionPtrList& expressions = expList->get_expressions();
            for (SgExpressionPtrList::iterator iter = expressions.begin(); ; iter++) {
               assert (iter != expressions.end()); //element must be in the list!
               if (*iter == varRef) {
                  //insert commaOp instead of varRef
                  expressions.insert(expressions.erase(iter), commaOp);
         else {
            //go on implementing other cases
            cerr<<"unexpected parent expression: "<<parent->class_name()<<endl;
            assert (false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
deleteOriginalExpressionTree(SgExpression* exp)
  // This function deleted the existing original expression tree for an expression.

     SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();
     if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("Removing the original expression tree from keyExpression = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",
       // Remove the original expression tree...
       // delete value->get_originalExpressionTree();
       // SageInterface::deleteAST(originalExpressionTree);

       // Set the pointer to the original expression tree to NULL.
Ejemplo n.º 5
StencilEvaluationTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute (SgNode* astNode, StencilEvaluation_InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute )
#if 0
     printf ("In evaluateInheritedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());

     bool foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor = false;

  // This is for stencil specifications using vectors of points to represent offsets (not finished).
  // bool foundVariableDeclarationForStencilInput = false;

     double stencilCoeficientValue = 0.0;

  // StencilOffsetFSM offset;
     StencilOffsetFSM* stencilOffsetFSM = NULL;

  // We want to interogate the SgAssignInitializer, but we need to generality in the refactored function to use any SgInitializer (e.g. SgConstructorInitializer, etc.).
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = detectVariableDeclarationOfSpecificType (astNode,"Point");

     if (initializedName != NULL)
       // This is the code that is specific to the DSL (e.g. the semantics of getZeros() and getUnitv() functions).
       // So this may be the limit of what can be refactored to common DSL support code.
       // Or I can maybe do a second pass at atempting to refactor more code later.

          string name = initializedName->get_name();

          SgInitializer* initializer = initializedName->get_initptr();

          SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = isSgAssignInitializer(initializer);
          if (assignInitializer != NULL)
               SgExpression* exp = assignInitializer->get_operand();
               ROSE_ASSERT(exp != NULL);
               SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp = isSgFunctionCallExp(exp);
               if (functionCallExp != NULL)
                    SgFunctionRefExp* functionRefExp = isSgFunctionRefExp(functionCallExp->get_function());
                    if (functionRefExp != NULL)
                         SgFunctionSymbol* functionSymbol = functionRefExp->get_symbol();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(functionSymbol != NULL);
                         string functionName = functionSymbol->get_name();
#if 0
                         printf ("functionName = %s \n",functionName.c_str());
                         if (functionName == "getZeros")
                           // We leverage the semantics of known functions used to initialize "Point" objects ("getZeros" initialized the Point object to be all zeros).
                           // In a stencil this will be the center point from which all other points will have non-zero offsets.
                           // For a common centered difference discretization this will be the center point of the stencil.
#if 0
                              printf ("Identified and interpreting the semantics of getZeros() function \n");
                              stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(0,0,0);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

                         if (functionName == "getUnitv")
                           // We leverage the semantics of known functions used to initialize "Point" objects 
                           // ("getUnitv" initializes the Point object to be a unit vector for a specific input dimention).
                           // In a stencil this will be an ofset from the center point.
#if 0
                              printf ("Identified and interpreting the semantics of getUnitv() function \n");
                           // Need to get the dimention argument.
                              SgExprListExp* argumentList = functionCallExp->get_args();
                              ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList != NULL);
                           // This function has a single argument.
                              ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList->get_expressions().size() == 1);
                              SgExpression* functionArg = argumentList->get_expressions()[0];
                              ROSE_ASSERT(functionArg != NULL);
                              SgIntVal* intVal = isSgIntVal(functionArg);
                           // ROSE_ASSERT(intVal != NULL);
                              if (intVal != NULL)
                                   int value = intVal->get_value();
#if 0
                                   printf ("value = %d \n",value);
                                        case 0: stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(1,0,0); break;
                                        case 1: stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(0,1,0); break;
                                        case 2: stencilOffsetFSM = new StencilOffsetFSM(0,0,1); break;

                                             printf ("Error: default reached in switch: value = %d (for be value of 0, 1, or 2) \n",value);

                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

                                // End of test for intVal != NULL
#if 0
                                   printf ("functionArg = %p = %s \n",functionArg,functionArg->class_name().c_str());

                          // ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

           if (stencilOffsetFSM != NULL)
            // Put the FSM into the map.
#if 0
               printf ("Put the stencilOffsetFSM = %p into the StencilOffsetMap using key = %s \n",stencilOffsetFSM,name.c_str());
               ROSE_ASSERT(StencilOffsetMap.find(name) == StencilOffsetMap.end());

            // We have a choice of syntax to add the element to the map.
            // StencilOffsetMap.insert(pair<string,StencilOffsetFSM*>(name,stencilOffsetFSM));
               StencilOffsetMap[name] = stencilOffsetFSM;

       // new StencilOffsetFSM();
#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");

  // Recognize member function calls on "Point" objects so that we can trigger events on those associated finite state machines.
     bool isTemplateClass = false;
     bool isTemplateFunctionInstantiation = false;
     SgInitializedName* initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction = NULL;
     SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp = detectMemberFunctionOfSpecificClassType(astNode,initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction,"Point",isTemplateClass,"operator*=",isTemplateFunctionInstantiation);
     if (functionCallExp != NULL)
       // This is the DSL specific part (capturing the semantics of operator*= with specific integer values).

       // The name of the variable off of which the member function is called (variable has type "Point").
          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction != NULL);
          string name = initializedNameUsedToCallMemberFunction->get_name();

       // Need to get the dimention argument.
          SgExprListExp* argumentList = functionCallExp->get_args();
          ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList != NULL);
       // This function has a single argument.
          ROSE_ASSERT(argumentList->get_expressions().size() == 1);
          SgExpression* functionArg = argumentList->get_expressions()[0];
          ROSE_ASSERT(functionArg != NULL);
          SgIntVal* intVal = isSgIntVal(functionArg);

          bool usingUnaryMinus = false;
          if (intVal == NULL)
               SgMinusOp* minusOp = isSgMinusOp(functionArg);
               if (minusOp != NULL)
#if 0
                    printf ("Using SgMinusOp on stencil constant \n");
                    usingUnaryMinus = true;
                    intVal = isSgIntVal(minusOp->get_operand());

          ROSE_ASSERT(intVal != NULL);
          int value = intVal->get_value();

          if (usingUnaryMinus == true)
               value *= -1;
#if 0
          printf ("value = %d \n",value);
       // Look up the stencil offset finite state machine
          ROSE_ASSERT(StencilOffsetMap.find(name) != StencilOffsetMap.end());
          StencilOffsetFSM* stencilOffsetFSM = StencilOffsetMap[name];
          ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);
#if 0
          printf ("We have found the StencilOffsetFSM associated with the StencilOffset named %s \n",name.c_str());
#if 0
          stencilOffsetFSM->display("before multiply event");
          if (value == -1)
            // Execute the event on the finte state machine to accumulate the state.
               printf ("Error: constant value other than -1 are not supported \n");
#if 0
          stencilOffsetFSM->display("after multiply event");

  // Detection of "pair<Shift,double>(xdir,ident)" defined as an event in the stencil finite machine model.
  // Actually, it is the Stencil that is create using the "pair<Shift,double>(xdir,ident)" that should be the 
  // event so we first detect the SgConstructorInitializer.  There is not other code similar to this which 
  // has to test for the template arguments, so this has not yet refactored into the dslSupport.C file.
  // I will do this later since this is general support that could be resused in other DSL compilers.
     SgConstructorInitializer* constructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(astNode);
     if (constructorInitializer != NULL)
       // DQ (10/20/2014): This can sometimes be NULL.
       // ROSE_ASSERT(constructorInitializer->get_class_decl() != NULL);
          SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = constructorInitializer->get_class_decl();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);
          if (classDeclaration != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("constructorInitializer = %p class name    = %s \n",constructorInitializer,classDeclaration->get_name().str());
          SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationDecl = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(classDeclaration);
       // ROSE_ASSERT(templateInstantiationDecl != NULL);
#if 0
          if (templateInstantiationDecl != NULL)
               printf ("constructorInitializer = %p name = %s template name = %s \n",constructorInitializer,templateInstantiationDecl->get_name().str(),templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName().str());

       // if (classDeclaration->get_name() == "pair")
          if (templateInstantiationDecl != NULL && templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName() == "pair")
            // Look at the template parameters.
#if 0
               printf ("Found template instantiation for pair \n");
               SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & templateArgs = templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateArguments();
               if (templateArgs.size() == 2)
                 // Now look at the template arguments and check that they represent the pattern that we are looking for in the AST.
                 // It is not clear now flexible we should be, at present shift/coeficent pairs must be specified exactly one way.

                    SgType* type_0 = templateArgs[0]->get_type();
                    SgType* type_1 = templateArgs[1]->get_type();

                    if ( type_0 != NULL && type_1 != NULL)
                         SgClassType* classType_0 = isSgClassType(type_0);
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(classType_0 != NULL);
                         if (classType_0 != NULL)
                         SgClassDeclaration* classDeclarationType_0 = isSgClassDeclaration(classType_0->get_declaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclarationType_0 != NULL);
#if 0
                         printf ("templateArgs[0]->get_name() = %s \n",classDeclarationType_0->get_name().str());
                         printf ("templateArgs[1]->get_type()->class_name() = %s \n",type_1->class_name().c_str());
                         bool foundShiftExpression   = false;
                         bool foundStencilCoeficient = false;

                      // We might want to be more flexiable about the type of the 2nd parameter (allow SgTypeFloat, SgTypeComplex, etc.).
                         if (classDeclarationType_0->get_name() == "Shift" && type_1->variant() == V_SgTypeDouble)
                           // Found a pair<Shift,double> input for a stencil.
#if 0
                              printf ("##### Found a pair<Shift,double>() input for a stencil input \n");
                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                           // Look at the first parameter to the pair<Shift,double>() constructor.
                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                              SgExpression* stencilOffset = constructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[0];
                              ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffset != NULL);
#if 0
                              printf ("stencilOffset = %p = %s \n",stencilOffset,stencilOffset->class_name().c_str());
                              SgConstructorInitializer* stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(stencilOffset);
                              if (stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer != NULL)
                                // This is the case of a Shift being constructed implicitly from a Point (doing so more directly would be easier to make sense of in the AST).
#if 0
                                   printf ("!!!!! Looking for the stencil offset \n");
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer->get_class_decl() != NULL);
                                   SgClassDeclaration* stencilOffsetClassDeclaration = stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer->get_class_decl();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetClassDeclaration != NULL);
#if 0
                                   printf ("stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer = %p class name    = %s \n",stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer,stencilOffsetClassDeclaration->get_name().str());
                                   printf ("stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer = %p class = %p = %s \n",stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer,stencilOffsetClassDeclaration,stencilOffsetClassDeclaration->class_name().c_str());
                                // This should not be a template instantiation (the Shift is defined to be a noo-template class declaration, not a template class declaration).
                                   SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* stencilOffsetTemplateInstantiationDecl = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(stencilOffsetClassDeclaration);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetTemplateInstantiationDecl == NULL);

                                   if (stencilOffsetClassDeclaration != NULL && stencilOffsetClassDeclaration->get_name() == "Shift")
                                     // Now we know that the type associated with the first template parameter is associated with the class "Shift".
                                     // But we need so also now what the first parametr is associate with the constructor initializer, since it will
                                     // be the name of the variable used to interprete the stencil offset (and the name of the variable will be the 
                                     // key into the map of finite machine models used to accumulate the state of the stencil offsets that we accumulate
                                     // to build the stencil.

                                     // Now we need the value of the input (computed using it's fine state machine).
                                        SgExpression* inputToShiftConstructor = stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[0];
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(inputToShiftConstructor != NULL);
                                        SgConstructorInitializer* inputToShiftConstructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(inputToShiftConstructor);
                                        if (stencilOffsetConstructorInitializer != NULL)
                                             SgExpression* inputToPointConstructor = inputToShiftConstructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[0];
                                             ROSE_ASSERT(inputToPointConstructor != NULL);

                                          // This should be a SgVarRefExp (if we strictly follow the stencil specification rules (which are not written down yet).
                                             SgVarRefExp* inputToPointVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(inputToPointConstructor);
                                             if (inputToPointVarRefExp != NULL)
#if 0
                                                  printf ("Found varRefExp in bottom of chain of constructors \n");
                                                  SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbolForOffset = isSgVariableSymbol(inputToPointVarRefExp->get_symbol());
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbolForOffset != NULL);
                                                  SgInitializedName* initializedNameForOffset = variableSymbolForOffset->get_declaration();
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(initializedNameForOffset != NULL);
                                                  SgInitializer* initializer = initializedNameForOffset->get_initptr();
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(initializer != NULL);
#if 0
                                                  printf ("Found initializedName: name = %s in bottom of chain of constructors: initializer = %p = %s \n",initializedNameForOffset->get_name().str(),initializer,initializer->class_name().c_str());
                                               // Record the name to be used as a key into the map of "StencilOffset" finite state machines.

                                                  SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = isSgAssignInitializer(initializer);
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(assignInitializer != NULL);

                                                  string name = initializedNameForOffset->get_name();
                                               // Look up the current state in the finite state machine for the "Point".

                                               // Check that this is a previously defined stencil offset.
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(StencilOffsetMap.find(name) != StencilOffsetMap.end());
                                               // StencilOffsetFSM* stencilOffsetFSM = StencilOffsetMap[name];
                                                  stencilOffsetFSM = StencilOffsetMap[name];
                                                  ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);
#if 0
                                                  printf ("We have found the StencilOffsetFSM associated with the StencilOffset named %s \n",name.c_str());
#if 0
                                                  printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");
                                                  printf ("What is this expression: inputToPointConstructor = %p = %s \n",inputToPointConstructor,inputToPointConstructor->class_name().c_str());
#if 0
                                        printf ("Found Shift type \n");
                                        foundShiftExpression = true;
#if 0
                                   printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");
                                // This case for the specification of a Shift in the first argument is not yet supported (need an example of this).
                                   printf ("This case of using a shift is not a part of what is supported \n");

                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                           // Look at the second parameter to the pair<Shift,double>(first_parameter,second_parameter) constructor.
                           // *****************************************************************************************************
                              SgExpression* stencilCoeficent = constructorInitializer->get_args()->get_expressions()[1];
                              ROSE_ASSERT(stencilCoeficent != NULL);

                              SgVarRefExp* stencilCoeficentVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(stencilCoeficent);
                              if (stencilCoeficentVarRefExp != NULL)
                                // Handle the case where this is a constant SgVarRefExp and the value is available in the declaration.
                                   SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbolForConstant = isSgVariableSymbol(stencilCoeficentVarRefExp->get_symbol());
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbolForConstant != NULL);
                                   SgInitializedName* initializedNameForConstant = variableSymbolForConstant->get_declaration();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(initializedNameForConstant != NULL);
                                   SgInitializer* initializer = initializedNameForConstant->get_initptr();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(initializer != NULL);
                                   SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = isSgAssignInitializer(initializer);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(assignInitializer != NULL);

                                   SgValueExp* valueExp = isSgValueExp(assignInitializer->get_operand());

                                   bool usingUnaryMinus = false;
                                // ROSE_ASSERT(valueExp != NULL);
                                   if (valueExp == NULL)
                                        SgExpression* operand = assignInitializer->get_operand();
                                        SgMinusOp* minusOp = isSgMinusOp(operand);
                                        if (minusOp != NULL)
#if 0
                                             printf ("Using SgMinusOp on stencil constant \n");
                                             usingUnaryMinus = true;
                                             valueExp = isSgValueExp(minusOp->get_operand());

                                   SgDoubleVal* doubleVal = isSgDoubleVal(valueExp);
                                // ROSE_ASSERT(doubleVal != NULL);
                                   double value = 0.0;
                                   if (doubleVal == NULL)
                                     // Call JP's function to evaluate the constant expression.
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(valueExp == NULL);
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(stencilCoeficent != NULL);
                                        DSL_Support::const_numeric_expr_t const_expression = DSL_Support::evaluateConstNumericExpression(stencilCoeficent);
                                        if (const_expression.hasValue_ == true)
                                             ROSE_ASSERT(const_expression.isIntOnly_ == false);
                                             value = const_expression.value_;

                                             printf ("const expression evaluated to value = %4.2f \n",value);
                                             printf ("constnat value expression could not be evaluated to a constant \n");
#if 1
                                        printf ("SgDoubleVal value = %f \n",doubleVal->get_value());
                                        value = (usingUnaryMinus == false) ? doubleVal->get_value() : -(doubleVal->get_value());
#if 1
                                   printf ("Stencil coeficient = %f \n",value);
                                   foundStencilCoeficient = true;

                                   stencilCoeficientValue = value;
                                // When we turn on constant folding in the frontend we eveluate directly to a SgDoubleVal.
                                   SgDoubleVal* doubleVal = isSgDoubleVal(stencilCoeficent);
                                   if (doubleVal != NULL)
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(doubleVal != NULL);
#if 0
                                        printf ("SgDoubleVal value = %f \n",doubleVal->get_value());
                                        double value = doubleVal->get_value();
#if 0
                                        printf ("Stencil coeficient = %f \n",value);
                                        foundStencilCoeficient = true;

                                        stencilCoeficientValue = value;
                                        printf ("Error: second parameter in pair for stencil is not a SgVarRefExp (might be explicit value not yet supported) \n");
                                        printf ("   --- stencilCoeficent = %p = %s \n",stencilCoeficent,stencilCoeficent->class_name().c_str());
#if 0
                         printf ("foundShiftExpression   = %s \n",foundShiftExpression   ? "true" : "false");
                         printf ("foundStencilCoeficient = %s \n",foundStencilCoeficient ? "true" : "false");
                         if (foundShiftExpression == true && foundStencilCoeficient == true)
#if 0
                              printf ("Found pair<Shift,double>() constructor expression! \n");
                              foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor = true;

                         // End of test for classType_0 != NULL
#if 0
               printf ("This is not a SgConstructorInitializer for the pair templated class \n");

          // End of test for classDeclaration != NULL

#if 0
     printf ("foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor = %s \n",foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor ? "true" : "false");

     if (foundPairShiftDoubleConstructor == true)
       // This is the recognition of an event for one of the finite state machines we implement to evaluate the stencil at compile time.
#if 0
          printf ("In evaluateInheritedAttribute(): found pair<Shift,double>() constructor expression! \n");
          printf ("   --- stencilOffsetFSM       = %p \n",stencilOffsetFSM);
          printf ("   --- stencilCoeficientValue = %f \n",stencilCoeficientValue);
          ROSE_ASSERT(stencilOffsetFSM != NULL);

          inheritedAttribute.stencilOffsetFSM       = stencilOffsetFSM;
          inheritedAttribute.stencilCoeficientValue = stencilCoeficientValue;

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");

  // Construct the return attribute from the modified input attribute.
     return StencilEvaluation_InheritedAttribute(inheritedAttribute);
Ejemplo n.º 6
visitorTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(SgNode* n, InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute)
    Sg_File_Info* s = n->get_startOfConstruct();
    Sg_File_Info* e = n->get_endOfConstruct();
    Sg_File_Info* f = n->get_file_info();
    for(int x=0; x < inheritedAttribute.depth; ++x) {
        printf(" ");
    if(s != NULL && e != NULL && !isSgLabelStatement(n)) { 
        printf ("%s (%d, %d, %d)->(%d, %d): %s",n->sage_class_name(),s->get_file_id()+1,s->get_raw_line(),s->get_raw_col(),e->get_raw_line(),e->get_raw_col(),  verbose ? n->unparseToString().c_str() : "" );
        if(isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)) {
            printf(" [DWARF construct name: %s]", isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)->get_name().c_str());
        SgExprStatement * exprStmt = isSgExprStatement(n);
        if(exprStmt != NULL) {
            printf(" [expr type: %s]", exprStmt->get_expression()->sage_class_name());           
            SgFunctionCallExp * fcall = isSgFunctionCallExp(exprStmt->get_expression());
            if(fcall != NULL) {
               SgExpression * funcExpr = fcall->get_function();
               if(funcExpr != NULL) {
                    printf(" [function expr: %s]", funcExpr->class_name().c_str());
               SgFunctionDeclaration * fdecl = fcall->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration();
               if(fdecl != NULL) {
                    printf(" [called function: %s]", fdecl->get_name().str());
        if(isSgFunctionDeclaration(n)) {
            printf(" [declares function: %s]", isSgFunctionDeclaration(n)->get_name().str());
        SgStatement * sgStmt = isSgStatement(n);
        if(sgStmt != NULL) {
            printf(" [scope: %s, %p]", sgStmt->get_scope()->sage_class_name(), sgStmt->get_scope());
        //SgLabelStatement * lblStmt = isSgLabelStatement(n);
        //if(lblStmt != NULL) {
        //    SgStatement * lblStmt2 = lblStmt->get_statement();
    } else if (f != NULL) {
		SgInitializedName * iname = isSgInitializedName(n);
		if(iname != NULL) {
            SgType* inameType = iname->get_type();
			printf("%s (%d, %d, %d): %s [type: %s", n->sage_class_name(),f->get_file_id()+1,f->get_raw_line(),f->get_raw_col(),n->unparseToString().c_str(),inameType->class_name().c_str());
			SgDeclarationStatement * ds = isSgDeclarationStatement(iname->get_parent());
			if(ds != NULL) {
				if(ds->get_declarationModifier().get_storageModifier().isStatic()) {
					printf(" static");
			SgArrayType * art = isSgArrayType(iname->get_type());
			if(art != NULL) {
				printf(" %d", art->get_rank());
            if(isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)) {
                printf(" [DWARF construct name: %s]", isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)->get_name().c_str());
            } else {
        	printf("%s (%d, %d, %d): %s", n->sage_class_name(),f->get_file_id()+1,f->get_raw_line(),f->get_raw_col(), verbose ? n->unparseToString().c_str() : "");
    } else {
        printf("%s : %s", n->sage_class_name(), verbose ? n->unparseToString().c_str() : "");
        if(isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)) {
            printf(" [DWARF construct name: %s]", isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)->get_name().c_str());
    printf(" succ# %lu", n->get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors());
     return InheritedAttribute(inheritedAttribute.depth+1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
VerifyOriginalExpressionTreesSetToNull::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This traversal is used to verify that all of the original expression trees in the AST have
  // been either deleted (optional) or used to replace the constant folded values (the default
  // for the ROSE AST so that we can preserve the greatest amount of source-to-source detail).

  // Note that it can detect problems that are due to orphaned expressions in the AST.
  // An example is test2011_138.C where the multidimensional array indexing causes and orphaned 
  // expression to be created and it has a original expression tree.  Since the orphaned expression 
  // can't be reached we can eliminate the original expression tree.  The bug in ROSE is that there
  // is an orphaned expression tree not that there is a remaining original expression tree.

  // We need a mechanism to detect nodes that exist in the AST and are not pointed to by any other 
  // IR node (and then we have to decide if parent pointers count).

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // printf ("In VerifyOriginalExpressionTreesSetToNull::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               printf ("Error: there is a valid originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str(),exp,exp->class_name().c_str());
#if 0 // Liao debugging 11/13/2012
          ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree == NULL);

       // Allow us to ignore the cases of originalExpressionTrees hidden in array types.
       // I want to narrow down the failing tests codes to eliminate this case which is handled separately.

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
               SgNode* parent = exp;

            // Note that test2011_121.C fails to be either a SgArrayType or a SgVariableDefinition (failing in some part of "complex" header file).
            // test2005_203.C demonstrates the use of constant folding in bitfield specifications.
            // while (parent != NULL && isSgArrayType(parent) == NULL) 
               while (parent != NULL && isSgArrayType(parent) == NULL && isSgVariableDefinition(parent) == NULL) 
                    parent = parent->get_parent();

               if (isSgArrayType(parent) == NULL)
                    printf ("So what is the parent: parent = %p = %s \n",parent, (parent != NULL) ? parent->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");
               ROSE_ASSERT(isSgArrayType(parent) != NULL || isSgVariableDefinition(parent) != NULL);
               printf ("In VerifyOriginalExpressionTreesSetToNull(): originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s Ingoring originalExpressionTree != NULL \n",
Ejemplo n.º 8
DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This is used to operate on the AST and on subtree that are hidden in SgArrayType and bitfile expressions.

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // printf ("In DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               printf ("Error: DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit() -- there is a valid originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str(),exp,exp->class_name().c_str());
               ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
               originalExpressionTree->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error: DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit()");

       // DQ (6/12/2013): Commented out as part of EDG 4.7 testing.
#if 0
          ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree == NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 9
fixupReferencesToGlobalVariables ( Rose_STL_Container<SgVarRefExp*> & variableReferenceList, SgVariableSymbol* globalClassVariableSymbol)
  // Now fixup the SgVarRefExp to reference the global variables through a struct
     for (Rose_STL_Container<SgVarRefExp*>::iterator var = variableReferenceList.begin(); var != variableReferenceList.end(); var++)
          assert(*var != NULL);
       // printf ("Variable reference for %s \n",(*var)->get_symbol()->get_declaration()->get_name().str());

          SgNode* parent = (*var)->get_parent();
          assert(parent != NULL);

       // If this is not an expression then is likely a meaningless statement such as ("x;")
          SgExpression* parentExpression = isSgExpression(parent);
          assert(parentExpression != NULL);

       // Build the reference through the global class variable ("x" --> "AMPI_globals.x")

       // Build source position informaiton (marked as transformation)
          Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode();
          assert(fileInfo != NULL);

       // Build "AMPI_globals"
          SgExpression* lhs = new SgVarRefExp(fileInfo,globalClassVariableSymbol);
          assert(lhs != NULL);
       // Build "AMPI_globals.x" from "x"
          SgDotExp* globalVariableReference = new SgDotExp(fileInfo,lhs,*var);
          assert(globalVariableReference != NULL);

          if (parentExpression != NULL)
            // Introduce reference to *var through the data structure

            // case of binary operator
               SgUnaryOp* unaryOperator = isSgUnaryOp(parentExpression);
               if (unaryOperator != NULL)
                 // case of binary operator
                    SgBinaryOp* binaryOperator = isSgBinaryOp(parentExpression);
                    if (binaryOperator != NULL)
                      // figure out if the *var is on the lhs or the rhs
                         if (binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand() == *var)
                              assert(binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand() == *var);
                      // ignore these cases for now!
                           // Where the variable appers in the function argument list the parent is a SgExprListExp
                              case V_SgExprListExp:
                                   printf ("Sorry not implemented, case of global variable in function argument list ... \n");
                              case V_SgInitializer:
                              case V_SgRefExp:
                              case V_SgVarArgOp:
                                   printf ("Error: default reached in switch  parentExpression = %p = %s \n",parentExpression,parentExpression->class_name().c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 10
RemoveConstantFoldedValue::handleTheSynthesizedAttribute( SgNode* node, const RemoveConstantFoldedValueSynthesizedAttribute & i )
     SgExpression* value = isSgExpression(i.node);
     if (value != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = value->get_originalExpressionTree();
          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Found an originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
               if (node == value->get_parent())
                 // What kind of IR node are we at presently? Replace the expression representing the SgValueExp with the Expression representing the original subtree.
#if 0
                    printf ("Current IR node with SgExpression child = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
                    bool traceReplacement = true;
                    ConstantFoldedValueReplacer r(traceReplacement, value);
                    printf ("*** Strange case of child attribute not having the current node as a parent child = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 11
ConstantFoldedValueReplacer::operator()(SgNode*& key, const SgName & debugStringName, bool /* traverse */ traceReplacement)
  // This function is used to replace the expression in an AST node and avoids explicitly handling all of the cases 
  // of where an IR node can exist in the AST (in this case expressions containing an opriginal expression tree could 
  // be in a lot of locations).

  // Note that the key will be a reference to the pointer for each data member of the IR node where: 
  //      node->processDataMemberReferenceToPointers(&r);
  // is called.

#if 0
     printf ("Inside of ConstantFoldedValueReplacer::operator() key = %p = %s = %s node = %p = %s = %s \n",
          key,(key != NULL) ? key->class_name().c_str() : "NULL",(key != NULL) ? SageInterface::get_name(key).c_str() : "NULL",
          targetNode,(targetNode != NULL) ? targetNode->class_name().c_str() : "NULL",(targetNode != NULL) ? SageInterface::get_name(targetNode).c_str() : "NULL");

     if (key != NULL)
       // Now reset the pointer to the subtree identified as redundent with a
       // subtree in the original AST to the subtree in the original (merged) AST.

       // Note: targetNode is the IR node to be replaced (set in the ConstantFoldedValueReplacer constructor call).
          if (key == targetNode)
#if 0
               printf ("Note that key == originalNode \n");
               SgExpression* keyExpression = isSgExpression(key);

            // DQ (9/17/2011): We don't want to eliminate references to enum values (see test2005_194.C).
            // Though I wonder if it could be that we are not distinguishing the enum value and the 
            // values of the enum variables (the order of the fields in the enum declaration).
               if (isSgEnumVal(keyExpression) == NULL)
                    if (keyExpression != NULL)
#if 0
                         printf ("Note that key is a valid expression keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() = %p \n",keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree());
                         if (keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
#if 0
                              printf ("key contains a originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree(),keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()->class_name().c_str());

                           // DQ (10/8/2011): Added support for chains of expression trees.
                           // while (keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
                              while (keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL && isSgEnumVal(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()) == NULL)
                                   SgExpression* nestedOriginalExpressionTree = keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(nestedOriginalExpressionTree != NULL);
#if 0
                                   printf ("Found a chain of original expression trees (iterate to find the end of the chain: keyExpression = %p = %s keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() = %p = %s \n",
                                   keyExpression = nestedOriginalExpressionTree;

                           // If this is an enum value, then we don't want the original expression tree (which 
                           // will otherwise be substituted into such places as SgCaseOptionStmt nodes, etc.).
                              SgEnumVal* enumValue = isSgEnumVal(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree());
                              if (enumValue != NULL)
#if 0
                                   printf ("Detected case of enumValue = %p \n",enumValue);
                                   if (enumValue->get_originalExpressionTree())
#if 0
                                        printf ("Deleting the original expression in the nested enumValue \n");

                              ROSE_ASSERT(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL);
                              key = keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree();
                              ROSE_ASSERT(key != NULL);

                           // Set the parent node
                              ROSE_ASSERT(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL);

                              SgExpression* targetExpression = isSgExpression(targetNode);

                           // Clear the originalExpressionTree
                              ROSE_ASSERT(targetExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() == NULL);


                           // DQ (9/24/2011): This can be an expression tree (more than just a single IR node (see test2011_140.C).
                           // delete targetNode;

                           // Reset the pointer to avoid any dangling pointer problems.
                              targetNode = NULL;
#if 0
                         printf ("key is not a SgExpression \n");
                 // For the case of a SgEnumVal, don't use the original expression tree (see test2005_194.C)
                 // The original expression tree holds the value used for the enum field, instead of the 
                 // reference to the correct enum field).
#if 0
                    printf ("ENUM VALUE special handling: we call deleteOriginalExpressionTree(keyExpression = %p) \n",keyExpression);
#if 0
               printf ("key != originalNode \n");
#if 0
          printf ("key == NULL \n");

#if 0
     printf ("Leaving ConstantFoldedValueReplacer::operator() new reset key = %p = %s \n",key,(key != NULL) ? key->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");
Ejemplo n.º 12
visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
     SgFile* file = isSgFile(n);
     if (file != NULL)
          filename = file->get_sourceFileNameWithPath();

  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(n);

     bool outputStatement = (statement != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (statement->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

  // Skip SgGlobal IR nodes
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (isSgGlobal(statement) == NULL);

     if (outputStatement == true)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = statement->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
            // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
            // int counter = 0;
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
#if 0
                    printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",

                 // Mark comments and CPP directives a few different colors.
                    int startingLineNumber   = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_line();
                    int startingColumnNumber = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_col();

                 // Subtract 1 from number of lines to avoid over counting the current line.
                    int endingLineNumber = startingLineNumber + ((*i)->getNumberOfLines() - 1);
                    int endingColumnNumber = (*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString();

                    string color = directiveTypeColor((*i)->getTypeOfDirective());
#if 0
                    printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d\n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber);
                    dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;
            // printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->sage_class_name());

          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
          if (statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (statement = %p = %s) \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int endingColumnNumber   = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;
#if 0
       // Mark all statements blue
          string color = "blue";
          if (isSgScopeStatement(statement) != NULL)
             color = "red";
          string color = nodeColor(statement);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,statement->class_name().c_str(),statement);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(n);

     bool outputExpression = (expression != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputExpression = outputExpression && (expression->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputExpression == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to expressions (as I recall).
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = expression->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
          ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // For expressions I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (expression = %p = %s) \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(expression);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,expression->class_name().c_str(),expression);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(n);

     bool outputInitializedName = (initializedName != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputInitializedName = outputInitializedName && (initializedName->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputInitializedName == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to SgInitializedName IR nodes (as I recall).
       // AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = initializedName->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
#if 0
       // For SgInitializedName I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Note: initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL is OK (initializedName = %p = %s) \n",initializedName,initializedName->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(initializedName);
#if 0
       // This is redundant I/O for debugging.
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,initializedName->class_name().c_str(),initializedName);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 13
// Do finite differencing on one expression within one context.  The expression
// must be defined and valid within the entire body of root.  The rewrite rules
// are used to simplify expressions.  When a variable var is updated from
// old_value to new_value, an expression of the form (var, (old_value,
// new_value)) is created and rewritten.  The rewrite rules may either produce
// an arbitrary expression (which will be used as-is) or one of the form (var,
// (something, value)) (which will be changed to (var = value)).
void doFiniteDifferencingOne(SgExpression* e, 
                             SgBasicBlock* root,
                             RewriteRule* rules)
     SgStatementPtrList& root_stmts = root->get_statements();
     SgStatementPtrList::iterator i;
     for (i = root_stmts.begin(); i != root_stmts.end(); ++i)
          if (expressionComputedIn(e, *i))
     if (i == root_stmts.end())
          return; // Expression is not used within root, so quit
     vector<SgVariableSymbol*> used_symbols = SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression(e);
     SgName cachename = "cache_fd__"; cachename << ++SageInterface::gensym_counter;
     SgVariableDeclaration* cachedecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, cachename, e->get_type(),0 /* new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e) */);
     SgInitializedName* cachevar = cachedecl->get_variables().back();
     ROSE_ASSERT (cachevar);
     root->get_statements().insert(i, cachedecl);
     SgVariableSymbol* sym = new SgVariableSymbol(cachevar);
     root->insert_symbol(cachename, sym);
     SgVarRefExp* vr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
     replaceCopiesOfExpression(e, vr, root);

     vector<SgExpression*> modifications_to_used_symbols;
     FdFindModifyingStatementsVisitor(used_symbols, modifications_to_used_symbols).go(root);

          new PreprocessingInfo(PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment,(string("// Finite differencing: ") + 
               cachename.str() + " is a cache of " + 
               e->unparseToString()).c_str(),"Compiler-Generated in Finite Differencing",0, 0, 0, PreprocessingInfo::before));

     if (modifications_to_used_symbols.size() == 0)
          SgInitializer* cacheinit = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modifications_to_used_symbols.size(); ++i)
               SgExpression* modstmt = modifications_to_used_symbols[i];
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
               cout << "Updating cache after " << modstmt->unparseToString() << endl;
               SgExpression* updateCache = 0;
               SgVarRefExp* varref = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
               SgTreeCopy tc;
               SgExpression* eCopy = isSgExpression(e->copy(tc));
               switch (modstmt->variantT())
                    case V_SgAssignOp:
                         SgAssignOp* assignment = isSgAssignOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, rhs, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgAndAssignOp:
                    case V_SgIorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMultAssignOp:
                    case V_SgDivAssignOp:
                    case V_SgModAssignOp:
                    case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
                         SgBinaryOp* assignment = isSgBinaryOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         SgTreeCopy tc;
                         SgExpression* rhsCopy = isSgExpression(rhs->copy(tc));
                         SgExpression* newval = 0;
                         switch (modstmt->variantT())
#define DO_OP(op, nonassignment) \
                              case V_##op: { \
                                   newval = new nonassignment(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, rhsCopy); \
                                   newval->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); \
                              } \

                              DO_OP(SgPlusAssignOp, SgAddOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMinusAssignOp, SgSubtractOp);
                              DO_OP(SgAndAssignOp, SgBitAndOp);
                              DO_OP(SgIorAssignOp, SgBitOrOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMultAssignOp, SgMultiplyOp);
                              DO_OP(SgDivAssignOp, SgDivideOp);
                              DO_OP(SgModAssignOp, SgModOp);
                              DO_OP(SgXorAssignOp, SgBitXorOp);
                              DO_OP(SgLshiftAssignOp, SgLshiftOp);
                              DO_OP(SgRshiftAssignOp, SgRshiftOp);
#undef DO_OP

                              default: break;
                         assert (newval);
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, newval, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgPlusPlusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgAddOp* add = new SgAddOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                    case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgMinusMinusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgSubtractOp* sub = new SgSubtractOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                         cerr << modstmt->sage_class_name() << endl;
                         assert (false);

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "e is " << e->unparseToString() << endl;
            cout << "eCopy is " << eCopy->unparseToString() << endl;
               updateCache = doFdVariableUpdate(rules, varref, e, eCopy);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "updateCache is " << updateCache->unparseToString() << endl;
               if (updateCache)
                    ROSE_ASSERT(modstmt != NULL);
                    SgNode* ifp = modstmt->get_parent();
                    SgCommaOpExp* comma = new SgCommaOpExp(SgNULL_FILE, updateCache, modstmt);

                    if (ifp == NULL)
                         printf ("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL modstmt = %p = %s \n",modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                         modstmt->get_startOfConstruct()->display("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL: debug");
                    ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                 cout << "New expression is " << comma->unparseToString() << endl;
                 cout << "IFP is " << ifp->sage_class_name() << ": " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
                    if (isSgExpression(ifp))
                         isSgExpression(ifp)->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                      // DQ (12/16/2006): Need to handle cases that are not SgExpression (now that SgExpressionRoot is not used!)
                      // cerr << ifp->sage_class_name() << endl;
                      // assert (!"Bad parent type for inserting comma expression");
                         SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(ifp);
                         if (statement != NULL)
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                              printf ("Before statement->replace_expression(): statement = %p = %s modstmt = %p = %s \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str(),modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                              SgExprStatement* expresionStatement = isSgExprStatement(statement);
                              if (expresionStatement != NULL)
                                   SgExpression* expression = expresionStatement->get_expression();
                                   printf ("expressionStatement expression = %p = %s \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
                              statement->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
                              printf ("Error: parent is neither a SgExpression nor a SgStatement ifp = %p = %s \n",ifp,ifp->class_name().c_str());

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                    cout << "IFP is now " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Do partial redundancy elimination, looking for copies of one expression expr
// within the basic block root.  A control flow graph for root must be provided
// in cfg, with a map from nodes to their statements in node_statements, a map
// from edges to their CFG edge types in edge_type, and a map from edges to
// their insertion points in edge_insertion_point.  The algorithm used is that
// of Paleri, Srikant, and Shankar ("Partial redundancy elimination: a simple,
// pragmatic, and provably correct algorithm", Science of Computer Programming
// 48 (2003) 1--20).
void PRE::partialRedundancyEliminationOne( SgExpression* expr, SgBasicBlock* root, const myControlFlowGraph& cfg)
    // SgBasicBlock* myFunctionBody = getFunctionDefinition(expr)->get_body();

    // DQ (3/16/2006): Added assertions
    ROSE_ASSERT(expr != NULL);
    ROSE_ASSERT(root != NULL);

    vector<SgVariableSymbol*> symbols_in_expression = SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression(expr);

    if (anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn(symbols_in_expression, expr))
        // This expression updates its own arguments, and so is not idempotent
        // Return immediately

    // Simple or not user-definable expressions
    if (isSgVarRefExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgValueExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgFunctionRefExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgExprListExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgInitializer(expr)) return;
#if 0
    if ( (isSgAddOp(expr) || isSgSubtractOp(expr)) &&
            (isSgVarRefExp(isSgBinaryOp(expr)->get_lhs_operand()) ||
             isSgValueExp(isSgBinaryOp(expr)->get_lhs_operand())) &&
            (isSgVarRefExp(isSgBinaryOp(expr)->get_rhs_operand()) ||

    // Expressions which do not keep a consistent value each time they are used
    if (!expressionTreeEqual(expr, expr))

    // cerr << "Trying to do PRE using expression " << expr->unparseToString() << " whose type is " << expr->sage_class_name() << endl;

    VertexIter i   = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(),
               end = cfg.graph.vertices().end();

    // cerr << "CFG has " << distance(i, end) << " nodes" << endl;

    bool needToMakeCachevar = false;
    set<SgNode*> replacements;
    vector<pair<SgNode*, bool /* before */> > insertions;

    vector<bool> transp(cfg.graph.vertices().size()),

    vector<SgNode*> first_computation(cfg.graph.vertices().size()),

    // Set values of local node properties
    for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i)
        const vector<SgNode*>& stmts = cfg.node_statements[*i];

        // Precompute test values for each statement
        vector<bool> argumentsModifiedInStatement(stmts.size());
        vector<int> expressionComputedInStatement(stmts.size());
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            if (anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn(symbols_in_expression, stmts[j]))
                argumentsModifiedInStatement[j] = true;
            expressionComputedInStatement[j] = countComputationsOfExpressionIn(expr, stmts[j]);

        // Compute transp
        transp[*i] = true;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            if (argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                transp[*i] = false;

        // Compute comp and do local redundancy elimination
        comp[*i] = false;
        SgNode* firstComputationInChain = 0;
        bool needToInsertComputation = false;
        bool computationInsertedOrUsed = false;
        // cout << "In node " << *i << endl;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            // cout << "In stmt " << j << ", expressionComputedInStatement = " << expressionComputedInStatement[j]
            //      << ", argumentsModifiedInStatement = " << argumentsModifiedInStatement[j] << endl;
            if (expressionComputedInStatement[j] && !argumentsModifiedInStatement[j] && comp[*i] /* from last iter */)
                // Do local redundancy elimination
                if (firstComputationInChain && needToInsertComputation)
                    insertions.push_back(make_pair(firstComputationInChain, true));
                    needToInsertComputation = false;
                computationInsertedOrUsed = true;
                needToMakeCachevar = true;
            if (expressionComputedInStatement[j])
                comp[*i] = true;
                if (!firstComputationInChain)
                    firstComputationInChain = stmts[j];
                    needToInsertComputation = true;
                    if (expressionComputedInStatement[j] >= 2)
                        insertions.push_back(make_pair(stmts[j], true));
                        needToMakeCachevar = true;
                        needToInsertComputation = false;
                        computationInsertedOrUsed = true;
                last_computation[*i] = stmts[j];
            if (argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                comp[*i] = false; // Must come after expressionComputedInStatement check
                firstComputationInChain = 0;
                needToInsertComputation = false;

        assert (!computationInsertedOrUsed || needToMakeCachevar);

        // Compute antloc
        antloc[*i] = false;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            if (expressionComputedInStatement[j] && !argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                antloc[*i] = true;
                first_computation[*i] = stmts[j];
            if (argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                antloc[*i] = false;

// #define PRINT_PROPERTY(p) // for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i) if (p[*i]) cerr << #p ": " << *i << endl;
#define PRINT_PROPERTY(p) // for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i) if (p[*i]) cerr << #p ": " << *i << endl;

    int (simpleGraph::*source_ptr)(int) const = &simpleGraph::source;
    int (simpleGraph::*target_ptr)(int) const = &simpleGraph::target;

    vector<bool> avin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    vector<bool> avout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(avout, cfg);
    avin[v] = accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, avout,cfg.graph.in_edges(v),&simpleGraph::source, logical_and<bool>(), true, false);
    avout[v] = comp[v] || (avin[v] && transp[v]);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(avout, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(avin, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, out_edges, OutEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> antin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    vector<bool> antout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(antin, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(antout, cfg);
    antout[v] = accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, antin, cfg.graph.out_edges(v), target_ptr, logical_and<bool>(), true, false);
    antin[v] = antloc[v] || (antout[v] && transp[v]);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(antout, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(antin, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, in_edges, InEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> safein(cfg.graph.vertices().size()), safeout(cfg.graph.vertices().size());

    for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i)
        safein[*i] = avin[*i] || antin[*i];
        safeout[*i] = avout[*i] || antout[*i];


    vector<bool> spavin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    vector<bool> spavout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spavin, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spavout, cfg);
    spavin[v] = safein[v] && accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, spavout, cfg.graph.in_edges(v), source_ptr, logical_or<bool>(), false, false);
    spavout[v] = safeout[v] && (comp[v] || (spavin[v] && transp[v]));
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spavout, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spavin, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, out_edges, OutEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> spantin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    vector<bool> spantout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spantin, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spantout, cfg);
    spantout[v] = safeout[v] && accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, spantin, cfg.graph.out_edges(v), target_ptr, logical_or<bool>(), false, false);
    spantin[v] = safein[v] && (antloc[v] || (spantout[v] && transp[v]));
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spantout, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spantin, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, in_edges, InEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> node_insert(cfg.graph.vertices().size());
    vector<bool> replacef(cfg.graph.vertices().size());
    vector<bool> replacel(cfg.graph.vertices().size());

    // printf ("Intermediate test 1: needToMakeCachevar = %s \n",needToMakeCachevar ? "true" : "false");

    for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i)
        node_insert[*i] = comp[*i] && spantout[*i] && (!transp[*i] || !spavin[*i]);
        replacef[*i] = antloc[*i] && (spavin[*i] || (transp[*i] && spantout[*i]));
        replacel[*i] = comp[*i] && (spantout[*i] || (transp[*i] && spavin[*i]));

        if (node_insert[*i])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            insertions.push_back(make_pair(last_computation[*i], true));
            // cerr << "Insert computation of " << expr->unparseToString() << " just before last computation in " << *i << endl;

        if (replacef[*i])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            // cerr << "Replace first computation of " << *i << endl;

        if (replacel[*i])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            // cerr << "Replace last computation of " << *i << endl;

    vector<bool> edge_insert(cfg.graph.edges().size());

    // printf ("Intermediate test 2: needToMakeCachevar = %s \n",needToMakeCachevar ? "true" : "false");

    EdgeIter j = cfg.graph.edges().begin(), jend = cfg.graph.edges().end();
    for (; j != jend; ++j)
        edge_insert[*j] = !spavout[cfg.graph.source(*j)] && spavin[cfg.graph.target(*j)] && spantin[cfg.graph.target(*j)];

        // printf ("edge_insert[*j] = %s \n",edge_insert[*j] ? "true" : "false");
        if (edge_insert[*j])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            // cerr << "Insert computation of " << expr->unparseToString() << " on edge from "
            //      << cfg.graph.source(*j) << " to " << cfg.graph.target(*j) << endl;

    // printf ("Before final test: needToMakeCachevar = %s \n",needToMakeCachevar ? "true" : "false");

    // Add cache variable if necessary
    SgVarRefExp* cachevar = 0;
    if (needToMakeCachevar)
        SgName cachevarname = "cachevar__";
        cachevarname << ++SageInterface::gensym_counter;

        // printf ("Building variable name = %s \n",cachevarname.str());

        SgType* type = expr->get_type();
        if (isSgArrayType(type))
            type = new SgPointerType(isSgArrayType(type)->get_base_type());
        assert (SageInterface::isDefaultConstructible(type));
        // FIXME: assert (isAssignable(type));
        SgVariableDeclaration* decl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, cachevarname, type, NULL);
        SgInitializedName* initname = decl->get_variables().back();

        // DQ (10/5/2007): Added an assertion.
        ROSE_ASSERT(initname != NULL);

            new PreprocessingInfo(PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment,
                                  (string("// Partial redundancy elimination: ") + cachevarname.str() +
                                   " is a cache of " + expr->unparseToString()).c_str(),
                                  "Compiler-Generated in PRE", 0, 0, 0, PreprocessingInfo::before));
        SgVariableSymbol* cachevarsym = new SgVariableSymbol(initname);

        // DQ (10/5/2007): Added scope (suggested by Jeremiah).


        root->insert_symbol(cachevarname, cachevarsym);
        cachevar = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, cachevarsym);

    // Do expression computation replacements
    for (set<SgNode*>::iterator i = replacements.begin(); i != replacements.end(); ++i)
        ReplaceExpressionWithVarrefVisitor(expr, cachevar).traverse(*i, postorder);

    // Do edge insertions
    // int count = 0;
    bool failAtEndOfFunction = false;
    for (j = cfg.graph.edges().begin(); j != jend; ++j)
        // printf ("Build the insertion list! count = %d \n",count++);
        if (edge_insert[*j])
#if 0
            // DQ (3/13/2006): Compiler warns that "src" is unused, so I have commented it out!
            Vertex src = cfg.graph.source(*j), tgt = cfg.graph.target(*j);
            cerr << "Doing insertion between " << src << " and " << tgt << endl;
            pair<SgNode*, bool> insert_point = cfg.edge_insertion_point[*j];
            if (insert_point.first)
                // DQ (3/16/2006): This is a visited when we fixup the NULL pointer to the initializer in a SgForStatment.
                cerr << "Warning: no insertion point found" << endl; //FIXME was assert
                printf ("Need to figure out what to do here! cfg.edge_insertion_point[*j] = %p \n",&(cfg.edge_insertion_point[*j]));

                failAtEndOfFunction = true;

    // Do within-node insertions
    // printf ("At start of loop: insertions.size() = %zu \n",insertions.size());
    for (vector<pair<SgNode*, bool> >::iterator i = insertions.begin(); i != insertions.end(); ++i)
        SgTreeCopy tc1, tc2;
        SgVarRefExp* cachevarCopy = isSgVarRefExp(cachevar->copy(tc1));
        ROSE_ASSERT (cachevarCopy);
        SgExpression* operation = new SgAssignOp(SgNULL_FILE, cachevarCopy, isSgExpression(expr->copy(tc2)));
#if 0
        printf ("Inside of loop: insertions.size() = %zu \n",insertions.size());
        printf ("\n\ni->first = %p = %s = %s \n",i->first,i->first->class_name().c_str(),i->first->unparseToString().c_str());
        printf ("operation = %p = %s = %s \n",operation,operation->class_name().c_str(),operation->unparseToString().c_str());
        if (isSgExpression(i->first) && !i->second)
            SgNode* ifp = i->first->get_parent();
            SgCommaOpExp* comma = new SgCommaOpExp(SgNULL_FILE, isSgExpression(i->first), operation);
            if (isSgForStatement(ifp))
            else if (isSgBinaryOp(ifp) && isSgBinaryOp(ifp)->get_lhs_operand() == i->first)
            else if (isSgBinaryOp(ifp) && isSgBinaryOp(ifp)->get_rhs_operand() == i->first)
            else if (isSgUnaryOp(ifp) && isSgUnaryOp(ifp)->get_operand() == i->first)
                cerr << ifp->sage_class_name() << endl;
                assert (!"Bad parent type for inserting comma expression");
            SgStatement* the_computation = new SgExprStatement(SgNULL_FILE, operation);
            // printf ("In pre.C: the_computation = %p = %s \n",the_computation,the_computation->class_name().c_str());

            if (isSgBasicBlock(i->first) && i->second)
#if 0
                // DQ (3/14/2006): Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used here!
                printf ("Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used: i->first = %s \n",i->first->class_name().c_str());
                i->first->get_file_info()->display("Location i->first");
                printf ("Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used: TransformationSupport::getStatement(i->first) = %s \n",
                printf ("Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used: the_computation = %s \n",the_computation->class_name().c_str());
                the_computation->get_file_info()->display("Location the_computation: debug");
                ROSE_ASSERT(i->first != NULL);
                ROSE_ASSERT(i->first->get_parent() != NULL);
                printf ("i->first->get_parent() = %s \n",i->first->get_parent()->class_name().c_str());
                i->first->get_file_info()->display("Location i->first: debug");

                SgForStatement*  forStatement = isSgForStatement(i->first->get_parent());
                if (forStatement != NULL)
                    // Make sure that both pointers are not equal because they are both NULL!
                    ROSE_ASSERT(forStatement->get_test() != NULL);
                    SgExprStatement* possibleTest = isSgExprStatement(i->first);
                    if ( forStatement->get_test() == possibleTest )
                        // This is a special case of a SgExpressionStatement as a target in a SgForStatement
                        // printf ("Found special case of target being the test of a SgForStatement \n");
                    SgForInitStatement*  forInitStatement = isSgForInitStatement(i->first->get_parent());
                    if (forInitStatement != NULL)
                        // printf ("Found the SgForInitStatement \n");
                        SgVariableDeclaration* possibleVariable = isSgVariableDeclaration(i->first);
                        SgExprStatement* possibleExpression = isSgExprStatement(i->first);
                        SgStatementPtrList & statementList = forInitStatement->get_init_stmt();
                        SgStatementPtrList::iterator i = statementList.begin();
                        bool addToForInitList = false;
                        while ( (addToForInitList == false) && (i != statementList.end()) )
                            // if ( *i == possibleVariable )
                            if ( *i == possibleVariable || *i == possibleExpression )
                                // This is a special case of a SgExpressionStatement as a target in a SgForStatement
                                // printf ("Found special case of SgForInitStatement transformation \n");
                                addToForInitList = true;

                        // Only modify the STL list outside of the loop over the list to avoid interator invalidation
                        if (addToForInitList == true)
                            // Add the the_computation statment to the list in the SgForInitStatement.
                            // Later if we abandon the SgForInitStatement then we would have to add it to
                            // the list of SgInitializedName objects in the SgVariableDeclaration OR modify
                            // the expression list to handle the extra expression (but I think this case in
                            // handled above).
                            // printf ("Adding the_computation to the list in the SgForInitStatement \n");

    // DQ (3/16/2006): debugging code to force failure at inspection point
    if (failAtEndOfFunction == true)
        printf ("Error: internal error detected \n");
Ejemplo n.º 15
RemoveConstantFoldedValueViaParent::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This is an alternative implementation that allows us to handle expression that are not 
  // traversed in the AST (e.g. types like SgArrayType which can contain expressions).

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // DQ (3/11/2006): Set NULL pointers where we would like to have none.
#if 0
     printf ("In RemoveConstantFoldedValueViaParent::visit(): node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

  // DQ (10/12/2012): Turn this on so that we can detect failing IR nodes (failing later) that have valid originalExpressionTrees.
  // DQ (10/12/2012): Turn this back off because it appears to fail...
#if 0
     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();
          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               SgNode* parent = exp->get_parent();
               if (parent != NULL)
                    printf ("Current IR node with SgExpression parent = %p = %s child = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",parent,parent->class_name().c_str(),node,node->class_name().c_str(),originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
                    bool traceReplacement = true;
                    ConstantFoldedValueReplacer r(traceReplacement, exp);
                 // node->processDataMemberReferenceToPointers(&r);

            // Set the originalExpressionTree to NULL.

            // Set the parent of originalExpressionTree to be the parent of exp.

            // And then delete the folded constant.

     SgArrayType* arrayType = isSgArrayType(node);
     if (arrayType != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("Found an array type arrayType = %p arrayType->get_index() = %p \n",arrayType,arrayType->get_index());
          SgExpression* index = arrayType->get_index();
          if (index != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Fixup array index = %p = %s (traverse index AST subtree) \n",index,index->class_name().c_str());
               RemoveConstantFoldedValue astFixupTraversal;
#if 0
               printf ("DONE: Fixup array index = %p (traverse index AST) \n\n\n\n",index);
#if 0
               printf ("Found an array index = %p (fixup index directly) \n",index);
            // Handle the case where the original expression tree is at the root of the subtree.
               SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = index->get_originalExpressionTree();
               if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
                    printf ("Found an originalExpressionTree in the array index originalExpressionTree = %p \n",originalExpressionTree);
                 // DQ (6/12/2013): This appears to be a problem in EDG 4.7 (see test2011_117.C).
                    std::vector<SgExpression*> redundantChainOfOriginalExpressionTrees;
                    if (originalExpressionTree->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
#if 0
                         printf ("Detected originalExpressionTree nested directly within the originalExpressionTree \n",
                      // Loop to the end of the chain of original expressions (which EDG 4.7 should never have constructed).
                         while (originalExpressionTree->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
#if 0
                              printf ("Looping through a chain of originalExpressionTrees \n");
                           // Save the list of redundnat nodes so that we can delete them properly.

                              originalExpressionTree = originalExpressionTree->get_originalExpressionTree();
#if 0
                         printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");



                 // printf ("DEBUGING: skip delete of index in array type \n");
                    delete index;

                 // DQ (6/12/2013): Delete the nodes that we had to skip over (caused by chain of redundant entries from EDG 4.7).
                    std::vector<SgExpression*>::iterator i = redundantChainOfOriginalExpressionTrees.begin();
                    while (i != redundantChainOfOriginalExpressionTrees.end())
#if 0
                         printf ("deleting the redundnat originalExpressionTree chain caused by EDG 4.7 (delete %p = %s) \n",*i,(*i)->class_name().c_str());
                         delete *i;

                    index = NULL;

     SgVariableDefinition* variableDefinition = isSgVariableDefinition(node);
     if (variableDefinition != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("Found a SgVariableDefinition \n");
          SgExpression* bitfieldExp = variableDefinition->get_bitfield();
          if (bitfieldExp != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Fixup bitfieldExp = %p (traverse bitfieldExp AST subtree) \n",bitfieldExp);
               RemoveConstantFoldedValue astFixupTraversal;

            // Handle the case where the original expression tree is at the root of the subtree.
               SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = bitfieldExp->get_originalExpressionTree();
               if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
                 // DQ (9/18/2011): This code will not work since the bitfile data member in SgVariableDefinition is a SgUnsignedLongVal instead of a SgExpression.

                    delete bitfieldExp;
                    bitfieldExp = NULL;
                 // The ROSE AST needs to be fixed to handle more general expressions for bitfield widths (this does not effect the CFG).
                 // TODO: Change the data type of the bitfield data member in SgVariableDefinition.

                 // DQ (1/20/2014): This has been done now.
                 // printf ("Member data bitfield widths need to be changed (in the ROSE IR) to support more general expressions (can't fix this original expression tree) \n");
#if 0
                 // This case is not handled yet!
                    printf ("Found an original expression tree in a bitfield expression \n");
Ejemplo n.º 16
MarkLhsValues::visit(SgNode* node)
  // DQ (1/19/2008): Fixup the get_lvalue() member function which is common on expressions.
  // printf ("In TestLValueExpressions::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
#if 0
     Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = node->get_file_info();

     printf ("In MarkLhsValues::visit(): node = %s fileInfo = %p \n",node->class_name().c_str(),fileInfo);
     if (fileInfo != NULL)
          bool isCompilerGenerated = fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated();
          std::string filename = fileInfo->get_filenameString();
          int line_number = fileInfo->get_line();
          int column_number = fileInfo->get_line();

          printf ("--- isCompilerGenerated = %s position = %d:%d filename = %s \n",isCompilerGenerated ? "true" : "false",line_number,column_number,filename.c_str());

  // This function most often sets the SgVarRefExp which appears as an lhs operand in a limited set of binary operators.

     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(node);
     if (expression != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("MarkLhsValues::visit(): calling expression->get_lvalue() on expression = %p = %s \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
          SgBinaryOp* binaryOperator = isSgBinaryOp(expression);

          if (binaryOperator != NULL)
               switch (expression->variantT())
                 // IR nodes that have an l-value (required by C/C++/Fortran standard)
                    case V_SgAssignOp:
                    case V_SgAndAssignOp:
                    case V_SgDivAssignOp:
                    case V_SgIorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgModAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMultAssignOp:
                    case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);
                         SgExpression* rhs = binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(rhs != NULL);

                      // This is violated by the ROSE/tests/nonsmoke/functional/roseTests/astInliningTests/pass16.C test code!
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(lhs->get_lvalue() == true);

                      // This is a value that I know has to be set, the AST generation in EDG/Sage and OFP/Sage
                      // sets this properly, but some transformations of the AST do not, so we fix it up here.

                 // These cases are less clear so don't explicitly mark it as an l-value!
                    case V_SgDotExp:
                    case V_SgArrowExp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);
                         printf ("L-value test for SgBinaryOp = %s: not clear how to assert value -- lhs->get_lvalue() = %s \n",binaryOperator->class_name().c_str(),lhs->get_lvalue() ? "true" : "false");
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(lhs->get_lvalue() == true);

                 // DQ (10/9/2008): For the Fortran user defined operator, the lhs is not an L-value.
                 // This represents my understanding, because assignment is explicitly handled separately.
                    case V_SgUserDefinedBinaryOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);
                         SgExpression* rhs = binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(rhs != NULL);

                      // This is a value that I know has to be set, the AST generation in EDG/Sage and OFP/Sage
                      // sets this properly, but some transformations of the AST do not, so we fix it up here.

                      // Make sure that the lhs is not an L-value
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);

                         if (lhs->get_lvalue() == true)
                              printf ("Error for lhs = %p = %s = %s in binary expression = %s \n",
                              binaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for lhs: lhs->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

                      // ROSE_ASSERT(lhs->get_lvalue() == false);

               //SgExpression* rhs = binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand();
               // Liao 3/14/2011. This function is called by builders for binary expressions. 
               // These builders can accept empty right hand operands.
               // ROSE_ASSERT(rhs != NULL);

               if (rhs != NULL)
                 if (rhs->get_lvalue() == true)
                    printf ("Error for rhs = %p = %s = %s in binary expression = %s \n",
                    binaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for rhs: rhs->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

            // ROSE_ASSERT(rhs->get_lvalue() == false);
          SgUnaryOp* unaryOperator = isSgUnaryOp(expression);
          if (unaryOperator != NULL)
               switch (expression->variantT())
                 // IR nodes that should have a valid lvalue
                 // What about SgAddressOfOp?
                    case V_SgAddressOfOp: break; // JJW 1/31/2008

                    case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
                    case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                      // if (operand->get_lvalue() == true)
                         if (operand->get_lvalue() == false)
                              printf ("Error for operand = %p = %s = %s in unary expression (SgMinusMinusOp or SgPlusPlusOp) = %s \n",
                              unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for operand: operand->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == false);
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == true);

                    case V_SgThrowOp:
                      // Note that the gnu " __throw_exception_again;" can cause a SgThrowOp to now have an operand!
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         if (operand == NULL)
                              printf ("Warning: operand == NULL in SgUnaryOp = %s (likely caused by __throw_exception_again) \n",expression->class_name().c_str());
                           // unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error: operand == NULL in SgUnaryOp: debug");
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                 // DQ (10/9/2008): For the Fortran user defined operator, the operand is not an L-value.
                 // This represents my understanding, because assignment is explicitly handled separately.
                    case V_SgUserDefinedUnaryOp:
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);


                 // Added to address problem on Qing's machine using g++ 4.0.2
                    case V_SgNotOp:

                 // These are where some error occur.  I want to isolate then so that I know the current status of where lvalues are not marked correctly!
                    case V_SgPointerDerefExp:
                    case V_SgCastExp:
                    case V_SgMinusOp:
                    case V_SgBitComplementOp:
                 // case V_SgPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                      // Most of the time this is false, we only want to know when it is true
                         if (operand->get_lvalue() == true)
                              printf ("L-value test for SgUnaryOp = %s: not clear how to assert value -- operand->get_lvalue() = %s \n",unaryOperator->class_name().c_str(),operand->get_lvalue() ? "true" : "false");
                           // unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("L-value test for SgUnaryOp: operand->get_lvalue() == true: debug");
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == false);

                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                         if (operand->get_lvalue() == true)
                              printf ("Error for operand = %p = %s = %s in unary expression = %s \n",
                              unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for operand: operand->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

                      // DQ (10/9/2008): What is the date and author for this comment?  Is it fixed now? Was it made into a test code?
                      // Note that this fails for line 206 of file: include/g++_HEADERS/hdrs1/ext/mt_allocator.h
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == false);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void SimpleInstrumentation::visit ( SgNode* astNode )
          case V_SgFunctionCallExp:
               SgFunctionCallExp *functionCallExp = isSgFunctionCallExp(astNode);
               SgExpression *function = functionCallExp->get_function();
               switch (function->variantT())
                    case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
                         SgFunctionRefExp *functionRefExp = isSgFunctionRefExp(function);
                         SgFunctionSymbol *symbol = functionRefExp->get_symbol();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(symbol != NULL);
                         SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration = symbol->get_declaration();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(functionDeclaration != NULL);
                         if (symbol == functionSymbol)
                           // Now we know that we have found the correct function call 
                           // (even in the presence of overloading or other forms of hidding)
                           // Now fixup the symbol and type of the SgFunctionRefExp object to 
                           // reflect the new function to be called (after this we still have to 
                           // fixup the argument list in the SgFunctionCallExp.

                           // We only want to build the decalration once (and insert it into the global scope)
                           // after that we save the symbol and reuse it.
                              if (newFunctionSymbol == NULL)
                                   SgFunctionType* originalFunctionType = isSgFunctionType(functionSymbol->get_type());
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(originalFunctionType != NULL);
                                   newFunctionSymbol = buildNewFunctionDeclaration (TransformationSupport::getStatement(astNode),originalFunctionType);

                              ROSE_ASSERT(newFunctionSymbol != NULL);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(newFunctionSymbol->get_type() != NULL);


                         cerr<<"warning: unrecognized variant: "<<function->class_name();

          case V_SgFunctionDeclaration:
               SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(astNode);
               string functionName = functionDeclaration->get_name().str();
               if (functionName == "send")
                    SgFunctionType *functionType = functionDeclaration->get_type();
                    ROSE_ASSERT(functionType != NULL);
                    bool foundFunction = false;
                    if (functionType->get_return_type()->unparseToString() == "ssize_t")
                         SgTypePtrList & argumentList = functionType->get_arguments();
                         SgTypePtrList::iterator i = argumentList.begin();
                         if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "int" )
                              if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "const void *" )
                                   if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "size_t" )
                                        if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "int" )
                                             foundFunction = true;

                    if (foundFunction == true)
                      // Now get the sysmbol using functionType
                         SgScopeStatement *scope = functionDeclaration->get_scope();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(scope != NULL);
                         functionSymbol = scope->lookup_function_symbol (functionName,functionType);
            // No other special cases