Ejemplo n.º 1
visit(SgNode* node)
     if (isSgAssignOp(node))
       // simple case: the parent of a "real" assignment op must be an
       // expression statement
       if (!isSgExprStatement(node->get_parent()))
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         // not so simple case: the parent is an expression statement, but if
         // that statement is an if/loop condition, we still want to complain
         SgNode *assignment = node->get_parent();
         SgNode *p = assignment->get_parent();
         SgDoWhileStmt *dws;
         SgForStatement *fs;
         SgIfStmt *is;
         SgSwitchStatement *ss;
         SgWhileStmt *ws;

         if ((dws = isSgDoWhileStmt(p)) && dws->get_condition() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((fs = isSgForStatement(p)) && fs->get_test() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((is = isSgIfStmt(p)) && is->get_conditional() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((ss = isSgSwitchStatement(p)) && ss->get_item_selector() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((ws = isSgWhileStmt(p)) && ws->get_condition() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
     else if (SgMemberFunctionRefExp *mf = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(node))
       // not so simple case: call to operator= member function that is not an
       // expression statement by itself
       SgFunctionCallExp *call = isSgFunctionCallExp(mf->get_parent()->get_parent());
       if (call && !isSgExprStatement(call->get_parent())
        && mf->get_parent() == call->get_function()
        && std::strcmp(mf->get_symbol()->get_name().str(), "operator=") == 0)
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(call));
   } //End of the visit function.
Ejemplo n.º 2
visit(SgNode* node)
  // Implement your traversal here.  
        // 1. conditional expression
        if(NULL != isSgBasicBlock(node))
          Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> conditionalExpList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(node, V_SgConditionalExp);
          for(Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i=conditionalExpList.begin(); i != conditionalExpList.end(); i++)
            SgConditionalExp* conditionalExp = isSgConditionalExp(*i);
            //ROSE_ASSERT(conditionalExp != NULL);

            if(NULL != conditionalExp && NULL != isSgCastExp(conditionalExp->get_conditional_exp()))
              output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(conditionalExp));
        } else {

          SgExprStatement* exprStatement = NULL;

          // 2. test statement in a if statement
          SgIfStmt* ifStmt = isSgIfStmt(node);
          if(NULL != ifStmt)
            exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(ifStmt->get_conditional());

          // 3. test statement in a while statement
          SgWhileStmt* whileStmt = isSgWhileStmt(node);
          if(NULL != whileStmt)
            exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(whileStmt->get_condition());

          // 4. test statement in a do-while statement
          SgDoWhileStmt* doWhileStmt = isSgDoWhileStmt(node);
          if(NULL != doWhileStmt)
            exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(doWhileStmt->get_condition());

          // 5. test statement in a for statement
          SgForStatement* forStatement = isSgForStatement(node);
          if(NULL != forStatement)
            exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(forStatement->get_test());

          if(NULL != exprStatement && NULL != isSgCastExp(exprStatement->get_expression()))
            output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));

   } //End of the visit function.
Ejemplo n.º 3
visit(SgNode* node)
  // Implement your traversal here.  

     SgExprStatement* exprStatement = NULL;

     SgIfStmt* ifStmt = isSgIfStmt(node);
     if(NULL != ifStmt)
       exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(ifStmt->get_conditional());

     SgWhileStmt* whileStmt = isSgWhileStmt(node);
     if(NULL != whileStmt)
       exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(whileStmt->get_condition());

     SgDoWhileStmt* doWhileStmt = isSgDoWhileStmt(node);
     if(NULL != doWhileStmt)
       exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(doWhileStmt->get_condition());

     SgForStatement* forStatement = isSgForStatement(node);
     if(NULL != forStatement)
       exprStatement = isSgExprStatement(forStatement->get_test());

     if(NULL != exprStatement && NULL != isSgNotEqualOp(exprStatement->get_expression()))
       SgNotEqualOp* comparison = isSgNotEqualOp(exprStatement->get_expression());
       if((comparison->get_lhs_operand_i() != NULL &&
           isSgDoubleVal(comparison->get_lhs_operand_i()) != NULL) ||
          (comparison->get_rhs_operand_i() != NULL &&
           isSgDoubleVal(comparison->get_rhs_operand_i()) != NULL))
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(comparison));

     if(NULL != exprStatement && NULL != isSgEqualityOp(exprStatement->get_expression()))
       SgEqualityOp* comparison = isSgEqualityOp(exprStatement->get_expression());
       if((comparison->get_lhs_operand_i() != NULL &&
           isSgDoubleVal(comparison->get_lhs_operand_i()) != NULL) ||
          (comparison->get_rhs_operand_i() != NULL &&
           isSgDoubleVal(comparison->get_rhs_operand_i()) != NULL))
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(comparison));

   } //End of the visit function.
Ejemplo n.º 4
unsigned int
checkNode(const SgNode& var,
          SgNode& node,
          const SgIfStmt & dominator,
          int & checkedOnLine)
  std::cout << "Calling " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
  const SgStatement * const conditional = dominator.get_conditional();
  std::cout << "Conditional is: " << conditional->unparseToString() << std::endl;
  if( !isSgExprStatement( conditional ) ) return 0;
  const SgExprStatement * const exprStmt = dynamic_cast<const SgExprStatement * const>(conditional);
  ROSE_ASSERT( exprStmt != NULL );
  const SgExpression * const expr = exprStmt->get_expression();

  return checkConditional(expr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SSAGenerator::findConditionNodes()
	Flow::node_iterator i = flow->nodes_begin();
	while(i != flow->nodes_end())
		SgNode* node = labeler->getNode(*i);
		SgNode* current = node;
			assert(current != NULL);
			SgFunctionDefinition* funcDef = dynamic_cast<SgFunctionDefinition*>(current);
			SgIfStmt* ifStmt = dynamic_cast<SgIfStmt*>(current);	
			if(funcDef != NULL) //*node is not enclosed in an if statement
			else if(ifStmt != NULL)
				SgNode* condition = ifStmt->get_conditional();
				if(node == condition) //*node is the condition of the found if statement; Keep searching upwards
					current = current->get_parent();					
				else //*node is enclosed in the if statement with the condition *condition
					Label conditionLabel = labeler->getLabel(condition);
					conditionMap.insert(pair<Label, Label>(*i, conditionLabel));
			current = current->get_parent();

	map<Label, Label>::iterator j = conditionMap.begin(); 
	while(j != conditionMap.end())
		logger[Sawyer::Message::DEBUG] << "(" << j->first << ", " << j->second << ")" << endl;	
Ejemplo n.º 6
ExprSynAttr *examineStatement(SgStatement *stmt, ostream &out) {
    SgExpression *expr;
    SgExprStatement *expr_stmt;
    ExprSynAttr *expr_attr = NULL;
    ExprSynAttr *attr1 = NULL;

    stringstream fake;
    int i;
    if (NULL == stmt)
        return NULL;
    //out << "/* " << stmt->unparseToString() << " */" << endl;

    switch(stmt->variantT()) {
        case V_SgExprStatement:
            expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(stmt);
            expr_attr = examineExpr(expr_stmt->get_expression(), fake);
            //out << ";";
            if (NULL != expr_attr) {
        case V_SgVariableDeclaration:
            SgVariableDeclaration *vardecl = isSgVariableDeclaration(stmt);
            expr_attr = examineVariableDeclaration(vardecl, out);
        case V_SgBreakStmt:
            out << "break;";
            expr_attr->code << "break;";
        case V_SgContinueStmt:
            out << "continue;";
            expr_attr->code << "continue;";
        case V_SgReturnStmt:
            SgReturnStmt *retstmt = isSgReturnStmt(stmt);
            expr_attr = new ExprSynAttr();
            out << "return ";
            expr = retstmt->get_expression();
            if (expr) {
                attr1 = examineExpr(expr, out);
                expr_attr->code << attr1->code.str();
            out << ";";
            expr_attr->code << "return ";
            if (attr1) {
                expr_attr->result_var = attr1->result_var;
                expr_attr->code << expr_attr->result_var;
            expr_attr->code << ";";
        case V_SgForStatement:
            stringstream head;
            head << "for (";
            SgForStatement *forstmt = isSgForStatement(stmt);
            SgStatementPtrList &init_stmt_list = forstmt->get_init_stmt();
            SgStatementPtrList::const_iterator init_stmt_iter;
            for (init_stmt_iter = init_stmt_list.begin();
                    init_stmt_iter != init_stmt_list.end();
                    init_stmt_iter++) {
                stmt = *init_stmt_iter;
                if (init_stmt_iter != init_stmt_list.begin())
                    head << ", ";
                expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(stmt);
                if (expr_stmt)
                    examineExpr(expr_stmt->get_expression(), head);
            head << "; ";
            expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(forstmt->get_test());
            if (expr_stmt)
                examineExpr(expr_stmt->get_expression(), head);
            head << "; ";
            expr = forstmt->get_increment();
            examineExpr(expr, head);
            head << ")" << endl;

            /* Loop body */
            stmt = forstmt->get_loop_body();
            expr_attr = examineStatement(stmt, fake);
            attr1 = new ExprSynAttr();
            attr1->code << head.str();
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                attr1->code << "{" << endl;
            attr1->code << expr_attr->code.str();
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                attr1->code << "}" << endl;
            delete expr_attr;
            expr_attr = attr1;
            attr1 = NULL;
            out << head.str();
            out << fake.str();
        case V_SgBasicBlock:
            SgScopeStatement *scope = isSgScopeStatement(stmt);
            expr_attr = examineScopeStatement(scope, "scope", out);
        case V_SgIfStmt: 
            stringstream head;
            SgIfStmt *ifstmt = isSgIfStmt(stmt);
            head << "if (";
            stmt = ifstmt->get_conditional();
            expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(stmt);
            if (expr_stmt) {
                attr1 = examineExpr(expr_stmt->get_expression(), head);
                if (attr1 != NULL)
                    delete attr1;
            head << ")" << endl;
            out << head.str();

            /* True body */
            stmt = ifstmt->get_true_body();
            expr_attr = examineStatement(stmt, fake);
            attr1 = new ExprSynAttr();
            attr1->code << head.str();
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                attr1->code << "{" << endl;
            attr1->code << expr_attr->code.str();
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                attr1->code << "}" << endl;
            delete expr_attr;
            expr_attr = attr1;
            attr1 = NULL;
            out << head.str();
            out << fake.str();

            /* False body */
            stmt = ifstmt->get_false_body();
            if (stmt) {
                out << endl << "else" << endl;
                expr_attr->code << endl << "else" << endl;
                attr1 = examineStatement(stmt, out);
                if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                    expr_attr->code << "{" << endl;
                expr_attr->code << attr1->code.str();
                if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                    expr_attr->code << "}" << endl;

        case V_SgWhileStmt:
            stringstream head;
            SgWhileStmt *whilestmt = isSgWhileStmt(stmt);
            expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(whilestmt->get_condition());
            head << "while (";
            if (expr_stmt) {
                attr1 = examineExpr(expr_stmt->get_expression(), head);
                if (NULL != attr1)
                    delete attr1;
            out << head.str() << ")" << endl;
            head << ")" << endl;
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                head << "{" << endl;
            expr_attr = new ExprSynAttr();
            expr_attr->code << head.str();

            /* Loop Body */
            stmt = whilestmt->get_body();
            attr1 = examineStatement(stmt, out);

            expr_attr->code << attr1->code.str();
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                expr_attr->code << "}" << endl;

            delete attr1;
        case V_SgDoWhileStmt:
            stringstream head;
            SgDoWhileStmt *dowhilestmt = isSgDoWhileStmt(stmt);
            expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(dowhilestmt->get_condition());
            stmt = dowhilestmt->get_body();
            out << "do";
            head << "do" << endl;
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                head << "{" << endl;
            expr_attr = new ExprSynAttr();
            expr_attr->code << head.str();
            attr1 = examineStatement(stmt, out);

            expr_attr->code << attr1->code.str();
            if (!isSgScopeStatement(stmt)) {
                expr_attr->code << "}" << endl;
            expr_attr->code << " while (";
            delete attr1;
            out << " while (";
            if (expr_stmt) {
                attr1 = examineExpr(expr_stmt->get_expression(), head);
                delete attr1;
                out << head.str();
                expr_attr->code << head.str();
            out << ");" << endl;
            expr_attr->code << ");" << endl;

    return expr_attr;