Ejemplo n.º 1
void examineFunctionDeclaration(SgFunctionDeclaration* decl, ostream &out) {
    SgSymbol* symbol = decl->get_symbol_from_symbol_table();
    SgFunctionDefinition* def = decl->get_definition();

    ExprSynAttr *attr;
    stringstream fake;

    /* We don't want to output the function withou definition */
    if (NULL == symbol || NULL == def)
    SgType *ret_type = decl->get_orig_return_type();
    examineType(ret_type, out);

    out << " " << symbol->get_name().getString();
    out << "(";

    SgInitializedNamePtrList& name_list = decl->get_args();
    SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator name_iter;
    for (name_iter = name_list.begin(); 
            name_iter != name_list.end(); 
            name_iter++) {
        if (name_iter != name_list.begin())
            out << ", ";
        SgInitializedName* name = *name_iter;
        examineInitializedName(name, out);
    out << ")";
    out << endl;

    SgBasicBlock* body = def->get_body();
    attr = examineScopeStatement(body,symbol->get_name().getString(), fake);
    out << attr->code.str();
    delete attr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void examineInitializedName(SgInitializedName *name, ostream &out) {
    SgSymbol* symbol = name->get_symbol_from_symbol_table();
    if (NULL == symbol)
    SgType *type = symbol->get_type();
    int nr_stars = 0;
    stringstream ss1;
    while (isSgArrayType(type) ||
            isSgPointerType(type)) {
        if (isSgArrayType(type)) {
            SgArrayType *atype = isSgArrayType(type);
            SgExpression *expr = atype->get_index();

            type = atype->get_base_type();
            ss1 << "[";
            if (expr)
                examineExpr(expr, ss1);
            ss1 << "]";
        } else {
            SgPointerType *ttype = isSgPointerType(type);
            type = ttype->get_base_type();
    examinePrimTypeName(type, out);
    out << " ";
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_stars; ++i)
        out << "*";
    out << symbol->get_name().getString();
    out << ss1.str();

    SgInitializer *initer = name->get_initializer();
    if (initer) {
        switch (initer->variantT()) {
            case V_SgAssignInitializer:
                SgAssignInitializer *ai = isSgAssignInitializer(initer);
                SgExpression *expr = ai->get_operand();
                if (expr) {
                    out << "=";
                    examineExpr(expr, out);
void FortranAnalysis::visit(SgFunctionCallExp * fcall)
   SgFunctionRefExp  * fref  = isSgFunctionRefExp(fcall->get_function());

   if (fref != NULL) {
      SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it = fcall->get_args()->get_expressions().begin();
      std::string name = fref->get_symbol()->get_name().getString();

      if (name == "interior" && it != fcall->get_args()->get_expressions().end()) {
         SgVarRefExp * var = isSgVarRefExp(*it);
         SgSymbol * sym = var->get_symbol();
         sym->setAttribute("halo_attr", new AstTextAttribute("HALO_VAR"));
         debug("SgFunctionCallExp: adding halo attribute to %s\n",
Ejemplo n.º 4
AstPDFGeneration_private::edit_page(size_t pageNumber, SgNode* node, PDFInheritedAttribute inheritedValue)
  // JW (added by DQ 7/23/2004): Adds address of each IR node to the top of the page
  HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 1, 0, 0);
  // DQ (1/20/2006): Modified for 64 bit machines
  // ostringstream _ss; _ss << "0x" << std::hex << (int)node;
  ostringstream _ss; 
  _ss << "pointer:" << std::hex << node;
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, _ss.str().c_str());

  // Liao, 2/11/2009, move some essential information from bookmark into the page also
  // since some deep levels of bookmarks cannot display long lines properly by acrobat reader
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, node->sage_class_name());
  SgLocatedNode* sgLocNode = dynamic_cast<SgLocatedNode*> (node);
    Sg_File_Info* fi = sgLocNode->get_file_info();
    ostringstream temp;
    temp<<fi->get_filename()<<" "<<fi->get_line()<<":"<<fi->get_col();
    if (fi->isTransformation()) 

    if (fi->isOutputInCodeGeneration())   

  if (isSgDeclarationStatement(node))
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ("Declaration mangled name: " + isSgDeclarationStatement(node)->get_mangled_name().getString()).c_str());
#if 0  // not necessary, p_name field gives the similar information   
    if (isSgDeclarationStatement(node)->hasAssociatedSymbol())
      SgSymbol *symbol = isSgDeclarationStatement(node)->get_symbol_from_symbol_table ();
      if (symbol)
        HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ("Symbol name: " + symbol->get_name().getString()).c_str());

  // JW hack to show expression types
  if (isSgExpression(node))
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ("Expression type: " + isSgExpression(node)->get_type()->unparseToString()).c_str());

  HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0, 1, 0);

  if (inheritedValue.parentPage==NULL)
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "      root node");
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "     ");
    create_textlink("Click here to go to the parent node", inheritedValue.parentPage, 9);
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");

  // generate RTI information for SgNode
    RTIReturnType rti=node->roseRTI();
    for(RTIReturnType::iterator i=rti.begin(); i<rti.end(); i++)
      if (strlen(i->type) >= 7 &&
          strncmp(i->type, "static ", 7) == 0) {
        continue; // Skip static members
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.5, 0, 0.1);
      HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, i->type);
      HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, " ");
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
      HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, i->name);
      HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, " : ");
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

      string value=i->value;
      if (value.size() >= 80) { // HPDF doesn't like strings > 64k, and we probably shouldn't be trying to print them anyway; this trims things to a reasonable length
        value = "<too long>: " + value.substr(0, 80);
      if (value.size() >= 80) {
        value = "<too long>: " + value.substr(0, 80);
      AstNodeVisitMapping::MappingType::iterator mapit;

      // ensure that mapping value exists (otherwise it would be added to the map)
      // and decide whether to create a link to a page (representing a node) or not
      if (mapit!=addrPageMapping.end())
        size_t destPageNum = mapit->second;
        ROSE_ASSERT (destPageNum < pageDests.size());
        create_textlink(value.c_str(), pageDests[destPageNum] /* targetpage */);

  // generate AstAttribute information
    // printf ("In AstPDFGeneration_private::edit_page(): using new attribute interface \n");
    // if (node->get_attribute() != NULL)
#if 0
    if (node->getAttribute() != NULL)
      AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers aidents = node->attribute().getAttributeIdentifiers();
      PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, ""); // next line
      PDF_setrgbcolor(pdfFile, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
      PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, "AstAttributes:"); // next line
      for (AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers::iterator it = aidents.begin(); it != aidents.end(); it++)
        PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, ""); // next line
        PDF_setrgbcolor(pdfFile, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
        PDF_show(pdfFile,((*it)+": ").c_str());
        PDF_setrgbcolor(pdfFile, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        // float textxpos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"textx",0.0);
        // float textypos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"texty",0.0); 
        string attributeValue = (node->attribute()[*it])->toString();

        // split string into different substrings separated by newlines
        string substring="";
        int oldpos=0;
        int newpos;
        do {
          newpos=attributeValue.find('\n', oldpos);
            PDF_show(pdfFile, substring.append("   ").c_str());
            PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, substring.c_str());
          oldpos = newpos+1; // go to next '\n' and skip it
        // DQ (8/9/2005): Suggested fix from Rich (fixes infinite loop where AST Attributes are attached)
        // while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size());
        while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size() && newpos >= 0 );
        // PDF_show_boxed(pdfFile, attributeValue.c_str(), textxpos, textypos, 0, 0, "left", "");
    // DQ (4/10/2006): New AstAttribute Interface (but access the AstAttributeMechanism directly 
    // since "getAttributeIdentifiers()" is not in the interface implemented at the IR nodes).
    if (node->get_attributeMechanism() != NULL)
      AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers aidents = node->get_attributeMechanism()->getAttributeIdentifiers();
      HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ""); // next line
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
      HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "AstAttributes:"); // next line
      for (AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers::iterator it = aidents.begin(); it != aidents.end(); it++)
        HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ""); // next line
        HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
        HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage,((*it)+": ").c_str());
        HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        // float textxpos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"textx",0.0);
        // float textypos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"texty",0.0); 
        // string attributeValue = (node->attribute()[*it])->toString();
        string attributeValue = node->getAttribute(*it)->toString();

        // split string into different substrings separated by newlines
        string substring="";
        int oldpos=0;
        int newpos;
        do {
          newpos=attributeValue.find('\n', oldpos);
            HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, substring.append("   ").c_str());
            HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, substring.c_str());
          oldpos = newpos+1; // go to next '\n' and skip it
        // DQ (8/9/2005): Suggested fix from Rich (fixes infinite loop where AST Attributes are attached)
        // while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size());
        while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size() && newpos >= 0 );
        // PDF_show_boxed(pdfFile, attributeValue.c_str(), textxpos, textypos, 0, 0, "left", "");
    } // end if 

Ejemplo n.º 5
ExprSynAttr *examineVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration* decl, ostream &out) {
  SgInitializedNamePtrList& name_list = decl->get_variables();
  SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator name_iter;
  ExprSynAttr *ret = NULL;
  ExprSynAttr *gc = NULL;
  ret = new ExprSynAttr();
  for (name_iter = name_list.begin(); 
       name_iter != name_list.end(); 
       name_iter++) {
    SgInitializedName* name = *name_iter;
    SgSymbol* symbol = name->get_symbol_from_symbol_table();
    SgType *type = symbol->get_type();
    int nr_stars = 0;
    stringstream ss1;
    while (isSgArrayType(type) ||
            isSgPointerType(type)) {
        if (isSgArrayType(type)) {
            SgArrayType *atype = isSgArrayType(type);
            SgExpression *expr = atype->get_index();

            type = atype->get_base_type();
            ss1 << "[";
            if (expr)
                examineExpr(expr, ss1);
            ss1 << "]";
        } else {
            SgPointerType *ttype = isSgPointerType(type);
            type = ttype->get_base_type();

    examinePrimTypeName(type, ret->code);
    ret->code << " ";
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_stars; ++i)
        ret->code << "*";
    ret->code << symbol->get_name().getString();
    ret->code << ss1.str();


    SgInitializer *initer = name->get_initializer();
    if (initer) {
        switch (initer->variantT()) {
            case V_SgAssignInitializer:
                SgAssignInitializer *ai = isSgAssignInitializer(initer);
                SgExpression *expr = ai->get_operand();
                if (expr) {
                    ret->code << "=";
                    gc = examineExpr(expr, ret->code);
                    if (gc != NULL)
                        delete gc;

    /* end of this decl */
    ret->code << ";";
    out << ret->code.str();

    return ret;

    cout << "[Decl] Variable (name:"<<symbol->get_name().getString();
    cout << ",type:"<<symbol->get_type()->class_name();
    cout << ",init:";

    SgInitializer* init_expr = name->get_initializer();
    if (init_expr) 
      cout << init_expr->class_name();
      cout << "none";
    cout << ")" << endl;