Ejemplo n.º 1
fixupInstantiatedTemplates ( SgProject* project )
  // DQ (7/12/2005): Introduce tracking of performance of ROSE.
     TimingPerformance timer ("AST Object Code Generation (fixupInstantiatedTemplates): time (sec) = ");

  // DQ (9/6/2005): I think these operations have been superseded
  // by the AST post processing mechanism which is more complete.
     printf ("In fixupInstantiatedTemplates(): I think this may be dead code! \n");

  // This must be done prior to the unparsing of the SAGE III AST, so that any transformations
  // (new function prototypes for the specialized template function) can be inserted before we 
  // unparse the final code!  Could be done in AST fixup!  Not clear if it should be done in
  // the EDG/SAGE III connection!  It is currently called from the backend() function just 
  // before the unparser!

  // Add forward references for instantiated template functions and member functions 
  // (which are by default defined at the bottom of the file (but should be declared 
  // at the top once we know what instantiations should be built)).  They must be 
  // defined at the bottom since they could call other functions not yet declared in 
  // the file.  Note that this fixup is required since we have skipped the class template 
  // definitions which would contain the declarations that we are generating.  We might 
  // need that as a solution at some point if this fails to be sufficently robust.

  // Build a lists of intatiatied templates
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> classList          = NodeQuery::querySubTree (project,V_SgTemplateInstantiationDecl);
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> functionList       = NodeQuery::querySubTree (project,V_SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl);
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> memberFunctionList = NodeQuery::querySubTree (project,V_SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl);

#if 1
     printf ("In fixupInstantiatedTemplates SgTemplateInstantiationDecl:               classList.size()          = %ld \n",classList.size());
     printf ("In fixupInstantiatedTemplates SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl:       functionList.size()       = %ld \n",functionList.size());
     printf ("In fixupInstantiatedTemplates SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl: memberFunctionList.size() = %ld \n",memberFunctionList.size());

  // These are not handled yet!
  // ROSE_ASSERT(classList.size()    == 0);
  // ROSE_ASSERT(functionList.size() == 0);

     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator functionIndex = functionList.begin();
     while ( functionIndex != functionList.end() )
       // SgDeclarationStatement* declaration = isSgDeclarationStatement(*i);
          SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl* templateInstantiationFunctionDeclaration = 
          ROSE_ASSERT (templateInstantiationFunctionDeclaration != NULL);

       // printf ("SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl: *i = %p = %s \n",*functionIndex,(*functionIndex)->unparseToString().c_str());

       // Mark this function as a specialization, since we have transformed it into one when we converted the
       // name format (e.g.from  __A45_ to A<int>).  The handling of templates in ROSE is one of converting
       // the templae instantiations (generated by EDG) into explicit template specializations so that they
       // can be operated upon within ROSE (for translation/optimization).
          printf ("Error in fixupInstantiatedTemplates (function templates): It is now an error to mark something that was not explicitly a specialization in the original source code as a specialization ... \n");

          bool generateForwardDeclarationForFunction = (templateInstantiationFunctionDeclaration->isForward() == false);

          if ( generateForwardDeclarationForFunction == true )
            // This is just a regular member function inside of a templated class (or a class nested in a templated class)
            // it's associated template declaration will not have the template text (appears to be lost in EDG), but it 
            // is not essential if we unparse the instantated template for the member function.

            // This is the instantiate template member function definition, the steps are:
            //    1) Build a forward declaration for the instantiated template (member function).
            //    2) Place the new forward declaration after the class containing the templated member function.


     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator classIndex = classList.begin();
     while ( classIndex != classList.end() )
          SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationClassDeclaration = 
          ROSE_ASSERT (templateInstantiationClassDeclaration != NULL);

       // printf ("SgTemplateInstantiationDecl: *i = %p = %s \n",*classIndex,(*classIndex)->unparseToString().c_str());

#if 0
          printf ("In fixupInstantiatedTemplates: templateInstantiationClassDeclaration = %p compilerGenerated = %s \n",
                  templateInstantiationClassDeclaration->get_file_info()->isCompilerGenerated() ? "true" : "false");
          templateInstantiationClassDeclaration->get_file_info()->display("In fixupInstantiatedTemplates: templateInstantiationClassDeclaration");

       // Mark this class as a specialization, since we have transformed it into one when we converted the
       // name format (e.g.from  __A45_ to A<int>).  The handling of templates in ROSE is one of converting
       // the templae instantiations (generated by EDG) into explicit template specializations so that they
       // can be operated upon within ROSE (for translation/optimization).
          printf ("Error in fixupInstantiatedTemplates (class templates): It is now an error to mark something that was not explicitly a specialization in the original source code as a specialization ... \n");

          bool generateForwardDeclarationForClass = (templateInstantiationClassDeclaration->isForward() == false);

          if ( generateForwardDeclarationForClass == true )
            // Nothing to do in this case since EDG should have already instered the forward class declaration!


  // Loop over the SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunction objects and insert a function prototype.
  // We need the function prototypes because the template instatiation function definitions appear 
  // at the end of the file!
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i = memberFunctionList.begin();
     while ( i != memberFunctionList.end() )
       // SgDeclarationStatement* declaration = isSgDeclarationStatement(*i);
          SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration = 
          ROSE_ASSERT (templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration != NULL);
#if 0
          printf ("templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->isTemplateFunction() == %s \n",
               templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->isTemplateFunction() ? "true" : "false");
       // Mark this function as a specialization, since we have transformed it into one when we converted the
       // name formate (e.g.from  __A45_ to A<int>).  The handling of templates in ROSE is one of converting
       // the templae instantiations (generated by EDG) into explicit template specializations so that they
       // can be operated upon within ROSE (for translation/optimization).
       // If this is not a truely templated function then it can't be a specialization!
       // if it is not a templated function then is is likely just a member function of a templated class.
          if (templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->isTemplateFunction() == true)
               printf ("Error in fixupInstantiatedTemplates (member function templates): It is now an error to mark something that was not explicitly a specialization in the original source code as a specialization ... \n");
#if 0
       // DQ (9/5/2005): Updated comment.
       // DQ (5/31/2005): Commented out since the class declaration itself is the forward declaration 
       // for the member function. I don't think we need another one!  Actually we do but this is now 
       // handled within ROSE/src/frontend/SageIII/astPostProcessing/ files.

          bool generateForwardDeclarationForInlinedMemberFunction = 
               (templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->isForward() == false) &&
               (templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->isTemplateFunction() == false);

          if ( generateForwardDeclarationForInlinedMemberFunction == true )
            // This is just a regular member function inside of a templated class (or a class nested in a templated class)
            // it's associated template declaration will not have the templae text (appears to be lost in EDG), but it 
            // is not essential if we unparse the instantated template for the member function.

               printf ("For inlined template member functions get the templateDeclaration from the class declaration \n");

            // This is the instantiate template member function definition, the steps are:
            //    1) Build a forward declaration for the instantiated template (member function).
            //    2) Place the new forward declaration after the class containing the templated member function.

               printf ("SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl: *i = %p = %s \n",*i,(*i)->unparseToString().c_str());

            // Call the AST's copy mechanism
               SgShallowCopy shallow;
               SgNode * forwardDeclarationNode = templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->copy(shallow);
               SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* forwardDeclaration = isSgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl(forwardDeclarationNode);
               ROSE_ASSERT(forwardDeclaration != NULL);

            // find the template declaration of the class contining the member function
               SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->get_class_scope()->get_declaration();
               ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);
               SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationDeclaration = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(classDeclaration);
               ROSE_ASSERT(templateInstantiationDeclaration != NULL);
               SgTemplateDeclaration* templateDeclaration = templateInstantiationDeclaration->get_templateDeclaration();
               ROSE_ASSERT (templateDeclaration != NULL);

            // Reset the file info object so that we can mark this as compiler generated (copy builds a new Sg_File_Info object)
            // ROSE_ASSERT (forwardDeclaration->get_file_info() != NULL);
            // forwardDeclaration->set_file_info(new Sg_File_Info(*(forwardDeclaration->get_file_info())));
               ROSE_ASSERT(forwardDeclaration->get_file_info() != templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration->get_file_info());

            // Both of these may be set (implemented as bit flags internally)

            // Remove the shallow copy of the function definition

            // Mark the declaration as a forward declarations

            // Mark this function as a specialization (should be done within copy function)
            // forwardDeclaration->set_specialization(SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl::e_specialization);

               ROSE_ASSERT(forwardDeclaration->isSpecialization() == true);
               ROSE_ASSERT(forwardDeclaration->isPartialSpecialization() == false);

            // Now insert the forwardDeclaration after the templateDeclaration!
            // templateDeclaration.insert_statement(forwardDeclaration,true);
               SgScopeStatement* templateDeclarationScope = templateDeclaration->get_scope();
               ROSE_ASSERT (templateDeclarationScope != NULL);
               printf ("BEFORE loop: Insert before: templateDeclarationScope = %p = %s \n",templateDeclarationScope,templateDeclarationScope->sage_class_name());

            // Trace back through the scopes to find a non class declaration scope into which to put the forward declaration
            // Does this then work with nested template classes?????
               while (isSgTemplateInstantiationDefn(templateDeclarationScope) != NULL)
                    templateDeclarationScope = templateDeclarationScope->get_scope();
                    printf ("In loop templateDeclarationScope = %p = %s \n",templateDeclarationScope,templateDeclarationScope->sage_class_name());

               ROSE_ASSERT (templateDeclarationScope != NULL);
               printf ("AFTER loop: Insert before: templateDeclarationScope = %p = %s \n",templateDeclarationScope,templateDeclarationScope->sage_class_name());


               int insertBeforeStatement = false;
            // printf ("Calling templateDeclarationScope->insert_statement() \n");
            // templateDeclaration->insert_statement ( templateDeclaration, forwardDeclaration, insertBeforeStatement );
               SgTemplateInstantiationDefn *templateClassDefinition = isSgTemplateInstantiationDefn(templateDeclarationScope);
               if (templateClassDefinition != NULL)
                    SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator start = templateClassDefinition->get_members().begin();
                    SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator end   = templateClassDefinition->get_members().end();

                    printf ("templateDeclaration unparsed = %s \n",templateDeclaration->unparseToString().c_str());
                    printf ("templateDeclaration name = %s string = %s \n",

                    for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator i = start; i != end; i++)
                         string s = (*i)->unparseToString();
                         printf ("(*i)->unparseToString() = %s \n",s.c_str());

                    ROSE_ASSERT(find(start,end,templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration) != end);
                    templateDeclarationScope->insert_statement ( templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclaration, forwardDeclaration, insertBeforeStatement );
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(find(templateDeclarationScope->get_members().begin(),templateDeclarationScope->get_members().end(),templateDeclaration) != templateDeclarationScope->get_members().end() );
                    templateDeclarationScope->insert_statement ( templateDeclaration, forwardDeclaration, insertBeforeStatement );

               printf ("forwardDeclaration = %s \n",forwardDeclaration->unparseToString().c_str());

            // printf ("Exiting after construction of forward declaration for template instantiation! \n");
            // ROSE_ASSERT (false);
            // This is a forward declaration (does it have the template arguments!)
               printf ("SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl: (forward) *i = %p = %s \n",*i,(*i)->unparseToString().c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 2
ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR( SgNode* node, SgNode* duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST )
     bool passesODR = false;
  // printf ("Verify that node = %p is equivalent to duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST = %p = %s \n",node,duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->class_name().c_str());

  // Verify that these strings match
     ROSE_ASSERT (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->variantT() == node->variantT());
     ROSE_ASSERT (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->class_name() == node->class_name());
  // ROSE_ASSERT (generateUniqueName(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST) == generateUniqueName(node));

     string nodeString;
     string duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring;

#if 0
  // DQ (2/3/2007): This is a test to debug the ODR checking.
  // I think that the unparser has some state specific to the output of access protections.
  // if the unparsing changes the state then the access permission (public, protected, private) 
  // is output and this cause a falue trigger to the ODR string match.  This is a temp fix to
  // absorbe any change of state, but we need a mechanism to clear the state in the unparser.
     string absorbeUnparserStateChange_A = node->unparseToString();
     string absorbeUnparserStateChange_B = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->unparseToString();
#if 0
  // DQ (2/3/2007): Make sure that there are close to being related. It appears that if these are
     if (node->get_parent()->variantT() == duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_parent()->variantT())
          nodeString                         = node->unparseToString();
          duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->unparseToString();

     bool skip_ODR_test = false;

     bool nodeIsCompilerGenerated = 
          (node->get_file_info() != NULL) ? node->get_file_info()->isCompilerGenerated() : false;
     bool duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsCompilerGenerated = 
          (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info() != NULL) ? duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->isCompilerGenerated() : false;

     bool nodeIsFrontendSpecific = 
          (node->get_file_info() != NULL) ? node->get_file_info()->isFrontendSpecific() : false;
     bool duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsFrontendSpecific = 
          (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info() != NULL) ? duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->isFrontendSpecific() : false;

  // If this is a template declaration for a function then it might have been a part of another template declaration 
  // for the template class and thus might not exist explicitly in the AST (and thus not have enough information from 
  // which to generate a meaningful mangled name).  Skip ODR testing of these cases.
     bool isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass = false;
     SgTemplateDeclaration* templateDeclaration = isSgTemplateDeclaration(node);
     if (templateDeclaration != NULL)
          SgTemplateDeclaration* dup_templateDeclaration = isSgTemplateDeclaration(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
          ROSE_ASSERT(dup_templateDeclaration != NULL);
          if ( templateDeclaration->get_string().is_null() && dup_templateDeclaration->get_string().is_null() )
               isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass = true;

     if (isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass == true)
          printf ("ODR not tested isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass == true. \n");
          skip_ODR_test = true;

     if (nodeIsFrontendSpecific == true || duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsFrontendSpecific == true || nodeIsCompilerGenerated == true || duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsCompilerGenerated == true)
       // printf ("ODR not tested for frontend specific compiler generated code. \n");
          skip_ODR_test = true;

  // DQ (1/20/2007): The unparse will not generate a string if the code is frontend specific or compiler generated (I forget which).
  // if (nodeIsFrontendSpecific == true || duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsFrontendSpecific == true)
     if (skip_ODR_test == true)
       // printf ("ODR not tested for frontend specific compiler generated code. \n");
          passesODR = true;
          SgUnparse_Info info_a;
          SgUnparse_Info info_b;

       // DQ (2/6/2007): Force qualified names to be used uniformally (note that info.set_requiresGlobalNameQualification() 
       // causes an error) info.set_requiresGlobalNameQualification();

          nodeString                         = node->unparseToString(&info_a);

       // DQ (2/6/2007): The SgUnparse_Info object carries state which controls the use of access qualification and the 
       // first call to unparseToString might have set the access (e.g. to "public") and the second call would drop the 
       // access qualification.  We unset the access qualification state in the SgUnparse_Info object so that both will 
       // be unparsed the same (we could have alternatively used two separate SgUnparse_Info objects.
       // info.set_isUnsetAccess();

          duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->unparseToString(&info_b);

          passesODR = (nodeString == duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring);

  // Don't count the cases where the unparse fails to to invalid parent in redundant SgClassDeclaration (fix these later)
     if (passesODR == false && nodeString.empty() == false && duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring.empty() == false)
#if 1
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               printf ("##### In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR() is false: node = %p = %s duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST = %p = %s \n",

       // printf ("##### passesODR = %s \n",passesODR ? "true" : "false");
       // printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = \n---> %s\n",duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring.c_str());
       // printf ("nodeString                         = \n---> %s\n",nodeString.c_str());
          if (node->get_file_info() != NULL && duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info() != NULL)
               if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                    SgNode* parent_node = node->get_parent();

                 // DQ (9/13/2011): Reported as possible NULL value in static analysis of ROSE code.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(parent_node != NULL);

                    printf ("parent_node = %p = %s = %s \n",parent_node,parent_node->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(parent_node).c_str());
                    SgNode* parent_dup = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_parent();

                 // DQ (9/13/2011): Reported as possible NULL value in static analysis of ROSE code.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(parent_dup != NULL);

                    printf ("parent_dup = %p = %s = %s \n",parent_dup,parent_dup->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(parent_dup).c_str());

                    printf ("\nPosition of error: \n");
                    node->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false: debug");
                    duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST) is false: debug");
                    printf ("\nPosition of error: \n");

                    printf ("\nPosition of error (parent IR node): \n");
                    parent_node->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(parent_node) is false: debug");
                    parent_dup->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(parent_dup) is false: debug");
                    printf ("\nPosition of error (parent IR node): \n");
               SgClassType* classType = isSgClassType(node);
               SgClassType* duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType = isSgClassType(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
               if (classType != NULL)
                    if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                         SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);
                         classDeclaration->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false (classType)");
                         printf ("classDeclaration = %p definingDeclaration = %p nondefiningDeclaration = %p \n",

                         ROSE_ASSERT(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType != NULL);
                         SgClassDeclaration* duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType->get_declaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration != NULL);
                         duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType)");
                         printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration = %p definingDeclaration = %p nondefiningDeclaration = %p \n",
#if 0
     printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = %p = %s \n---> %s\n",
     printf ("nodeString                         = %p = %s \n---> %s\n",
#if 0
     SgClassType* original = isSgClassType(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
     SgClassType* target   = isSgClassType(node);
     if (original != NULL && target != NULL)
          printf ("original declaration = %p \n",original->get_declaration());
          printf ("target declaration   = %p \n",target->get_declaration());
#if 1
     if (passesODR == false)
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               string node_generatedName         = SageInterface::generateUniqueName(node,false);
               string originalNode_generatedName = SageInterface::generateUniqueName(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,false);

               printf ("ODR Violation Source code: nodeString                         = \n%s\n \n",nodeString.c_str());
               printf ("ODR Violation Source code: duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = \n%s\n \n",duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring.c_str());
               printf ("nodeString = %s \n",nodeString.c_str());
               printf ("node_generatedName         = %s \n",node_generatedName.c_str());
               printf ("originalNode_generatedName = %s \n",originalNode_generatedName.c_str());

               printf ("node                         = %p = %s = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(node).c_str());
               printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST = %p = %s = %s \n",duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST).c_str());

               printf ("node (unique string)                         = %s \n",generateUniqueName(node,true).c_str());
               printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST (unique string) = %s \n",generateUniqueName(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,true).c_str());

               SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(node);
               if (declarationStatement != NULL)
                    printf ("declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration()         = %p \n",declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration());
                    printf ("declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

               SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement2 = isSgDeclarationStatement(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
               if (declarationStatement2 != NULL)
                    printf ("declarationStatement2->get_definingDeclaration()         = %p \n",declarationStatement2->get_definingDeclaration());
                    printf ("declarationStatement2->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",declarationStatement2->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

               printf ("Source code positions of ORD violation: \n");
               node->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false: debug");
               duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST) is false: debug");
  // ROSE_ASSERT(nodeString == duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring);
     ROSE_ASSERT(passesODR == true);

     return passesODR;
Ejemplo n.º 3
ATerm convertNodeToAterm(SgNode* n) 
     if (n == NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,"NULL");
          return ATmake("NULL");

     ROSE_ASSERT(n != NULL);
#if 0
     printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());

     ATerm term;
     switch (n->variantT())
       // case V_SgFile:
          case V_SgSourceFile:
            // Special case needed to include file name
            // term = ATmake("File(<str>, <term>)", isSgFile(n)->getFileName(), convertNodeToAterm(isSgFile(n)->get_root()));
               term = ATmake("File(<str>, <term>)", isSgSourceFile(n)->getFileName().c_str(), convertNodeToAterm(isSgSourceFile(n)->get_globalScope()));

          case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
          case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
            // Special cases needed to include prefix/postfix status
               term = ATmake("<appl(<appl>, <term>)>",
                  (isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_mode() == SgUnaryOp::prefix ? "Prefix" :
                   isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_mode() == SgUnaryOp::postfix ? "Postfix" :

          case V_SgExpressionRoot:
            // Special case to remove this node
               term = convertNodeToAterm(isSgExpressionRoot(n)->get_operand());

    case V_SgCastExp:
    // Special case needed to include type
    term = ATmake("Cast(<term>, <term>)>",

    case V_SgVarRefExp:
    // Special case needed to include id
    term = ATmake("Var(<str>)", 

    case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
    // Special case needed to include id
    term = ATmake(

    case V_SgIntVal:
    // Special case needed to include value
    term = ATmake("IntC(<int>)", isSgIntVal(n)->get_value());

    case V_SgUnsignedIntVal:
    term = ATmake("UnsignedIntC(<int>)", isSgUnsignedIntVal(n)->get_value());

    case V_SgUnsignedLongVal: {
      ostringstream s;
      s << isSgUnsignedLongVal(n)->get_value();
      term = ATmake("UnsignedLongC(<str>)", s.str().c_str());

    case V_SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal: {
      ostringstream s;
      s << isSgUnsignedLongLongIntVal(n)->get_value();
      term = ATmake("UnsignedLongLongC(<str>)", s.str().c_str());

    case V_SgDoubleVal:
    term = ATmake("DoubleC(<real>)", isSgDoubleVal(n)->get_value());

          case V_SgInitializedName:
            // Works around double initname problem
               SgInitializer* initializer = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_initializer();
               const SgName& name = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_name();
               SgType* type = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_type();

               ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL);
#if 0
               printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): case V_SgInitializedName: name = %s initializer = %p type = %p = %s \n",name.str(),initializer,type,type->class_name().c_str());
            // Works around fact that ... is not really an initname and shouldn't be a type either
               if (isSgTypeEllipse(type))
                    term = ATmake("Ellipses");
                    std::string uniqueIdString = uniqueId(n);
#if 0
                    printf ("uniqueIdString = %s \n",uniqueIdString.c_str());
                    printf ("Calling generate ATerm for SgInitializedName->get_name() name = %s \n",name.str());
                    ATerm name_aterm = ATmake("Name(<str>)",name.str());
                 // ATerm name_aterm = ATmake(name.str());
                    printf ("Calling convertNodeToAterm(type) \n");
                    ATerm type_aterm = convertNodeToAterm(type);
                    printf ("Calling convertNodeToAterm(initializer) \n");
                    ATerm initializer_aterm = convertNodeToAterm(initializer);
#if 0
                    printf ("Calling ATmake() \n");
#if 1
                    term = ATmake("InitName(<str>, <term>, <term>) {[id, <str>]}", 
                                    (name.str() ? name.str() : ""), 
                                 // uniqueIdString.c_str());
                    term = ATmake("InitName(<term>,<term>)",
                                  //(name.str() ? name.str() : ""), 
                                  // name_aterm,
                                 // uniqueId(n).c_str());
                                 // uniqueIdString.c_str());
#if 0
                    printf ("Calling ATsetAnnotation() \n");
                    term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));
#if 0
                    printf ("DONE: Calling ATsetAnnotation() \n");


    case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: {
      // Special case needed to include name
      SgFunctionDeclaration* fd = isSgFunctionDeclaration(n);
      term = ATmake("Function(<str>, <term>, <term>, <term>)", 
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgClassDeclaration: {
      // Special case needed to distinguish forward/full definitions and to
      // include class name
      SgClassDeclaration* decl = isSgClassDeclaration(n);
      assert (decl);
      SgName sname = decl->get_name();
      const char* name = sname.str();
      // Suggestion: have a field named local_definition in each class
      // declaration that is 0 whenever the current declaration doesn't
      // have a definition attached, even if there is another declaration
      // which does have a definition attached.
      SgClassDefinition* defn = decl->get_definition();
      // cout << "defn = 0x" << hex << defn << endl << dec;
      if (decl->isForward())
	defn = 0;
      if (defn)
	term = ATmake("Class(<str>, <term>)", 
		      (name ? name : ""), // Will be simpler when SgName
		      // becomes string
	term = ATmake("ClassFwd(<str>)", (name ? name : ""));
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgEnumDeclaration: {
      // Special case to include enum name and enumerator names which are not
      // traversal children
      SgName sname = isSgEnumDeclaration(n)->get_name();
      const char* name = sname.str();
      const SgInitializedNamePtrList& enumerators = 
      term = ATmake("Enum(<str>, <term>)",
		    (name ? name : "{anonymous}"), 
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgPointerType: {
      // Special case because types can't be traversed yet
      SgType* type = isSgPointerType(n)->get_base_type();
      ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      term = ATmake("Pointer(<term>)", t);

    case V_SgReferenceType: {
      // Special case because types can't be traversed yet
      SgType* type = isSgReferenceType(n)->get_base_type();
      ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      term = ATmake("Reference(<term>)", t);

    case V_SgModifierType: {
      // Special case for type traversal and to prettify modifier names
      SgType* type = isSgModifierType(n)->get_base_type();
      SgTypeModifier& modifier = isSgModifierType(n)->get_typeModifier();
      SgConstVolatileModifier& cvmod = modifier.get_constVolatileModifier();
      term = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      if (cvmod.isConst())
	term = ATmake("Const(<term>)", term);
      if (cvmod.isVolatile())
	term = ATmake("Volatile(<term>)", term);

    case V_SgArrayType: {
      // Special case because types can't be traversed yet, and to get length
      SgType* type = isSgArrayType(n)->get_base_type();
      ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      term = ATmake("Array(<term>, <term>)", t, (isSgArrayType(n)->get_index() ? convertNodeToAterm((n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer())[4]) : ATmake("<str>", "NULL")));
      assert (term);

    case V_SgFunctionType: {
      // Special case to allow argument list to be traversed
      SgFunctionType* ft = isSgFunctionType(n);
      ATerm ret = convertNodeToAterm(ft->get_return_type());
      ATerm args_list = convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(ft->get_arguments().begin(),
      term = ATmake("FunctionType(<term>, <term>)", ret, args_list);

    case V_SgEnumType:
    case V_SgClassType: 
    case V_SgTypedefType: {
      // Special cases to optionally put in type definition instead of
      // reference
      SgNamedType* nt = isSgNamedType(n);
      assert (nt);
      SgName sname = nt->get_name();
   // char* name = sname.str();
      SgDeclarationStatement* decl = nt->get_declaration();
      assert (decl);
      SgClassDefinition* defn = isSgClassDeclaration(decl) ?
				isSgClassDeclaration(decl)->get_definition() :
      term = ATmake("Type(<term>)",
		    (nt->get_autonomous_declaration() || !defn ? 
                     ATmake("id(<str>)", uniqueId(decl).c_str()) :

    case V_SgLabelStatement: {
      // Special case to put in label id
      const char* name = isSgLabelStatement(n)->get_name().str();
      term = ATmake("Label(<str>)", (name ? name : ""));
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgGotoStatement: {
      // Special case to put in label id
      term = ATmake("Goto(<str>)", 

    case V_SgTypedefDeclaration: {
      // Special case to put in typedef name
      const SgName& name = isSgTypedefDeclaration(n)->get_name();
      SgType* type = isSgTypedefDeclaration(n)->get_base_type();
      term = ATmake("Typedef(<str>, <term>)", (name.str() ? name.str() : ""), 
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgTemplateDeclaration: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateDeclaration* td = isSgTemplateDeclaration(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (td);
   // SgTemplateParameterPtrListPtr paramsPtr = td->get_templateParameters();
   // SgTemplateParameterPtrList & paramsPtr = td->get_templateParameters();
   // SgTemplateParameterPtrList params =	paramsPtr ? *paramsPtr : SgTemplateParameterPtrList();
      SgTemplateParameterPtrList & params =	td->get_templateParameters();
      string templateKindString;
      switch (td->get_template_kind()) {
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_none:
	  templateKindString = "None"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_class:
	  templateKindString = "Class"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_class:
	  templateKindString = "MemberClass"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_function:
	  templateKindString = "Function"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_function:
	  templateKindString = "MemberFunction"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_data:
	  templateKindString = "MemberData"; break;
	default: templateKindString = "Unknown"; break;
      term = ATmake("TemplateDeclaration(<appl>, <str>, <term>, <str>)",
		    convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(params.begin(), params.end()),

    case V_SgTemplateInstantiationDecl: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* td = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (td);
   // SgTemplateArgumentPtrListPtr argsPtr = td->get_templateArguments();
   // SgTemplateArgumentPtrList args = argsPtr ? *argsPtr : SgTemplateArgumentPtrList();
      SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & args = td->get_templateArguments();
      term = ATmake("TemplateInstantiationDecl(<str>, <term>)", td->get_templateDeclaration()->get_name().str(), convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(args.begin(), args.end()));

    case V_SgTemplateParameter: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateParameter* tp = isSgTemplateParameter(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (tp);
      switch (tp->get_parameterType()) {
	case SgTemplateParameter::parameter_undefined: {
	  term = ATmake("Undefined");

	case SgTemplateParameter::type_parameter: {
	  term = ATmake("Type(<term>)",

	case SgTemplateParameter::nontype_parameter: {
	  term = ATmake("Nontype(<term>, <term>)",

	case SgTemplateParameter::template_parameter: {
	  term = ATmake("Template");

	default: term = ATmake("Unknown"); break;

    case V_SgTemplateArgument: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateArgument* ta = isSgTemplateArgument(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (ta);
      switch (ta->get_argumentType()) {
	case SgTemplateArgument::argument_undefined:
	  term = ATmake("Undefined");
	case SgTemplateArgument::type_argument:
	  term = ATmake("Type(<term>)", 
	case SgTemplateArgument::nontype_argument:
	  term = ATmake("Nontype(<term>)", 
	// case SgTemplateArgument::template_argument:
	  // term = ATmake("Template");
	  // break;
	default: term = ATmake("Unknown"); break;

    default: {
      bool isContainer = 
	(AstTests::numSuccContainers(n) == 1) ||
	(!isSgType(n) && (n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer().size() == 0));
      term = ATmake((isContainer ? "<appl(<term>)>" : "<appl(<list>)>"), 
                    (isSgType(n) ? ATmake("[]") : getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(n)));
               // Special case for types is because of traversal problems

#if 0
     printf ("Base of switch statement in convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());
     assert (term);

     term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("ptr"), pointerAsAterm(n));

#if 1
     if (n->get_file_info() != NULL)
          term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("location"),convertFileInfoToAterm(n->get_file_info()));

     if (isSgExpression(n))
        term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("type"), convertNodeToAterm(isSgExpression(n)->get_type()));

#if 0
     printf ("Leaving convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());
#if 0
     printf ("--- n->class_name() = %s ATwriteToString(term) = %s \n",n->class_name().c_str(),ATwriteToString(term));

  // cout << n->sage_class_name() << " -> " << ATwriteToString(term) << endl;
     return term;