Ejemplo n.º 1
void LineWidth::shrinkAvailableWidthForNewFloatIfNeeded(FloatingObject* newFloat)
    LayoutUnit height = m_block.logicalHeight();
    if (height < m_block.logicalTopForFloat(newFloat) || height >= m_block.logicalBottomForFloat(newFloat))

    // When floats with shape outside are stacked, the floats are positioned based on the margin box of the float,
    // not the shape's contour. Since we computed the width based on the shape contour when we added the float,
    // when we add a subsequent float on the same line, we need to undo the shape delta in order to position
    // based on the margin box. In order to do this, we need to walk back through the floating object list to find
    // the first previous float that is on the same side as our newFloat.
    ShapeOutsideInfo* previousShapeOutsideInfo = 0;
    const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_block.m_floatingObjects->set();
    auto it = floatingObjectSet.end();
    auto begin = floatingObjectSet.begin();
    LayoutUnit lineHeight = m_block.lineHeight(m_isFirstLine, m_block.isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
    for (--it; it != begin; --it) {
        FloatingObject* previousFloat = it->get();
        if (previousFloat != newFloat && previousFloat->type() == newFloat->type()) {
            previousShapeOutsideInfo = previousFloat->renderer().shapeOutsideInfo();
            if (previousShapeOutsideInfo)
                previousShapeOutsideInfo->updateDeltasForContainingBlockLine(&m_block, previousFloat, m_block.logicalHeight(), lineHeight);

    ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutsideInfo = newFloat->renderer().shapeOutsideInfo();
    if (shapeOutsideInfo)
        shapeOutsideInfo->updateDeltasForContainingBlockLine(&m_block, newFloat, m_block.logicalHeight(), lineHeight);

    if (newFloat->type() == FloatingObject::FloatLeft) {
        float newLeft = m_block.logicalRightForFloat(newFloat);
        if (previousShapeOutsideInfo)
            newLeft -= previousShapeOutsideInfo->rightMarginBoxDelta();
        if (shapeOutsideInfo)
            newLeft += shapeOutsideInfo->rightMarginBoxDelta();

        if (shouldIndentText() && m_block.style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            newLeft += floorToInt(m_block.textIndentOffset());
        m_left = std::max<float>(m_left, newLeft);
    } else {
        float newRight = m_block.logicalLeftForFloat(newFloat);
        if (previousShapeOutsideInfo)
            newRight -= previousShapeOutsideInfo->leftMarginBoxDelta();
        if (shapeOutsideInfo)
            newRight += shapeOutsideInfo->leftMarginBoxDelta();

        if (shouldIndentText() && !m_block.style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            newRight -= floorToInt(m_block.textIndentOffset());
        m_right = std::min<float>(m_right, newRight);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void LineWidth::shrinkAvailableWidthForNewFloatIfNeeded(FloatingObject* newFloat)
    LayoutUnit height = m_block.logicalHeight();
    if (height < m_block.logicalTopForFloat(newFloat) || height >= m_block.logicalBottomForFloat(newFloat))

    ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutsideInfo = newFloat->renderer()->shapeOutsideInfo();
    if (shapeOutsideInfo) {
        LayoutUnit lineHeight = m_block.lineHeight(m_isFirstLine, m_block.isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
        shapeOutsideInfo->updateDeltasForContainingBlockLine(m_block, *newFloat, m_block.logicalHeight(), lineHeight);

    if (newFloat->type() == FloatingObject::FloatLeft) {
        float newLeft = m_block.logicalRightForFloat(newFloat).toFloat();
        if (shapeOutsideInfo) {
            if (shapeOutsideInfo->lineOverlapsShape())
                newLeft += shapeOutsideInfo->rightMarginBoxDelta();
            else // Per the CSS Shapes spec, If the line doesn't overlap the shape, then ignore this shape for this line.
                newLeft = m_left;
        if (shouldIndentText() && m_block.style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            newLeft += floorToInt(m_block.textIndentOffset());
        m_left = std::max<float>(m_left, newLeft);
    } else {
        float newRight = m_block.logicalLeftForFloat(newFloat).toFloat();
        if (shapeOutsideInfo) {
            if (shapeOutsideInfo->lineOverlapsShape())
                newRight += shapeOutsideInfo->leftMarginBoxDelta();
            else // Per the CSS Shapes spec, If the line doesn't overlap the shape, then ignore this shape for this line.
                newRight = m_right;
        if (shouldIndentText() && !m_block.style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            newRight -= floorToInt(m_block.textIndentOffset());
        m_right = std::min<float>(m_right, newRight);
