Ejemplo n.º 1
	This method makes it possible to evaluate the debug pose at any phase angle
void SimBiController::updateTrackingPose(DynamicArray<double>& trackingPose, double phiToUse){
	if( phiToUse < 0 )
		phiToUse = phi;
	if( phiToUse > 1 )
		phiToUse = 1;
	ReducedCharacterState debugRS(&trackingPose);

	//always start from a neutral desired pose, and build from there...
	for (int i=0;i<jointCount;i++){
		debugRS.setJointRelativeOrientation(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), i);
		debugRS.setJointRelativeAngVelocity(Vector3d(), i);
		controlParams[i].relToCharFrame = false;

	//and this is the desired orientation for the root
	Quaternion qRootD(1, 0, 0, 0);

	SimBiConState* curState = states[FSMStateIndex];

	for (int i=0;i<curState->getTrajectoryCount();i++){
		//now we have the desired rotation angle and axis, so we need to see which joint this is intended for
		int jIndex = curState->sTraj[i]->getJointIndex(stance);
		//if the index is -1, it must mean it's the root's trajectory. Otherwise we should give an error
		if (curState->sTraj[i]->relToCharFrame == true || jIndex == swingHipIndex)
			controlParams[jIndex].relToCharFrame = true;
		Vector3d d0, v0; 
		computeD0( phiToUse, &d0 );
		computeV0( phiToUse, &v0 );
		Quaternion newOrientation = curState->sTraj[i]->evaluateTrajectory(this, character->getJoint(jIndex), stance, phiToUse, d - d0, v - v0);
		if (jIndex == -1){
			qRootD = newOrientation;
			debugRS.setJointRelativeOrientation(newOrientation, jIndex);


	//now, we'll make one more pass, and make sure that the orientations that are relative to the character frame are drawn that way
	for (int i=0;i<jointCount;i++){
		if (controlParams[i].relToCharFrame){
			Quaternion temp;
			Joint* j = character->getJoint(i);
			ArticulatedRigidBody* parent = j->getParent();
			while (parent != root){
				j = parent->getParentJoint();
				parent = j->getParent();
				temp = debugRS.getJointRelativeOrientation(character->getJointIndex(j->name)) * temp;
			temp = qRootD * temp;
			temp = temp.getComplexConjugate() * debugRS.getJointRelativeOrientation(i);
			debugRS.setJointRelativeOrientation(temp, i);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int getTrajectoryNames (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, CONST84 char **argv){

	// getComponentNames stateIdx 
	if( argc != 2 ) return TCL_ERROR;

	ControllerEditor* obj = (ControllerEditor*)clientData;

	int idx = atoi( argv[1] );
	SimBiConState* state = obj->getFramework()->getController()->getState( idx );

	if( !state ) return  TCL_ERROR;

	DynamicArray<const char*> trajectoryNames;
	for( int i = 0; i < state->getTrajectoryCount(); ++i ) {
		Trajectory* trajectory = state->getTrajectory( i );
		trajectoryNames.push_back( trajectory->jName );

	char* result = stringListToTclList( trajectoryNames );
	Tcl_SetResult(interp, result, TCL_DYNAMIC);

	return TCL_OK;

Ejemplo n.º 3
	This method is used to compute the torques that are to be applied at the next step.
void SimBiController::computeTorques(DynamicArray<ContactPoint> *cfs){
	if (FSMStateIndex >= (int)states.size()){
		tprintf("Warning: no FSM state was selected in the controller!\n");

	ReducedCharacterState poseRS(&desiredPose);

	//d and v are specified in the rotation (heading) invariant coordinate frame

	//there are two stages here. First we will compute the pose (i.e. relative orientations), using the joint trajectories for the current state
	//and then we will compute the PD torques that are needed to drive the links towards their orientations - here the special case of the
	//swing and stance hips will need to be considered

	//always start from a neutral desired pose, and build from there...
	for (int i=0;i<jointCount;i++){
		poseRS.setJointRelativeOrientation(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), i);
		poseRS.setJointRelativeAngVelocity(Vector3d(), i);
		controlParams[i].controlled = true;
		controlParams[i].relToCharFrame = false;

	//and this is the desired orientation for the root
	Quaternion qRootD(1, 0, 0, 0);

	double phiToUse = phi;
	//make sure that we only evaluate trajectories for phi values between 0 and 1
	if (phiToUse>1)
		phiToUse = 1;

	SimBiConState* curState = states[FSMStateIndex];
	Quaternion newOrientation;

	for (int i=0;i<curState->getTrajectoryCount();i++){
		//now we have the desired rotation angle and axis, so we need to see which joint this is intended for
		int jIndex = curState->sTraj[i]->getJointIndex(stance);

		//get the desired joint orientation to track - include the feedback if necessary/applicable
		Vector3d d0, v0; 
		computeD0( phiToUse, &d0 );
		computeV0( phiToUse, &v0 );	
		newOrientation = curState->sTraj[i]->evaluateTrajectory(this, character->getJoint(jIndex), stance, phiToUse, d - d0, v - v0);

		//if the index is -1, it must mean it's the root's trajectory. Otherwise we should give an error
		if (jIndex == -1){
			qRootD = newOrientation;
			rootControlParams.strength = curState->sTraj[i]->evaluateStrength(phiToUse);
			if (curState->sTraj[i]->relToCharFrame == true || jIndex == swingHipIndex){
				controlParams[jIndex].relToCharFrame = true;
				controlParams[jIndex].charFrame = characterFrame;
			poseRS.setJointRelativeOrientation(newOrientation, jIndex);
			controlParams[jIndex].strength = curState->sTraj[i]->evaluateStrength(phiToUse);

	//compute the torques now, using the desired pose information - the hip torques will get overwritten below

	double stanceHipToSwingHipRatio = getStanceFootWeightRatio(cfs);

	if (stanceHipToSwingHipRatio < 0)
		rootControlParams.strength = 0;
	//and now separetely compute the torques for the hips - together with the feedback term, this is what defines simbicon
	computeHipTorques(qRootD, poseRS.getJointRelativeOrientation(swingHipIndex), stanceHipToSwingHipRatio);

	double h = character->getRoot()->getCMPosition().y;

	double hMax = 0.4;
	double hMin = 0.2;

	if (h > hMax)
		h = hMax;

	if ( h < hMin)
		h = hMin;

	h = (h-hMin) / (hMax-hMin);

	for (uint i=0;i<torques.size();i++){
		torques[i] = torques[i]*h + Vector3d(0,0,0) * (1-h);
