Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  The function for each thread.
 *  Read the presented data
MultiThreadedConnector :: sinkThread( int       ixSink )
    ThreadData    * threadData = &threads[ixSink];
    Sink          * sink       = sinks[ixSink].get();

    while ( running ) {
        // wait for some data to become available
        pthread_mutex_lock( &mutexProduce);
        while ( running && threadData->isDone ) {
            pthread_cond_wait( &condProduce, &mutexProduce);
        if ( !running ) {
            pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutexProduce);

        if ( threadData->accepting ) {
            if ( sink->canWrite( 0, 0) ) {
                try {
                    sink->write( dataBuffer, dataSize);
                } catch ( Exception     & e ) {
                    // something wrong. don't accept more data, try to
                    // reopen the sink next time around
                    threadData->accepting = false;
            } else {
                reportEvent( 4,
                            "MultiThreadedConnector :: sinkThread can't write ",
                // don't care if we can't write
        threadData->isDone = true;
        pthread_cond_broadcast( &condProduce);
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutexProduce);

        if ( !threadData->accepting ) {
            if ( reconnect ) {
                // if we're not accepting, try to reopen the sink
                try {
                    threadData->accepting = sink->isOpen();
                } catch ( Exception   & e ) {
                    // don't care, just try and try again
            } else {
                // if !reconnect, just stop the connector
                running = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *  Log in to the IceCast2 server
IceCast2 :: sendLogin ( void )                           throw ( Exception )
    Sink          * sink   = getSink();
    Source        * source = getSocket();
    const char    * str;
    char            resp[STRBUF_SIZE];
    unsigned int    len;
    unsigned int    lenExpected;

    if ( !source->isOpen() ) {
        return false;
    if ( !sink->isOpen() ) {
        return false;

    // send the request, a string like:
    // "SOURCE <mountpoint> ICE/1.0"
    str = "SOURCE /";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getMountPoint();
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = " HTTP/1.0";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    // send the content type, Ogg Vorbis
    str = "\nContent-type: ";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    switch ( format ) {
        case mp3:
            str = "audio/mpeg";

        case oggVorbis:
            str = "application/x-ogg";

            throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__,
                             "unsupported stream format", format);
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    // send the authentication info
    str = "\nAuthorization: Basic ";
    sink->write( str, strlen(str));
        // send source:<password> encoded as base64
        char        * source = "source:";
        const char  * pwd    = getPassword();
        char        * tmp    = new char[Util::strLen(source) +
                                        Util::strLen(pwd) + 1];
        Util::strCpy( tmp, source);
        Util::strCat( tmp, pwd);
        char  * base64 = Util::base64Encode( tmp);
        delete[] tmp;
        sink->write( base64, strlen(base64));
        delete[] base64;

    // send user agent info
    str = "\nUser-Agent: DarkIce/" VERSION " (http://darkice.sourceforge.net/)";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    // send the ice- headers
    str = "\nice-bitrate: ";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    if ( log10(getBitRate()) >= (STRBUF_SIZE-2) ) {
        throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__,
                         "bitrate does not fit string buffer", getBitRate());
    sprintf( resp, "%d", getBitRate());
    sink->write( resp, strlen( resp));

    str = "\nice-public: ";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getIsPublic() ? "1" : "0";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getName() ) {
        str = "\nice-name: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getName();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getDescription() ) {
        str = "\nice-description: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getDescription();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getUrl() ) {
        str = "\nice-url: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getUrl();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getGenre() ) {
        str = "\nice-genre: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getGenre();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\n\n";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    // read the response, expected response begins with responseOK
    lenExpected = Util::strLen( responseOK);
    if ( (len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE-1)) < lenExpected ) {
        return false;
    resp[lenExpected] = 0;
    if ( !Util::strEq( resp, responseOK) ) {
        return false;
    // suck anything that the other side has to say
    while ( source->canRead( 0, 0) && 
           (len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE-1)) );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *  Log in to the IceCast server
IceCast :: sendLogin ( void )                           throw ( Exception )
    Sink          * sink   = getSink();
    Source        * source = getSocket();
    const char    * str;
    char            resp[STRBUF_SIZE];
    unsigned int    len;

    if ( !source->isOpen() ) {
        return false;
    if ( !sink->isOpen() ) {
        return false;

    /* send the request, a string like:
     * "SOURCE <password> /<mountpoint>\n" */
    str = "SOURCE ";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getPassword();
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = " /";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getMountPoint();
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    /* send the x-audiocast headers */
    str = "\nx-audiocast-bitrate: ";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    if ( log10(getBitRate()) >= (STRBUF_SIZE-2) ) {
        throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__,
                         "bitrate does not fit string buffer", getBitRate());
    sprintf( resp, "%d", getBitRate());
    sink->write( resp, strlen( resp));

    str = "\nx-audiocast-public: ";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getIsPublic() ? "1" : "0";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getName() ) {
        str = "\nx-audiocast-name: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getName();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getDescription() ) {
        str = "\nx-audiocast-description: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getDescription();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getUrl() ) {
        str = "\nx-audiocast-url: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getUrl();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getGenre() ) {
        str = "\nx-audiocast-genre: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getGenre();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getRemoteDumpFile() ) {
        str = "\nx-audiocast-dumpfile: ";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getRemoteDumpFile();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\n\n";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    /* read the anticipated response: "OK" */
    len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE);
    if ( len < 2 || resp[0] != 'O' || resp[1] != 'K' ) {
        return false;

    /* suck anything that the other side has to say */
    while ( source->canRead( 0, 0) && 
           (len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE)) ) {

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *  Log in to the ShoutCast server using the icy login scheme
ShoutCast :: sendLogin ( void )                           throw ( Exception )
    Sink          * sink   = getSink();
    Source        * source = getSocket();
    const char    * str;
    char            resp[STRBUF_SIZE];
    unsigned int    len;

    if ( !source->isOpen() ) {
        return false;
    if ( !sink->isOpen() ) {
        return false;

    /* first line is the password in itself */
    str = getPassword();
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = "\n";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    /* read the anticipated response: "OK" */
    len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE);
    reportEvent(8, "server response length: ", len);
    reportEvent(8, "server response: ", resp);
    if ( len < 2 || resp[0] != 'O' || resp[1] != 'K' ) {
        return false;

    /* suck anything that the other side has to say */
    while ( source->canRead( 0, 0) && 
           (len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE)) ) {

    /* send the icy headers */
    if ( getName() ) {
        str = "icy-name:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getName();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getGenre() ) {
        str = "\nicy-genre:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getGenre();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\nicy-pub:";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getIsPublic() ? "1" : "0";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\nicy-br:";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    if ( log10(getBitRate()) >= (STRBUF_SIZE-2) ) {
        throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__,
                         "bitrate does not fit string buffer", getBitRate());
    sprintf( resp, "%d", getBitRate());
    sink->write( resp, strlen( resp));

    if ( getUrl() ) {
        str = "\nicy-url:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getUrl();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getIrc() ) {
        str = "\nicy-irc:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getIrc();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getIcq() ) {
        str = "\nicy-icq:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getIcq();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getAim() ) {
        str = "\nicy-aim:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getAim();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\n\n";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    /* suck anything that the other side has to say */
    len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE);
    reportEvent(8, "server response length: ", len);
    reportEvent(8, "server response: ", resp);

    while ( source->canRead( 0, 0) && 
           (len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE)) ) {

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 *  Log in to the ShoutCast server using the icy login scheme
ShoutCast :: sendLogin ( void )                           throw ( Exception )
    Sink          * sink   = getSink();
    Source        * source = getSocket();
    const char    * str;
    char            resp[STRBUF_SIZE];
    unsigned int    len;
    bool            needsMountPoint = false;
    const char    * mountPoint      = getMountPoint();

    if ( !source->isOpen() ) {
        return false;
    if ( !sink->isOpen() ) {
        return false;

    // We will add SOURCE only if really needed: if the mountPoint is not null
    // and is different of "/". This is to keep maximum compatibility with
    // NullSoft Shoutcast server.
    if (mountPoint != 0L
     && strlen(mountPoint) > 0 && 0 != strcmp("/", mountPoint)) {
        needsMountPoint = true;

    std::ostringstream os;

    if (needsMountPoint) {
        os << "SOURCE ";

    /* first line is the password in itself */
    os << getPassword();
    os << "\n";
    // send the mount point 
    if (needsMountPoint) {
        os << " ";
        if (strncmp("/", mountPoint, 1) != 0) {
            os << "/";
        os << mountPoint;
        os << "\n";

    str = os.str().c_str();

    // Ok, now we send login which will be different of classical Shoutcast
    // if mountPoint is not null and is different from "/" ...
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    /* read the anticipated response: "OK" */
    len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE);
    reportEvent(8, "server response length: ", len);
    reportEvent(8, "server response: ", resp);
    if ( len < 2 || resp[0] != 'O' || resp[1] != 'K' ) {
        return false;

    /* suck anything that the other side has to say */
    while ( source->canRead( 0, 0) && 
           (len = source->read( resp, STRBUF_SIZE)) ) {

    /* send the icy headers */
    if ( getName() ) {
        str = "icy-name:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getName();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getUrl() ) {
        str = "\nicy-url:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getUrl();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getGenre() ) {
        str = "\nicy-genre:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getGenre();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getIrc() ) {
        str = "\nicy-irc:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getIrc();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getAim() ) {
        str = "\nicy-aim:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getAim();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    if ( getIcq() ) {
        str = "\nicy-icq:";
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));
        str = getIcq();
        sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\nicy-br:";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    if ( log10(getBitRate()) >= (STRBUF_SIZE-2) ) {
        throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__,
                         "bitrate does not fit string buffer", getBitRate());
    sprintf( resp, "%d", getBitRate());
    sink->write( resp, strlen( resp));

    str = "\nicy-pub:";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));
    str = getIsPublic() ? "1" : "0";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    str = "\n\n";
    sink->write( str, strlen( str));

    return true;