Ejemplo n.º 1
bool TightBounds(const SkPath& path, SkRect* result) {
    SkChunkAlloc allocator(4096);  // FIXME: constant-ize, tune
    SkOpContour contour;
    SkOpContourHead* contourList = static_cast<SkOpContourHead*>(&contour);
    SkOpGlobalState globalState(contourList, &allocator  SkDEBUGPARAMS(false)
    // turn path into list of segments
    SkScalar scaleFactor = ScaleFactor(path);
    SkPath scaledPath;
    const SkPath* workingPath;
    if (scaleFactor > SK_Scalar1) {
        ScalePath(path, 1.f / scaleFactor, &scaledPath);
        workingPath = &scaledPath;
    } else {
        workingPath = &path;
    SkOpEdgeBuilder builder(*workingPath, &contour, &globalState);
    if (!builder.finish()) {
        return false;
    if (!SortContourList(&contourList, false, false)) {
        return true;
    SkOpContour* current = contourList;
    SkPathOpsBounds bounds = current->bounds();
    while ((current = current->next())) {
    *result = bounds;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool TightBounds(const SkPath& path, SkRect* result) {
    SkChunkAlloc allocator(4096);  // FIXME: constant-ize, tune
    SkOpContour contour;
    SkOpContourHead* contourList = static_cast<SkOpContourHead*>(&contour);
    SkOpGlobalState globalState(nullptr, contourList  SkDEBUGPARAMS(nullptr));
    // turn path into list of segments
    SkOpEdgeBuilder builder(path, &contour, &allocator, &globalState);
    if (!builder.finish(&allocator)) {
        return false;
    if (!SortContourList(&contourList, false, false)) {
        return true;
    SkOpContour* current = contourList;
    SkPathOpsBounds bounds = current->bounds();
    while ((current = current->next())) {
    *result = bounds;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static SkOpSegment* findTopSegment(const SkTArray<SkOpContour*, true>& contourList, int* index,
        int* endIndex, SkPoint* topLeft, bool* unsortable, bool* done, bool firstPass) {
    SkOpSegment* result;
    const SkOpSegment* lastTopStart = NULL;
    int lastIndex = -1, lastEndIndex = -1;
    do {
        SkPoint bestXY = {SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax};
        int contourCount = contourList.count();
        SkOpSegment* topStart = NULL;
        *done = true;
        for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < contourCount; ++cIndex) {
            SkOpContour* contour = contourList[cIndex];
            if (contour->done()) {
            const SkPathOpsBounds& bounds = contour->bounds();
            if (bounds.fBottom < topLeft->fY) {
                *done = false;
            if (bounds.fBottom == topLeft->fY && bounds.fRight < topLeft->fX) {
                *done = false;
            contour->topSortableSegment(*topLeft, &bestXY, &topStart);
            if (!contour->done()) {
                *done = false;
        if (!topStart) {
            return NULL;
        *topLeft = bestXY;
        result = topStart->findTop(index, endIndex, unsortable, firstPass);
        if (!result) {
            if (lastTopStart == topStart && lastIndex == *index && lastEndIndex == *endIndex) {
                *done = true;
                return NULL;
            lastTopStart = topStart;
            lastIndex = *index;
            lastEndIndex = *endIndex;
    } while (!result);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int contourRangeCheckY(const SkTArray<SkOpContour*, true>& contourList, SkOpSegment** currentPtr,
                              int* indexPtr, int* endIndexPtr, double* bestHit, SkScalar* bestDx,
                              bool* tryAgain, double* midPtr, bool opp) {
    const int index = *indexPtr;
    const int endIndex = *endIndexPtr;
    const double mid = *midPtr;
    const SkOpSegment* current = *currentPtr;
    double tAtMid = current->tAtMid(index, endIndex, mid);
    SkPoint basePt = current->ptAtT(tAtMid);
    int contourCount = contourList.count();
    SkScalar bestY = SK_ScalarMin;
    SkOpSegment* bestSeg = NULL;
    int bestTIndex = 0;
    bool bestOpp;
    bool hitSomething = false;
    for (int cTest = 0; cTest < contourCount; ++cTest) {
        SkOpContour* contour = contourList[cTest];
        bool testOpp = contour->operand() ^ current->operand() ^ opp;
        if (basePt.fY < contour->bounds().fTop) {
        if (bestY > contour->bounds().fBottom) {
        int segmentCount = contour->segments().count();
        for (int test = 0; test < segmentCount; ++test) {
            SkOpSegment* testSeg = &contour->segments()[test];
            SkScalar testY = bestY;
            double testHit;
            int testTIndex = testSeg->crossedSpanY(basePt, &testY, &testHit, &hitSomething, tAtMid,
                    testOpp, testSeg == current);
            if (testTIndex < 0) {
                if (testTIndex == SK_MinS32) {
                    hitSomething = true;
                    bestSeg = NULL;
                    goto abortContours;  // vertical encountered, return and try different point
            if (testSeg == current && current->betweenTs(index, testHit, endIndex)) {
                double baseT = current->t(index);
                double endT = current->t(endIndex);
                double newMid = (testHit - baseT) / (endT - baseT);
                double midT = current->tAtMid(index, endIndex, mid);
                SkPoint midXY = current->xyAtT(midT);
                double newMidT = current->tAtMid(index, endIndex, newMid);
                SkPoint newXY = current->xyAtT(newMidT);
                SkDebugf("%s [%d] mid=%1.9g->%1.9g s=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g) m=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)"
                        " n=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g) e=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n", __FUNCTION__,
                        current->debugID(), mid, newMid,
                        baseT, current->xAtT(index), current->yAtT(index),
                        baseT + mid * (endT - baseT), midXY.fX, midXY.fY,
                        baseT + newMid * (endT - baseT), newXY.fX, newXY.fY,
                        endT, current->xAtT(endIndex), current->yAtT(endIndex));
                *midPtr = newMid * 2;  // calling loop with divide by 2 before continuing
                return SK_MinS32;
            bestSeg = testSeg;
            *bestHit = testHit;
            bestOpp = testOpp;
            bestTIndex = testTIndex;
            bestY = testY;
    int result;
    if (!bestSeg) {
        result = hitSomething ? SK_MinS32 : 0;
    } else {
        if (bestSeg->windSum(bestTIndex) == SK_MinS32) {
            *currentPtr = bestSeg;
            *indexPtr = bestTIndex;
            *endIndexPtr = bestSeg->nextSpan(bestTIndex, 1);
            SkASSERT(*indexPtr != *endIndexPtr && *indexPtr >= 0 && *endIndexPtr >= 0);
            *tryAgain = true;
            return 0;
        result = bestSeg->windingAtT(*bestHit, bestTIndex, bestOpp, bestDx);
        SkASSERT(result == SK_MinS32 || *bestDx);
    double baseT = current->t(index);
    double endT = current->t(endIndex);
    *bestHit = baseT + mid * (endT - baseT);
    return result;