Ejemplo n.º 1
    static bool Supports(const SkPixmap& dst, const SkPixmap& src, const SkPaint& paint) {
        if (dst.colorType() != src.colorType()) {
            return false;
        if (dst.info().gammaCloseToSRGB() != src.info().gammaCloseToSRGB()) {
            return false;
        if (paint.getMaskFilter() || paint.getColorFilter() || paint.getImageFilter()) {
            return false;
        if (0xFF != paint.getAlpha()) {
            return false;
        SkBlendMode mode = paint.getBlendMode();
        if (SkBlendMode::kSrc == mode) {
            return true;
        if (SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == mode && src.isOpaque()) {
            return true;

        // At this point memcpy can't be used. The following check for using SrcOver.

        if (dst.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType || !dst.info().gammaCloseToSRGB()) {
            return false;

        return SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == mode;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SkBaseDevice::drawSpriteWithFilter(const SkDraw& draw, const SkBitmap& bitmap,
                                        int x, int y,
                                        const SkPaint& paint) {
    SkImageFilter* filter = paint.getImageFilter();

    SkIPoint offset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    SkMatrix matrix = *draw.fMatrix;
    matrix.postTranslate(SkIntToScalar(-x), SkIntToScalar(-y));
    const SkIRect clipBounds = draw.fRC->getBounds().makeOffset(-x, -y);
    SkAutoTUnref<SkImageFilterCache> cache(this->getImageFilterCache());
    SkImageFilter::Context ctx(matrix, clipBounds, cache.get());

    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> srcImg(SkSpecialImage::internal_fromBM(bitmap, &this->surfaceProps()));
    if (!srcImg) {
        return; // something disastrous happened

    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> resultImg(filter->filterImage(srcImg.get(), ctx, &offset));
    if (resultImg) {
        SkPaint tmpUnfiltered(paint);
        SkBitmap resultBM;
        if (resultImg->internal_getBM(&resultBM)) {
            // TODO: add drawSprite(SkSpecialImage) to SkDevice? (see skbug.com/5073)
            this->drawSprite(draw, resultBM, x + offset.x(), y + offset.y(), tmpUnfiltered);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SkBitmapDevice::drawSpecial(const SkDraw& draw, SkSpecialImage* srcImg, int x, int y,
                                 const SkPaint& paint) {

    SkBitmap resultBM;

    SkImageFilter* filter = paint.getImageFilter();
    if (filter) {
        SkIPoint offset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
        SkMatrix matrix = *draw.fMatrix;
        matrix.postTranslate(SkIntToScalar(-x), SkIntToScalar(-y));
        const SkIRect clipBounds = draw.fRC->getBounds().makeOffset(-x, -y);
        SkAutoTUnref<SkImageFilterCache> cache(this->getImageFilterCache());
        SkImageFilter::OutputProperties outputProperties(fBitmap.colorSpace());
        SkImageFilter::Context ctx(matrix, clipBounds, cache.get(), outputProperties);
        sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> resultImg(filter->filterImage(srcImg, ctx, &offset));
        if (resultImg) {
            SkPaint tmpUnfiltered(paint);
            if (resultImg->getROPixels(&resultBM)) {
                this->drawSprite(draw, resultBM, x + offset.x(), y + offset.y(), tmpUnfiltered);
    } else {
        if (srcImg->getROPixels(&resultBM)) {
            this->drawSprite(draw, resultBM, x, y, paint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static bool Supports(const SkPixmap& dst, const SkPixmap& src, const SkPaint& paint) {
     if (dst.colorType() != src.colorType()) {
         return false;
     if (dst.info().profileType() != src.info().profileType()) {
         return false;
     if (paint.getMaskFilter() || paint.getColorFilter() || paint.getImageFilter()) {
         return false;
     if (0xFF != paint.getAlpha()) {
         return false;
     SkXfermode::Mode mode;
     if (!SkXfermode::AsMode(paint.getXfermode(), &mode)) {
         return false;
     if (SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode == mode) {
         return true;
     if (SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode == mode && src.isOpaque()) {
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
SkPaint SkColorSpaceXformer::apply(const SkPaint& src) {
    const AutoCachePurge autoPurge(this);

    SkPaint dst = src;

    // All SkColorSpaces have the same black point.
    if (src.getColor() & 0xffffff) {

    if (auto shader = src.getShader()) {

    if (auto cf = src.getColorFilter()) {

    if (auto looper = src.getDrawLooper()) {

    if (auto imageFilter = src.getImageFilter()) {

    return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void apply_paint_imagefilter(const SkPaint& paint, Json::Value* target, bool sendBinaries) {
    SkFlattenable* imageFilter = paint.getImageFilter();
    if (imageFilter != nullptr) {
        Json::Value jsonImageFilter;
        flatten(imageFilter, &jsonImageFilter, sendBinaries);
        (*target)[SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGEFILTER] = jsonImageFilter;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static bool fold_opacity_layer_color_to_paint(const SkPaint& layerPaint,
                                              bool isSaveLayer,
                                              SkPaint* paint) {
    // We assume layerPaint is always from a saveLayer.  If isSaveLayer is
    // true, we assume paint is too.

    // The alpha folding can proceed if the filter layer paint does not have properties which cause
    // the resulting filter layer to be "blended" in complex ways to the parent layer. For example,
    // looper drawing unmodulated filter layer twice and then modulating the result produces
    // different image to drawing modulated filter layer twice.
    // TODO: most likely the looper and only some xfer modes are the hard constraints
    if (paint->getXfermode() || paint->getLooper()) {
        return false;

    if (!isSaveLayer && paint->getImageFilter()) {
        // For normal draws, the paint color is used as one input for the color for the draw. Image
        // filter will operate on the result, and thus we can not change the input.
        // For layer saves, the image filter is applied to the layer contents. The layer is then
        // modulated with the paint color, so it's fine to proceed with the fold for saveLayer
        // paints with image filters.
        return false;

    if (paint->getColorFilter()) {
        // Filter input depends on the paint color.

        // Here we could filter the color if we knew the draw is going to be uniform color.  This
        // should be detectable as drawPath/drawRect/.. without a shader being uniform, while
        // drawBitmap/drawSprite or a shader being non-uniform. However, current matchers don't
        // give the type out easily, so just do not optimize that at the moment.
        return false;

    const uint32_t layerColor = layerPaint.getColor();
    // The layer paint color must have only alpha component.
    if (SK_ColorTRANSPARENT != SkColorSetA(layerColor, SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT)) {
        return false;

    // The layer paint can not have any effects.
    if (layerPaint.getPathEffect() ||
        layerPaint.getShader()      ||
        layerPaint.getXfermode()    ||
        layerPaint.getMaskFilter()  ||
        layerPaint.getColorFilter() ||
        layerPaint.getRasterizer()  ||
        layerPaint.getLooper()      ||
        layerPaint.getImageFilter()) {
        return false;

    paint->setAlpha(SkMulDiv255Round(paint->getAlpha(), SkColorGetA(layerColor)));

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 static bool HasAnyEffect(const SkPaint& paint) {
     return paint.getPathEffect()  ||
            paint.getShader()      ||
            paint.getXfermode()    ||
            paint.getMaskFilter()  ||
            paint.getColorFilter() ||
            paint.getRasterizer()  ||
            paint.getLooper()      ||
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Is the supplied paint simply a color?
static bool is_simple(const SkPaint& p) {
    return NULL == p.getPathEffect() &&
           NULL == p.getShader() &&
           NULL == p.getXfermode() &&
           NULL == p.getMaskFilter() &&
           NULL == p.getColorFilter() &&
           NULL == p.getRasterizer() &&
           NULL == p.getLooper() &&
           NULL == p.getImageFilter();
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool NeedsDeepCopy(const SkPaint& paint) {
     *  The types below are not yet immutable/reentrant-safe, and so we return
     *  true if instances of them are present in the paint.
     *  Eventually we hope this list will be empty, and we can always return
     *  false.
    return paint.getImageFilter();
Ejemplo n.º 11
static uint16_t compute_nondef(const SkPaint& paint, PaintUsage usage) {
    // kRespectsStroke_PaintUsage is only valid if other bits are also set
    SkASSERT(0 != (usage & ~kRespectsStroke_PaintUsage));

    const SkScalar kTextSize_Default    = 12;
    const SkScalar kTextScaleX_Default  = 1;
    const SkScalar kTextSkewX_Default   = 0;
    const SkScalar kStrokeWidth_Default = 0;
    const SkScalar kStrokeMiter_Default = 4;
    const SkColor  kColor_Default       = SK_ColorBLACK;

    unsigned bits = (paint.getColor() != kColor_Default) ? kColor_NonDef : 0;

    if (usage & kText_PaintUsage) {
        bits |= (paint.getTextSize() != kTextSize_Default       ? kTextSize_NonDef : 0);
        bits |= (paint.getTextScaleX() != kTextScaleX_Default   ? kTextScaleX_NonDef : 0);
        bits |= (paint.getTextSkewX() != kTextSkewX_Default     ? kTextSkewX_NonDef : 0);
        bits |= (paint.getTypeface()                            ? kTypeface_NonDef : 0);

    // TODO: kImage_PaintUsage only needs the shader/maskfilter IF its colortype is kAlpha_8

    if (usage & (kVertices_PaintUsage | kDrawPaint_PaintUsage | kImage_PaintUsage |
                 kText_PaintUsage | kGeometry_PaintUsage | kTextBlob_PaintUsage)) {
        bits |= (paint.getShader()      ? kShader_NonDef : 0);

    if (usage & (kText_PaintUsage | kGeometry_PaintUsage | kTextBlob_PaintUsage)) {
        bits |= (paint.getPathEffect()  ? kPathEffect_NonDef : 0);
        bits |= (paint.getRasterizer()  ? kRasterizer_NonDef : 0);

        if (paint.getStyle() != SkPaint::kFill_Style || (usage & kRespectsStroke_PaintUsage)) {
            bits |= (paint.getStrokeWidth() != kStrokeWidth_Default ? kStrokeWidth_NonDef : 0);
            bits |= (paint.getStrokeMiter() != kStrokeMiter_Default ? kStrokeMiter_NonDef : 0);

    if (usage &
        (kText_PaintUsage | kGeometry_PaintUsage | kImage_PaintUsage | kTextBlob_PaintUsage))
        bits |= (paint.getMaskFilter()  ? kMaskFilter_NonDef : 0);

    bits |= (paint.getColorFilter() ? kColorFilter_NonDef : 0);
    bits |= (paint.getImageFilter() ? kImageFilter_NonDef : 0);
    bits |= (paint.getDrawLooper()  ? kDrawLooper_NonDef : 0);

    return SkToU16(bits);
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool SkPaintPriv::ShouldDither(const SkPaint& p, SkColorType dstCT) {
    // The paint dither flag can veto.
    if (!p.isDither()) {
        return false;

    // We always dither 565 or 4444 when requested.
    if (dstCT == kRGB_565_SkColorType || dstCT == kARGB_4444_SkColorType) {
        return true;

    // Otherwise, dither is only needed for non-const paints.
    return p.getImageFilter() || p.getMaskFilter()
        || !p.getShader() || !as_SB(p.getShader())->isConstant();
Ejemplo n.º 13
    static bool Supports(const SkPixmap& dst, const SkPixmap& src, const SkPaint& paint) {
        // the caller has already inspected the colorspace on src and dst
        SkASSERT(!SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Required(src.colorSpace(), dst.colorSpace()));

        if (dst.colorType() != src.colorType()) {
            return false;
        if (paint.getMaskFilter() || paint.getColorFilter() || paint.getImageFilter()) {
            return false;
        if (0xFF != paint.getAlpha()) {
            return false;
        SkBlendMode mode = paint.getBlendMode();
        return SkBlendMode::kSrc == mode || (SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == mode && src.isOpaque());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 static bool Supports(const SkPixmap& dst, const SkPixmap& src, const SkPaint& paint) {
     if (dst.colorType() != src.colorType()) {
         return false;
     if (!SkColorSpace::Equals(dst.colorSpace(), src.colorSpace())) {
         return false;
     if (paint.getMaskFilter() || paint.getColorFilter() || paint.getImageFilter()) {
         return false;
     if (0xFF != paint.getAlpha()) {
         return false;
     SkBlendMode mode = paint.getBlendMode();
     return SkBlendMode::kSrc == mode || (SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == mode && src.isOpaque());
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool NeedsDeepCopy(const SkPaint& paint) {
     *  The types below are not yet immutable/reentrant-safe, and so we return
     *  true if instances of them are present in the paint.
     *  Eventually we hope this list will be empty, and we can always return
     *  false.
    return false
           || paint.getShader()
           || paint.getRasterizer()
           || paint.getImageFilter()
Ejemplo n.º 16
void SkBaseDevice::drawBitmapAsSprite(const SkDraw& draw, const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y,
                                      const SkPaint& paint) {
    SkImageFilter* filter = paint.getImageFilter();
    if (filter && !this->canHandleImageFilter(filter)) {
        SkImageFilter::DeviceProxy proxy(this);
        SkBitmap dst;
        SkIPoint offset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
        SkMatrix matrix = *draw.fMatrix;
        matrix.postTranslate(SkIntToScalar(-x), SkIntToScalar(-y));
        const SkIRect clipBounds = draw.fClip->getBounds().makeOffset(-x, -y);
        SkAutoTUnref<SkImageFilter::Cache> cache(this->getImageFilterCache());
        SkImageFilter::Context ctx(matrix, clipBounds, cache.get());
        if (filter->filterImageDeprecated(&proxy, bitmap, ctx, &dst, &offset)) {
            SkPaint tmpUnfiltered(paint);
            this->drawSprite(draw, dst, x + offset.x(), y + offset.y(), tmpUnfiltered);
    } else {
        this->drawSprite(draw, bitmap, x, y, paint);
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Returns true if all pixels painted will be opaque.
static inline bool paintIsOpaque(const SkPaint& paint, const SkBitmap* bitmap = 0, bool checkFillOnly = false)
    if (paint.getAlpha() < 0xFF)
        return false;
    if (!checkFillOnly && paint.getStyle() != SkPaint::kFill_Style && paint.isAntiAlias())
        return false;
    SkShader* shader = paint.getShader();
    if (shader && !shader->isOpaque())
        return false;
    if (bitmap && !bitmap->isOpaque())
        return false;
    if (paint.getLooper())
        return false;
    if (paint.getImageFilter())
        return false;
    if (paint.getMaskFilter())
        return false;
    SkColorFilter* colorFilter = paint.getColorFilter();
    if (colorFilter && !(colorFilter->getFlags() & SkColorFilter::kAlphaUnchanged_Flag))
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static bool needs_layer(const SkPaint& paint) {
    return  0xFF != paint.getAlpha() ||
    paint.getColorFilter() ||
    paint.getImageFilter() ||
    SkXfermode::IsMode(paint.getXfermode(), SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void SkBitmapDevice::drawDevice(const SkDraw& draw, SkBaseDevice* device,
                                int x, int y, const SkPaint& paint) {
    draw.drawSprite(static_cast<SkBitmapDevice*>(device)->fBitmap, x, y, paint);